Tethered Wings (Hidden Wings Series) (10 page)

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Little did she know, they could hear her every word.

Dominic smiled and Malachi shook his head and jumped in the front. Jeremy and Lia took the middle seat, and Kade and I cozily squished in the back. 

“Nice ride,” Jeremy noted.

“Yeah, it’s alright. Gets us from A to Z,” Dominic answered. “So you’re both friends of Emma?”

“For the past four years,” Jeremy said.

“And your names are?” Dominic asked.

I was glad he was making small talk. It would help kill some of the time.

“I’m Jeremy Needles and this is Lia Ling. We come from LA.”

“Los Angeles. The city of the Angels,” Dominic said, glancing at Malachi.

I didn’t realize the truth until Dom said it. I’d lived in the city of the Angels, not having a clue I was part of that world.

Dominic kept asking questions about their upbringing, school, and other random things. I was glad because it kept Jeremy’s mind busy. We were on a long, lonely highway headed back out to Delta Junction when Lia looked out the window.

“Wow, those are some huge birds. What are they? Ravens?”

I leaned over Kade and peeked out. “FALLEN!” I screamed.

“Fallen?” Lia turned back to me, her face twisted.

Dominic suddenly punched the gas. I glanced behind us and noticed the second Hummer did the same. Malachi grabbed a walkie.

“Samuel, can you hear me?” he said.

“Yes, I’m here,” he answered.

“Fallen at three o’clock.”

“How many?”


“Roger. You’ll have to pull over someplace safe.”

Lia twisted back to me. “Emma, what the hell is going on? What is a Fallen, and why are we speeding?” Her eyes narrowed. She and Jeremy focused their attention on me, waiting for an answer.

Suddenly the right side of the Hummer was hit hard. Dominic hit the brakes and we spun out. Lia screamed. Her eyes popped wide with horror as her tiny frame flew onto the floor. Jeremy grabbed the seat and held on, his eyes filled with terror.

“Emma. What the hell is going on?” Jeremy shrieked. 

“Malachi!” I yelled. His head twisted back. “Sleeper!”

I didn’t want to do this to my friends, but I knew they wouldn’t understand or be able to handle this situation. It would be easier if they were asleep and not completely freaking out.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t want any of this to happen,” I said. My heart was completely crushed.

Malachi whispered into Jeremy’s ear and he went limp. He then helped the badly shaken Lia off the floor. As soon as she saw Jeremy she began screaming uncontrollably.

“Lia, he’s fine. It’ll be okay. I promise.” I tried to comfort her.

I suddenly felt sick to my stomach. The one thing I was praying wouldn’t happen, did. And it started only a few hours after they arrived. How was I going to explain this? Their lives were in my hands.

As Malachi whispered into her ear I watched her eyes roll back and her body go limp.

“Emma. We need to get you out of here,” Kade urged.

need to get out of here,” I corrected him.

Dominic pulled off onto a side road and into the trees. The second Hummer followed right behind. We all got out and pulled our weapons.








Chapter 11


Samuel came running to our car. “Are you all okay?”

“Yes,” I said, nodding to Lia and Jeremy. “We used the sleeper on my friends.”

“Smart thinking. It’s better this way,” he confirmed.

“Emma, you stay here with your friends. Kade, Malachi, and Dominic, you stay with them. I’ll take Ethon, Bane, and Azzah and catch them in the air.”

“I thought your wings weren’t ready yet?” I questioned.

“Don’t worry. They’ll be fine. It’ll hurt a bit, but they are strong enough to carry me. It’s nothing I can’t handle,” Samuel smiled. I knew he would say anything to make me feel better. He was doing this to save me.

Ethon glanced at me, and then at Kade, who was by my side. Both sets of eyes steeled on one another, each filled with hate.

A dark shadow passed above, causing a whirlwind around us.

Everyone agreed to their duty, and all four Fallen bore their beautiful black wings. Ethon glanced at me one last time, and shot off into the sky. There was a large clearing just ahead. I ran forward, wanting to witness the battle.

“Emma,” Kade said, stopping me.

“I want to see. Please.” I pleaded. This was something I didn’t want to miss.

He nodded. “Then don’t leave my side.”

I grabbed his hand and we headed to the clearing. We watched as the four evil Fallen drew their swords, preparing to battle Samuel, Ethon, Bane, and Azzah.

Samuel’s wings did look just as strong as the others. 

Ethon glanced down, and winked at me, making my stomach twist. I really hoped none of them would be hurt.

This was an unbelievable sight. Fallen fighting Fallen to protect us.

Suddenly, Lucian’s Fallen shot forward with loud battle cries.

Ethon was the first to meet them. He effortlessly somersaulted in the air over the first, and then spread his wings. Spinning, he chopped off its head, using his wing as the weapon. It was so fast, the Fallen’s eyes were still wide open from shock as its head separated from the rest of its body, dropping to the earth in a sideways spiral.

Then, Ethon unsheathed his sword and spun in the opposite direction, lopping off the next Fallen’s head. He had just killed
of them in a matter of seconds, and with minimal effort. It was clear he could have handled all four Fallen by himself.

Damn, he was good.

Kade didn’t move, but I knew he was watching, and wishing he was able to fight. My heart ached for him, remembering how many times he saved my life in the heat of battle. I could only imagine the negative thoughts running through his mind. And it didn’t help matters that my other suitor – for lack of a better word – was the one inflicting all the damage. 

I pushed closer to him, until my side molded against his. He wrapped his arm around me and squeezed my shoulder.

Samuel clashed swords so hard with the third one, sparks showered down all around us. I gasped, and held my breath. I knew he was a warrior, but he’d been out of battle for a while. The thought of losing him after I’d just found him was unbearable.

The sheer power with which they connected sent shockwaves outward, shaking the ground and trees around us. The Fallen swung his sword at Samuel’s neck, but he ducked and the blade missed his head by fractions of an inch.

I screamed, and immediately threw my hands over my mouth.

Samuel briefly took his eyes off of his enemy to make sure I was okay. But in that split second, the Fallen raised his blade to slay him. My eyes widened, but before I could scream…Ethon flew at a lightning speed, knocking the Fallen away from Samuel.

I watched in complete awe and horror as Ethon took on the fight. But the Fallen was no match for him. Ethon gripped his sword and spun, effortlessly beheading his enemy.

I exhaled, not even realizing I was still holding my breath. That was way too close. Samuel could have been killed, but Ethon saved him.

Samuel turned to Ethon and gave him a nod of appreciation. 

Bane and Azzah surrounded the last Fallen. Even he knew he didn’t have a chance, and defeat was written on his face. Dropping his sword, he put his hands up in surrender.

“I don’t want to fight with you brothers,” he pleaded.

But the goons were ruthless and offered no mercy. Bane grabbed his head, Azzah grabbed his legs, and they pulled, ripping him apart. His headless body fell from the sky. In minutes, the beheaded bodies caught fire, and burned to ash. 

Samuel and Ethon flew higher and searched the skies for any signs of additional Fallen.

“I don’t think it will be safe to drive,” Samuel said. “They know where we are. Malachi, you and Dominic will drive the vehicles back. Azzah, you and Kade will accompany them. The rest of us will fly back. We need to get them back to the house as quickly as we can.”

I knew Kade felt helpless. I took hold of his hand. “I’ll see you at home,” I assured him.

His eyes remained distressed, but he forced a sad grin and nodded once.

Extracting Jeremy and Lia from the vehicles, Malachi placed Lia in Ethon’s arms, while Dominic laid Jeremy in Bane’s.

“Come, Emma,” Samuel said.

Ethon stepped forward. “Samuel if we get attacked, you know I can outfly any of the Fallen. I can guarantee Emma’s safety.”

Samuel paused, weighing his words. “Alright, but you will stay with us, unless anything happens.”

“Yes, sir,” Ethon responded, gently handing Lia over to Samuel. As soon as Samuel turned around, Ethon took a quick glance in my direction and winked. I narrowed my eyes and shook my head. He’d gotten what he wanted. 

Striding toward me, he held out his hand. “You’ll be flying the not-so-friendly-skies with me once again.”

I hesitated, knowing what happened when I touched him.

“I promise I won’t bite, unless you’re into that kind of thing.” His eyes flickered with a devilish grin.

“Just no fancy spins. The last time I flew with you, I had vertigo for hours,” I warned.

“Deal. No spins, unless I have to,” he agreed, drawing a cross over his heart.

I took a step closer, and cautiously placed my hand in his. Nearly dropping at the instant current coursing through my body, Ethon wrapped his arm around me, steadying my body against his.

“I’ve got you,” he whispered. His breath sent a shiver down my spine.

“Thanks,” I breathed, still trying to fight the magnetic pull of the bond. I glanced over to where the Hummers were parked, but they were no longer there. 

“Ready?” Samuel asked.

Ethon and Bane gave a nod, and with one single flap, Samuel was airborne. Bane followed.

“Are you ready?” Ethon asked, his fiery eyes steeled on mine.

I nodded.

Before I could take another breath, we shot into the sky.

“It’s completely gratifying to have you back in my arms,” he admitted.

I didn’t respond. I couldn’t.

“You don’t have to answer. I know what you felt when you touched me. The bond allows us to share emotions.”

feel good to have him close again, but I also knew the majority of those emotions were from the bond.

“I hope I get to meet your friends soon.”

“Maybe,” I said, glancing ahead, at the limp limbs of my sleeping friends. They would never forgive me if they found out. “But you’re supposed to remain anonymous.”

“True, but I think your Guardian is getting the preferential treatment. I know your friends would love me once they met me, and then they would join me in my campaign to win your heart.”

“So you want to use them as pawns?” I questioned.

“No. Not pawns. They’d want to do it of their own free will,” he admitted with a smile.

“Well, I’m sure they’d love to meet you, but I just wouldn’t know how to introduce you. They’ve already met Kade, and my girlfriend is completely infatuated with him. In fact, she asked if he had a twin brother.”

He huffed. “That’s because she hasn’t met me yet.”

“Maybe. But you also have to remember they’re human, and your red eyes
be a bit much. My girlfriend might have nightmares.”

“Or, miraculous dreams,” he whispered. For a moment I was captured by the swirling glow of his eyes. “Plus,” he said, snapping me back to reality, “I’ve acquired those disposable plastics which alter eye color. They help me blend in the midst of mortals.”

“You mean contacts?” I giggled.

“Yes. Contacts,” he acknowledged.

“It looks like you’ve covered your bases. I’ll figure out a way for you to meet them.”

“Just tell them I’m the son of an old family friend. You wouldn’t even be lying.”

“That might work,” I admitted. He was trying to fit in, and I guess I appreciated that, even if he had ulterior motives. He was ultimately trying to win my heart.

He smiled. “Of course it will work. And I promise to be on my best behavior.”

“Why do I find that hard to believe?”

“Have I given you any reason to doubt me?”

I thought about it. “No.”

“Then, why start now?” I looked into his eyes, trying to find anything which would contradict his words.

Kade warned me not to trust him but so far Ethon hadn’t given me any reason not to. Deep inside though, I knew there was something. A very mysterious something about Ethon I couldn’t put my finger on. He was the ultimate bad boy. The son of Lucifer. He had to have a flaw.

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