Authors: Mina Lobo
Hecate frowned. “That’s not good.”
Though it seemed impossible, Persephone felt her stomach sink further and ceased her nibbling. “Why, what does it portend?”
The other goddess leaned back in her chair again, rubbing her chin. “He must be off on one of his sulks.” At Persephone’s uncomprehending look, Hecate elaborated, “He retreats from everything and everyone when he is truly enraged or distressed. He’s been known to disappear for days without anyone knowing his whereabouts and returning in a thoroughly wild and roughened state.”
“Lovely,” Persephone said with a sigh, cradling her head in her hands.
“Well, at least by that point he’s calmed down and is rational enough to be reasoned with. Or so I’ve heard.”
“What in the name of bleeding Uranus am I to do?”
“You are to cease your sniveling and do your wifely duty by fetching me a cup of nectar,” asserted Hades unexpectedly.
Both Persephone and Hecate started in their seats, then turned to see his sizeable frame looming at the tiny entrance of the cavern. Persephone, whose heart lodged itself in her throat at the sight of Hades’ handsomely imposing figure, could not speak, and so it was left to Hecate to respond. “Greetings, Aidoneus, it is a pleasure to welcome you to my humble home.”
Hades nodded his thanks and entered, crossing over to the table made of weathered obsidian and taking the seat across from his wife. His look haughty, though it betrayed no rancor, he prompted, “Well?”
Persephone stared at him, her heart back down where it belonged, if pounding heavily. She thirstily drank in the sight of the being she craved more intensely than she’d ever craved anyone before. Her hands itched to reach for his face of granite, and she wanted to smooth away the hardness and pour herself into him. She wanted to thrust her hands into his wind-tossed hair, lose herself in his darkly gleaming eyes, kiss her way down the rugged jaw that only yesterday had scraped its way down her throat—
“Persephone,” Hades prompted gruffly.
The goddess blinked, then nearly yelped when Hecate delivered a light kick to her calf. “Oh, you wanted nectar!” Persephone said, jumping to her feet to pour the requested beverage. She placed it before him before she sat down again.
“Will you not offer me any sustenance?” Hades asked.
“Of course!” Persephone hurried over to another table that bore a platter of various fruits and ambrosia, then struggled with its weight to place it before him. “What do you desire?”
Hades waved the food away. “Nothing, I have already taken my evening meal back at the palace.”
Persephone’s yearning and contrition dimmed somewhat at his words. Why, he was toying with her! Hades must know her to be suffering from guilt over her actions and meant to take advantage of the moment to teach her a lesson. Well, she could not quite blame him for that. If some slight trifling on his part would effect their reconciliation that much quicker, Persephone would take her punishment. She removed the tray while Hecate coughed back a chuckle. Then Persephone folded her hands before her, deferentially asking, “Is there anything else I may procure for your comfort before I take my own?”
The god’s eyes flickered over her impassively. “Not at present, no.”
Persephone sat, only to bound up once more when Hades thought aloud, “Actually, the grapes looked most refreshing. Fetch me a bunch of those, if you would be so kind.”
Persephone clenched her teeth at his imperious tone. “I would.” She strode back over to the fruit, plucked a cluster from the bunch, and brought it to Hades. She remained standing, avoiding the Witch’s dancing eyes, until he looked up at her and motioned for her to sit.
“I trust you’ve been passing your time agreeably today?” Hades inquired of Persephone as he pulled some grapes off the stem. At her stiff nod, he asked, “You slept well, fare well?”
“Yes to the former,” she answered, rubbing her temples again, “though as to the latter, I fear I’ve been struck with a dreadful headache.”
Nothing could have prepared her for his next words. “That’s nothing a vigorous bout of copulating wouldn’t cure.”
Persephone’s lips trembled with the effort to bite back a reply. So, humiliation was to be a part of the lesson. She glanced at Hecate and regretted it, for the white-haired goddess strained to repress her hilarity. Reminding herself that she’d hurt him and was willing to pay the price for it, the goddess folded her white arms upon the worn tabletop and said, “Indeed, that is probably just what needs doing.”
“I’m glad we’re in agreement,” Hades said, setting the remaining grapes down. He rose to his feet and towered over Persephone. “Then let us get to it, as I have a few matters to attend to after we’ve finished.”
Persephone could not credit her ears. “What?”
Hades frowned with concern. “Has your hearing also been afflicted? Perhaps it is hereditary, as your father exhibits similar symptoms of hysterical deafness.” Raising his voice he said, “I have just said that we should hurry back to the palace and get our, now let me see if I can correctly recall the phrase you used…ah! Let us get our
out of the way so that I may confer with Rhadamanthys afterwards, hmmm?”
She flushed with shame at the reminder of her nastiness but feared Hades would take things too far with his reprisal. “I thank you for your…kind offer, Hades, but fear offending Hecate with such a hasty departure.”
“I am truly heartened to see that you have some newly acquired measure of sensitivity, no doubt due to Hecate’s good influence,” Hades said, “as you showed no such compunction with me yesterday, did you?”
The goddess took a steady breath. “Now, look here, Hades…I own that I behaved badly, but it’s not fair to suggest—” Hades cut her off by yanking her from the chair and tossing her over his shoulder. “Hades, what has possessed you? Put me down this instant!”
He landed a resounding whack on her bottom. “I shall put you down at my leisure, not yours.” To Hecate he offered, “I thank you for your hospitality and hope to return it someday soon. You are most welcome to come join us for supper whenever you please.”
“I shall be happy to do so,” she replied, avoiding Persephone’s attempts to make eye contact.
“Hecate!” screeched the ignominiously-borne goddess.
“Quiet,” Hades said, punctuating the command with another thwack and carrying Persephone out and down the steps. Had she not emitted a piercing shriek, she might have heard the Witch Goddess give in to the laughter she had been containing. Instead, Persephone busily delivered powerful blows to Hades’ back, disregarding the growl he gave in warning. When they arrived at the bottom, Hades set her down on her feet, and she took that opportunity to give him a forceful shove. “Have you taken leave of your senses?” she shouted, all thoughts of penitence gone.
“Be quiet.”
“Earthshaking Poseidon, what are you about?” Persephone yelled, as he turned her around and brought her hands behind her back.
“I am about to give you the back of my hand in just a moment if you do not cease your caterwauling,” Hades said, binding her hands at the wrists. “If you have any care for yourself you will remain silent until I am through with you.”
“Through with me?” the goddess ground out, thinking she might go into fits.
“Yes,” Hades said, securing the magic chains and picking her up again to deposit her roughly on his chariot. He stood behind her, wrapping one arm around her and pulling her close to his chest. He grasped the reins with his free hand and added, almost as an afterthought, “And then you may thank me.”
Persephone seethed against him but made no reply, for they already thundered through the air and he would not hear her, even if she screamed. They covered the distance between the cave and the palace in a matter of moments, and soon descended before the main gate. A servant waited to tend to the horses and while he took the reins from Hades, Persephone felt the chains at her wrists loosen and fall off. The god’s arm went under her knees and he scooped her up, carrying her up the steps and inside. She burned with rage but waited until they were alone in their bedchamber to let it out.
“By my father’s beard, Hades, if you do not release me at once, I shall…” Persephone’s voice trailed off as Hades set her gently on her feet and waved the door to the bedchamber shut. They stared at one another, both breathing heavily, until Hades finally turned from her, mumbling, “No, I cannot do this.”
The goddess watched him with confusion as he tore off his cape and threw it carelessly to the floor. “Hades?” Persephone said hesitantly, at a complete loss.
Hades grasped the wrought iron of the foot of the bed. “I told you once that I brought you here so I could worship you, and I meant it,” he said, his dark brown eyes capturing hers from across the room. “And yet, I can’t seem to get it right, can I?”
“I…I don’t know what you mean…”
“I mean that yesterday was to have seen the culmination of all my dreams. Yesterday was the day I’d hoped to…to show you all that you are to me, and all that I want to give you. My heart, my mind, my body…my soul. All are yours.” Hades cast his eyes down at the bed with a bitter chuckle. “Such as they are.”
“Such as they…” Persephone echoed. “Oh, my dear Lord Aidoneus, it is I who am lacking, not you.” He looked up at her, surprised. “It was I who threw out harsh, hateful words, I who cared for nothing but my own satisfaction.” She shook her head at herself in anger. “I, who always strive to be gentle with others, to be kind and generous, was so caught up in what my own feelings were that I cared not what harm I did yours. You deserved better than that.”
Blinking back the moisture which had formed in her eyes, Persephone saw Hades draw near to her. “I do, so ardently, regret the terrible things I said to you, Hades.” She reached out to him, as he now stood before her, and laid her hand over his heart. “Whatever I can do to atone, only say the word and it shall be done.”
“I want one thing only.”
“Name it.”
Hades wrapped his arms around Persephone, saying, “Just let me love you, my dearest, my most darling Kore.”
As his head descended and he covered her lips with his, Persephone raised her arms to his shoulders and her cloak slithered to the floor. It could have fallen to the very depths of Tartarus for all the goddess knew or cared. She was finally where she wanted to be, encircled by Hades’ hard heat.
He teased the edge of her lips in light, whispering strokes, then kissed along her jaw and down the side of her throat. A sigh from the goddess brought him back up to her lips, which parted for him eagerly.
Hades’ tongue met hers and snaked beneath it, stealing the goddess’ breath and igniting a trembling response from deep within her. His tender assault intoxicated Persephone, all her attention was on their exchange of breaths, on Hades’ claim, on her sense of belonging to this great king. And she now knew that what she desperately ached for was his mastery. When his hands on her back slid down and pressed her against his erection, Persephone’s legs failed her and she fell onto the bed, gently guided there by Hades’ hands.
The god pulled back to regard her, one hand went to caress her face. “I’ve so often dreamt of this moment, my beloved. Of laying you out on my bed…” He bent down to kiss her again. “Of touching you,” Hades whispered in her ear, catching the hand she brought up to his face and pressing a kiss to her palm. “Of tasting your every secret place.” He ran his tongue along her lower lip and then kissed her deeply. “Of uncovering every hidden bit of flesh and knowing it, more intimately than I know my own.”
“Yes, Hades…yes…” was all the goddess could manage in her fever of need.
“Tell me you want it too, my treasure,” Hades said, his hands sliding down the underside of her arms until he reached her breasts.
Persephone shuddered as he stroked her nipples through the soft cloth of her gown. “I do. I’m losing my mind with wanting you, Hades.”
He unfastened the clip holding the bodice of her robes in place and slowly drew her clothes down over her breasts until they were bared to him. “My beauty,” he breathed, bending down to tease one already taut nipple.
Persephone felt molten lava charging down from her womb into her legs. Her eyelids shut as the delicious torpor came over her, and she tangled her fingers in Hades’ hair as he cupped and kissed each breast in turn, running tantalizing rings around their dark tips with his hot tongue.
“Mine,” Hades said against her chest. One hand slid down her torso to land possessively on her abdomen. With a firm caress, he repeated, “Mine,” and the goddess sighed with the pleasure of his warm hand pressing down on her.
His knee went between her thighs, smoothly parting them so his fingers could reach the curls covering her sex. Hades’ hand slid lower until his palm fit perfectly against her, holding her there, and he again said, “Mine.”
“Yes,” Persephone whispered, bringing Hades back up to kiss her as his fingers deftly spread her open and found her wet heat. “Oh, yes…” she breathed against his lips. And the goddess surrendered to the tongue ruling hers, the hand gently gripping her breast, the fingers circling below, gathering up her moisture and deliberately entering her for the briefest of moments.
Persephone bucked beneath Hades, aflame and happy to burn. When his lips left hers she let out a cry of frustration and her eyes flew open. She saw his head descend to lap at her breasts once more, then watched him kiss his way down her belly.
Anticipating his destination, the goddess let her eyes fall closed again. She reveled in the pressure of his kisses as they claimed her, again and again. Hades worked down the outside of one leg before circling back and up along her inner thigh.
“My adored one, my bride,” Hades said, sending a torrid puff of air against her aching flesh. The tip of his tongue teased her nub, then brushed up along her drenched opening.
Persephone emitted a visceral groan, desperate for more than hints, wanting completion. “Now, Hades, please. I beg you, do it now.”
She felt the loss of his heat and mourned it, only to be made wild by his hard body covering her straining flesh. Persephone panted as he pressed against her, aligning himself in such a tormentingly slow manner that she let out a frantic, “Now, Hades,
” Then she felt him position himself and gasped.