The Benn Diaries: 1940-1990 (123 page)

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WINCH, Olive (Buddy). Miss Winch was with the family as a children’s nurse from 1928 until 1940, when she left to undertake war work. A life-long friend.


The page references in this index correspond to the printed edition from which this ebook was created. To find a specific word or phrase from the index, please use the search feature of your ebook reader.

Abbott, Diane, 610, 617, 627

abolition of capital punishment (1964), 121

abortion debate, 485, 486–7

Acland, Antony, 391–2

Adair, Red, 419–20

Adeane, Sir Michael, 125, 127, 134, 140–1, 152–3, 235, 277–8

Aircraft and Shipbuilding Nationalisation Bill (1976), 367, 376

Airlie, Jim, 253, 254, 260

al-Sahili, Dr Shafiq, 631–2

Albu, Austen, 161

Aldermaston, 472

Aldridge, Alan, 225

Allaun, Frank, 204, 226, 245, 274, 441–2, 490

Allen, Sir Douglas, 299, 337

Allende, President: murdered (1973), 272; undermined by CIA, 299

Alvarez, Robert, 553

Amery, Julian (Lord), 345

Amin, Idi, 399–400, 412

Amis, Kingsley: poor opinion of Benn, 281

Amoco, 394–5

Animal Liberation Front, 573

Annan, Lord, 134

Anne, Princess, 418, 432

Anti-Nazi League, address to, 448

‘Any Questions’ appearances: (1970), 230; (1982), 540

Apollo 12 landing and moon walk (1969), 215

Arafat, Yasser, 341

Archer, John, 436–7

Arguments for Democracy
, 513, 519

Arguments for Socialism
, 477, 501

Armstrong, Sir Robert (Lord), 184, 580, 592

Armstrong, Sir William (Lord), 165, 329

Arnold-Forster, Mark, 99, 241, 528

Arnott, John, 470–1

Ascroft, Eileen, 56

Ashdown, Paddy, 634

Ashley, Jack, 486

Ashton, Joe (PPS), 305, 317, 321, 323, 348, 349, 350, 351, 354, 368, 387, 494, 495, 565

Ashwell, Jack, 459

Astor, Jacob, 42

Atkinson, Norman, 242, 245, 368, 530

Attlee, Clement (1st Earl), 1, 26, 27–8, 29, 31, 36, 97, 140, 213, 269, 289, 373, 619

General Election: majority of six in 1950, 25; defeat in 1951, 25, 32

inferiority complex, 28

Attlee, Violet (Lady), 27–8, 31, 97

Aylestone, Lord, 220

Backbencher of the Year 1990 (
choice), 636

Bacon, Alice, 138, 186, 226

Baker, Peter, 308

Balfe, Richard, 520

Balogh, Thomas (Lord), 100, 156, 236, 421–2, 438

Moscow trip with Benn (1967), 168, 170–1

Banks, Sir Donald, 152

Banks, Tony, 261, 346, 540, 636, 640 offers Benn to stand down as MP (1983), 550

Barker, Bas, 597

Barker, Sue, 87–8

Barlow, Frank, 53

Barnes, Harry, 597

Barnett, Joel (Lord), 290, 291, 364, 401, 462, 487

Basnett, David (Lord), 406, 478, 490, 491, 492, 498, 529, 579

Beatles, 132

Beckett, Margaret, 610,
see also

Beckett, Sir Terence, 449

Ben-Gurion, 43

Benn, Caroline (wife), passim advice and support, 70, 78, 82, 92, 107, 222, 229, 262, 311, 320, 346, 354, 527, 529, 541, 581

articles, 212, 225

book on comprehensive education, 194

Chair of Holland Park School governors, 236

Comprehensive Schools Committee Group, 176

contributes to education policy, 495

Keir Hardie biography, 601, 625, 641

marriage and children, 25, 47–8, 56, 61

member of ILEA, 225, 264

recording for BBC, 152

tributes from husband, 340, 373

visits with husband: Bedwas Colliery, 338; Washington (1967), 172

Benn, David (brother), 1, 13, 27, 84

Benn, Emily (grand-daughter), birth, 621

Benn, Hilary (son), 58, 63, 102, 134, 137, 212, 246, 337, 349, 443, 481, 534

birth, 25; serious injury, 262, 264; marriage, 265; death of wife, 476–7; remarriage, 538; birth of children, 522, 556

authority on the Common Market, 567

Benn, James (grandson), 614, 638

Benn, Joshua (son), 63, 104, 106, 112, 124, 163–4, 199, 222, 230

birth, 25, 56; support at elections, 300, 562; birth of son, 574

meeting with Duke of Edinburgh, 180

Benn, Michael (brother), 11, 14, 17, 505

letters from Tony, 2–3, 4–6

service in RAF, 1, 10; awarded DFC, 5; killed in action, 12–13, 26

Benn, Michael Graham Clark (grandson), 614, 633

birth, 522, 524

Benn, Melissa (daughter), 63, 106, 112, 172, 194, 199, 250

birth, 25, 47–8

TV appearance, 203–4

First Class degree LSE, 477

meeting with Duke of Edinburgh, 180

Benn, Nita (daughter-in-law): marriage (1988), 615; birth of daughter, 621

Benn, Rosalind (daughter-in-law), 262, 265, 443, 445, 466

death, 476–7

Benn, Sally (daughter-in-law): marriage and birth of sons, 522, 538, 556

Benn, Stephen (son), 58, 143, 193, 194, 197, 273

birth, 25; A-levels, 212; help at elections, 300; election agent 473; candidate GLC elections, 514; marriage, 615; birth of daughter, 621

Benn, William Graydon Feeney (grandson), birth, 574; 576, 614

Berrill, Kenneth, 436

Beswick, Frank, 285

Betjeman, Sir John, 71, 170

Bevan, Aneurin, 26, 27, 32, 33, 37, 44, 48, 51, 52, 53, 54, 59–60, 69

resigns as Minister on introduction of health charges, 28–30

death, 72

Beveridge Report, 4–5, 48

Bevin, Ernest, 29, 31

resigns as Foreign Secretary, 28

Bevins, J. R., 118, 151

Beynon, Alan, 547

Biffen, John, 274, 345, 376, 399

Binning, Ken, 284

Birkbeck College, 493

Birch, Nigel, 53

Bish, Geoffrey, 263, 467, 468, 470, 594, 595

Blackburn, Robin, 577

Blake, George, 165

Blunkett, David, 558, 578, 580, 583, 584, 611

Blunt, Anthony: revealed as spy (1979), 483–4

Booth, Albert, 358, 383, 457

Borman, Colonel Frank, 199, 201

Bowden, Herbert (Lord), 111, 112, 117, 154, 510

Bowder, John (APS), 216

Boyle, Sir Edward: resigns over Suez, 42–3

Braddock, Bessie, 42, 70, 182

Bradley, Tom, 276

Brandt, Willy, 288, 502

Benn plays host (1980), 488–9

meeting with Saddam Hussein to effect hostage release, 631, 636, 639–40

Branson, Sir Richard, 632

Bray, Jeremy, 405

Bretherton, James, 451

Brezhnev, Leonid, 247, 489; doctrine, 218

Briggs, Asa (Lord), 134

Brinham, George, 81

Bristol East constituency selected as candidate (1983), 545

narrow defeat in 1983 General Election, 548

Bristol South constituency defeated in selection contest (1982), 544–5

Bristol South East constituency by-election victory (1950), 25

retains seat: (1951) 31; (1955) 37; (1959) 67

victory in by-election after readoption and disqualification (1961), 88–9; unsuccessfully defends seat at Election Court, 91–4

takes up seat again in 1963, 101–4

retained with increased majority: (1964) 115, (1966) 148

majority halved in 1970, 231

increased majority: (February 1974) 282; (October 1974) 300

much reduced majority (1979), 472

seat disappears with boundary changes, 500–1

Bristol riots (1980), 487

British Petroleum, 328, 334, 342, 343–4, 424, 525

Benn opposes sales of shares, 405, 421

Brittan, Sir Leon

Home Secretary, 563

Trade and Industry Secretary, 580

resigns after Westland affair, 581, 592

Brockway, Fenner (Lord), 46, 500, 524

Brook, Sir Norman, 43

Broughton, Sir Alfred, 367

Brown, George (Lord George-Brown), 81, 82, 88, 95, 104, 106, 107, 119, 138, 144, 146, 153–4, 160–1, 165, 168, 172, 176, 178, 186, 204, 222, 226, 258, 299, 634

appointed Foreign Secretary, 163

resignation over decision to close gold market, 182–5

instability, 185

attack on Benn, 311

resigns from Labour Party, (1975), 346–7

SDP member, 510, 531

Brown, Ron, 184

Brown, Sir Stanley, 228

Brown, Wilfred (Lord), 274

Buckton, Ray, 262, 426, 449, 478

Bunster, Alvaro, 272

Burroughs, Bill (PS), 460, 465, 470, 472, 473

Burrows, John, 560, 571, 575, 597, 609, 632

Bush, George, 625

Butler, David, 32, 39, 42, 43, 52, 86, 94, 105

Butler, Gordon, 571

Butler, Richard Austen (Lord), 45, 93–4, 99

Butlin, Billy, 152

Callaghan, Audrey (Lady), 83, 405, 418

Callaghan, James (Lord), 36, 44, 50, 53, 72, 83, 100, 109, 145, 146, 164, 176, 198, 213, 215, 217, 221, 227, 237, 239, 244, 249, 259, 263, 267, 268, 270, 274–6, 277, 280, 293, 324, 331, 348, 349, 500, 516, 528, 542

Home Secretary (1967–70), 179; suspected of plotting by Wilson (1968), 197; challenges leadership, 204; war against crime, 219–20; political skills, 236

favours limits on immigration (1972), 258

campaign for leadership (1973), 272

fears power of unions, 278–9, 479–80

Foreign Secretary (1974–6), 285, 286, 287, 294–5, 334, 351

Common Market, 313, 315, 425–8

successful leadership bid (1976), 350, 352, 353, 354–5

Prime Minister (1976–9), 357–61, 362, 365, 366, 368, 369, 371–3, 374, 375–6, 390, 392–3, 396, 400, 401, 405, 420, 422–3, 431, 437, 439, 440, 447–8, 456, 459, 619; appoints Jay ambassador to US, 415; direct elections to European Parliament 416–17;
warns strikers and unions (1977) 432–3; sends frigates to Falklands (1977), 434; monetary policy, 446, 449, 450, 451, 452, 457, 462, 464; IMF crisis, 377–89; improving relations with Benn, 393; Lib-Lab pact (1977), 407–9; summit meeting with Carter, 413; conflict with Benn, 426–7, 497; security services, 452–4; attends Guadeloupe summit, 461; winter of discontent (1979), 461–2, 463; government defeat in House, 466–7; Election (1979), strategy, 468–70; defeat, 473

leader (1979), 474–5, 478, 479, 482, 483, 490–1, 492, 493

resigns as leader (1980), 499

Cambodia, US invasion (1970), 225

Cameron, Ken, 630

Campaign for Democratic Socialism (CDS), 244

Campbell, Bea, 540, 559

Campbell, Duncan, 506–7

Campbell-Savours, Dale, 375, 573

Carey, Archbishop George, 636

Carrington, Peter (Lord), 424, 637

resignation as Foreign Secretary, 532, 533

Carter, Jimmy, 379, 405, 456, 457, 461, 553

Downing Street summit (1977), 413–14

foreign policy, 416

nuclear policy, 411, 413, 414

Cartwright, John, 276, 405

Carver, Peter, 255

Castle, Barbara (Baroness), 46, 55, 79, 80, 108, 112, 144, 147, 160, 161, 177, 186, 220, 221, 242–3, 275, 286, 291, 295, 300, 308, 323, 327, 348, 349, 360, 373, 406, 430, 449, 481

anti-Common Market, 313, 314–15

diaries, 167, 494

Industrial Relations Bill (1968), 198, 203, 204, 209, 210

Minister of Transport (1965–8), 144, 145, 176, 179, 183

Secretary of State for Social Services (1974–6), 285, 337

sense of personal injustice, 328

Castro, Fidel, 192

Catherwood, Sir Fred, 449

Ceausescu, Nicolae, meeting with (1968), 190–2

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 456

Chadwick, Sir John, 188, 190, 191

Chairman of Labour Party (1972), period as, 241, 248, 251, 259–62

Chalmers, George, 341, 342

Chamberlain, Neville, 1

Chamberlain, Paul, 544, 547

Channel Tunnel, Benn’s opposition to, 273

Charlton, Michael, 460

Charteris, Sir Martin, 135–6, 212, 277–8

Cheshire, Group Captain Leonard (Lord), 20–1

Chesterfield constituency selected as candidate, 560; wins by-election (1984), 562–3; retains seat in 1987 election, 598

Chichester, Sir Francis, 258

Chichester-Clark, James, 213

Chile, arms to, 286, 288, 289

China visit (1971), 246–8

Chrysler collapse (1975), 335

Churchill, Winston (Sir), 26, 36, 49, 59, 112–13, 122, 166, 343

Prime Minister: wartime, 1; returned to power (1951), 25, 32

death, 123

desire for industrial peace, 45–6

supports Benn in peerage renunciation, 35, 69

Clark, Sir Andrew, 92, 93

Clark, Sir Kenneth (Lord), 128

Clark, William, 43

Clarke, Eric, 611

Clarke, Mary Lou (PS), 283, 285, 310, 351

Clarke, Sir Richard (Otto), Permanent Secretary, 159, 214, 224, 225

Clements, Dick, 430, 533

Clements, Julie (PS), 376, 473

Clutterbuck, General, 442

CND march and rally (1980), 500

Coates, Ken, 346, 368–9, 544, 559, 576

Cocks, Michael (Lord), 441, 500, 544–5, 558

Colby, William (CIA), 299

Coldstream, Sir George, 103

Cole, John, 79

Coleman, Peter, 609

Collins, Canon John, 96

Common Market debate, 121, 147, 153–4, 165, 171, 205, 206, 207, 214, 222, 240–1 242–3, 249–57, 281, 293, 306, 310, 312, 316–17, 339, 389, 417, 425–8, 488–9, 612, 619

European Monetary System (EMS), 449, 457

European Parliament, direct elections to, 416–17, 434–6

French referendum on enlargement (1972), 254

Heath wins second reading of EC Bill (1972), 253

Labour Party, referendum idea of Benn’s (1970), 236–7, 238–9, 241, 249, 251; split in party, 249–51, 253, 255–6; Shadow Cabinet vote in favour (1972), 255; Prime Minister Wilson announces date of referendum, 308; Cabinet votes to stay in, 312–13; referendum result (1975), 318–19; Common Market loathed by Benn, 432

Paris treaty on Security and co-operation in Europe (1990), 634


first flight of 002, 202–3; Benn aboard on test flight of 002, 223–4, 297–8

problems with, 224, 235

threat of cancellation, 224–5, 284, 285; saved by Benn, 295

Constable, Rev. Douglas, 230

constitution of Labour Party

Clause 4 debate (1960), 70–1, 72

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