Tell Me I'm Dreamin' (22 page)

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Authors: Eboni Snoe

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Historical, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: Tell Me I'm Dreamin'
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Basil licked his thin lips with anticipation while he contemplated his upcoming visit to the neighborhood. A glazed look entered his eyes. This time he would have to be more careful. The last girl was young, and her unexpected expressions and reaction had fanned his passion far too high. He had been overzealous in his actions. But even now the memory of those thin lines of red blood against the dark-brown skin made his breath come in haggard bursts.

Basil stopped at a small shed not far from the rear of the main house. With sweaty fingers he opened the wooden door and felt inside for what he knew hung within his reach. As he walked away the telltale signs of a short, slender whip pressed against the back of his suit as he refastened it. Just the feel of it in his hand brought a passionate shudder within him, and the thought of using it against dark skin hastened his footsteps down the moonlit pathway.

* * *

Melanie watched her brother's rapid progression in the direction of the small neighborhood. Her hands grew cold and clammy as she thought about what he would be doing there. Sexual appetites were not as foreign to her as many of the islanders believed, but still she could not fully understand Basil's. His sexual needs disgusted her, and his obvious intentions toward the woman, Nadine, were completely unacceptable. It was one thing to perform his lustful deeds on islanders whose welfare depended on Sharpe Hall, but another to focus his obsession toward Nadine Clayton.

Melanie turned away from the window as Basil advanced out of sight. With deft fingers she removed several large hairpins from the braided ball at the base of her neck. A long black braid tumbled downward, settling against her back. She had not worn the white wrap today. Sometimes she hated it and the ladylike dresses that she customarily wore.

Through the years Melanie had kept her yearnings well under control, away from the prying eyes of the servants and islanders, but that did not mean she was void of feelings. She was a woman just like any other.

In deep thought Melanie removed her outer clothing, peeling down to an exquisite set of black underwear. She ran her hands over the satiny smooth material of the lacy bra and French-cut bikinis she had bought along with several others on Barbados, then slowly, she lowered herself onto the queen-sized bed.

A smile touched her lips as she imagined what Ulysses might think if he saw her in her wicked lingerie. What would they all think? Melanie Sharpe with her prim and proper ways. The concerned sister. The dutiful woman of the house. Always serene and calm. Always obeying orders and doing the right thing.

An unexpected urge to laugh out loud struck deep within her, and she covered her mouth with both hands in an effort to keep it from bursting forth. Well, Melanie had plans of her own, and it would not do for Basil to botch them by bringing the American authorities here to check on one of their own. No. Miss Nadine needed to be left alone. Things would not go right if she were harmed in any way. And as for Ulysses? She had major plans for him as well. Melanie closed her eyes and crossed her arms as she cupped her full breasts with her hands.

She had hoped Ulysses would have been more receptive toward her proposal for marriage. She had not expected him to say yes right away, but at least say that he would think about it. But Ulysses had been so uncooperative. Melanie's mouth turned into a frown laced with pleasure because of her own stimulation. If they married, many of his financial worries would be over, for she did come with a sizable dowry, and then she, Melanie Sharpe, would be the lady of Sovereign. Sovereign, “the Protector of Eros' Treasures” and the home of the Five Pieces of Gaia.

She looked at the only painting that hung on her bedroom wall. The sight of it reassured her that the papyrus and papers her mother, Evelyn Sharpe, had given her were safely hidden behind it.

But things had not gone as she had planned, and now time was growing short. Melanie had been pretty sure that by now, Ulysses would have agreed to marry her to save Sovereign. She had been wrong. Still, she did not believe Ulysses would make enough money from the book sale to pay the back taxes on the estate. Melanie moaned as one hand remained on her breast and the other traveled downward.

Something had changed his priorities. Something or someone. Maybe she had underestimated the effect the African-American had upon Ulysses. If that were true, Rodney's participation in her plan would become more important than ever. He would have to keep Nadine occupied until the appointed time, and turn her fancy away from Ulysses. Hopefully, Basil would continue to quench his sexual appetite in the workers' neighborhood. Perhaps some extra money to the Brown family would not hurt. Their daughter Nina had come of age; maybe that would persuade them to allow the girl to spend some time with the big boss, Basil.

Several small wrinkles formed on Melanie's brow as she weighed her thoughts and stroked the triangle of wavy hair. Was she really any better than her brother Basil? The question hung in her mind. Yes. Yes, of course she was. Her cause was greater than mere revenge linked with sexual perversion. A cause that her mother would applaud.

Up to this point Melanie's hands had wandered carelessly over her body. But now as she watched the full moon hovering outside her window they became more focused. She had become adept at pleasuring herself, and she sighed as her knowledgeable hands continued their work. But tonight Melanie found it to be somewhat difficult; there was so much on her mind, so much to do. Yet she persisted in her efforts and soon she began to conjure up the images that stimulated her. In a matter of minutes Melanie lost herself in her own desires, letting her future plans slip deliciously away.


Nadine looked around for the best spot to place the stack of cartographers' maps. Now the entire hall was almost full, thanks to Melanie's assistance.

Nadine had seen very little of Ulysses during the past two days. As a matter of fact she had barely seen him at all since her return to Eros. He had taken dinner with her and Madame Deane the previous night, but he had remained silent and brooding throughout the entire meal.

No matter how she tried to convince herself differently, Nadine knew that Ulysses' actions disappointed her. She had expected the preparation for the sale to be a joint venture, one that she and Ulysses would work on together. But the only input he had given her so far was his early-morning query, “How is everything going?” to which she would answer, “Everything is going fine.” Nadine did not dare show how disappointed she was over his absence.

Even without Ulysses, she was anything but bored. Melanie was a constant source of company, and they were becoming much better acquainted. She liked Melanie, although she felt there was quite a bit about her that she shared with no one.

On a couple of occasions Melanie had suggested going down to the main island wharf to do some browsing, and perhaps even shop a little. She said she knew Rodney would accompany them, and even take them to one of the more upscale taverns. Nadine had been open to the idea, but each time a message arrived saying Rodney had made previous plans and the invitation had fallen through.

Nadine walked to a table stacked with books. She placed the maps on the corner and fanned them out. She stepped back to survey her handiwork.

“From what I can see, you have done quite well with the setup.” Ulysses' voice reached her from across the room.

Bright hazel eyes turned in his direction. For just a moment her delight at his presence appeared in their depths, but she quickly concealed it by turning away. “We tried to make good use of the space, yet display the books and art as attractively as we possibly could.”

Ulysses nodded his approval as he advanced. “Last night I took the liberty of going through your tablets, and I could see there were some things you had not priced.” He picked up a notepad.

“Yes. I had planned to ask you to look at them today. Frankly, some of the pieces are so valuable I wouldn't dare take it upon myself to place a price on them without consulting you first.”

“And when did you plan to do that? The sale is scheduled in three days.” Ulysses settled a calculating look on her face.

“Well . . . today, as I just said.” Instantly, Nadine realized working with Ulysses would not be anything like she envisioned. She could feel herself becoming nervous beneath his unwavering stare. Involuntarily, she straightened her back and tilted her head a bit, arming herself mentally for whatever lay ahead. “Would you like to start now?” she asked, returning his gaze with professional decorum.

“That is why I am here . . . Nadine.”

Ulysses knew the exact moment when she called up her defenses. It looked as if her body straightened to its fullest height beneath the aqua-blue, floor-length smock. The puff of natural twists that topped her head tilted backwards as she donned her battle chin, causing several longer twists to lay enticingly against her neck. Ulysses could not help but marvel again at the closeness in color between Nadine's skin and her hair. The only difference was the shiny gold highlights that played amongst her locks. Then, to place such exquisite eyes in the midst of this uncanny picture was nothing less than alluring.

Yet Ulysses knew from Gloria's letters that for a long time Nadine did not think she was attractive. Perhaps a few years ago, before she developed her womanly curves, and with her oval face dominated by thick-lensed glasses, she could have looked quite strange. Even now, Ulysses observed, she was still rather thin for a woman her age.

But nature had filled in the hollows, and the somewhat strange duckling had definitely become a swan, even if she did not know it. Or perhaps she did. Ulysses' eyes squinted in speculation.

He watched as Nadine continued to look at him, antagonism all over her. Why does she feel she has to do battle with me unless she sees me as the enemy?

Nadine was the first to look away from their visual sparring of wills, reminding herself that she was in Ulysses' home as a worker as well as a houseguest. She picked up the second tablet and made her way to the first item on the list without a price. Nadine was determined to make the best of the situation. “If you like, we can start with this novel. I've researched its origins, and it was part of Hannibal's library.” She held the leather-bound handwritten document so that she could admire the images that had been carefully pressed onto the cover. “According to my research some of the books from that library were bought during legitimate trade, but more than likely this novel may have been part of a loot or raid. Since it is so rare I thought—”

“You thought my family may have come by it illegally?” Ulysses stood menacingly close as he took the book from her hand. “I guess that is a possibility. Maybe we all have the capability to take what is not ours if the circumstances are right.” He looked her up and down crudely as he spoke, and there was no mistaking the accusation that was in his eyes and voice. Ulysses began to examine the book, viewing it from all angles.

Nadine could feel the hair prickle on the back of her neck as she nearly shuddered with indignation. How dare he suggest she might steal something from him after she had been so careful to catalog every single item. She thought of how tenderly she had handled the rare collection, even more so because it belonged to Ulysses, knowing how much he admired and appreciated the objects. Nadine could not contain her anger any longer. “You may be able to accuse me of other things, but a thief I am not. And I would think out of sheer, common courtesy you would refrain from suggesting that I might steal from a place where I am professionally employed.” Her eyes flashed furiously. “I am willing to do just about anything that my work calls upon me to do, but I will not be subtly called a thief and insulted by you of all people, Ulysses Deane.”

Ulysses grabbed Nadine's chin before she could turn away. His grip, although not painful, disabled her from turning away as he spoke. “So you would do anything, would you?” His voice was silky yet threatening, and his impenetrable eyes displayed a lustful glare. “Don't speak too quickly, Nadine. I can think of some things that could be considered work. According to who you are talking to, and how you approach it.”

Moisture began to well up in Nadine's eyes as the faint signs of a cramp ran down the side of her neck. Her pursed lips trembled slightly as she tried to maintain control. Watching her in such a vulnerable position only incited Ulysses more. He longed to shake the truth out of her so the cat-and-mouse game between them could be over. He released his hold on her chin, his fingers soothing the place he had held so tightly. “I did not accuse you of anything.”

“Not directly. But you were thinking it,” Nadine retorted. The look of desire and something else that she could not read in his eyes made her voice breathy even to her own ears. She held her head stiffly, afraid the slightest movement would break the physical contact between them.

The unshed tears softened her gaze to a soft jade as she looked at him pleadingly, wanting to understand why he did not trust her. For a moment they forgot the battle that raged between them as they attempted to look into each other's hearts and minds. All that they could see was an exquisite burning desire. One that could not be ignored.

Ulysses' face descended toward Nadine's. This time there was no doubt in her mind what she wanted, and her full lips parted in open invitation.

Oh God, he's going to kiss me. How much I want him to kiss me, she acknowledged as he came closer.

Ulysses' mouth was soft and unsure when it reached hers, but when his lips touched the soft buds Nadine offered, an overwhelming wave of desire washed over him. He knew for the first time in his life what it meant to really want, as well as need, a woman. He realized that this vulnerability that Nadine was able to unearth was what had caused him to hold back. Ulysses tried to understand why he had to feel this way with this woman, who might be an ally to his enemies.

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