The Claiming of a Virgin King (13 page)

Read The Claiming of a Virgin King Online

Authors: April Andrews

Tags: #scifi, #gay, #fantasy, #submission, #anal sex, #mm, #dubious consent, #rimming, #anal play, #forced seduction

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Or at least it would have if not for
Dragan’s plan.

These maps are

Those words came from William. He had
been quiet from the moment they had entered the room and he’d
realized others were present. Dragan had noticed that over the past
days. When his people were close by William assumed what Dragan
could only guess he considered to be a kingly countenance. And then
when it was just the two of them…

He tilted his head slightly and looked
across at the male who, and Dragan still couldn’t believe it, had
turned into one of the most exciting lovers he’d ever experienced.
Oh, Dragan had known the king was something special. That much had
been obvious from the first, and it wasn’t just about how
attractive he was. But never in his wildest dreams had Dragan
expected the sort of response the king had given him.

That very first time…he inhaled
sharply as the memory beat at him. It was beyond what he could have
imagined. Slipping into the king’s tight, wet sheath, feeling him
clench as he shot his seed deep inside… And then, the second time,
that next night, when they returned from island tour, if possible
it had been even better. Equally as frantic, yes, but equally as
satisfying. And all the days since then…each more precious than the
last. Dragan had not tired of it.

Not at all.

He was beginning to think
he would never tire of pleasuring, or being pleasured, by the king.
More than that, and this was something that Dragan had considered
in depth these past days, his feelings for the king were developing
quickly. Where before he’d thought himself simply smitten he knew
that was no longer the case. He had
feelings for William. Deep
feelings. And they were only increasing, would only continue to do

And that meant that at some point, and
some point soon, there would be a choice to make. To let the king
go, to return to the mainland alone, or to declare himself, and to
see what that declaration brought.

Right now, Dragan had no idea which he
would choose.


William shifted slightly and caught
his eye. He stood stiff, arms crossed, a frown on his lips. To
Dragan he looked exquisite.

This line here,” William
said pointing to Maylor’s position. “It should be further

No,” Ulie, one of the
strategists said. “It was correct when it left the

And when was

Just before you

William shook his head. “If that is
the case Maylor has advanced far more than I have been led to

When did you last receive
an update?” Dragan asked.

sailed here,” William
said. “Not long enough for these changes.”

And who sent you that
update?” Dragan asked.

I have a number of spies
north of the border,” William replied. “They risk their very lives
to bring me this information. My update should have been the same
as yours considering the timelines.”

He looked from Dragan to the
strategists. They were all frowning now, and Dragan knew what they
were thinking. They didn’t speak though, and he wondered if that
was out of respect to him or to the embattled king. Dragan had not
been sure what his people’s reception was likely to be towards the
king. He knew the humans who were under his care would welcome him.
That they admired him. That they hoped he would win the war for
them. But he did not know what the others would think. Over the
past days Dragan had been surprised by just how welcoming they were
to the king. He suspected some, especially those in his own
household, knew what was happening between them, though to them it
would be nothing worth talking about, it was simply sex. But the
others, those who didn’t know the deal he had struck with the king,
were well within their rights to be wary.

Only they weren’t.

They were pleased that the
king had come to see them. Many probably assumed that Dragan had
invited him because the plan was soon to reach its climax, and they
welcomed that. Perhaps it was because so many of his people were
now in relationships with humans themselves? Here, on the islands,
their species were mixing. For Dragan, and for his people, that was

What is it?” William
demanded. “Tell me.”

Your people beyond the
barrier,” Dragan began. “It is possible that they have been

No,” William said, and
there was absolute conviction in his voice. “They are loyal to the

They are loyal to whoever
feeds and protects them,” Dragan said. “And right now that is
Maylor.” He paused. “Once he has been removed they will turn back
to you. Your actions then will decide their loyalty in the

My actions?” William
shook his head. “I cannot believe that any of my people would help
the rebels.”

It has been a long war,”
Dragan said. “And such wars take their toll on people.”

I do not believe that,”
William snapped.

Dragan sighed. He turned to his
strategists who were watching the exchange with blank faces. If
they were surprised by the king’s refusal to accept a possible
traitor they said nothing. After all, to them, to their plan,
traitors were extremely useful…

These are helpful,” he
said waving a hand towards the maps. “Tell me, how go the

The strategists were grateful for the
change in conversation. They launched straight into a discussion
regarding the ship and its readiness. By the time they were through
Dragan nodded in satisfaction.

We’ll let you get back to
the prep,” Dragan said. “And thank you again.”

A moment later and the strategists
were gone. They were once again alone. Dragan did not hesitate. He
walked straight over to William and pulled him into his arms. “This
worries you?” he asked.

William pushed against his embrace.
“Of course it does,” he snapped. “My own people turning against me?
It’s an impossible thought.”

People do things during
war time that they would never do during peace. It can be fixed.
be fixed.
When Maylor is gone all this will begin to heal.”

I want it over with,”
William said. “Five years of this? Five years of waking up every
day desperately looking for a way to make things right? It is

I know,” Dragan said. “I

He tightened his grip around the king
and laid a hand on the back of his head. Once there he rubbed it in
gentle, circular motions. The king’s reaction was not quite what he

What are you doing?” he

Comforting you,” Dragan

The king pulled back. “Do

Dragan frowned. Because the king
pulled away every single time after they fucked. Each time pulling
his clothes back on and retreating back to his quarters. Dragan
knew it was because the king needed time to get used to the passion
that had exploded between them. To start admitting to the need that
Dragan had stoked inside of him. But he did not like it. Not at
all. And now, with his feelings changing…

My embrace makes you
nervous,” he said, and it was not a question.

Not nervous,” William
said. “It makes me uncomfortable.”

I have been inside you,”
Dragan said. “Your lips have been wrapped around my cock and mine
around yours.”

William scowled. “I am aware of

But my arms around you?
That is uncomfortable?”

The king shrugged and Dragan sighed.
It occurred to him then that the only time the king could be
described as even remotely affectionate was when they fucked. And

On your knees, my king,”
he said.

The king narrowed his eyes. “Do not
order me about.”

Or what?” Dragan

William scowled. A moment later and he
did as Dragan asked, sinking to his knees and looking up with those
big, beautiful eyes. Of course Dragan’s cock thickened. How could
it not? The king’s mouth was right there, and he knew now just how
good it felt to fuck it.

Eager aren’t you?” he
said slowly.

This is what you have
asked of me,” William replied. “I am simply fulfilling our

Of course,” Dragan said.
“It’s all about the bargain. The bargain that doesn’t even exist
anymore! And this is fine. You’ll let me fuck you until you scream
from your orgasm. But embraces are not allowed.”

Do not try and make this
something that it is not,” William said.

Dragan undid his pants and let his
cock spring free. “What is it, William?” he asked.

The king licked his lips in a blatant
display of anticipation but then looked towards the door. Perhaps
he was worried someone would come in? Catch them in the act? Dragan
remained silent. He had no intention of reassuring the king on that

Finally William spoke, and his words
were not ones that Dragan wanted to hear. “It’s sex. Just

Dragan pushed his hips forward until
his cock-head was pressed against the king’s lips. He could feel
William’s breath shivering against it, and he couldn’t wait to bury
it right where it belonged.

Just sex?”

People do it all the
time,” William said. “Yours. Mine. They all do.”

But not my virgin king,”
Dragan said. “You don’t…or at least you didn’t.”

The king closed his eyes. “The

Was null and void,”
Dragan said. “As you well know. This, what is happening between us
now, is because you want it to.”


Yes. And you’re a fool if
you think it is
sex,” he growled. “A fool. It has never been just that. Not
from the moment we met, and it never will be.”

And on those words Dragan buried his
cock in the king’s mouth. Ah, it felt good. The king’s tongue
licked along the underside of his shaft, and his lips created a
tantalizing suction around the head. Dragan closed his eyes and
thrust in slowly, enjoying every single sensation. It was almost
enough to take his mind off the king’s behavior…almost…

He pulled out.

Up on the table. Wrap
your arms around me.”

The table?”

Yes,” Dragan said. He
reached out and pulled the king’s pants down to his ankles, then,
in one smooth move, he sat him up on the table edge. The king
looked behind him, to the door again, and shivered.


No one will interrupt
us,” Dragan said. “No one.”

He bent down and removed the king’s
pants, throwing them over his shoulder as he did so. Then, cock in
hand, he removed the small vial of cream from his pocket. He’d
taken to carrying it around with him these last days. Just in

Let’s get you nice and
ready,” he said.

The king closed his eyes, and then, to
Dragan’s delight, he lifted his knees up so that his ass was nice
and open.

You look so fucking
good,” Dragan sighed. “Just made for my cock.”

He lubed them both up
nicely, tested William with a finger or two, and then slipped
inside. Slipped
. That was what it was beginning to feel like.

Ahhh…you feel so good,”
he said.

William let out a small

Couldn’t possibly feel

Another moan.

Tell me you like it,”
Dragan added. “Tell me.”

I like it,” William
whispered. “You know I do.”

You like your lover’s

Yes,” William gasped.

You like it in your tight
little ass?”


Dragan inhaled a satisfied breath at
those words, wrapped his extra digits around William’s cock, and
then set a steady rhythm. He moved in and out of William, his cock
tingling with each thrust, his balls aching with unspent seed.
William groaned and panted in time with him, his head thrown back,
his body shuddering from the force of their fucking.

It didn’t take long for Dragan’s
orgasm to build. In truth, he’d been on a knife edge from the
moment he and William had set out for the strategy room. This
desire he had for the king. It was almost shocking.

He wanted him

Going to come soon,” he

The king snapped his eyes open and
locked them on Dragan. “Not yet…not yet…”

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