Read Thawing Ava Online

Authors: Selena Illyria

Tags: #Multicultural; Holidays; Contemporary

Thawing Ava (11 page)

BOOK: Thawing Ava
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He waggled his eyebrows and murmured, “I can help you with that if you’d only let me.”

She rolled her eyes and sat down across from him. “Sex may be a great form of exercise, but I can’t do it all the time. I need to be able to walk and shower and stuff. We can’t have sex yet.”

He shrugged and settled down at the table. “Leaving the apartment is overrated. At least I’d know you were sated. I did notice you didn’t rebuke me and you said ‘yet.’ I see someone is more open to sex with me. That’s good. So after the game?” He hoped she’d say yes and just agree instead of fighting him.

“You’ll find out,” she teased. “What’s on the agenda today besides practice and lunch with the guys? My brain is a bit fuzzy. I’m still tired.”

He thought about his schedule. “Another interview with a local paper and another talk with one of the middle-school hockey teams. After that my day is all about you.”

“Am I going to need a helmet and pads for this?” A smile quirked her lips.

“Nope, but you will allow me to cook dinner for you tonight. No complaints.” He waited for her to say something negative. As much as he wanted to take her out, maybe dinner in would be better for them to continue bonding.

She didn’t protest; she only grinned. “Fine by me. I like it when a man caters to me.”

“That’s not all. After dinner you’ll let me take care of you sexually.” He waited for the explosion.

It didn’t come. She just eyed him. “Fine. One night, but after that, you’re going to live like a monk, understand? No masturbation or sex of any kind, not before the game.”

Relief swept through him at her words. “Deal. How do you feel about anal stimulation? And sex toys?”

Just asking her about it made his skin flush with heat and his body tighten. His cock jerked, and his balls throbbed for relief. He hadn’t let off any sexual tension last night, so tonight he’d make up for it. Brice just hoped she was up for his ideas. He wanted to explore some of her bondage and spanking needs.

“I’ve never had anal sex.” She didn’t look at him, but he didn’t miss the red flush in her cheeks. Instead she focused her attention on finishing her breakfast.

“Would you like to try it?” He hoped she’d say yes. Brice wanted to be able to claim every inch of her body and make her his.

“I’m willing to try anything once. Enough sex talk. Finish eating and get a move on. You’re at least two minutes behind schedule getting to the arena.”

“Excuses, excuses. This conversation isn’t over, not by a long shot. And don’t think I’ll forget it,” he said to her.

She ignored him, rinsed their plates, and put them in the dishwasher before she left to use the loft shower. He followed her lead and rushed to wash up. Brice finished in record time, dressed and ready at the door while she grabbed his car keys. This looked like it was going to be an awesome day.

“You driving again today?” He didn’t mind her driving his truck, but he didn’t want her to feel like his servant.

“Sure. I want to talk to a few of the local businesses and see about putting in my application. Maybe even do some work in the catering area. Mom mentioned her caterer was looking for some servers. Once I’m done there, I’ll get some Christmas decorations and check out a few furniture stores so you have choices and we don’t waste your time, not that I know what you like. Besides it allows me to get to know the area a bit more. I’ll be back in time to pick you up for your interview. How’s that?” She preceded him out the door. He set the security system and locked everything up behind them.

When she slid behind the wheel, he exhaled. It felt good to have her back in the truck with him. That missing part of him was back. He felt more stable. He reached over and placed his hand on hers.

“Can’t drive with you trying to hold my hand.”

He withdrew his touch and settled deeper into the seat.

She didn’t ask him why he’d done that. Instead, she drove out of the garage and merged into morning traffic.

Once they arrived at the arena she gave him a kiss on the cheek before she took off. The guys hooted and catcalled; he ignored them. “You’re all just jealous,” he shot back before he headed out to the ice.

They started with speed drills before breaking into offense and defense. By the time lunch was called, he was exhausted. Over grilled chicken and orzo with carrot slaw, they discussed the upcoming game and some of the things they needed to work on. He thought over everything that Alexi pointed out. Brice was still weak on his right side and needed to be aware of it.

He checked his watch. It was almost time for his interview and then the talk with the Blue Jays, the public middle school’s hockey team. Tomorrow would be even more hectic; he had a TV interview to talk about the game and another interview with a hockey magazine. As he changed into his street clothes, his thoughts turned to Ava and tonight. There was a way to satisfy his needs while giving Ava some relief from her frustration without him coming. That was the point, right? Caring for your significant other’s needs was as important as your own. A grin pulled at his lips as he thought of all the ways he could satisfy her.

He headed into the staff parking lot. His truck was already waiting in a spot near the entrance, the engine purring and Ava sipping a coffee. He opened the door and grinned. “Hey. How long have you been waiting? Why didn’t you come inside?” Brice hoped she’d seen some of his practice.

She put the car into gear and backed up. “Not long. I just wanted to relax before we had to take off again. I have a lot of information to absorb. I may have a job lined up after all this is over. I also had to make sure I knew how to get to that newspaper office. Then the school.” Ava merged into traffic without much effort.

Brice could only stare at her. “How the hell did you get all that done in four hours?” He couldn’t pass up samples or a sale when he went to any cafes, restaurants, or diners. Brice hated to admit it, but he was a just-in-case kind of person. Sometimes he needed to try a new cheese just in case he liked it, and sampling a new dish they’d made was just polite and let him see if maybe he wanted to make the meal at home.

She turned onto Main Street and hit after-lunch traffic. “I have a list. I focus on that. Besides, I already knew what I wanted to ask and find out. I did get you some blueberry corn muffins.”

He shook his head. “You have to enjoy going out. Otherwise why do it? We should go out for dinner after the game. Win or lose. What do you say?”

“I’d like that.” She turned into the newspaper’s parking lot and found a spot in the visitor’s area. “Do you want me to come up or man the getaway driver role?”

He couldn’t hold back a laugh. “Nah, you can come up. Much warmer anyway. Thanks.” He leaned over and kissed her cheek. Brice wanted to inhale her scent, reabsorb being around her. He realized he’d missed her at practice. At least she’ll be there tomorrow, he thought to himself.

They got out of the car and headed for the Witch Fields Sentinel. He couldn’t resist grabbing her hand as they went into the building and didn’t let go when they stepped into the elevator. Brice needed that contact with her again. She was his woman; she just hadn’t agreed to date him yet.

“Are we still…?” Her voice trailed off, and uncertainty edged her tone.

The question came out of nowhere. “Say it, honey.” He needed to hear what she was thinking out loud.

She licked her lips and looked around before she responded to him. “Are we still on for tonight?”

“In a way. Don’t worry about it. I have to watch a few games first before we do anything.”

She shifted at his side; her arm brushed against his. He gave her hand a squeeze, hoping that would calm her down some. Brice couldn’t resist leaning over and whispering in her ear, “Just think, as soon as we’re done, I could have you tied to the bed, leg spread wide while I’m eating your sweet pussy until you come on my face and then I’d give you a rest and start it all over again.” He inhaled the sweet, citrusy-vanilla scent of her and pressed a kiss to the hollow just below her ear. “I’m so hard right now I could fuck you here and not care.”

“Brice,” she hissed.

He gave her another kiss, this time on her cheek, just as the doors slid open. “We’ll finish this later.” Brice pulled on her hand and led her out to the sports reporter’s desk.

The interview wasn’t torture; sitting beside her with a raging hard-on was. He regretted not wearing any underwear. The damn metal of his zipper brushed against his throbbing cock with every movement. It didn’t help that he could smell her perfume over the stale coffee, ink, and paper scents that permeated the office. Even among the ringing phones, printers, and copiers going off every few minutes, and loud talking, clacking of keyboards, and the ringtones, he could sense every inhale and shift in her chair. He hadn’t let go of her hand, and she, thankfully, hadn’t yanked it back. Brice brushed his thumb over her pulse point as he answered questions about his game as of late and if there would be any possible improvement. Missy Grant-Smythe was an excellent sports reporter, always professional, and it helped she came from a hockey dynasty family as her father and brother had been a part of championship teams. She didn’t just cover hockey, but it was her main focus.

“Ms. Jackson, are you enjoying being back in the same city as your father?” Missy asked.

Ava blinked, and a red flush stained her cheeks. She licked her lips, drawing attention to her fuller bottom lip. “Um, yeah, it’s great.” Her voice had gone up a few octaves, which pulled a chuckle out of him. Her palms were damp, and her eyes were wide.

He picked up her hand and kissed the back of it. “She doesn’t know that her father brags on her all the time,” he explained.

“Oh, he does?” Ava turned to look at him. Some of the fear had faded, and curiosity filled her features.

Missy nodded. “Yup. He’s very proud of both of his children. Where’s Davis? I haven’t seen him lately.”

“He’s busy with a few other projects. He’ll be at this Saturday’s game, or so he told me. Thanks, Missy. Excellent interview as always. See you Saturday.” He stood up and drew Ava with him.

“Crap,” Ava muttered.

Brice didn’t say anything to her until they were back on the elevator. He drew her to him, released her hand, and slid his arm around her waist, placing his hands on her hips, stroking the full curves through the denim. “Call him while I deal with the munchkins.”

“Thanks, I just… Ugh, I don’t know what to tell Davis. We had a fight about Perry before I found out about the cheating. Davis and I haven’t spoken since, and I feel bad. I didn’t tell him I was coming up here. I’ve been avoiding him when since I arrived. ” She exhaled and ran a hand over her face.

Brice bent down and pressed a kiss on her temple. He gave her hips a squeeze before sliding his hand back to caress her ass. He gave the cheek a smack before going back to running his hand over the full mound, hating that they were in public and she was clothed.

“Brice,” she warned.

“Don’t care. Like I said before, I would.” Brice led her out of the building and back to the car. She got behind the wheel, and he slid his hand onto her thigh. “I want to unbutton your fly and slip my hand into your jeans to see if you’re wet for me. I bet your panties are soaked. I can’t wait to finger fuck you, feel your pussy clench and flutter around me as you come. I want your cries and your moans. I want you naked and writhing on my bed, tied down and begging me to fuck you.” Brice couldn’t stop his mouth. Being away from her had been difficult. Having her try to put up walls and warn him off just encouraged him to push.

She sucked in some air and shuddered. He moved his hand toward her crotch and felt the heat even through the denim. Ava grabbed his wrist. “Not now.”

“So you promise I get a taste tonight when I get home? I’ll be back in time for dinner, but I have to go to the arena to watch old game footage and analyze my awesomeness.” He cupped her thigh and gave it a press before shaking his arm out of her hold.

“What do you want for dinner?” She turned onto Elementary Street and drove into the middle school parking lot and found a spot closer to the exit than the building. He wouldn’t let her change the subject.

“Not going to let go of this.” He glanced around.

Few cars were in the lot; some teachers and the after-school bus were the only vehicles in sight. He leaned over and took hold of her chin and turned her head toward him. Brice pressed his lips to hers and pried open her mouth with his tongue and sank it in to tease hers into a bit of play. She tasted of chocolate and vanilla with a hint of coffee. Her perfume floated around him. The heat in the small cabin spiked. With his free hand, he unzipped his parka to let some semblance of cooler air lower his temperature. It didn’t work. His shirt and undershirt scratched at his skin; his erection pressed against his fly. Pressure built inside him until he thought he would lose complete control. He pulled back, reminding himself that this wasn’t the time or the place, but damn, he was proud.

Brice took in her bruised red lips, all gloss smudged away to a matte finish. She panted, her pupils were wide, and her hand shook as she lifted it to press her fingers to her lips.

“More where that came from later. Let’s get out of here before I do something that will get us sent to the principal’s office and arrested.” He gave her another kiss and got out of the car. The cold air was a blessed relief to his overheated body. His shirt stuck to his damp back, and beads of sweat slipped from his brow. He made a mental note to take his car to Drake’s to check on the heating and AC system. Either something was wrong with it, or she made him that hot. Brice grinned. It’s the latter, he thought as he adjusted his throbbing erection.
I’ll take a cold shower when I get back to the arena.

He grabbed her hand and led her into the school. It was automatic to reach out to her, make that contact. The fact that she hadn’t protested or tried to get him to let go was a plus that buoyed his spirits and gave him hope. “Thanks, honey.”

She looked at him, forehead scrunched in confusion. “Why?”

Much to his disappointment she had put herself back together, her mouth the only evidence of her disorientation from earlier.

BOOK: Thawing Ava
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