Read Tempting the Tiger Online

Authors: Lacey Thorn

Tags: #Paranormal Erotic Romance

Tempting the Tiger (26 page)

BOOK: Tempting the Tiger
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She moaned around his cock, and her juices spilled from her cunt to coat her thighs.

“You like that, don’t you? I can see how excited you are. I’m going to lube your ass up and work my cock in nice and slow.” He licked his lips, and his cock jerked in her mouth, more pre-cum spilling out to tease her. “Then I’m going to fuck you until you scream my name.” He thrust into her mouth a little faster. “You’re going to scream my name, Amia, and beg me to fuck your ass harder.”

She moaned again, incredibly turned on by his words. She wanted him to take her, to possess her in every way a man could. She was in a primal mood, needing, no craving, something more, something darker. Reno must be picking up on that and was willing to give her what she desired. Her body burned for his possession. She wanted his cock buried in her ass. But first, she wanted to taste his cum on her tongue.

She sucked hard on his cockhead, wrapping her lips tightly around him and working her tongue along the bottom of the head. Both hands clenched in her hair. His legs tightened, and his ass clenched in her hands as he pressed higher, his cock surging deeper.

“Take me, baby,” he groaned as the first splash of cum hit the roof of her mouth.

She swallowed it down and eagerly awaited the next. He didn’t disappoint. Two more spurts of warm salty fluid filled her mouth, and she swallowed every drop, rubbing her tongue against his slit eager for even more.

“Ease up, baby. Ease up,” he said, pulling his cock from her mouth with a hiss.

She nuzzled his groin, licking him, insatiable for more.

With a grunt, he moved and gripped her waist, flipping her over onto her back on the bed before she realized his intention. He growled, and her pussy only grew wetter at the fierce display of his canines. Her shirt and bra were stripped and tossed away before she could catch her breath. She wasn’t sure if they’d still be wearable or if he’d ripped them in his haste. Then his lips captured one nipple while his thumb and forefinger wrapped around the other, and she was lost to anything but his touch.

“Reno,” she cried out as pleasure rocked her body.

She was panting and thrashing beneath him by the time he finally moved from her breasts. Both nipples were swollen, wet and red from his mouth, and her panties were saturated from how turned on she was.

The rest of her clothes were gone in a blur of movement then she felt the warm caress of his breath along her pussy folds.

“Fingers first,” he murmured then showed her what he meant by thrusting two deep inside her while he dipped his head to her clit.

She screamed, her hands fisting in the bedding as she came around him. She was so primed and ready, that was all it took. He kept pumping her through her orgasm then slid down and replaced his fingers with his tongue, forcing her back up into another orgasm. While she was still crying out with the second one, he wrapped his lips around her opening and sucked her juices from her, slurping against her flesh. Those wicked fingers moved back to prod her anus, teasing them both with what else he’d promised. The man was beyond good. He was a god, and she putty in his hand.

She was boneless, incapable of moving by the time he lifted his head from her. She watched his eyes skim over her body before meeting hers.

“I want to fuck you,” he said.

“Yes,” she nodded, understanding what he was asking.

He might tell her he was going to do something to her, but he wouldn’t, not unless he knew she wanted it too. Her mate would always put her wants and needs before his own.

He placed another kiss on her pussy lips before moving off the bed and opening the drawer of the nightstand. She watched him pull a tube of lubricant out and snap it open. He coated his fingers and his dick before turning to look at her. Just that look was all it took to have her lust igniting as if she hadn’t just had three orgasms. What was it about this man that fired her blood and made her so damn insatiable?

With renewed strength, she rolled over and rose up on her hands and knees, maneuvering until her ass faced him. She glanced over her shoulder at him.

“Take me,” she said. “Love me the way you want to.”

His eyelids lowered and his nostrils flared as he moved closer. She kept her head turned, watching his expression as he spread her rear cheeks and skimmed slick fingers over her. He traced, probed and retreated only to return with more lube. Again and again he teased her, until she couldn’t take it anymore. The next time he pressed his finger against her anus, she pushed back into him and sighed as he sank in.

With a groan, he worked her with his finger. He used more lube, then worked two fingers in and out of her.

“You look so good, Amia. God, your ass is so perfect. Tight. Hot. I can’t wait to sink my dick into you.”

“Yes,” she moaned, moving back on his fingers and wishing it was already his cock filling her. “Now, Reno. Please. Now.”

“Shh, baby,” he crooned. “I’m going to make sure you’re good and wet. I want you ready for my cock.”

“I am,” she insisted.

But he just kept working more lube into her, using his fingers to prepare her until she feared she’d die still waiting for him. Then he finally pulled his fingers free, and she felt the press of his cockhead against her. He was big, so big. Maybe she wanted his fingers back.

“Easy, baby,” he groaned, pressing against her. “You’re nice and wet. Ready to take my dick.”

She whimpered a bit before biting down on her lip as the head speared her and lodged inside her. It burned, and pain bloomed as he kept pressing, forcing more of himself into her ass.

“Reno,” she cried out, dropping her head to the bed and gripping the covers in tight fists as she fought to breathe through it.

“Tell me to stop, and I will,” he promised, and she knew he meant it.

One word from her and he’d pull out. But she could hear the pleasure in his voice, could tell from his own breathing how good it felt to him.

Then he stopped, as if waiting for her to decide one way or the other. Making her choice, she tried not to tense her muscles as she thrust back into him, impaling herself completely on him. They both cried out as he sank deep.

“Amia,” he groaned.

“Fuck me,” she ordered, needing something, though she wasn’t sure what. There had to be more than the overwhelming fullness she felt, the burn of tissue unused to such an invasion.

He moved. Slowly at first. A slick retreat followed by a firm thrust back in. He slid one hand under her and found her clit, rubbing and playing with it as he continued to fuck her ass. He kept his thumb over her clit and spread his hand wide, dipping his middle two fingers inside her pussy and rubbing her walls. God, it was so good. As her body bloomed and became fluid with desire, the burn faded into pleasure, and soon she was rocking back into his thrusts, wanting more, wanting faster. Just as he had promised.

“Harder,” she urged. “Fuck me harder. Make me come.”

He purred and sped up his thrusts. She eased her grip on the bed with one hand and reached back, pushing his thumb from her clit and taking control of it herself. Reno just slid his hand so he could have better access to her pussy and worked his fingers faster in her.

“Oh, God,” she moaned as her orgasm loomed before her. “I’m going to come.”

He rammed deep, placing his knee on the bed and arching behind her, pounding into her now with what felt like a primal claiming.

“Come,” he told her. “Drench my fingers so I can suck your juices off them while your ass milks my dick.”

With a scream, she let go, doing just what he’d commanded and drenching his fingers with her release. “Reno.” She screamed his name. “Reno!”

He roared behind her. His fingers pulled free from her pussy, and she heard him sucking them before he loomed over her, pinning her to the bed. She knew what he wanted and moved her head to offer him the access he needed. He licked over her shoulder, then with a roar, he buried his teeth, holding her in place as his cock flexed and filled her ass with his hot cum. And that was enough to send her flying into anther orgasm.

She was still floating when his weight pressed her deeper into the bed. She loved it, the feel of his solid strength on top of her. He lay there for a long moment, catching his breath, before lifting up again and easing his cock from her ass. They both moaned as he pulled free. He patted her rear cheeks softly, kissed his favored spot on her shoulder, and moved to lie beside her on the bed.

“You okay?” he asked, his hand smoothing over her.

“I’m yours,” she answered with a slight pleasure induced slur. “I’m perfect. Absolutely perfect.”


Chapter Fourteen




Reno left Amia sleeping and went in search of Tah or Logan, preferably both. He wasn’t disappointed. He ran into Logan on the way to the study.

“I was hoping to find you,” Logan said.

“Same here,” Reno agreed. “Now all we need is Tah.”

“In here,” Tah called as they reached the study door.

“How’s Abby?” Logan asked as he stepped in ahead of Reno, who shut the door behind them.

“Finally calm,” Tah growled. “I could kill that woman for what she said to Abby. Cutting our baby from her belly and making her watch while they killed him.”

“I think Clara’s been through more than you imagine,” Logan said.

“What makes you think that?” Tah demanded.

“Because I’ve just left her,” Logan admitted.

“Where is she?” Reno asked.

“In the room next to mine,” Logan said. “Locked in.”

He lifted his brows in question.

“What’s she doing in that room?” Tah asked.

Logan sighed. Paced across the room, turned and faced them. “I thought she might run. I think we need to make sure she stays here. She has answers we need. She knows other shifters, cats, like you two. She might know something about pregnancy that could help Diane with Abby.”

“I hadn’t thought of that,” Tah admitted.

“Me, either,” Reno agreed. “I know Amia was devastated by all that Clara shared about her.”

“God, Reno,” Tah said, turning and putting his hand on Reno’s shoulder in comfort. “The things your mate suffered.”

“Those who touched her will suffer. When the time presents its self, I will make them pay.”

“We will,” Tah said, and Logan nodded.

“If Clara is being truthful, then she knows about the hunters as well. She said the Blanes weren’t the only ones, just the largest and best trained,” Tah said.

“What makes you think she’s lying?” Logan asked, and Reno sensed a bit of anger in his friend.

“I sensed it too,” Reno agreed with Tah. “Hell, Abby even called her on it. Clara might not have been outright lying, but she was holding stuff back. And more than once. I think she’ll be a fountain of information if we can get her to talk. But we haven’t exactly gone out of our way to make her willing to help. Even now, we have her locked up. We put her on the defensive from the start. We’ll have to change that.”

Tah sighed. “You’re right. I’ll talk to her and try to manage my temper. Thinking she might know something that could help us makes me crazy. Hell, she could have all the answers to helping Abby deal with this pregnancy.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t be the one to talk to her. You’re not exactly sane when it comes to your mate,” Reno said.

“I’ll talk to her,” Logan offered, but his voice was hard as if daring them to challenge him. “You both need to see to your mates. I’ll talk to Clara and see if she knows anything about pregnancy that might shed some light. I’ll have Diane speak to her, as well. You’re both too angry with her right now because of how she upset your mates.”

Tah and Reno both growled.

“I don’t blame you,” Logan said. “But look, I have something playing in the back of my mind.”

“What are you thinking?” Tah asked.

“What if Clara contacted her uncle or this adopted mom? She could tell them where she is. Invite them to join us. It would increase our numbers and possibly provide another avenue to enhance our knowledge base. We’ve got a lot of questions and too few answers,” Logan said.

“We don’t even know if we can trust Clara, much less trust any people she brought in,” Reno stated. “I say we learn what we can from her first before we make any major decisions.”

“If the Blanes are already on their way here like she said, then we need people here. The sooner, the better. There are too few of us right now. Even with two shifters,” Logan argued.

“You both have points,” Tah said. “But I think the wisest thing to do is talk to Clara first. Find out for sure what she knows and what she’s hiding. Once we know that and why, we can make other decisions.”

Logan nodded. “I’ll see what I can find out.” He shook his head, ran his hand over the back of his neck. “She’s hurting. Whatever you’re both thinking, I want you to know that. If she’s lying, it’s because she’s trying to protect someone.”

“What makes you think that?” Tah asked.

“I left her in the room for a few minutes,” Logan said. “When I came back, she must not have been expecting me. She’d been crying. She wiped the tears away pretty quickly and yelled at me. But I know what I saw.”

Tah sighed. “Why is it the more we learn, the more complicated things seem to get?”

“Agreed,” Reno said.

“Remember the good old days?” Logan said. “When all we had to worry about was sand, sun, gunfire and the occasional roadside bomb?”

Tah and Reno both snorted.

“At least we knew who the bad guys were then,” Reno said.

“And we thought we were leaving war behind,” Tah added with a shake of his head. “I’m sorry you both got dragged into this whole mess.”

“In case you missed out down in the labs, I’m in this from teeth to tail as well,” Reno said.

“A lion and a tiger,” Logan said with a snicker. “Who knew I’d have such pussies for best friends.”

Two growls filled the room, and Logan burst into full-blown laughter.

“Lord, I keep checking my teeth, just in case this kitty thing is catching,” Logan admitted, and it made both Reno and Tah both relax and chuckle.

BOOK: Tempting the Tiger
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