Texas Two Step: Texas Montgomery Mavericks, Book 1 (28 page)

BOOK: Texas Two Step: Texas Montgomery Mavericks, Book 1
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“Cannonball,” he shouted just before jumping in the pool and splashing water all over Adam and Olivia.

For the next hour, Olivia read a magazine while keeping her eye on Mitch and Adam as they played and swam. As much as she would have enjoyed the cool water on such a hot day, she didn’t trust herself with the level of narcotics singing through her blood. The pain in her ankle had eased to a dull throb. But no drug could numb the pain inside her.

As it got closer to dinnertime, Magda came out and lit the gas grill.

“Mitch,” Magda called. “The burgers will be ready to put on in about twenty minutes.”

“Thanks, Magda.” He grinned at Olivia. “Thought we’d have a cookout to go with our play day. What do you think?”

She shrugged. “Sounds great.” She turned toward the house to catch Magda before she went back into the house. “Magda, do you need help?”

“Nope. Stay put.”

Olivia settled back on the lounger and crossed her ankles, the hurt one on top. She could tell Adam was fading. She smiled to herself. If he made it until eight tonight, she’d be surprised.

While Mitch grilled hamburgers, Olivia changed into shorts and a shirt. Magda took Adam upstairs for a quick bath and helped him dress in shorts and a T-shirt.

Adam got his second wind and chatted non-stop through dinner, giving Olivia a blow-by-blow description of everything he’d done all day. After dinner, the three of them headed into the family room. Adam wanted to show her how good he was with darts. It took all of her effort to lose to him without him realizing she’d thrown the match.

She laughed through a hotly contested Wii bowling competition between Mitch and Adam. In the end, Adam squeaked out the win. Mitch had thrown the game but he’d been skillful enough that Adam never suspected. Her son had danced around the room on a winner’s high. Mitch had snatched Adam up and put him on his shoulders so they could both dance in celebration. As long as she lived, she’d never be able to erase the image of sheer love and joy on her son’s face as he hugged his father after Mitch set him back on the floor.

By eight, Adam was getting grumpy and struggling to keep his eyes open, all the while swearing he wasn’t sleepy. When Mitch suggested the guys go upstairs and read a while, Adam agreed, but Olivia knew her son. He’d be asleep ten minutes after Mitch opened the book.

The quiet in the room after they left was like bathing in warm water on a cold day. Olivia sighed and leaned back on the sofa, enjoying the solitude. Her eyes drifted shut.

The rattle of glass started her eyes open.

“Sorry,” Magda said. “Thought I’d finish picking up the dishes. You okay?”

“Yeah. Just tired.”

“You sure I can’t talk you and the little guy into staying forever?”

Olivia smiled. “Nope.” The smile fell. “Magda. Can I trust you to keep a confidence? I’m going to need some help tomorrow.”

“Sure you can.”

“Adam and I are leaving tomorrow or maybe the next day. Don’t say a word to Mitch.”

Magda dropped into a chair. “Why? What happened?”

Olivia tapped her fingernail on her leg, debating whether to confide in Magda about Joanna and the marriage and child-custody situation.

“I can see you’re trying to decide what to say. Your forehead is all wrinkled and you keep stroking that diamond heart around your neck. Stop thinking so hard and tell me what’s up,” Magda said.

In the end, because of how Magda felt about Joanna, and because of the affection Olivia had for Magda, Olivia decided that disclosing what she’d learned today, specifically that Joanna would be moving back into the house, was the right thing to do. Olivia glanced toward the door. “Make sure Mitch isn’t out there first.”

Magda went to the door and looked down the hall. She turned and leaned against the doorjamb. “I’ll stay here just in case. Now what’s up?”

Olivia dammed back the flood of tears that threatened to spill. “Joanna and Mitch are getting remarried. They have been meeting with an attorney to sue me for custody of Adam.”

“No way,” Magda said, straightening. She glanced down the hall again, then back to Olivia. “There is no way he’s remarrying her. He is crazy about you.”

Olivia shook her head. “I wish that were true, but no. It’s all been an act to keep me in the dark.”

Magda mimicked Olivia’s head shake. “I just can’t believe it. Are you sure?”

“Heard it from Joanna herself.”

“She told you?”

“Well, not exactly. I overheard a conversation between her and a couple of her friends during lunch. There’s no mistake. She didn’t know I was there, so there was no reason for her to lie.”

Magda glanced again down the hall, then back. “Well, there goes my job. I cannot work for that woman.” She sighed. “Well, damn. You’re absolutely sure?”


“So what are you going to do?”

“Drake will be here tomorrow to take us home. I’ve told Drake I’ll marry him again.” She lost the battle with her emotions as two large drops overflowed her lower eyelids and rolled down her face. “I don’t know what else to do. I have to protect Adam…not from Mitch, from Joanna. I honestly believe that Mitch loves Adam, but I couldn’t trust Joanna with my son.”

Magda came over and hugged her. “I am so sorry, Olivia. Honestly. I would never have thought Mitch was so stupid.”

“Don’t say anything, okay?”

“Sure. I’ve got your back.”

“Thanks.” Olivia struggled to her feet. “I’m heading to bed. I’ll see you in the morning.” She took a couple of steps, then turned back to Magda. “I’m sorry for you too. Thank you for making Adam and me feel so welcome while we’ve been here.”

“It’s been my pleasure, Olivia. That’s one fine boy you’re raising.”

Olivia smiled. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

Olivia started toward her room, hobbling but using both feet. At the last minute, she turned toward the stairs with every intention of heading Mitch off before he joined her in bed as he had for the past week. If he did, she might just strangle him while he slept.

Climbing the stairs was slow, but easier than that first night when she’d hopped up on one leg. That felt like a lifetime ago.

Mitch was leaning over Adam when Olivia entered. He brushed a soft kiss to Adam’s forehead and stood. The gentleness of his action broke her heart. She had no doubt that the love Mitch had for their son was genuine. It showed in his every action and deed. If only she hadn’t discovered his true colors, she might believe his feelings for her were real. But sometimes, the truth cut like a knife…like now. She quietly gasped at the pain inside her chest.

Mitch whipped around at the sound and smiled. “Hey, babe,” he whispered. “He went out like a light.”

Olivia made her way to the opposite side of the bed, leaned over and kissed Adam’s forehead. “Night, sweetheart.” After adjusting the bedcovers, she walked back into the hall and motioned for Mitch to follow.

“I’m ready for bed too,” he said with a lascivious look. “But I’m not sleepy.”

When he leaned in for a kiss, she pulled back.

“Not tonight, Mitch. I’ve got a splitting headache and I’m exhausted.” Good grief. She sounded like a bad cliché.

“I’m sorry. Want me to rub your shoulders?”

The back of her eyes burned. If only his feelings for her matched the loving tone of his voice. But they couldn’t, not if he was marrying Joanna. She forced herself to face facts. He’d given an award-winning performance, totally fooling her. How much of an effort he must have exerted to make love—no, have sex—with her.

“Really, I just need to be alone.”

He frowned. “Are you sure?”

She nodded. “Yeah. I’m sure.” She forced a weak smile and started down the stairs before he could kiss her. She didn’t think she could stand that right now.

Chapter Fifteen

When Olivia had walked away from him last night, he’d known something was definitely wrong. He hadn’t known what or how to fix it. He’d gone back to his temporary room upstairs sure of one thing…he could wait until Olivia was ready to talk. For her he’d wait forever.

But he really expected to meet her in the kitchen when he walked in at five a.m. He was surprised when Magda met him with coffee. Adam was already seated at the bar, a bowl of oatmeal in front of him. He could count on one hand the number of times Magda had been up at this hour of the morning.

“Morning, champ,” he said as he rubbed the fuzz on Adam’s head.

“Hi, Mitch…I mean, Daddy.”

“Where’s your mom?”

Adam shrugged. “I don’t know.”

“Magda?” He shot a laser look toward his housekeeper, who seemed to be refusing to meet his gaze.

Magda picked up a cloth and wiped at a non-existent spill on the counter. “Under the weather. Said she’d see you guys later today.”

Mitch walked to Magda and spoke in a voice too quiet to reach Adam’s hearing. “What the hell is going on?”

Magda shrugged. “Nothing. Olivia just wasn’t feeling good and asked me to get Adam up and ready to go. If you want to know anything else, you need to ask her.”

His jaw clenched. “Fine.” He whirled around. “I’ll be right back, buddy, then we’ll hit the old dusty trail.”

Adam nodded. “’K.”

Mitch made the walk to his bedroom in short order. He tried the door leading to the bedroom foyer. Locked.

He knocked. No answer.

He pounded. No answer.

“Olivia. Open this door.”

No answer.

“Damn it, Olivia. I have a key, you know.”

In a minute, the snick of a lock broke the silence. The door opened a crack and Olivia’s blotched face looked out.


“Honey. What’s wrong? Have you been crying?”

“Nothing. A headache. I told you.”

“Maybe you should see a doctor, Livie.”

“No, no. I’ll see you at lunch.”

“Are you sure? You don’t look good. I can call Dad to cover for me.”

Two large tears plopped off her lashes. “Don’t do that. Spend the day with Adam. I’ll see you both this afternoon.”

“If you’re sure…”

“I’m sure.”

The door closed and the lock clicked. He’d let her have today. But tonight they were going to have to talk. He’d be willing to bet the ranch that whatever was bothering her wasn’t a headache.


Olivia sagged against the door and let her tears flow. Not that she had any choice. Holding them back would take the Hoover Dam. She headed back to the bedroom and her open luggage.

Thirty minutes later a soft knock on the door was followed by, “Olivia? They’re gone. What can I do to help?”

Olivia opened the door. “I think the suitcases I used for Adam’s clothes are in his closet upstairs. Can you take care of packing his things for me?”

“Sure.” Magda started to leave, then turned back. “Olivia? Are you sure you heard Joanna right? I mean, Mitch was obviously concerned this morning about you. I just can’t believe he’d do what you think he’s done.”

Olivia shook her head. “It’s Joanna. Somehow she has the ability to get under his skin and into his head.”

“Talk to him.”

Olivia shook her head again. “I can’t trust him to tell me the truth. No matter what he says, I’ll always wonder. I can’t live like that. I’ll make sure Adam and he stay in touch. I promise that.”

Magda sighed. “I think you are making a huge mistake not talking to him but…” She shrugged. “I’ll see to Adam’s things.”

“Thanks, Magda. You know you’ll be welcome in my home in Dallas any time.”

Magda didn’t say anything as she left, but Olivia would have sworn there were tears in Magda’s eyes.

It didn’t take Olivia long to repack the items of clothing she’d brought with her. Moving to the large bathroom, she made the mistake of looking into the mirror running the length on the bathroom wall. Had the date been closer to Halloween rather than Memorial Day, the rat’s nest in her hair combined with the blood-shot eyes ringed with dark circles would be the ideal look for a witch’s costume.

Running her fingers through the hair tangles, she sighed. There wasn’t much she could do about the dark circles, except for some make-up camouflage. She tried her best, but even after brushing her hair, her teeth and slathering on what little make-up she brought, she still appeared pale and sad. But then she was sad, wasn’t she? It was only fair that she looked as rough as she felt. She scooped her toiletries into a zipper bag, made her way back to her suitcase and dropped the toiletry bag in on top of her swimsuit.

She glanced around the huge and ornate room. Where she’d felt overwhelmed when she first walked in, she’d begun to feel at home. She sighed and was surprised when two large teardrops cascaded down her cheek. Swiping at her eyes with the back of her hand, she couldn’t decide if her injured leg hurt more than her heart. Both areas were throbbing painfully.


“Yes, Magda?”

“I’ve finished with Adam’s things and carried everything downstairs. Do you need any help with your suitcase?”

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