Texts from Jane Eyre (19 page)

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Authors: Mallory Ortberg

BOOK: Texts from Jane Eyre
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 so what did you think 

 what did i think of what 

 what did you think of all the drawings of Dally i sent you 

 oh yeah 

 do you think he’ll like them?
 do you think they’re any good

 there sure are
a lot of them

 do you think i made his eyes look enough like blue ice
that was really what i was going for
 because his eyes look like blazing blue ice

 i definitely think you did 

 oh good
i was kind of worried
 that they didn’t look enough like blue ice that’s blazing

 no, they’re–
you did a really good job
they’re really nice

 well i wanted to do something special for his birthday
and it was either this or a switchblade
 and i figured everyone else was already getting him a switchblade


 what’s a guy gonna do with six switchblades, you know? 


 such a thing as too many switchblades
 anyhow i’m glad you think they’re good


 you want one? 

i think i’m okay

 i can draw you one real fast
 it won’t take two minutes

 no i’m okay 

 i’ll draw you one just in case
his eyes look like blue ice
 blue ice!

 you awake? 

what’s wrong?

 i had that dream again 


 that dream where i got the haircut
that was the worst day of my life, the day Johnny cut my hair

 yeah i remember 

 if a guy doesn’t have his silky reddish-blonde hair
that’s just a little redder than Soda’s and swirls just right
 well what kind of a guy is he?

 i don’t know 

 plus it was real sad when Johnny died, too 


 died before his hair could even grow back 

 i remember 

 his hair looked terrible when he died
 i was embarrassed to even go to the funeral

 yeah me too 

The American Girl Series

nellie why didnt u come to the hedge today
 to the lessons hedge )for lessons)

 I’m sorry, Miss Parkington
I wasn’t able to get away in time and

 i was going to teach you more lessons
is this about my birthday party
 are u mad at me

 no Samantha… 

 because i told you
its not that youre not my friend
 you are my friend

 I’m glad to be your friend 

 u are just more of my FACTORY friend
and not really
 my “birthday party” friend

 I understand
I couldn’t get away from the mill
that’s all

 guess how many kinds of ice cream we had 

 I don’t know 

 haha there are only three kinds of ice cream nellie
 everyone knows that

 I see 

 youve got a lot of lessons ahead of you nellie
only we’re out of ice cream right now
because we ate so much
 (at my birthday party)

 Miss Felicity -
I must thank you for coming by last week to my hiding-place
the biscuits and canteen you brought were sorely needed
I know once I can enlist with the Patriots
I will be a burden to you no longer
I fear that before that day, however
I must trespass on your kindness one last time
and ask when you will return
as the water you so kindly brought me
ran out several days ago
and I am afraid to venture forth in daylight
and this fetid swamp provides me with no relief


 I congratulate you, Miss Felicity
that is wonderful news
perhaps it shall make the trip shorter
when you do come again

 I will name her Penny!!! 

 for I have grown weak from thirst 

 She is the color of a penny
 is why I have chosen that name, Ben

 A good name, that
I trust I can keep my strength up
long enough to see her myself

 I am going to brush her mane EVERY DAY 



 Mother wanted me to ask you
 if you’d like to go to the fair tomorrow with us

 Did she now 

 since we’ll be working at the same booth together
all afternoon
 Father’s offered to give us a ride in his wagon

 oh, his milk wagon? 

his milk wagon
He only has the one wagon
 you know that

 Like father like daughter I suppose
he only has one wagon
and you only have one dress

 You can just say no, Harriet
if you don’t want to come with us
 you can just say no

do you even know how many dresses I have

 I’m sorry if I insulted you with my invitation
 you don’t have to come

I have SEVEN dresses
I have a dress for every day of the week
I have a dress for Monday

forget I said anything
 I’ll see you tomorrow

 I have a dress for Tuesday
on Wednesday I have a different dress

 and on Thursday you have a fourth
 I get it

 do you though 

 I think I grasp the prinsiple of the thing 

 oh my God
Addy Walker

 how DO you spell principle, Harriet?
is it with an S?
 or a C?

 you are going to be so sorry that you ever 

 Maybe we should ask a spelling expert
 Maybe we should ask someone who won

 that you EVER 

 a spelling
for spelling the word principle correctly
I only have the one dress
which I pinned the spelling medal on
 so you can see the medal every day

The Baby-Sitters Club

 Hey Claudia
I know math is really tough for you
but even you should know
that two dollars an hour
for six hours
means we’re at least twelve dollars short
 of what should be in the treasury

 i know how much twelve is, Kristy
and i didn’t take your stupid money

all I’m saying
is that someone that good at hiding candy in her room
probably has a few great places to hide twelve dollars
like maybe in an incredibly ugly macrame wallet with velvet

 yeah well
at least my dad still lives at home
unlike some people’s dads
unlike your dad

Kristy? It’s Mallory
I hope you don’t mind my texting you
I had to get your number from Mary Anne
but she’s not around or something
I guess
I was just wondering if we had a meeting today?
 I’ll check with Stacey

 Kristy, Mrs. Dawes said that you never showed up on Friday
to babysit the girls
She had to cancel her plans
she’s really upset
What’s going on with you lately?

 oh sorry
i probably just couldn’t hear the phone ring when she called
this mansion is sooooo big
 Watson’s mansion i mean

 I know which mansion you mean 

 my new dad Watson
who does live with us

 Claudia’s not here 

 i know
 i know that

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