The Billionaire Wins the Game (8 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire Wins the Game
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“That would be great Mr. Anderson,” she
simply replied.

Amy couldn’t speak anymore or she was
going to burst into tears. She’d never had anyone do so much for
her. She’d never had someone have so much faith in her, or show so
much caring. It was amazing how wonderful the family was. She
understood why they’d been given so much.

They deserved everything they’d been
given because they gave back tenfold. She couldn’t believe how
lucky she’d been to become involved with the company. She would
most definitely deal with her attraction to her boss and she would
try and not be so hostile towards him.

She knew there was no way they could be
a couple, he was way out of her league and she didn’t want to sleep
with him and then lose everything, so she would just have to make
sure that he understood they were simply employee and

Amy went to the shelf and grabbed the
book she’d been eyeing earlier. She couldn’t wait to get lost in
the story. She was already picturing herself in the fantasy

“Thanks again Mr. Anderson. You really
have been too good to me. I hope that I don’t let you down,” she

“You’ll be just great. I have a feeling
we’re all going to be working together for many years to come,” he
replied. He then turned and left the room. Suddenly, the once
comfortable room seemed smaller than a closet with Lucas and her
left all alone.

Chapter Four

Lucas watched the entire transaction
between Amy and his father. He’d waited to see the look of greed in
her eyes all women usually got around his family when money was
brought up. Surprisingly, what he saw in her face was only shock,
mixed with gratitude.

Could she really not care how much
money his family was worth? He was going to find out. He knew if
they went to bed she’d turn, like all women, and try and take him
to the cleaners. Little did she know that many women had tried and
none had succeeded. He was sobered by the thought she could be the
one woman who could bring him to his knees.

“Come with me, Amy. I’ll show you where
you’ll be sleeping the next couple of nights,” he said as he took
her arm.

Every time Lucas touched her, fire shot
throughout her body and it felt wonderful, which scared her. She
didn’t have time for a man in her life. She knew all he wanted was
a cheap affair, after which, she’d be discarded.

Then where would she be? She’d have to
quit her job, if he didn’t fire her, and she would lose everything.
She’d gone long enough without caving in to her body’s desires;
she’d last a bit longer.

She just needed to teach her body to go
along with her mind. Her body seemed to have another idea all
together, though, because she could picture him slowly taking her
clothes off and running those extraordinary hands all over her.
Then, his mouth would follow where his hands had led the way. Her
body responded as if he’d already caressed her.

She could feel desire pooling the
longer she pictured Lucas’s hands on her. Her nipples beaded in
anticipation of his touch. Her stomach felt as if there were
fireflies zipping around inside. The feelings of desire were so
strong, she wanted nothing more than to reach out to

, she shouted at herself in an internal battle.
You will not fantasize about this man. This is
your boss, your very generous boss. You need this job. You need
these benefits you’ve just learned about. You don’t need a night of
passion. It wouldn’t be worth it

They arrived at the guest house and she
was grateful he couldn’t read minds. The house was set several
dozen yards away from the main residence. She loved it at first
glance. It was a small cottage surrounded by trees and flowers.
There was a stone path leading up to the small covered

It was the kind of place she dreamed of
owning someday with her own child. She stood for a moment,
visualizing herself sitting in the old rocking chair with a baby in
her arms. For a brief time she let the fantasy continue and Lucas
was in the picture next to her, with his arm around them both. It
was so perfect, she actually sighed aloud.

Lucas looked at her quizzically. “Come
in, Amy. I’ll show you where everything is. My parents had the
kitchen stocked up so you’ll have plenty of food. There’s fresh
linen on the bed and clean towels. It’s a small place so I don’t
think you’ll get lost. Please help yourself to anything in the
house. It’s for guests, after all,” he spoke, but Amy was too busy
oooing and awing over the quaintness of the place.

There was a vase with fresh flowers
sitting on the small kitchen table. The bathroom had been stocked
with a variety of soaps and lotions. There was a huge garden tub
she couldn’t wait to dive into, and it even had a soft reading
light next to it. She was already anticipating herself in

“I’ll get out of your way so you can
relax,” Lucas said before quickly exiting. She wondered if she’d
offended him by not telling him how amazing the place was. She
pushed Lucas out of her mind as she began filling the tub with
water and fragrance. The scent of the bubble bath was delicate and
soothing. Her nerves began to calm.

Lucas stopped on the front porch and
took a deep breath. If he hadn’t walked out just then he would’ve
thrown her on the bed and made love to her until they were both
incapable of walking. He wasn’t going to wait much longer. He
needed to get her out of his system. He had to so his sanity could
return to normal. If she hadn’t kept glancing at him with her own
smoldering looks, then he may have been able to maintain a bit more
control. Her face was an open book, which he was sure she didn’t

He walked back up to the big house to
speak with his father. “Did you get Amy settled in?” Joseph

“Yes Dad, she loves the place,” he
answered, while striding over to the liquor cabinet. He poured
himself a triple shot of bourbon and downed the glass in one gulp.
He felt his nerves start to calm as the fire burned down his throat
and made his eyes water. The pain of the drink was well worth it,
though, if it could calm his frayed nerves.

Lucas didn’t see the
knowing grin on Joseph’s face.
The boy has
it bad
, Joseph thought. Things were
working out far better than he’d even hoped. He’d figured it would
take a little bit longer than a few months before he saw that look
of misery on his son’s face. He had to turn away to hide his
growing smile.

“Where did you find Ms. Harper, Dad?”
Lucas asked.

“We had a job fair at her college a few
months ago and I got her resume then. I did some research on her
and knew she was perfect for the job. You know it takes someone
special to work for the president of our company,” he

“Yes, she’s working out much better
than I thought she would. She’s a little mouthy, but I’m sure
she’ll settle down the longer she’s there.”

The two of them chatted for an hour
about the company and things going on in their lives.

“Oh son, Amy forgot to take these
papers. Will you run them down to her before you head out for the
night?” Joseph asked casually. He’d been hoping his son would’ve
stayed longer with her in the first place. He may as well get them
alone together, again.

“Sure, Dad, I’ll do it now. I’m getting
tired, anyway. Tell mom I love her and I’ll see her tomorrow.” He
gave his dad a quick hug before heading back toward the

Lucas knocked on the door and there was
no answer so he checked the knob. It was still unlocked. He was
going to have to speak to her about that. He stepped in and was
about to call out her name when she turned the corner.

Lucas couldn’t take his eyes off her.
She was standing before him with nothing on but a small towel
barely covering her body. He could see all the way to the top of
her milky thighs. The top was so low he could see the swells of her
breasts. Her body was still glistening from her bath.

Her smell drifted over to him, filling
his nostrils. She smelled like an exotic goddess. He could detect
some sort of spice, like cinnamon. It was enough to make him want
to take a few bites out of her. One more inch in either direction
and he would be able to see all of her secrets. Lucas didn’t know
when he started moving, but suddenly he was in front of her,
wrapping his arms around her waist.

He pulled her damp, nearly naked body
against his own and suddenly he was devouring her lips. He felt her
stiffen for a moment before she was grabbing him back just as
hungrily. He’d never wanted a woman so badly.

For half a second his brain tried to
regain control over his body but when he heard a soft moan escape
her lips, his control completely snapped. If she would’ve pushed
him away, or told him no, he would’ve somehow been able to release
her, but their hunger for each other was mutual.

With one swift move, the towel was
gone, allowing his hands to freely run up and down her body. He
caressed her curves from head to toe. Without breaking their kiss,
he suddenly picked her up and walked into the bedroom. Gently
laying her on the bed, he stripped out of his own clothes in record

His gaze was drawn down to the beauty
of her body, causing his arousal to swell more, though he didn’t
know how that was possible.

Amy’s eyes rounded in excitement, and
awe, as she stared at the perfection standing in front of her. Not
a single flaw was present on him. His body looked like it belonged
to a professional athlete, instead of a businessman, who sat in his
office all day. Her gaze traveled down his form and she couldn’t
stop the gasp from escaping her moistened lips. He was such a large
man that a moment of fear consumed her as she wondered how they
could possibly fit together.

Lucas noticed the look in her eyes,
feeling fear, because if she changed her mind he’d implode.
Although taking his clothes off took no longer than a minute, he
was already aching to touch her again. He knew after he took her
the hunger would diminish. He needed to finish it so he could purge
her from his system and have his life return to normal.

He joined her on the bed, his body
covering hers. Together, they shared a kiss, before he broke away
to move his lips downward. He licked and sucked a path down her
neck before slightly nipping at the sensitive skin, causing another
moan to escape her lips. They both lost all thoughts and just
enjoyed the intense pleasure. Wiggling beneath him, she spread her
legs in inviting to thrust inside her. She was pleading for
completion. She needed him to relieve the aching consuming

He refused to make her his until he
knew she was ready for him. Even though he wasn’t going to last
much longer, especially with her rubbing against him, he’d regret
it if things ended too quickly. He needed her to feel the same
pleasure and satisfaction as him.

When his hands slid over her aching
breasts, with his thumbs tweaking her nipples, her back arched off
the bed, pressing her body closer to his. She wrapped her hands
around his neck, pulling him back to her, needing his lips on hers.
His tongue made love to her mouth and she couldn’t hold out much
longer. The pleasure was so intense, it was painful. The more his
tongue stroked the contours of her mouth, the more she squirmed in
need. The moans coming out from deep within her throat were
snapping the last bit of control he had left.

He ended the kiss to explore the rest
of her body, causing her to cry out in frustration. Her intense
reactions had him ready to spontaneously combust. He could feel the
blood rushing all to one area, his own body begging him to end the
torture he was bestowing on them both. He was going to sink deep
inside her and make her his own. His and only his!

He tasted the soft silk of her stomach,
feeling the quivering beneath his mouth. She was so responsive to
his every touch, she was continually sending fire through his own
system. As he moved his head lower and ran his tongue along her
inner thigh, he felt the tremble that went through her. He’d never
been with such a responsive woman before, and he was finding it
impossible to maintain even a semblance of control.

His mouth finally tasted her, causing
her hips to arch off the bed as she cried out in pleasure. Her
moans gave him the strength to keep going. He tasted her sweetness,
feeling her tremble beneath him. She suddenly tensed up and then
her entire body jerked and she cried out as release washed through
her. She was shaking beneath his skilled mouth. He flicked his
tongue against her moist heat one last time and then slowly made
his way back up her body.

She was slightly limp in his arms as he
began kissing his way up her stomach. He couldn’t seem to get
enough of the taste or scent of her. He felt like he could worship
her body for an endless amount of time. He trailed his tongue up to
her swollen breasts, and gently took one of her tight buds into his
mouth. She once again started to shake, as her body stirred back to
life. He took his time moving from one sensitive peak to the other
until he had her crying out for him again. He moved up her neck,
sucking on the sensitive skin, feeling her pulse jump beneath his
mouth. Then he moved back so he was lying over her waiting

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