The Blue Falcon (5 page)

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Authors: Robyn Carr

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Historical

BOOK: The Blue Falcon
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Udele laughed outright.

I heartily doubt that, Tedric,” she said easily.

But the best to you in your efforts.” She turned from him and went toward the stair.

When my betrothal to Lady Edwina is announced, you will hearken to me, lady. And one day, I will hold Phalen and be your friend and neighbor.” He bowed elaborately.

If I so choose.”

You will marry Edwina?” Udele questioned.

Tedric smiled. He lazily seemed to judge the great lady’s surprise.

My family does not yield me much in money and land, but my father and brothers promise much in their support of arms. Sir Medwin must leave his holdings to a knight capable of preserving them. Yea, he will give me Edwina.”

Udele recovered herself and tried to smile.

Then we shall have to learn to become better friends, Tedric,” she said politely. Then, turning, she left him alone and climbed to her chamber.

Was it not enough,
she thought,
for Giselle to predict
Conan’s marriage to a woman of slim financial means, without learning also that Tedric would gain a sizable holding and become a neighbor?
The possibility that Conan and Tedric would eventually come to blows crossed her mind. While a battle between the two of them would certainly leave Conan victorious, she could not relax with that prospect, for Theodoric’s strength was not to be taken lightly. And in any battle, Theodoric would have to support his son.

Within moments the dawning came to her: Medwin had not yet approved the betrothal. Alaric wished for Conan to take one of Medwin’s daughters. Phalen was not so great, but far greater than the simple Cordell that Chandra would inherit. And the land did lie close to Anselm. If Conan could be persuaded to speak for Edwina, Medwin would immediately agree.

She made up her mind quickly. She feared Giselle’s prediction would be accurate and that the young beauty Conan was destined toward was Chandra. There was no time to begin a search for wealthier maidens, and no circumstance could more permanently remove Chandra from his reach than to have him marry her sister. She must find a way to move her son to ask for the hand of Lady Edwina. Tonight. He must ask her tonight!

The tournament came to an exciting finish, with many victorious knights ready to collect their prizes, but in the eyes of the people who had gathered to watch, Sir Conan’s victories had been the grandest. And in the eyes of the young lady Chandra, he was clearly the hero of the day.

When Chandra and her sisters returned to the hall, Edythe was waiting for them.

My lady mother wishes our presence,” she said anxiously. She gestured toward the stair.

She waits in her chamber.”

Chandra and Edwina quickly followed, but Laine had long since disappeared. The middle sister yearned more for the devotion of prayers than the excitement of tournaments and feasting.

They entered the lady’s chamber to find her sitting in her rather regal chair.

Edythe,” she called.

Come sit here by me.” Happily the girl perched on a stool at her mother’s right hand. Chandra and Edwina curtsied before her.

Please forgive our sister, Laine,” Edwina said, her man
ner quiet and reserved.

She has grown ill from the long day and the hot sun. She begs to be excused.”

Of course,” Udele replied. She reached for Chandra’s hand.

Dear Chandra, you are not so wearied,” she smiled.

You look as though the day is just beginning for you.”

Truly, madam, I feel as though it is! Given the chance, I would spend another day thusly.”

Udele laughed softly.

Then you would not mind another chore? Could you serve me now?”

I would be honored, madam.” Chandra bowed.

Would you go to the hall with Edythe and see the needs of the men served? I would have Edythe act as mistress in my stead and I know she would welcome your company.”

Edythe perked up at this, for until today she was kept far from the tasks of a lady and kept mostly with the children. Though she had reached the age that her mother had been when she married, she had never been allowed to do anything of significance within the great hall.

Chandra was likewise pleased, for there was no place she would rather be than in the hall when Conan arrived.

Thank you, my lady,” she said politely, trying to conceal her great joy.

Edwina remained and Udele turned to her.

You must rest for a time before the feast so you will be at your best. Have you a rich gown to wear?”

I have one, madam. It was made especially for this day.”

And a fine wimple? You must let much of your hair show. You have such pretty hair.”

Edwina was confused. She touched her hair in wonder, for since Chandra had matured, and especially since the last summer, she had not received many compliments from her elders.

Udele laughed at the confusion in Edwina’s eyes.

You don’t kn
w why I’ve called you, do you, dear heart? My son will take a bride soon. I think you should make yourself known to him.”

But madam, he has not noticed me at all. Truly, my sister seems to be more his desire.”

Chandra is far too young. No doubt she will one day capture a fine husband, but Sir Conan is ready for a bride now, and he needs a woman full grown.” She reached for

Edwina’s hand and drew her near.

You are lovely, dear, and prosperous as well.”

And you would have me, lady?”

I would be honored. And I will speak strongly in your favor.”

But my sister

Chandra must not take Conan’s kindness to heart. He is chivalrous and courtly and would not dismiss her rudely, but in selecting a bride
ah! He must have a woman!” She patted Edwina’s hand.

Now promise me you’ll be bold.”

I’m not a bold person, madam. I don’t know how to be.”

Worry not, darling. Go. Make yourself beautiful. I think perhaps your knight will come to you.”

Edwina smiled shyly, intrigued by the prospect. She had not aspired to so much. Conan had never paid any attention to her and therefore she had not considered him a possibility. But Medwin would be pleased. Her reluctance to speak her preference had made her father irritable.

But lady,” she said suddenly,

Tedric has made his honest proposal to my father

Udele’s laugh cut her off.

Do you think Tedric will challenge Sir Conan? Go, and smile prettily at your knight. That will be enough.”

Udele watched her leave and sat for a long while in the carved oaken chair in her chamber. With deliberate slowness, she allowed her maids to array her in a gown of great beauty: the same rose color, embellished with a gold filigree girdle and long, elaborate train. Gold bracelets and anklets adorned her, and small cloth slippers graced her feet. When she was readied, she made her way to the party below, intent on facing her son.



Chandra flitted about the hall, delighted to be greeting the gathering warriors. Along with Conan’s younger sister, Edythe, she kept the serving maids in check and saw that everyone’s hand held a filled mug. The chore was anything but burdensome.

She watched Conan from a safe distance, studying his mannerisms and even taking a close look at those he chose to have around him. His closest companions, Mallory and Thurwell, stayed near to him, though they joked and re
counted details of the tourney with other knights. Tedric
eemed to stay much with his own family, keeping a fair distance from Conan and his men. From what Chandra could judge, Thurwell was not terribly far from the amount of ale needed to goad him into a scene. This older, surly knight grew more boisterous and looked more and more distastefully toward Theodoric’s family with every long pull from his cup.

Chandra marveled at Conan’s strength. He lifted his mug to his mouth with his left hand, his right bound and hanging loosely at his side. She knew he would not grimace with pain any more than he would actually cry over the injury. More probably, she thought with a smile, he would fall headlong into drink and not remember until morning’s light that he had been injured at all.

The crowd around Conan had thinned. Thurwell was drawing a bit too near to Tedric; there was a danger that a battle of words would soon ensue. It would please the masses well to see yet another battle. Mallory, the one most often plagued with a quick temper, dallied not far away with Edythe, a most unlikely pair in Chandra’s mind. Mallory neared thirty years and Edythe, a bit younger than Chandra, was barely flushed with womanhood.

Chandra made her move quickly, aware that her chance for a few words with Conan had arrived.

How might I ease the pain of your wound, sir knight?” she asked softly.

Conan smiled.

Let me look on your lovely face, damsel. That will ease the worst pain.”

You treat me too kindly, Conan. There are so many here who seek your attention.”

None so lovely as you, fair Chandra.”

What will you do now, Conan?”

Now? Do you mean until the call to ride to the king comes again?”

But you have only just returned! Surely you will not have to leave again so soon!”

I think not too soon. I ride to Stoddard Keep soon to see how matters fare there. My father expects trouble from the castellan and his family. Now that I am able, I will likely manage that small manor, and house my men within the Stoddard walls. I suppose that will be my home when I do not ride with Henry.”

You will be so far away
” she began.

A hush seemed to fall over the room and Chandra turned to see Lady Udele enter the packed hall. Close behind her was Edwina and serving women whose position was to trail behind the great beauty. Alaric was the first to rise to greet her, placing a kiss on her hand. Udele smiled toward the many appreciative male glances and the crowd seemed to part magically to allow her passage. She finally came to pause before Conan and Chandra.

You have made me so proud today, Conan,” Udele said to her son.

Chandra almost sighed. Many a young maid hoped one day to have the beauty and grace of Lady Udele. Conan took his mother’s hand and brushed a kiss on its back.

Udele turned her attention to Chandra.

I have a gift for you, and for Edythe. Where is she? Ah, fetch her for me, and you will find your gifts in my chamber. And hurry, for soon we begin the feast.”

Chandra curtsied and fled to find Edythe. Udele turned to her son.

You’ve carried the day well, Conan. A word with you, I pray. I will not keep you from your friends long.”

Conan presented his arm to his mother, leading her toward the stair where others would not linger to listen.

Do my eyes deceive me, or are you smitten with young Chandra?” Udele asked with a raised brow.

Smitten? Madam, I assure you, I would not take advan
tage of

Conan, do not misunderstand me! Of course you would not hurt the maid. But when you look fondly on any lass our breaths all stop, for we are eager for you to accept your bride. I thought perhaps you had chosen.”

I’ve pledged nothing, madam, but

Good, for there is another I would have you look to. Edwina is lovely and rich. Phalen will be hers and our lands could be joined to form one mighty holding.”

” he mused.

Edwina, of course. The dear child confessed she holds the hope that you will notice her, and the thought of it made my heart sail! To think of our family joined with Medwin’s! Mon dieu! I should not try to persuade you.”

Conan laughed and reached for his mother’s hand.

And when, madam, have you fought that temptation?”

Do not laugh at me, Conan. I think only of your best interests. And I am concerned for the land Medwin holds.”

Why are you concerned?”

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