Read The Claiming of a Virgin King Online

Authors: April Andrews

Tags: #scifi, #gay, #fantasy, #submission, #anal sex, #mm, #dubious consent, #rimming, #anal play, #forced seduction

The Claiming of a Virgin King (11 page)

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He tensed despite himself. But there
was no need. Whatever cream Dragan had applied had completely
relaxed his ass, and he opened up, allowing Dragan to slip right on

Yes,” Dragan groaned.

William moaned in agreement. Dragan’s
cock inside of him felt fucking amazing. Like nothing he had ever
imagined. He could actually feel the throbbing heat of it. Feel
every single inch as it pressed against his channel. It filled him
to the very brim, and made pre-cum erupt from the tip of his

You like that, my king?”
Dragan panted. “Like the lord’s cock inside you?”

He pulled out slowly before thrusting
back in. William cried out. “Yes!”

I knew you would,” he
growled. “I knew it from the moment I looked into your eyes. You
practically begged me to fuck you there and then.”


This is what you need,
William. You need a strong man inside you, a strong man pleasuring
you, a strong man giving you his strength in this way.”

He thrust again. His movements now
picking up tempo. In and out he went, causing shooting jolts of
pleasure to explode in William to the point where William had to
lean forward against the table.

Bent fully over now, Dragan fucked
William hard. He used him ruthlessly. Taking everything he wanted
and growling with pleasure. “You’re so fucking tight,” he gasped.
“So tight. I won’t last much longer.”

I need…”

I know what you need,”
Dragan whispered. “I will always know.”

He shifted, the angle of
his dick changing, and then to William’s intense delight, those
extra parts, the ones that had made him clench, were now wrapped,
around his cock. It was like being rubbed by numerous fingers, like
being masturbated by a dozen of his own hands, but so much better,
so much more erotic.

William closed his eyes and let Dragan
pump him and fuck him, pleasuring him in every single way, so that
before long he was limp and panting with want. Tingles shot through
him. Down his legs, up his arms, around his cock…constantly and
continually around his cock.

He had never felt so good, never felt
so alive.

And Dragan’s cock…William loved how it
felt, loved it beyond anything he could ever have expected. He lay
there, limp and moaning, basking in the pleasure. And as he did so
it felt like the alien lord was doing more than just fucking

He was

I’m going to come inside
you now, William,” Dragan whispered. “Going to fill you with my


And you’re going to come

I’m so close.”

Then come,” he demanded.
“Come for me.”

And William did, and it was not the
explosive orgasm he had expected or imagined. It was something
different entirely. It crept up on him, was almost
indistinguishable at first from the tingles caused by the cream.
But then it deepened into a wave of pure delight that spread out
from his channel and then all the way to his dick.

Dragan’s cock thrust as far into him
as it could, and a second wave followed the first so that William
had no choice but to cry out, his body shaking from the force of
the pleasure waves.

His moan was enough to tip Dragan over
the edge. The alien lord cried out too and came inside of William.
The hot rush of seed prompted another wave of pleasure. William,
eyes clenched shut, could do nothing but let it take him, let it
fill him, and by the time it was done, nothing was the same,
everything was different, and just like in the beginning, he knew
that there was no denying it now.

Chapter Ten


The land craft that Dragan picked to
take William on a tour of the islands was smaller than the one he
been brought to the main town it. Dragan did that on purpose. He
didn’t want any extra people with them and a small craft was a way
of ensuring that happened. The king had raised an eyebrow when he’d
seen it, and Dragan had wondered if he would insist on something
bigger so that he could bring his guards along.

He had not.

He’d simply climbed inside, crossed
his arms and clamped his lips tight.

Dragan expected that. Last night had
been a revelation for both of them, and he knew that the king in
particular needed some time to deal with what had happened between
them. That much had been obvious when, after they had both come and
the pleasure had begun to fade, the king had collected his clothes
up, mumbled something about the late hour, and fled to his

Dragan had let him do so,
more if he was perfectly honest with himself, because he needed
some time too. He had expected the sex between them to be something
special. Had known it from the moment he’d first locked eyes with
the king and realized that their desire was mutual. What he had not
expected was just
amazing it had been. It was like the king had been made so
that Dragan could fit perfectly inside him. Even his cock was the
exact right length for Dragan to wrap his cock fingers all the way
around it. And then there were all the other things, the aspects of
his personality that Dragan so admired.

Late during the night, as he thought
about it all, Dragan had admitted to himself that he was well on
his way to being smitten, and even later still, he had found
himself accepting that fact.

If there was one thing
that Dragan had learned during his time as lord of the islands, it
was that there was little point resisting the gifts that came your
way. If you found someone who pleasured you in a way that no one
else ever had. If being inside them consumed you to the point where
you felt like you would ache forever if you didn’t have them, then
And if someone made you happy, and you made them happy, and no one
was hurt in the process then why
you fight it?

You wouldn’t. It was as simple as

And so, Dragan’s mind was made up. The
king could resist all he wanted. He could pretend like what had
happened between them was nothing special, that he was simply
fulfilling a bargain, but Dragan knew better. He had felt William
tremble around him as he came. Had felt the hot splash of his seed
on his cock fingers. Had experienced a deep rush of joy knowing he
had brought this male to that point.

Whether William liked it or not there
was something between them, and Dragan was going to exploit that
fact ruthlessly, because there were many days yet until his plan
came to fruition, and by the end of their time together Dragan
wanted William smiling at him, teasing him, enjoying him. More than
that, he wanted the king to leave these islands stronger and more
confident than when he had arrived.

was what he intended. But for now…

Dragan shifted in his seat and glanced
across at the king. He was looking out of the windows of the land
craft, taking in the scene around him. They were moving out of the
main town, taking the same route both had entered by yesterday,
along the main road. Here the houses were bigger because the people
in them were responsible for the surrounding lands, and so needed
the extra space for storage of equipment. Several of them were out
and about, both William’s and Dragan’s people. With winter fast
approaching they had many jobs to get done, not to mention the
preparations that the plan required. Dragan waved at them as they
passed, and they waved back, both at him and William.

They left the borders of the main town
a few minutes later. Dragan set the craft to move away from the
coastal town and towards the westerly docks. His hands made the
movements automatically, because, had William not arrived
yesterday, he would have visited the docks anyway.

Next to him the king remained silent.
Dragan shot him another glance and wondered what he was thinking.
It was impossible to tell. If there was one thing the king was
skilled at, it was keeping a blank face. It was only his eyes that
gave him away. To someone as passionate as Dragan that jarred. He
wanted the king to talk to him, to tell him what was going through
his mind. But, of course, he didn’t, so in the end Dragan broke the

Did you break your fast
this morning?”

The king nodded before replying. “One
of your people brought me food first thing. A female with long

Myrn,” Dragan said. “She
runs my entire household. I would be quite lost without her.” He
gestured behind them. “She has packed us a meal for this afternoon
also. I told her there was no need. We will be welcome to eat at
any of the halls we visit today.”

Halls?” William asked.

are we going?”

As I told you,” Dragan
said. “We’re going to tour the islands.”

And the reason for that

Because I promised you a
tour,” Dragan replied. “And now is the best time to do

The king frowned. “I would have
thought there are more important things for us to do. Like begin
our preparations.”

They are already in
hand,” Dragan said. “As you will soon see. Now, the dock where you
arrived is not the only one. We have one directly opposite on the
other side of the island. It is where all our ships that move
between the islands are docked.”

We’re heading

Dragan nodded. “Well take
passage on one of those ships and that will lead us to


It is the second largest
island. It is where all of my strategists and advisors are

Then we’re really doing
this?” the king whispered. “Really going to stop Maylor?” He
paused. “It is almost unbelievable to think that we might be coming
to the end of the war. That you have agreed to help.”

Those words prodded Dragan.


After accepting his smitten state in
the early hours of the night Dragan had begun to think about the
lie that he had told the king. Oh, it wasn’t a lie insofar that it
was an outright untruth, but certainly he had twisted the truth
some, and all because of his aching desire for the male sat next to

It had seemed so simple at
the time, with his cock thick and hard, and his heart racing, it
had all made perfect sense. To agree to help in order to aid in his
seduction of the king, without mentioning that he was
planning to do
just that.

But now? Now that it was done, Dragan
had to admit that it had been ever so slightly underhand. And yet,
he couldn’t find it in himself to regret it.

He had been right.

want him.

Their abrupt, overwhelming attraction
was mutual.

And Dragan knew, he just knew, that
the king would never had admitted to it any other way.

And so the slight untruth, and so the
lie, and now Dragan couldn’t see there was any way to undo it. He
did not want William to turn away from him. To turn away from their
mutual desire.

And so, after giving it some thought,
Dragan saw no other option that to being ‘preparations’ for what
the king assumed was a journey back to the mainland, though Dragan
had been careful not to outright agree to that. His plan didn’t
involve doing anything of the sort.

Instead, he had spoken with his
advisors first thing, and they told them what was happening,
leaving out details of their ‘bargain’ of course. They had then
agreed between them which parts of the plan they could share with
the king and which would be best kept to themselves.

The tour of the islands today was to
show the king those parts, and Dragan hoped it would be enough to
keep him happy until the real plan began to unfold. Because if it
was not, Dragan wasn’t quite sure what he was going to

Chapter Eleven


was not a mix of mountains and valleys. It was not
characterized by dips and rises, ice structures and natural rocks.
Instead, it was shaped like a great bowl. The place where they
stepped off the ship that they’d hitched a ride on was on the lip
of that bowl, and so when William looked around he simply saw more
of the same beauty that characterized the main island.

It was only when they jumped into
another land craft and started moving across the main road, and
that road started to dip down, that William started to get a feel
for the geography. And then, when the dip turned into a steep
incline he understood completely. Because within the island, almost
settled in it, was not a town, or even a bunch of towns. Instead,
the island was dominated by one structure entirely, and William
recognized it immediately.

BOOK: The Claiming of a Virgin King
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