The Body Sculpting Bible for Women (7 page)

Read The Body Sculpting Bible for Women Online

Authors: James Villepigue,Hugo Rivera

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Exercise, #General, #Women's Health

BOOK: The Body Sculpting Bible for Women
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Your body is not meant to endure long periods of stress. The more stress you put your body through, The more it will break down and won’t have the ability to recuperate. The best strategy for the best workout and results is to train as hard as you can as quickly as you can. Think of it this way: you have a certain amount of energy that you will use during your weight training session and it’s not going to last forever. You begin to use this energy the moment you start to exercise. Thus, your objective should be to direct your energy towards lifting as intensely as possible.
Your ability to exercise intensely will vary from person to person, but for most people, you have a specific amount of time that allows you to get the best workout. Powerful muscle building and fat burning hormones are released, and your body is ready for results. When you go beyond this time block, you get diminishing returns, or your energy levels deplete and your focus wanders. When this happens, your muscle glycogen has been spent and toxins begin to release into your bloodstream. Have you ever seen a boxing match, where both opponents are fresh and ready to do battle at the very beginning of the fight? They come out and they are strong, powerful, and fierce! The second round comes around and they still have that fuel to sustain their attack,
but when the third round arrives, their drive is restrained and conserved. What has happened?
They have blown their power energy. At the beginning of the round, their muscle glycogen is at peak evels, adrenaline is spilling over, and focus is sharp. It’s these beginning rounds that are the most valuable. The same principles apply to weight training. Come out fierce, give it all you’ve got, and get it done before you run out of steam.


“What kind of workout routine should I choose?” This is probably one of the most frequently asked questions when it comes to exercise. With so many different routines and so-called “guru philosophies” out there, it would surprise us if only a few people were confused about this issue. Deciding what program to choose can be extremely difficult. Even professional trainers and elite athletes frequently have problems choosing a quality program. There are many different programs—some good, some bad, some terrible. The fact of the matter is that some of these programs may in fact work somewhat, if you dedicate yourself to them. That is the key word, “dedication.” The dedication we’re talking about isn’t just committing or devoting yourself to something, for that alone is just not enough. The dedication we mean is the dedication to devoting yourself and your time (remember you are not in the gym to waste time!) to something, to get as much out of it as is humanly possible. To do this, you must define exactly what your training objectives are before and during a fitness session. Without this mindset, you will undeniably fail to achieve optimum results. You must realize that when you’re not prepared you cannot expect to receive the maximum response from your actions, and therefore you will not see results. You must know what tools (exercise and technique) to use and what to expect at each workout session in order to receive your desired effect (more muscle tone and less fat). You must also make sure that your response or reactions to the stimulus are as accurate as you expected them to be.

The basic guidelines and training principles of your fitness program must always be based on information that is backed up by scientific fact. This particular routine is the exact routine that all of our female clients at Custom Physiques Inc. have followed and they have received phenomenal results. Please understand that the routine alone is not enough to make your dream body appear. You must follow the proper training methods and initial preparation techniques included in this manual to help make the program work optimally. Using correct exercise form alone is very important for steady results. If you follow the proper, often neglected, training techniques, form, and principles we describe, this program can be the program that changes your life forever! We do realize that there are currently several schools of thought concerning the best types of weight reduction and body sculpting workouts. We also realize that most of these so-called, state-of-the-art programs lack useful information and will not live up to their claimed benefits.

The 14-Day Body Sculpting Workout is based only on concepts that truly work. We include some traditional principles, which supply the building blocks of all reputable fitness programs, as well as new and exciting principles
and techniques that are considered breakthroughs in the field.


Where would we be without our expectations? Expectations are a driving force in our ability to plan effectively. If you want to be a success, whether in the gym or in the office, you must set goals for yourself. But setting goals is not enough. In order to reach those goals as smoothly and as quickly as possible, you must think about what it is that you expect to receive.

When you begin the 14-Day Body Sculpting Plan, expect optimal results. Expect to receive what you bought this manual for. By doing this you are creating a positive mindset, a vital component of this wonderful program. Once you commit yourself to anything, do not question its power or validity (unless of course it’s dangerous, which should be evident from research on both the seller’s and readers’ parts). Instead, dedicate yourself to it until you’ve accomplished your objective. Many of the fitness programs available today could work somewhat if a positive mindset was followed. Now imagine what you will accomplish by creating a positive mindset with this program. You are almost ready to begin on your journey to success. Why a journey? Because all of the following techniques can be applied to all aspects of your life! Now let’s move on to our first powerful tool for success.


Although the information below seems difficult to comprehend and follow, it is not! The techniques can help you achieve fitness goals and affect virtually all aspects of your soon to be (if not already) amazing life!

Before you can sculpt your body into a piece of art you must first sculpt your mind into a powerful tool. How would you like to guarantee success and accelerate your results exponentially? Well, this next portion of the 14-Day Body Sculpting Workout addresses a very powerful technique that is virtually non-existent in the fitness realm. The special tool we speak of is known as visualization or mental-imagery. In the next few minutes you are going to learn how to develop and use some fantastic possibilities that lay dormant within each one of us. They will allow you to perform remarkable feats that you would have never believed possible. By thinking powerfully about what it is you want and repeating your thoughts long enough, these thoughts will turn into solid realities.

You may ask how such influences occur. Do you know that medical doctors consider many illnesses psychosomatic, that is, caused or provoked in part by the patient’s own thoughts? Even diseases such as cancer may have psychosomatic origins, since the power of our minds over our bodies is so strong.

Right now, you are going to learn how to cultivate a talent for visualization that you already possess. This power is more or less developed from one person to the next. But, with the right training anyone can achieve excellent results. Just as exercise develops the muscles, the appropriate physical and mental training will make you a master of visualization. The balance of body and mind exercise is too often neglected, but is the key to astonishing success individual possesses a strong and confident attraction to her goals. The disciplined!

There are three conditions that you must have in balance for optimum results. The first is desire, as we already discussed. How can you expect to obtain anything, if you don’t want it badly enough? Desire is that fire you feel in your belly when you so badly want something, creating the
to achieve. The stronger your desire, and the more sustained it is, the more certainty you add to reaching your goals quickly. In order for your desires to become powerful, you have to feed them with the intense fire of your will and imagination. How? By thinking about them on a daily basis and imagining that your goal has already come true.

Why do you talk so much about the mind when it’s my body I’m concerned with?
The mind is without question your most powerful asset. Every action you take begins with a thought. Your mind helps control your body and your muscles. When you lift a weight and simply put yourself through the motions, moving it from point A to point B, you will stimulate your muscles, but not to the degree you could if you put your mind to work. When you really think about and focus on the muscles you intend to stimulate, something much more powerful begins to happen: The mind begins to help further stimulate your muscles, helping them respond at their highest degree possible. When you mentally visualize yourself in great shape and what it would feel like to be in great shape, your subconscious cannot tell the difference between this visualization and reality. In other words, your mind starts to act as if this is reality and begins to adjust to make it a solid truth. This is not science fiction; it is hard science. Training and utilizing the power of the mind can help you achieve more than you ever knew was possible.

By doing this, you will be in the optimum mental state to make your goal a reality. Your mind will attract the events that are capable of producing the results you seek.

The next component in the model is
, the essential condition for all personal development and accomplishment. Without this component, you cannot expect to achieve or accomplish great things. In order to become fulfilled, your mind needs discipline. In fact, how can you expect to accomplish or receive anything at all if you’re not able to fix your attention on the goal you have set out to achieve? Do you really want to lose weight and get into great shape? The disciplined individual possesses a strong and confident attraction to her goals. The disciplined individual succeeds where most fail, and always ends by conquering the obstacles blocking her path. The person who could care less about creating discipline constantly falls prey to failure. Success is the exception rather than the rule for this person, despite the many other great qualities she may possess. Most of the time she ends up where she is by chance, certainly not by choice. So how do you learn and practice discipline? By tirelessly repeating exactly what it is you want to achieve in your life. You must constantly remind yourself of what it is you are out to achieve (more muscle? less fat? better tone? more definition? all of the above?) from your fitness plan. Discipline your mind, apply the principles we’ve outlined here, and you will realize wonderful results.

The last of the components in the model, is
! Even if you possess desire and discipline, without action you will never obtain what you want. Combining
creates the three musketeers of achievement. Many people have great ideas, foolproof plans and creative knowledge, yet everything falls apart for them. Why? Because they never act or they never act persistently enough.
The difference between a person who knows and one who succeeds resides in the individual’s ability to act

Before beginning a visualization session, you must be fully rested. As the body needs adequate rest for exercise and activity, so does the mind for concentration and focus. Have you ever noticed that when you are tired you can’t keep your concentration and things don’t seem to work? When you feel like this, don’t continue trying; take a nap! This allows for optimum concentration, the most important subcomponent of the visualization technique.
You should try to set aside a time allotment for practicing the method. It will only take about 15 minutes a day to put the technique into action. But without a set time, procrastination can and will set in, making it impossible to find the time needed. By setting a specified time each day (i.e. right before sleep or upon rising) you will condition your mind to be ready and effective every day at the same time. Also, try not to eat prior to the session because it will divert your needed energy (just as you should not eat prior to a workout for circulatory and digestive reasons). Be enthusiastic about your sessions too. Take pleasure in knowing that you are on your way to your personal best physique.
When practicing visualization you don’t have to force it like exercise. Take it easy and relax! We are not doing bodybuilding exercise, yet the results achieved will blow your mind! The more relaxed you are, the clearer your image will be, thus allowing for more powerful results.
The first step in practicing visualization is to become entirely relaxed and calm. If you have already had some practice with relaxation or self-hypnosis techniques, you should be able to relax very quickly. We will assume that you have no experience with relaxation techniques.
First, direct all of your energies toward obtaining a state of very deep physical and mental relaxation. Your mindset will be that you feel remarkably calm and relaxed. We will now cover in detail a self-hypnosis session to rid your body of tensions and help you relax completely.
Stretch out comfortably on your favorite recliner or lay in your bed. Next, concentrate on one single point: either directly in front of you or above you (the ceiling, for example). Begin by saying the following sentences either out loud or to yourself, consciously focusing on feeling the physical effects they produce.

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