The Beltane Witch (Cloudburst Colorado) (20 page)

BOOK: The Beltane Witch (Cloudburst Colorado)
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“Like this.”

Hot arousal surged through her as his mouth sealed to her pussy, and his tongue flicked her clit. He licked her long and slowly, each stroke setting her body afire, and her buried lust flared to life. Sabrina gasped as the ley lines shook on their moorings and Darius inserted a hard finger into her quaking pussy.

“Oh, Goddess!”

“Come for me, Sabrina. Fuse the lines and come for me.”

thrust his fingers into her, setting a hard rhythm to push her into the stars as he sucked on her clit. A burning surge exploded from the base of her spine and shot straight through her, spilling from her hands and searing the ley lines to the iron ring. The flood of bliss took her with it and threw her tumbling and spinning into the sky, wrapping her in warm clouds of joy.

At last, Sabrina settled back to earth and opened her eyes. The sacred circle lay quiet and serene, a gentle breeze teasing the grass around the altar. She lay with her legs spread wide and draping over the edge of the top stone. Darius tenderly cleaned her release from her nether lips with his tongue, each stroke offering a soft reminder of the
pleasure they’d shared.

She watched as he withdrew his fingers from her
pussy and licked them, his eyes closing as he savored her taste. His evident pleasure warmed her heart and sent a flash of arousal to her groin. She couldn’t be ready for him again so soon, could she?

“Thank you, Darius.”

He slanted her a satisfied smile. “It was my pleasure,

She glanced down at his straining pants and quirked an eyebrow. “Are you sure?”

“Watching you come is equally as satisfying as coming myself.” He reached down to adjust his bulge. “Besides, I know you will give me release this evening at the rituals.”

Sabrina sat up and scanned the circle again. “Did we do it? Is it safe

“You did, little witch. You secured the lines to make them safe.”

“Thank the Goddess.”

“Indeed.” Darius offered her a hand and she slipped off the altar. He helped her get dressed, peppering her skin with little caresses before taking her mouth with a deep kiss. “
You were magnificent,
It will be a great honor to perform the rituals with you tonight.”

He kissed her again and ground his rigid cock against her
belly, sending new jolts of arousal through her. Sabrina moaned and fell into his kiss, enjoying the taste of herself on him. Arousal stirred, but it highlighted another emotion wrapping around her heart. She’d fallen deeply in love with Darius. He’d left a little piece of himself in her when they’d merged, but he’d stolen her heart when he retreated. And she doubted she’d ever get it back.

Chapter Twelve


They didn’t speak much on the way back from the homestead. Sabrina tried not to dwell too much on her revelation or Darius’s declaration of love, but the endorphins from her orgasm and the hope they could be together after Beltane fluttered through her mind. She allowed herself to be cautiously optimistic. Darius had proved to be different than any other man she’d met, but she’d seen enough Prince Charmings turn back into frogs
. She’d wait to see how he acted after Beltane, when he no longer needed her.

The proof is in the pudding.

Last minute preparations needed to be finished before the celebration and Sabrina threw herself into them to keep her mind distracted. She called Moira to confirm her taking the girls for the night. Moira promised she’d help them celebrate with dancing around the little May Pole and offering May Boughs made of mountain ash and ponderosa pine to the fire.

“Are you going to extinguish the hearth fire and restart it from the bonfire?”

“Yes.” Moira laughed. “I’m not sure Aiden is thrilled with the idea of leaving the woodstove cold until after we celebrate, but I promised I’d make it up to him.”

“Aiden will be there tonight?” Moira had mentioned a guy named Aiden from her past, but Sabrina thought he’d left long ago.

Moira cleared her throat. “Yeah, he just returned to town a few days ago and has no one to stay with. Is that okay?”

“Well, I don’t really know him.”

“He’s really good with children. He always has been. He says their minds are the least cluttered with junk and judgment.” Moira paused. “And I’ll be there all night. I can vouch for him.”

All right. I trust you, Moira. Thank you for taking the girls. I really appreciate it.”

“It’s no problem.
Thanks for trusting me and Aiden. You’re one of the only ones.”

“Your folks giving you grief over him?”

“They always have.” Moira sighed. “Comes with the territory. I promise your kids will be safe with us.”

As the oldest
family in Cloudburst, the Callahans had been blessed with some sort of magical talent when they founded the town. They’d used those talents to benefit of their town, but it made the members a bit elitist when it came to selecting partners for their children. Especially their only girl. Moira had had to fight to start her coffee shop on her own. Sabrina could only imagine what she went through for Aiden.

Not a problem. Have fun tonight.”

“I will.
You, too, Sabrina. It’ll be great. I can feel it.”

abrina tried to ignore the surge of hopeful excitement. “Thanks. I’ll drop the kids by the Cloudburst around four today, okay?”

Sounds good. See you then.”

Sabrina hung up the phone and glanced around for Darius. She couldn’t find him in the living room or bedrooms, so she searched the backyard from her glass door.
Where has he gone?

“Mommy, can I wear my white sparkle dress tonight?” Holly held up a white velvet dress with gold glitter pattern on the skirt.

“Sure. Let’s get you and your sister packed.” Sabrina guided her daughter back into her room. “Tonight, Moira is going to have a friend over. His name is Aiden. He’ll be there to help you celebrate with the May Pole and the feast.”

“Is he nice?” Holly grabbed her favorite doll and hugged it, her expression curious.

“I’m sure he is. Moira thinks highly of him.”

“Okay. As long as he’s nice.”

Sabrina smiled to herself. “Yes, I think he is. Come on, help me finish packing so we can have a snack before we go get Tansy.”

Holly helped her pack and bind up the May Boughs for their little celebration with Moira and Aiden. They’d made extra so she could
cover her own blessings for her home and land before she danced for the Summer Court. Each bough had been cut from the trees around their house to tie the blessings to this land, and fastened with a golden ribbon. Sabrina loved the scent of ponderosa pine burning and prayed the blessing would translate to her new homestead.

I can’t believe Darius bought it for me. Where is he, anyway?

Holly helped Sabrina pack everything into the back of her van, including Tansy’s favorite stuffed dragon and blankie, and Sabrina glanced at her cell phone. The time had arrived to pick up Tansy from school, but Darius hadn’t returned. She wished she could call him, but she’d never seen him with a cell phone.

“Where’s Darius, Mom

“I don’t know, honey, but we have to go get your sister. Get clipped in now.”

Sabrina half-expected to see the garage door to the house open and Darius stride through, but the door remained stubbornly closed. She tightened her hands on the wheel as she backed out and her stomach clenched.
Where is he?
Had something happened to him?
He didn’t leave, did he?

She scanned the roads for Darius as she drove, her shoulders tensing with each empty street. Once she caught sight of a man in a long trench coat and her foot stuttered on the gas pedal, but he looked her way to cross the street and a tie showed at his collar. He
r shoulders slumped as her gut churned. The Queen wouldn’t recall him this late in the game, would she?

“Mommy, where’s Darius?”

“I don’t know!” Sabrina took a deep breath. “I’m sorry, Holly. I didn’t mean to snap at you.”

“Do you think he’s okay?”

“I’m sure he is, honey.”

But her certainty faded as they pulled in to the school for Tansy. Her eldest daughter waved at her teacher and scampered for the van, only to pause as someone called to her. Sabrina followed her daughter’s gaze and
all the tension washed out of her as Darius appeared beside her girl. He smiled and waved then escorted her to the van and opened the passenger door.

“Where have you been?” Sabrina grimaced.
“I’m sorry. When I didn’t see you at home, I got worried.”

He smiled and patted her arm. “
I’m sorry to have caused you alarm. I made the last little arrangements with the Court. They shall be at the sacred site at the gloaming.” He settled himself as they drove toward town.

“At twilight? Why do they need to be there so early?”

“They will set the bonfire and make preparations for the rituals. The Queen won’t arrive until the dancing and chanting begins.”

“Is everything okay?” When he raised an eyebrow, she waved her hand. “I mean, everything ready to go and no snags for us to do this tonight. The site is secure?”

“Everything is fine, Sabrina.” He gave her a warm smile. “Are you looking forward to it?”

Sabrina let her gaze unfocus on the road.
“A little. It’s been a long time since I’ve done the High Beltane rituals, but I remember liking the pageantry of it all.” She slanted him a glance. “I think it helps that you’ll be there with me.”

She expected him to flash an arrogant smile, but the expression on his face held more tenderness and joy than arrogance, and her heart swelled. She wanted him to love her as much as she’d fallen for him, but experience warned her to protect herself.

“This will be my first time in the role of May Lord, but I couldn’t have chosen a better partner for May Lady.”

“You get to be May Lady this time, Mommy?” Holly chirped from the back.

“Yes, honey.”

“I wanna be May Lady.
” Tansy met her gaze in the rear-view mirror. “Can I do that tonight?”

Sabrina smothered a l
augh. “You’ll have to ask Moira. But I’m sure you and Holly can both be May lassies this year.”

Darius asked about the party and
her overall day, and Tansy bloomed with his attention. Sabrina’s heart clenched with joy at his care of her children and she dared to hope he’d meant his words of love from the morning.

They arrived at the Cloudburst and dropped the kids off with Moira, Tansy and Holly chattering away as fast as they could. Sabrina kissed and hugged each girl, then had to swallow back tears as her daughters gave a special goodbye to Darius. He appeared as delighted by their actions as she.
Moira waved them off and Sabrina couldn’t help the surge of excitement as she drove away.

Tonight would be momentous no matter what happened.

“How are you feeling, Sabrina?” Darius unclipped himself as she pulled into her garage.

“I’m…excited and nervous and happy and scared.” She laughed. “Does
that answer your question?”

He chuckled. “Completely. Would it help you to know I feel the same?”

“You, the great Darius Winterbourne, Chamberlain of the Summer Court, nervous?”

“Well, when you put it like
that…” He squeezed her hand before they opened the door to the house. “I have something for you.”

Sabrina followed him into the kitchen and he led her to the table. A large, elegantly carved wooden box re
sted on the surface with maple leaves etched on the lid. Sprigs of lavender ringed the sides, and plumes of ponderosa pine needles showed between the maple leaves. The wood glowed a rich red between the hand painted foliage, and the scent of cedar filled the room.

“What’s this?”

“Open it.” Darius gestured to the box. “It’s for you.”

She touched the satiny wood and lifted the lid. It rose silently on hidden hinges and revealed a lavender confection inside. Surprise and delight mixed
within her as she lifted out a gossamer gown with long trailing sleeves. The v-necked bodice sported embroidered lavender sprigs along the collar, and the skirt flared in an empress waist, open at the front.

Easy to walk in and easy to get into.

The humor flashing through her did nothing to diffuse the delight of the dress. Beneath the dress lay a pair of loose-fitting lavender satin pants with a draw string to hold them to her hips. Sabrina raised her eyebrows at Darius.

“Won’t those make it difficult to get to me?”

He chuckled darkly. “Not for me,

She laughed with him as arousal rose. “Thank you for these.”

“They’re not from me. They’re from the Queen in thanks for your willingness to perform the rituals.” He looked at her with approval. “But they’ll look lovely on you and display your feminine assets to the fullest.”

Sabrina shook her head. “Just what every woman wants to hear.” She glanced around her kitchen. “Did you get some finery to wear tonight?”

“I did.”

“Can I see it?”

“In due time. First, let’s make a meal and sate our stomachs before we satisfy our bodies.”

His evasiveness surprised her, but she nodded and tucked the lovely clothing back into the ornate box.
Together, they prepared an elegant meal of chicken and wild rice, snow peas, and rosemary rolls. While cooking wasn’t her favorite activity, with Darius it became an event of sensual interaction. He stood shoulder to shoulder with her, offering little touches and kisses when she didn’t hold a knife. Each caress flooded liquid to her pussy and electrified her skin, preparing her for the evening.

Darius produced candles from somewhere and a bottle of sweet white wine she’d never heard of. He guided her to her chair and pushed her gently into it, caressing her shoulders. When he joined her, he set a small box on the table, this one a more traditional white cardboard.

“What’s this?”

His teal eyes glittered in the candlelight. “
It’s my gift to you for your agreement. But first, let us toast to a fruitful and prosperous Beltane.”

Darius poured the wine and rich scents of grape, blackberry, and a hint of honey filled the air.

“To Beltane.” They clinked glasses and Sabrina sipped, swirling the wine around in her mouth. Warmth, joy, excitement, and arousal trickled through her as she swallowed. Heady stuff, but so tasty and complimentary to the meal.

“What is this wine?” She twirled her glass carefully, enjoying the pale gold color of the liquid inside.

“It is a special vintage from the Fae, made especially for Beltane participants.”

Unease deflated some of the warmth from the wine. “This is a Fae wine? Are you insane? Talk about causing trouble before we’ve started. What’s it supposed to do, make us so wanton we fuck like rabbits before we even make it to the sacred circle?”

Darius’s mouth quirked into a grin. “I believe that’s the idea, yes. Notice I did not pour more than half a glass and I left the bottle in the kitchen.”

“Probably wise.” Although she mourned the loss of more wine, she didn’t want to act like a drunk
en party girl at the ceremony. “Besides, I have to have some sort of focus to be able to do this.”

“Indeed. I will help you as much as I can, Sabrina. You’re not alone in this.” He held up his own glass. “It’s a great honor.”

“I know it is.”

“No, it’s a great honor
for me
to perform the rituals with you.” He set his glass down and grasped her hand. “In all my years of arranging the Beltane rituals, I’ve never been asked to perform them, nor have I yearned to do so. Until now. To be the May Lord to your May Lady is a greater gift than any I’ve ever hoped to receive.”

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