Temptation Island (26 page)

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Authors: C.C. Soltry

BOOK: Temptation Island
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Lowering his head to let the water beat the back of neck and between his shoulderblades Marek sighed. Long strands of brown hair streaked with blond hung on either side of his face and down his neck as he stood under the steaming water and breathed in deep.  The hint of coconut and vanilla spice filled his nostrils and tightened his gut.  Even in the damned shower he couldn’t escape her.  She was everywhere.

His long-fingered hands closed into fists against the cool granite as his stomach churned into knots.  How could he smell her when she wasn’t even there?

A cool hand touched his high on his back and stroked down slowly to his waist.  He went deadly still as his whole body tensed at the touch.  Again the smell of coconut and vanilla spice filled his nostrils, this time stronger and unimagined.

Desire shot through him at a dangerous level as a second hand reached out and touched his back.  It too ran down the length of his corded back and slid down to rest at his waist.  Marek clenched his hands until the knuckles turned white and waited. 

Silken strands of hair whispered along his lower back seconds before he felt a mouth, warm and open touch his spine.  Shivers raced down his spine from where her mouth touched him, raising goosebumps along his skin.

On a ragged whisper he demanded, “What are you doing in here?”

“Finishing what we started.”  Blood poured from his head straight to his groin at her answer.  Marek spun around with lightning speed and raked his hair out of his face with his hands.

There she stood, his goddess, the woman who’d crawled under his skin and into his thoughts.  And she was glorious.

The ends of her pale hair wer damp around her bare shoulders and her eyes were large and full of desire.  They stared back at him, hiding nothing.  Carmen wanted him.

Marek let his eyes rake over her naked body, greedy for every detail.  Her large breasts hung full and round with small pink nipples hard with arousal.  His gaze traveled down over her slim waist, over the lush flair of her hips, past the feminine swell of her slightly rounded stomach to the thatch of silvery blonde curls between her thighs.

Lust slammed into him like a fist as he stared at the barely concealed slit between her thighs.  Her blond hair was so light it was almost translucent, allowing him to glimpse the treasure it hid. 

Ripping his eyes away from her beautiful crotch Marek slid his gaze down her long, curvy legs to her pink toenails.  Carmen was the most breathtaking woman he’d ever seen.

Her voice brought his eyes back to her face and Marek watched her mouth as she spoke, “I told you there would be no begging when I was ready, Marek.  I want you.”

His knees almost buckled. 

Then he was on her, his mouth devouring hers, his hands tangled in her blond hair.  His body pressed hard against hers as be backed her against the shower wall.  He growled as her hands slid over his back to his ass.  She squeezed and he pushed his erection against her lower abdomen.

Ripping his mouth of hers to nibble on the spot just below her ear, Marek demanded with a gravel, “Why now,

He heard her sharp intake of breath as he nipped at her ear and thrust his penis against her.  She matched his thrust and pushed back against him creating exquisite friction that almost had his eyes rolling in the back of his head.

Thrusting again he repeated the question, “Why now, Carmen?”

Carm lifted a long leg and wrapped it around his waist, opening to him.  On a gasp she replied, her eyes locked on his, “Because you’re in love with me.”

Marek sucked in a breath at the conviction in her eyes and shook his head.  Before she could argue he covered her mouth with his in a soul-kiss.  Tongues tangled and rasped.  Teeth nipped and tugged.  Hunger clawed at him with vicious talons urging him to take her right there in the shower.

Water pounded against his back as he slid his hands up to cup her breasts.  His thumbs rubbed over her puckered nipples until she arched into his hands then his mouth slid down to cover them.  Flicking his tongue over one nipple and teasing her other with his fingers Marek groaned at the warm taste of her skin.

He felt her tug at his hair and covered her nipple with his mouth and sucked.  Her low, throaty moan sent heat searing straight to his cock.  He felt it on the very tip of his throbbing head.

Desire consumed him, spread through him like wildfire.  Only one thing remained: Carmen.  She surrounded him, became all he could see.

Moving to suck on her other nipple Marek guided his hand down her body, over her rounded hips to the curls between her legs.  Slipping his hand between her thighs his cocked pulsed in reaction to finding her wet and ready.

Carm felt like she was on fire.  Marek’s mouth set of blazes along her skin everywhere it touched.  She’d known it would be like this.  Consuming, overpowering.

The steamy air around them pulsed with it.  With their need for each other. 

When she’d heard him outside the office doors she’d known tonight was going to be the night.  And when she’d discovered him in the shower her inner wild woman had taken over and she’d climbed in behind him.

Just looking at his hard, sculpted body glistening with water had turned her nipples hard and sent a delicious ache to the pit of her stomach. 

Marek lifted his head and looked at her, his green eyes glittering with hunger.  “I’m going make you come,
.  I’m going to lick you until you scream.”

Carm nodded as he slid down her body, his hand stroking between her thighs.  Then he was kneeling before her, his wet hair hanging in curling ropes around his head.  She looked down at him as he gazed at her crotch and felt a pool of warmth spread between her thighs. 

A ragged moan escaped her as he parted her with a finger and stroked her.  Then his mouth was on her, hot and wild.  His tongue thrust against her then slowly licked over her.  “You’re so wet, sugar.  Do you like when I do this?”  He did it again, rasped his tongue over her strong, with just the right amount of pressure.

Her knees buckled and she would have fallen but he gripped her hips and lifted a leg draping it over his shoulder.  Then his mouth was on her again and his fingers joined, stroking and thrusting into her. 

Overwhelmed by his dominating need Carm’s head fell back against the granite and she rode higher as his tongue thrust and circled and his finger stroked deep inside her.  When he kissed her there like he kissed her mouth—open, deep, hungry—she exploded on an orgasm that started at her core and burst out like glintering stars, tingling all the way to her toes.

The echo of her scream hung on the heavy air, but before she could recover Marek removed her leg and pulled her from the shower.  They didn’t make it to his bed.

Somehow they ended up on the floor and she was on her hands and knees.  Marek kneeled behind her, his breath ragged, his desire beating at her, wave after wave.

“Tell me you want this,
.”  He demanded as he reached between her legs and parted her.  His fingers stroked her slick folds then the hot head of his penis pushed against her there. 

Beyond thinking Carm moaned and pushed against him, felt his head enter her.  A hunger she couldn’t place screamed for fulfillment.  She head Marek groan, deep and visceral, and pushed back again. 

She needed this, need to give herself to him, needed to let him claim her in the most basic way a man could.  It was time.

Carm lowered down to her elbows and rested her head on her fists.  “Please, Marek.  Now.”

Strong hands gripped her hips and with one thrust he buried his thick shaft deep inside her.  A raw groan was ripped from him, a sound of primal claiming.

Carm flinched at the razor sharp stab of pain and sucked in a breath.  His sheer size filled her, overwhelmed her. 

She felt Marek go still and heard his gravelly demand, “You were still a virgin weren’t you?”  At her small nod he swore.  “Merde, I’m so sorry Carmen.  I would have been gentler if I’d known.”

But she didn’t want gentle.  As the pain resided that deep hunger returned.  She wanted to be claimed by him, taken by the man she loved in the most primitive way.  Carm pushed back against him, burying him deep inside her.

He seemed to understand what she wanted and asked as he stroked her ass, “Is dat what you want, sugar?  You want ta be fucked?”  She felt the sharp nip of his teeth on her shoulder, the scrape of his shadow beard.

Desire leapt to life again at his dirty words and Carm pushed against him again and nodded.  He withdrew and thrust back into her, sending delicious shockwaves racing to her core.  “You like dat?  Like da way my cock feels in you?” His accent rolled heavy off his tongue.

Marek held back, setting a strong, steady pace until he heard her whimper and pant, her orgasm near.  He lost control then and pounded into her with long, deep strokes.  Again and again he pumped deep into her, riding her until she screamed out and clenched hard around his cock. 

Her vaginal wall squeezed and convulsed around him sending him spiraling into his own powerful orgasm.  He groaned with his release as his testicles clenched tight and the world went black around him.
































Carm stretched her arms over her head and gazed out over the acre of green grass from her vantage point on the second floor.  She stretched her legs out in front of her as she sat at the table outside Marek’s bedroom on the verandah and wiggled her toes.

Three times last night.  Three wonderful, intense, earth shattering times, and her body ached this morning in places she didn’t know it could.  It had been even better than she’d imagined it would be.  Marek was a demanding lover, full of intense passion and emotion.  He took her places last night she’d only dreamed about.  And then he took her beyond.

Boy did he take her beyond.  On the floor, on the bed, and outside on the verandah against the railing. 

A shiver rippled through her and Carm snuggled deeper into the thick white cotton robe Marek had loaned her.  Contentment settled cozily around her as she watched the ocean ripple in the distance with gentle waves.  The sun was already warm on her face and the birds chirped cheerfully in the trees. 

A soft breeze tugged at her hair and rustled the leaves of the palms in the yard.  Carm looked on as Sunny crept along the ground with her belly dragging and her tail twitching.  She must be chasing a bug or butterfly because she stilled and crouched, her fluffy butt wiggling in the air.  Then she pounced, her body leaping through the air to land a few feet away.

She missed her target and dashed off across the lawn after it.  Carm watched her until the cat disappeared out of sight then sighed.  She felt loose and incredibly relaxed.  Like she’d spent a fortune on a professional massage and had a deep tissue treatment.

Marek made her feel that good.  Relaxed and content with the world.  Stifling a yawn, Carm ran her hands through her tossled hair and held it with one hand at her neck.

Life was darned fine.  It was funny, really, how love could alter a person’s view of the world.  Color it in vivid shades.   And change life from ordinary to extraordinary in the blink of an eye.

Carm never would have imagined in a million years that she’d be sitting on a tropical island, basking in the afterglow of amazing sex, while the man she loved was downstairs brewing coffee.  But here she was.  Crazy in love with the man of her dreams downstairs making her coffee.

As a wild canary flew by Carm’s thoughts turned to practical matters and to Kate.  She wished Kate could be here to meet Marek.  Worried about her and the baby.  Last night Kate had said they were doing fine but Carm had detected a note of anxiety in her tone.

If everything turned out how she was hoping it would she’d be able to bring Kate and the baby down here for a visit before too much longer.  Maybe she’d even be able to get Marek to fly back to Washington with her before then.

One thing she did know for sure was that she no longer had the slightest desire to void her marriage.  Nope, Marek was in for it now.  Lock, stock and barrel.  He’d gone and made her fall in love with him and now he was stuck with her.  And if last night was anything to go by, he wasn’t all that broken up about it.

In fact, if she remembered correctly, he’d even said something about sending Fate a thank-you card for bringing him Carm.  He’d been a little out of it then, granted, as it was right before his orgasm, but it still counted.

A rustling came from behind her and she looked over her shoulder to see Marek making his way toward the open doors with a bamboo tray loaded down with coffee, mugs, cream and sugar.  Warmth hummed welcomed in her veins at the sight of him bare chested in the morning sunlight.

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