Tethered Wings (Hidden Wings Series) (8 page)

BOOK: Tethered Wings (Hidden Wings Series)
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Chapter 8


When we reached the door to go inside, Samuel stopped.

“Aren’t you coming?” I asked.

“I’ve decided to stay in the cottage so Alaine can place the protective barrier around the house.”

“But you won’t be protected,” I said.

“Don’t worry about me. I’ve spent the majority of my life surviving without a barrier. I’ll be fine.”

I turned and gave him a hug, and he warmly returned my embrace. It was so good to see him again.

“How are your wings?” I questioned, hoping they were doing better.

“I think they should be ready to fly in a few weeks. I hope.”

“Really? That’s awesome.”

“How are you holding up?” he asked.

I assumed he meant the situation with Kade and Ethon.

“I’m holding it all together for now,” I sadly grinned.

“Well, if you ever break, Alaine and I are always here to help mend the pieces.”

That was pretty deep. “Thank you,” I breathed. “I appreciate that.”

He smiled and gave me one last squeeze before heading back toward the boys. I think the only positive of the quest into the Underworld was getting to know Samuel. The man who made up half of my genetics. The whole journey brought us closer, and gave me a deep respect and love for him. 

I glanced back and noticed Ethon was gone. He must have returned to the tower, and I didn’t blame him. He was outnumbered by a bunch of Guardians who were itching to send him back to Hell.

I had eight more months to survive before my transformation, and it seemed like an eternity away. I just hoped whenever Lucian decided to attack, Lucifer would keep his end of the deal, and we would be rid of him once and for all.

But the thought of Lucifer taking someone’s soul, in return for his allegiance, made me sick. I wouldn’t allow him to do it. When the time came, I would simply do whatever it took to keep everyone safe. But, I wouldn’t think about that right now. I had to focus on keeping Jeremy and Lia safe for the next four days.

“So where did Ethon take you?” Alaine asked.

“He took me to a safe place, almost like a porthole, but when we entered it was like a little oasis. It was beautiful.”

“Was he a gentleman?” She asked. She didn’t look at me but kept her eyes forward as we walked. I knew she was performing her motherly duty, and could tell she felt a bit uncomfortable asking.

“Yes. Yes, he was. We mostly talked, and you were right. He’s not such a bad person.”

She smiled and nodded. I could tell she was relieved.

I knew deep inside she didn’t want to have Lucifer as an in-law. Hell, I didn’t want that either. He wasn’t exactly someone you wanted passing dinner rolls across the family dining table.

“Well that’s good. I’m glad you’re okay. Courtney was looking for you. She’s a bit shaken up by the whole battle. Maybe you can go and give her some comfort?”

“Of course,” I answered. “I promised her I would hang out with her today. I’ll go check on her now.”

“That would be nice. Thank you, Emma.” She gave me a hug before we parted ways. She went into her study, and I went upstairs to my room.

My mind was swirling, thinking about my mini adventure with Ethon. I closed my eyes, and his face was there. Clear as day. His eyes burning bright with passion.

My heart started to race.

No! I can’t do this. I just can’t.

I felt like I was betraying Kade, but then again, we were never official. I knew the way Kade felt about me, and how I felt about him, but I still wanted to keep myself neutral. I didn’t want to deal with the pressure of bonding, dammit.

The decision I made would be permanent, as in the one I would have to live with for the rest of my immortal life. I wasn’t going to be impulsive or rush into anything.

Yeah, easier said than done.

I knew they wouldn’t relent. Each one had a point to prove. Which made me wonder, would the man I didn’t choose be stuck alone forever? Okay, I’m putting pressure on myself again.

I just needed to make sure they didn’t kill each other before I made my choice. Thank God I had Alaine and Samuel here with me. I needed to get one of those chastity belts. The metal ones with a lock and key. Heck, if I told them about my idea, they’d probably order one immediately.

Then again, all of this worrying would be for nothing if I didn’t even make it to my eighteenth birthday.

I sighed and continued up the stairs.

As I turned down the hallway toward my bedroom, I noticed Courtney’s door was open. I decided to walk down and see if she was okay.

“Who is it?”


“Come in, Emma,” she answered. “I’m in the closet.”

I walked in, toward her closet. The light was on, and inside was Courtney, sitting on pile of pillows with books surrounding her. There was also a plate with two muffins. One was half eaten.

“What are you doing in here?” I asked.

“Reading,” she answered flatly.

“Why in the closet?”

“The closet is a place I feel safe from danger.”

“It is?” I questioned.

“Yes. When Caleb and I were younger, our mother told us that if we ever felt afraid, the safest place was in the closet. She even painted the inside of mine with pretty flowers. Whenever I was scared, she would turn on the light, bring pillows and blankets inside, and read me stories until I fell asleep. Ever since then, it’s been my safe place.”

“That’s awesome, Courtney. May I join you?”

“Of course. To be honest, I think you need this place more than I do.”

“I think you’re right. Maybe I’ll just hide out with you until I turn eighteen.”

“You’re funny,” she giggled. “When do you turn eighteen?”

“In about eight months.”

“Well, you are welcome to use my safe place whenever you want. Actually, you can just use your own. Being in a smaller space, surrounded by things you love, really helps whenever you’re afraid. That’s why I have all my books in here.”

“I’ll definitely keep that in mind,” I smiled.

The second I stepped inside her closet the outside world did seem to disappear. Courtney was a small reminder of how it felt to be human. We laughed, talked about our parents, played a few card games, ate candy, and drank soda. It seemed like forever since I had fun like that.

“We need to do this more often,” I said, finally getting to take my leave.

“Yes, we should. Even though I’m only thirteen, I’m still fun.”

“Yeah, you are. You’re practically my little sister,” I noted.

“I am?” Her face lit up like the sun.

“Well, we’re both being raised by Alaine, so that means we’re related.”

“I like that. I like the idea of having you as a big sister.”

“I like it too. Hey, you’ll get a chance to meet my best friends. They’re coming tomorrow to visit from LA. I think they’ll really get along with you and Caleb.”

“Alaine is letting your friends come here?” Her eyes widened with concern.

“Yes, but they’re only staying for four days, and we have to make sure they stay inside. I’ll need you and Caleb to help me keep them busy. They love to watch movies.”

“Oh, I have loads of movies.”

“Awesome. And they love to play board games too.”

Courtney’s face lit up and she even squealed a bit, because she also loved them.

My job was done here, and I felt good about it.

“See you later alligator.”

She giggled. “Not for a while crocodile.”

















Chapter 9


When I stepped into my room, sitting on the desk were the gifts from Kade. I breathed deep to prepare myself and walked over to them. I lifted the cover of my mother’s jewelry box first, and left it open.

Holding the box of pictures, I walked over to my bed, grabbed a pillow, and headed over to my closet. I clicked on the light, dropped my pillow down, and sat in the middle of the floor. Over the next few hours, I relived wonderful memories, and fell asleep crying. My pillow was soaked with tears.

A rapping at the door woke me.

Popping up I realized I was still in my closet. I didn’t even know if it was morning or night. I glanced at the clock and it was after 7:00 pm. My eyes were swollen and my head was pounding.

“Who is it?” I asked. My voice cracked and was weak.

“Prince Charming?” the voice answered, as if it wasn’t sure of the answer.

I paused and smiled, then walked over and unlocked the door.

Kade stood there with a plate of spaghetti, garlic bread, and a tossed salad.

“You didn’t show at dinner, so I asked Alaine if I could bring you a plate. She gave the okay, but also said she’d be watching. I can almost feel her eyes on my back.”

I laughed. “Come in.” Taking the plate, I walked over to my desk and set it down. “Thank you for bringing the boxes here.”

“I actually gave them to Alaine. She’s the one who brought them in.”

He paused at the closet. I watched his eyes glance over the dampened pillow and pictures spread out all over the floor. “I’m sorry if you weren’t ready for them.”

I walked past the bathroom door and noticed my face in the mirror. My eyes were bloodshot and my nose was bright red. 

“I don’t know if I would ever be ready for them, but I needed it. I miss them so much. Looking through the pictures almost brought them back to life again. I relived all the wonderful memories I had with them.”

Kade smiled and walked over to me. He stood inches away, making my stomach twist. “I’m sorry I let you leave with him. I should have kept you with me. I could have kept you safe.”

“It’s okay. I was safe. You did what you thought was best. I appreciate that.”

“Where did he take you?”

I wasn’t going to lie to him. He didn’t deserve that.

“He took me to a secret place of his, and we stayed there until it was safe to leave.”

“How did you know when to leave?”

“The raven, Ash, told us. Well, it wasn’t really the raven, it was Lucifer talking through it.”

He hesitated. I could see he wanted to ask me something.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Did he try anything?”

“We mostly talked, but…he did kiss me.”

Kade’s eyes shut, and he took in a deep breath.

“That was it. Nothing else happened. I promise,” I assured him.

“I’m not mad at you. I know the power of the bond, but knowing that bastard’s lips touched yours, makes my blood boil. You’re better than him, Emma. You deserve so much better than the Underworld. Do you think Lucifer will ever allow you to live a happy life?”

He seemed truly vexed. “One day he will find out who you truly are, and so will Ethon. Then, they will stop at nothing to make you are theirs. If you think Lucian is bad, remember that Lucifer created him. His power is small in comparison.”

“Lucifer could have crushed Lucian long ago, but he has a reason for every action or inaction. He takes joy in watching others suffer. Lucian defied him and he will pay dearly before his end. This is the only reason Lucifer agreed to help. I just want you to be aware of what he really is. Don’t be deceived. Ethon is also not what he seems. Just remember where he came from.” He placed his hand on the side of my cheek, and I took hold of it. “Please be safe and smart around him.”

He lifted my chin, then leaned down and kissed me lightly. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said, then turned and left the room.

My head was spinning. I was slowly going crazy, and was never more thankful that Jeremy and Lia were coming tomorrow. I needed sanity back in my life.






Chapter 10


I couldn’t sleep. Tossing and turning, my mind flashed back and forth between Kade and Ethon, my parents, Samuel and Alaine, and Lucian and Lucifer. Each one had a part they were playing in my life, whether I liked it or not.

In a few short hours I’d get to see my best friends, and couldn’t wait to see their faces. I needed to have a bit of familiarity back in my life. Maybe they could help me sort through all this madness. But how could they when they weren’t allowed to know about my new hidden world?

There had to be something done about all the Guardians in the house. They would instantly know something was up when they saw six
guys living under one roof. Lia wouldn’t mind because she would be dazed by all the hotness, but Jeremy was a different story. He would analyze everything, wondering why they were here. He would ask one million questions, I couldn’t answer.

BOOK: Tethered Wings (Hidden Wings Series)
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