The Bear's Mate (8 page)

Read The Bear's Mate Online

Authors: Vanessa Devereaux

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Paranormal, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: The Bear's Mate
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pulled out a chair for her. She sat, this time holding onto the hem of her
She looked around. The place was
packed with couples happily gazing into one another’s eyes. Some were even
holding hands across the table. Charlotte wondered if he brought all his dates
here. Well, she still didn’t know if she was classified as a date…yet.

you eat here often?” she asked.

“A couple of times.
The food is really
good,” he said opening the menu.

basket of bread and garlic butter was placed on the table and water was poured
into the tumblers on the table as they studied the menu.

you missed lunch because you had a lot of patients or what?” he asked her.

I had to make up some time because I got to work late this morning. I got
called to the clinic around 1:00 a.m.
broke in
and stole some drugs.”

happens a lot these days. So, anything in particular that catches your eye?”

realized he was talking about the menu. She glanced down quickly. She’d been concentrating
so much on him that she hadn’t really perused it yet.

looks so good. I just can’t choose,” said Charlotte
. Phew, yet one more lie.

leaning toward the lobster linguine,” he said.
“Although I’m
partial to the blackened salmon.”

didn’t even see that. Now you’ve made it even harder for me.”

waiter approached the table. Aiden ordered a bottle of wine and Charlotte
finally settled for the butternut squash ravioli with a sage butter sauce.

Christopher, do you have family around town?” she asked Aiden once the waiter
had left.

my parents are both dead, but I have lots of friends I see all the time. In
fact, I sort of oversee a group of special needs citizens.
about you?”

gone but my dad’s alive. He’s in the rehab center right now because he fell off
the roof and broke both his legs.”

what was he doing up there?”

nickname is Mr. DIY and he thought he’d try replacing some shingles.”

he going to be okay?”

might be in rehab for a month or so, and after that he’ll need someone around
the house, so that’s the reason I came home.”

you took the job at the free clinic?”

nodded. “I was working in Seattle in genetic counseling.”

sounds interesting.”

always been something that’s fascinated me.”

will you stay around? I mean, even after your dad’s well again.”

know, since I’ve been back in Montana I realized just how much I missed it, so
yes, I think I’m ready to put down permanent roots here.”

chatted like old friends over the salad and got into current affairs over the
main course. Maybe he really had just asked her out as a way of saying thank
you. Yeah and maybe the kiss had been for
and the
missing blood-stained tissues—let’s not forget that—disappearance was merely a
coincidence and had nothing to do with him

Such wishful

you want to dance?”

question had taken her by surprise.
Not that she didn’t think
he danced, but she’d been miles away yet again.
She’d been doing that a
lot in just the twenty-four hours she’d known him.
Charlotte hadn’t even noticed that a three
piece band had started to play, and a few couples were already on the small
dance floor at the back of the restaurant.

here Aiden stood beside the table with his palm outstretched to her.

placed her hand in his and stood, letting him lead her to the tiny wood floor. When
they got there, he surprised her yet again by putting his hands around her
waist and pulling her in close. She slid her arms around his shoulders, and
they’d danced like they’d had lots of practice. Charlotte desperately wanted to
set her head on his shoulder as he maneuvered around the other couples, but
decided it would be going too far at this point.

take professional dance lessons?” he whispered in her ear.

just being nice. You’re lucky I haven’t stepped on your toes several times

pulled her in tighter allowing her to feel his erection on her lower tummy.
Just feeling the tip of his cock pushing itself into her belly made
her pussy hot and wet.
He let his hands slip from her waist and rested
them on both of her butt cheeks while pulling her in even closer. His erection
was more pronounced now. This was turning him on as much as it was her. They
looked into one another’s eyes without saying anything. Moisture collected in
her panties, making them a tad uncomfortable. Her womb had that familiar tugging
sensation that said she needed to have sex and soon.

of them had heard the band announce they were taking a fifteen minute break
until they realized they were stuck together in the middle of the dance floor
all by themselves with no music playing.

said Aiden before leading her back to their table.

I get you some dessert?” asked the waiter.

about sharing a tiramisu?” suggested Aiden.

I think I’ve got enough room to split one with you.”

was getting more like a real date, more like a fourth or fifth date with this
man as he spoon fed the coffee soaked sponge into her mouth. She wanted to
groan and moan because not only was the taste and texture heavenly, but having Aiden’s
hand close to her mouth was almost orgasmic.

used the ladies room while he paid the bill, and then they walked back to the
car and got inside.

turned on the car heater as she shivered.

should have worn a warmer dress…not that I’m complaining.”

started the car and headed back toward her house. The journey there seemed to
take only a few minutes. It was now or never.

want to come in for a coffee?” she suggested when he pulled up outside the house.

love to.”

held the car door open for her again, and they headed up the path to the door.
She opened it up and took off her coat as he flicked off some of the rain from
his jacket.

let me hang that up so it can dry.”

handed it to her, and she placed it on the coat rack by the door. The smell of
his aftershave lingered on it, and she closed her eyes.
far, so good.
He’d accepted her invitation.

me give you a quick tour of the place,” she said.

the way.”

took him into the family room. “This is my dad’s house. I had a rented
apartment when I worked in Seattle, so I haven’t had time to look for a place
of my own. It does feel strange to be sleeping in my old room again.”


smiled and walked over to the shelf above the fire. He picked up a photo and
studied it.

guessing this is your mother?”


was beautiful. You look a lot like her. How long has she been gone?”


“How about your parents?”
Charlotte stood
beside him as he studied the rest of the photos.

mother died when Christopher was a baby and our father about ten years ago. I
can tell that family’s important to your father by all these photos he has on

nodded. She’d grown up with what she considered to be perfect parents and a
loving family. She wanted the same when it came time for her to marry and have
a family of her own.

the end of the day family is all we really have.”

stood looking at the photo of her with her parents when she was about eight.
Did she actually see a tear the corner of his eye?

don’t you have a seat on the couch and make yourself comfortable while I get
the coffee,” she said.

left him still looking at the photos and had barely heard the first drip of
coffee making its way through the filter when she felt his arms snake their way
around her waist. Charlotte hadn’t even heard him enter the kitchen. His mouth
made a slow seductive trail along her right shoulder until it arrived at the
base of her neck.

just died and gone to heaven.

kissed her neck while placing both his hands over her breasts. The coffee
dripped faster, louder, and the smell of the brew drifted in the air above
them. She’d remember that odor and sound and think of Aiden every time she made
coffee now.

squeezed her breasts causing both nipples to harden and push against the inside
of her dress. He let his hands slide down onto her thighs while kissing her
neck and jawline.

slyly flicked off the coffeemaker.

want to go upstairs and forget the coffee for now?” she asked him.

the way.”


Chapter Seven


grabbed his hand, taken him up the stairs and into the bedroom, where she’d
pulled the drapes and snapped on the lamp on the bedside table, casting the
room into a dreamy glow. The rain had picked up intensity and was now hitting the
window pane. Its steady beat lending a welcoming rhythm to what was already a
charged atmosphere between the two of them.

tried his best to resist her all evening, but sitting across from her in the
restaurant, the candle light flickering off the golden blond locks had
mesmerized him. Put him into some kind of trance he had no intention of
fighting now. Even if he didn’t need to know about the lab, he would have said
yes to her offer of him coming inside for coffee. He’d assumed it would lead to
having sex with her, and that’s what had thrilled him the most. The thought of
seeing her naked sent sparks flying throughout his body. The knowledge that in
a short while, he’d be seeing what a human woman looked like with her legs
spread for him made him almost climax.

put his hands on her shoulders pushing her until her back was flat against the
bedroom wall. His tongue played with her bottom lip before he let it slip into
her mouth where it quickly battled with her own. She tasted divine. He pulled
away and now they stood looking at one another.

should warn you that I haven’t had sex in over a year, haven’t had an orgasm
that’s not been brought on my own hand or something with a battery since I
can’t remember when, so let’s just say I’ll be very, very needy tonight,” said

heart beat faster, and his erection grew harder. He hoped she’d be more than
satisfied when he was done with her.

time Charlotte took the initiative. She pulled him closer and ran her tongue along
his lower lip. Aiden edged away slightly so he could run his hands down the front
of her dress. He was growing impatient, so he inched it up her body until it
sat gathered around her waist.

was wearing thigh highs. Shit, so sexy. Had she anticipated the two of them
ending up in this scenario? He reached out and circled the lace on the top of
one of them.

really like these,” he whispered.

let his fingers walk up her leg until it was just an inch or two from her
mound. He lifted the lace on her panties away from her skin and glided his
finger underneath it. Curls, thick curls, for his finger to explore and get
lost in. The women shifters surprisingly had no hair down there, so Charlotte’s
fascinated him. He ran his fingers back and forth over it. And now if he remembered
correctly from the article he’d read, her clitoris would be close by. It was
another thing his kind lacked. According to the magazine, she’d enjoy him playing
with it. If he rubbed it the right way she might even have an orgasm. He was
eager to find out if all of this was true.

playfully nipped her lip while he pushed his finger downwards farther into the
curls. It met with a swollen nub that was hot to his touch. Was this it? He
gave it a tiny stroke with his index finger. Charlotte gave a little groan.
Yep, had to be it.
He continued to kiss her while caressing
the spot that now felt like it had a pulse. She moaned as he pressed harder,
and dug her nails into his shoulders as his finger picked up speed.

Aiden, you know what my clit likes.”

gave one last heavy pass with his finger, and she cried out and rested her head
on his shoulder. She breathed heavily into his chest. Her heartbeat was crystal
clear to his ears.

stop now?

let his finger slid down over her folds. It pressed against her entrance. She
was hot and wet, and he couldn’t wait a second longer to feel what the inside
of a human pussy felt like. Aiden slipped it into her channel. She groaned just
a little this time. He pushed more, explored more, fascinated by the tightness
of her entrance and the strong muscles within its walls.

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