The Billionaire Wins the Game (6 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire Wins the Game
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She was also shocked to find that when
Alex placed her back on her feet, she hadn’t felt any chemistry
with the guy. He was as gorgeous as his brother, with a body to
match and yet there were no fireworks going off at his touch,
unlike how she felt in Lucas’s arms.

The fact didn’t please Amy. She didn’t
want to be attracted to Lucas but her traitorous body wasn’t
listening. She would just have to make sure her mind was in charge
and not her hormones.

“Alex, would you please quit
manhandling her? Amy this is my obnoxious younger brother Alex, he
just happens to have a truck and was available, so I couldn’t pass
up his help,” Lucas said.

Before Amy knew what was happening they
had her room cleared out and loaded into Alex’s truck.

“I’ll see you guys at the house,” he
said to both of them, then turned his full attention on Amy. “I
can’t wait to steal you away from my big brother Amy. You’re
stunning and way too good for this gigolo. Don’t break my heart.”
He finished talking, gave her a quick kiss on the lips, again
lifting her off the ground, then turned and trotted over to his

Amy was so stunned; she didn’t know
what to do. She’d never been around such confident men before.
Finally she gave into her natural good humor and started laughing.
How could you not enjoy the company of such a fun guy? She knew he
didn’t mean what he said but she wasn’t used to men flirting so
openly with her, even if it was harmless like what he was

Lucas on the other hand didn’t look so
amused. “You need to ignore my little brother. He lets hormones run
his entire life and he does like pretty women but he’s harmless.”
He took her hand and led her towards his car.

He wouldn’t admit to her
how he’d wanted to smash his brother in the face for daring to
He also wouldn’t admit how jealous he was at that moment that she
hadn’t slapped his brother in the face for kissing her. She’d
seemed to enjoy it. He made himself calm down, because he knew his
brother had just been trying to get a rise out of him.

It had worked.

When they reached the passenger side of
his car, Amy suddenly hesitated. “Wait a minute. Where’s all my
stuff going? I don’t even know where I’m going yet. This happened
so fast I haven’t had time to think about what happens next.” Lucas
could see she was starting to panic.

“Amy, calm down. I’m going to take you
up to the family house for now. My brother told my father what was
going on and dad wanted to speak with you.” She started to shake
her head no when he looked into her eyes. “Amy, it’s not smart to
tell my father no,” was all he said.

Amy sighed, knowing she’d been defeated
with those words. Joseph Anderson wasn’t only the family patriarch
but he was the man who’d taken a chance on her and there was no way
she would deny him anything.

Amy said nothing else; she just climbed
in the vehicle and buckled her seat belt. Lucas chuckled as he
walked around the car. He knew how she was feeling. When his father
beckoned, you came. You didn’t come because he was the head of the
family; you came because the man earned respect. You came because
he was the type of man you’d bend over backwards for.

He’d been an exceptional father. He’d
never placed work ahead of his family and he was always the first
one any of the kids came to with a problem, or with good news.
That’s why he’d been notified so quickly of Amy’s situation. The
family always told him everything.

Lucas didn’t speak to Amy on the ride
to the family mansion. He knew that she needed time to compose
herself. She’d been through a lot during the last few hours. And he
was happy to think he wasn’t the bad guy in the current

Amy needed the time because she was
about to be thrust into the chaos of his family. Everyone was up at
the manor this weekend for his mother’s birthday. Any holiday was
cause for the family to celebrate together but his mother’s
birthday was definitely a huge bash.

His father always said that his wife’s
birth was a great cause for celebration. She was the light of his
life and his world would’ve been empty without her. He felt her
birthday should be a national holiday.

“Mr. Anderson, it looks like you have
company right now. This is probably not the best time for me to be
here. Will you please just let me use your phone so I can call a
cab and get out of your hands?” she spoke barely above a

“Not a chance,” was his only

Amy looked down at herself and then
back up at him. “I’m wearing old jeans,” she pleaded with him.
“Please don’t make me go in there looking like this.”

He just laughed at the panicked look on
her face and her horrified voice.

“Amy, you act like we’re all a bunch of
snobs. We’re normal people too. So what if we like fancy things.
You’re the one being a snob right now, judging my family on what we
have,” he said accusingly.

His words worked like a charm. She hung
her head down in shame and just nodded at him. It was almost enough
to give him a pinch of guilt but at least he was getting what he
wanted. And one thing that Amy needed to learn about him was that
he always got what he wanted.

Lucas came around the car and helped
her out. He placed her arm in his and half pulled her up the large
staircase. She’d come to the mansion for her job interview so at
least she didn’t have to be quite as intimidated.

Even though she’d been there before her
breath was still taken away by the beauty of it all. She was sure
that kings would be impressed with the house. You couldn’t even
call it a house. It was grander than a castle.

Lucas led her through the foyer and
into the back. She heard laughter even before they opened up some
massive doors somewhere in the middle of the place.

“You finally made it here. What did you
do, take the scenic route? I’ve been here for a half hour already
and I wasn’t the one driving the race car.” Alex came up and nudged
his brother in the ribs.

“All is forgiven though since you
brought my beautiful future bride. How you doing gorgeous? We’ve
been apart far too long already. Do you want to run away with me to
Vegas and get married?” he joked with her. He threw his arm around
her and dragged her over for a drink.

Lucas shook his head and rolled his
eyes. He knew his brother was even more afraid of marriage than he
was himself. He was still going to keep an eye on her though
because if anyone could change his brother from committed playboy
to a happily married man, it would be Amy.

He was going to make sure and stake his
claim, so that both his brothers knew that Amy wasn’t on the
market. He was amazed at the jealousy coursing through him. He’d
never felt that way with any other woman he’d dated. If a woman he
was dating wanted to run off with one of his brothers he would have
gladly said goodbye.

Not that it would’ve been an issue, as
neither of his brothers would ever trespass on the others’ woman.
They had a code among them and would never break it. You just
didn’t try and steal your brother’s girl. Now, on the other hand
making one of said brothers jealous was a whole other issue and
each of the guys loved to push buttons.

He started to walk over to take his
woman, umm, employee back when Esther saved him from doing just

“Now Alex you leave this girl alone.
You’re flirting shamelessly and embarrassing her. How are you doing
hunny?” she asked kindly.

“I’m doing just great. I’m really
getting that computer program down and I don’t think I will have to
call you at all on Monday. Today is just another speed bump.
Nothing to worry about,” Amy told Esther with a brave

Lucas could see she wasn’t used to
having people worry about her, or love her for that matter. She
would have to get used to both. Employees of the Andersons were
considered family. They took care of their own. Her days of bearing
the weight of the world on her own shoulders had ended.

“I know you’re doing great at work. I
meant how are you doing with your life? I heard about your place,”
she said sympathetically. Before Amy knew what was happening she
was engulfed in a hug.

“Now don’t you be afraid to ask for
help once in a while. We’ll be getting to know each other well and
this family takes care of the people they love,” she said. She
visited a bit and then stepped away to talk with some other people
in the room.

“Amy, I’m so glad you’re here. We have
much to talk about but that will come later. I’m sure you’ve
noticed all these people milling around.” Joseph’s enthusiasm made
Amy jump a bit. He continued on before she had a chance to say one

“Today’s my amazing wife’s birthday and
we all come together to celebrate this beautiful woman’s entrance
into the world. Come, come, I want you to meet her, along with some
others. I’ve told her all about our newest employee,” he

He placed her arm in his and she had to
jog a little bit to keep up with him. He may have retired from
being president, but he’d built the company and was still very much
invested and she noticed he spoke with affection when bringing the
business up. For the next twenty minutes Joseph dragged her all
over the room, making so many introductions that she knew she would
never remember all the people.

No one was dressed in tuxes or anything
but she was still very uncomfortable standing in the beautiful room
wearing only her old jeans and a sweatshirt. No one was looking at
her in disgust, at least not that she’d noticed but she was still
self-conscious about her appearance.

There was a stir in the room and
suddenly she was standing in front of another Greek God. Seriously,
did they grow them on trees? She saw the resemblance and knew that
this must be the last brother. Holy smokes, he was sexy as

The man was wearing skin tight, worn
out Wrangler jeans, a black cowboy hat that had seen better days
and a grin stretched across his face.

“Hey boy, what took you so long? You
know your mama’s been crying, wondering where her son was. She
figured you forgot all about her,” Joseph said while leaning in to
give his son a hug.

“Ah dad, Isabelle was birthing and I
had to make sure she was going to be okay. Chad’s with her though
so I hurried right over,” he said sheepishly to his

“Well just as long as you got here
before we cut her cake,” Joseph said, forgiving his son’s late

“Now who’s this gorgeous woman you have
on your arm? Did mom finally come to her senses and kick you to the
curb?” He turned, giving Amy his undivided attention.

She felt a blush come to her cheeks.
She immediately looked down, not wanting him to catch her gawking,
but she didn’t see how any of the brothers had a moment of peace
from all the women. She could simply gaze at them and just soak up
their stunning looks and megawatt smiles.

“Mark quit embarrassing our guest. This
is Amy Harper. She’s the newest executive secretary for your
worthless brother over there, who by the way is giving you the evil
eye,” Joseph goaded him.

Mark turned around and saw the look on
his brother’s face that clearly told him Amy wasn’t just his
assistant. His brother was making it clear to all men in the room
that the woman was his. Mark sent him a huge grin, which grew even
wider when he saw Lucas’s eyes narrow a bit more.

Mark decided to goad his big brother a
bit. “Well Ms. Amy, it’s truly a pleasure to meet you. I have a
real job opening for you if you get sick of working for that
stuffed shirt of a brother of mine,” he said while giving her a
flirtatious wink.

Then Amy was bent backwards over his
arm and getting a kiss in front of a room full of strangers. He
then whipped her straight up and threw his arm around her shoulder.
“Do you want to run away with me? You’re simply stunning and one
hell of a kisser,” he said with a wink.

Amy feared her face would remain
scarlet the entire time she was around the Anderson family. They
all had no problem with physical contact and were far too gorgeous
for their own good. Amy realized she’d been kissed by all the
brothers now. She was dismayed to find that only Lucas caused a
burning flash inside of her.

She knew that both of Lucas’s brothers
were joking with her but usually when a woman was kissed by a man
as suave and downright gorgeous as both Mark and Alex were, she
couldn’t control the body’s natural responses.

Even though both of the brothers were
spectacular, it had felt like kissing a cousin. She must be going
out of her mind. She was pondering that when Lucas walked up to
them. She hadn’t even noticed that Mark’s arm was still around

“Okay Mark, you can quit manhandling
Amy. I’m going to take her to get some food. She’s not available,”
he finished.

With that she was switched from one
brother to the next. She was beginning to feel like a shiny new
toy. She would definitely remember to correct him on telling people
who she was available for. She didn’t want to date anyone at the
moment but it wasn’t his place to make that

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