Tethered Wings (Hidden Wings Series) (6 page)

BOOK: Tethered Wings (Hidden Wings Series)
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What if he was a total kamikaze kind of Fallen Angel?

I’d heard about crazy people going off the deep end from jealousy. This bond was nothing to mess with. I just hoped Ethon wasn’t the type who thought ‘if you aren’t mine, you will be no one else’s.’ That would totally suck.

“What the hell are you doing?” I gasped.

“Don’t you trust me?” He laughed.

“Maybe,” I said desperately, hoping not to anger him. In response, he flew faster.

We were going to hit the damn tree. I closed my eyes and braced for impact.


“Emma. We’re here,” Ethon said softly.

“What?” I peeled my face from his shoulder and opened my eyes. We were in a completely different place. It was bright and sunny. Almost like a painting.

It was a large area filled with the greenest grass. In the center of this oasis, a solitary willow stood on the edge of a large pond. Its long branches hung low, dipping into the water’s edge.

Behind the tree, in the distance, was a grassy hill. Ethon flew us to the highest point and set us down carefully. He paused and I suddenly realized I hadn’t released my talon-like grip. I quickly let go and stepped back, watching his beautiful black wings fold behind his back and disappear. I shook my head, still amazed by the hidden wings. That would still take some getting used to.

“What is this place?” I asked.

“It’s a place my father gifted to me after my transformation - a portal to my own little world. No one knows about it, except me and father. It was something special he created just for me. A place I could go to if I ever felt in danger, or just needed to get away from the bullshit of the Underworld. Sometimes I wish I could stay here forever.”

“Why don’t you?” I asked.

“Because, believe it or not, my father needs me.”

I smiled. “That’s really awesome, but also hard to comprehend, him being the all-powerful Ruler of the Underworld and all.”

Ethon nodded. “He does have a mean streak, but also another side, which no one sees but me. He’d never
show that side to any of his Fallen. It’s part of the job. He has to be a hard ass with them to maintain order. It’s challenging to rule a bunch of lazy, drunken immortals.”

“But growing up, when it was just me and him in his chambers alone, it was a whole different story. I was the recipient to the one, small part of his heart that could love.”

“I could tell. The way he looked at you,” I said, remembering the way he interacted with Ethon. But none of that changed how I felt about Lucifer. I didn’t trust him. The only reason he agreed to help us was for his own selfish reasons. He wanted to get back at Lucian for coming against him. It was payback, and we were the vehicle. Plus, his involvement came with a high price - a soul. There was no good in that. Just pure evil.

“You alright?” Ethon said, snapping me from my ill thoughts.

“Yes, I’m fine.”

“You’re the first person I’ve brought here,” he said with a gleam in his eye.      

“Really? That’s sort of hard to believe.”

“What’s so hard to believe?”

“Weren’t you Hell’s most eligible bachelor?”

Ethon laughed out loud. “I wish. There aren’t too many available Fallen women, and you don’t want to be around the ones who are. Trust me,” he shivered.

“Not your type?”

“Let’s just say that they could all be paired with Bane or Azzah.”

“Oh,” I giggled. 

“So, it’s no surprise that when I saw your beautiful face, I was instantly enchanted,” he said.

I felt a heat rush through my cheeks.

“Before I laid eyes on you, I could feel something. It was the strangest feeling, like an electrical current humming in the air around me. I started to feel lightheaded, and my heart began to race. Then, when I stepped into the room, I was slammed with reality. You were standing there. The most beautiful creature I’d ever laid eyes on. I couldn’t comprehend what was happening until we touched, and I was instantly bewitched.”


“You must have felt the same thing, right?” he asked.

I paused, and then nodded. 

“Why don’t we take a walk down to the pond? We can talk on the way,” he suggested.

I glanced at him with a raised eyebrow. “You’re not going to fly us?”

“No. We have a lot of time to kill, and walking would be good. Plus, I need to cool down from having you so close.”

My face flushed with heat again. “So, is the time in this place like time in the Underworld? Is a day in here, a week or two out there?”

“No, but I wish it was. That would totally piss some people off,” he laughed.

“Yes, and that would be a very bad thing,” I said.

“So, walk with me?” he held out his hand and I took it. We were instantly jolted again with that familiar electrical buzz and magnetism. Slowly we made our way down the hill.

“I could totally get used to this,” he said.

“I’m sure you could,” I answered.






Chapter 6


“I’m curious as to why the bond chose us, and really want to know more about you. Would you care to enlighten me about your life?”

“You mean from the beginning?” I questioned.

“Sure, or wherever you’d like to start.”

“Well, I recently found out that my mom and dad weren’t my real parents. I had been given to them at birth, as protection from of Lucian’s attempt to eradicate all Nephilim.

“And your adopted parents were good to you?”

“I never knew I was adopted. They loved me like I was their own, and I never felt as if I wasn’t theirs. I never once questioned it. They were amazing, and I loved them so much.”

“What happened to them?” he questioned.

My breath momentarily seized in my throat. I inhaled deeply and continued.

“We were on our way home driving on a dark road when one of Lucian’s Fallen dropped down from the sky, right in front of our car. My dad swerved to avoid him, and we careened off the road, straight into some trees. Kade saved me. He was my Guardian, and had followed behind us in another car. Somehow, before the impact, he managed to get into our car and shield me from the crash. I had been screaming, so he put me to sleep.” My heart ached as I thought about it. “If it could have been possible, he would’ve saved my parents, but there was only time to save one. And I was his priority. They were killed instantly.”

“I’m so sorry,” he said softly.

“Thank you,” I said.

“So this Kade is a true hero,” he said with a hint of sarcasm.

“Yes. He is a hero. My hero. He saved me more times than I can count, and I don’t appreciate you degrading his actions.”

“Hey, I’m not here to start a war. I really am grateful he saved you, but that doesn’t mean we will be buddies. Right now your hero is my enemy. He holds the heart of the girl I’ve bonded too. You have to remember, I never chose this. In a split second, the bond ripped out half of my heart and handed it to you. Hell if
going to stand by and let someone steal that part from me. I am here for you, Emma, and you alone. I will protect you and keep you safe, because fate has chosen us to be together.”

I closed my eyes and shook my head. “I realize that, and I’m sorry. But you also have to remember it wasn’t my decision either. This damn bond, or fate, or whatever the hell you immortals call it, really screwed up my life. I never asked to be bonded to anyone, let alone two completely different people. I’m the one who will have to make a choice and break someone’s heart. It’s a pressure I don’t want, or need.”

“Fair enough. Let’s change the subject,” he said. “I was told how your Guardian became mortal…but I’m confused as to why he hasn’t sealed the bond with you yet?”

“How the hell would you know? Maybe he did,” I said. I didn’t like him talking negative about Kade, or our relationship. He had no clue what we’d been through. 

“Oh, I’d know. If he sealed the bond, I wouldn’t be in the middle of this damn dilemma.”

“Well, you’ll have to deal with it. He has been doing his job and looking out for my best interests, not his own. Kade is a gentleman, and keeps in line with my wishes.”

Ethon huffed, “Do-gooder.”

“Hero,” I replied.  

He snickered. “About heroes, word is you slayed our Hellhounds. Is this true?”

“I did.” I kept a straight face because I didn’t want him to think I was weak. 

“And how the hell did you do that?”

“Magic,” I said flatly, then grinned.

“Alright. I’ll give you that. You are pretty magical,” he agreed. “I raised a few of those Hellhounds myself. They were practically family and would tear anyone’s head off who got near.”

I glared at him. “Your ‘dogs’ killed a friend of mine, and nearly killed the rest of us. They deserved their end.”

“They were only doing their job,” he stated.

“So was I, and I don’t have one ounce of regret,” I said raising my voice an octave louder.

His eyes glazed over. “I think you and I are more alike than you think.”

“How would you know?” I questioned.

“Because when those you care about are in danger, you wouldn’t hesitate to kill for them, and in the end you have no regrets.”

I nodded. He was right. That
exactly how I felt. 

A few weeks ago, I would rather have captured a bug and set it free, than killed it. Now, I was battling with supernatural beings, killing when I had the chance. It made me wonder what my future had in store. What would I become? I could feel a change happening. If I had a moment of peace, it would probably scare the hell out of me. Instead, the threat of constant danger strengthened and protected me from my weaker self. 

“My father should make you a Gatekeeper,” he snickered.

“Screw that. He can guard his own damn gates.”

“Feisty. I like that,” he noted with a wicked grin. 

I shook my head and grinned back. He was right. This was not my normal temperament. He was bringing out a different side of me…and I sort of liked it.

“What’s your story, Ethon? I’ll bet you were a little devil growing up…” I sniggered at my amusing word play.

“Oh, the shame, Emma. That was pretty bad,” he said shaking his head. “But seriously, you want to hear my story?”

“Yes. I’ve been told we have some time to kill. So, I know the story of how you ended up with Lucifer, but what was it like growing up in hell?”

“Fair warning, my story is pretty boring. The Underworld probably wasn’t much different than growing up in any other place, except it was dark, hot, and there weren’t many others to interact with. I spent a lot of time either with my father, his pets, or those who schooled and trained me. That two-headed mutt you met was one of my best friends.”

“I could tell it, or they, really loved you,” I giggled.  

“Yeah, it wasn’t a charmed life, but it wasn’t boring. My father kept me hidden deep within his chambers for safety’s sake, because he knew Lucian would have me killed if he ever found out. He had his best warriors train me in every aspect of battle. When I turned eighteen, my transformation gifted me wings and speed, and ever since, there has been no one who can match me.” His lips turned up slightly.

“After I turned eighteen, my father set me free. I was stronger than any of his best warriors, and he knew I could take care of myself. I’ve been free ever since.”

I exhaled into a whistle. “That wasn’t boring. It sounds like you’ve led a very adventurous life.”

“I don’t know if you’d call it ‘adventurous’, but I see your point. It wasn’t boring.”

We finally reached the weeping willow, and Ethon sat under the shade of its hanging branches. The pond was the most beautiful turquoise blue. He took a small pebble and skipped it across the top of the water, sending ripples out to all its corners.

“Come. Sit,” he said, patting the ground next to him.

I slowly made my way over and settled into a spot near him, but not

“So what is the connection you have with Alaine?” he questioned.

I paused before I answered because I knew he wasn’t supposed to know Alaine was my birth mother.

He already knew Samuel was my father. If he found out Alaine was my birth mother, things would get complicated very quickly. I just hoped he wouldn’t put two-and-two together. Right now, he thought I was a Nephilim - half-mortal and half-immortal, and my birth mother was human. So that would count Alaine out. I’d just leave the explaining of that particular part of my life to Samuel and Alaine, when the time was right.

“Well, Alaine is my mother’s half-sister, and the only living kin I have left. As soon as she heard about the accident and subsequent death of my parents, she immediately made arrangements, and took me in.”

“That was very generous of her. She seems like a very caring woman. And what about the other two mortals? How did she come by them?”

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