The Claiming of a Virgin King (8 page)

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Authors: April Andrews

Tags: #scifi, #gay, #fantasy, #submission, #anal sex, #mm, #dubious consent, #rimming, #anal play, #forced seduction

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said that,” Dragan replied. “Not you.”

William tore his eyes away from
Dragan’s, looked anywhere but at him. Again the struggle he was
going through was so obvious, and Dragan simply waited, letting him
work it out in his mind. When he finally spoke, his honesty
increased Dragan’s admiration all over again.

It is not a question of

Then a question of
virtue? Because if it is, believe me when I say that taking yours
will be the most pleasurable experience either of us have ever

Dragan reached out then because it was
impossible not to. He laid his palm against the king’s cheek and
bit down hard on the inside of his mouth to stop himself from doing
more. In truth, Dragan wanted to turn the king around, plant his
hands either side of the window, pull down his pants and fuck him

But there would be plenty of time for


It is not a question of
virtue either,” the king said and he moved his head, trying to pull
away from Dragan’s hand.

Dragan did not let him. He stroked his
fingers down and watched as the king shuddered. “Then say

I have no choice, do

In all honesty, William,”
he said. “You do not.”

Chapter Seven


Later that night William sat on the
edge of the sumptuous bed in the chamber he had been provided. It
was in Dragan’s home, on the very top floor, and both Bertram and
Niahm had rooms next to him. His guards had been given rooms in the
surrounding houses, and William had spoken with them all before
settling down for the night in his own quarters. They seemed happy
enough, eager to get to know the humans who were living on the
islands, and perhaps even the aliens. There was no denying the
differences between these aliens and the northern

It was like night and day.

And Dragan…William sighed and ran a
hand across his face. He still couldn’t quite believe what had
happened between them or what Dragan had asked for. Part of him was
half convinced that he would wake up any moment, shaking his head,
this being just another of the many dreams he had experienced on
the journey over. Only, William had never had a dream like this,
because such an outrageous demand had never occurred to

Dragan wanted to bed him.

was the only way he was willing to give his help.

It was outrageous, ridiculous, and
William had no idea what he was going to do.

A knock sounded against the door.
William’s heart skipped a beat. Was it Dragan? Come to collect on
his demands? Only, William had not yet agreed to do what was being
asked of him so…


Niahm’s soft tones floated through the
wood. William’s heart slowed slightly.


The door opened, and Niahm stepped
through. She was dressed in a green tunic and pants. The color
suited her very well, and she was a welcome sight. William had seen
her after he had left Dragan’s presence, but they had not had an
opportunity to talk. Well, no, that was not true. William could
have found an opportunity if he’d wanted to, but he’d needed some
time to think everything through.

How are you doing?” Niahm
asked as she sat next to him.

I’m not sure,” William
said honestly. “This is…”


Unexpected,” he

But this is why we

I know.”

So, are you going to tell
me what happened?”

He sighed. “I don’t even know where to

At the beginning

Lord Dragan is…” He shook
his head, unable to find the words.


You picked up on

Niahm laughed softly. “It was obvious
from the moment he spoke. Did you see the way his people looked at
him? And our people too for that matter? They adore him. He is
their leader, no question.”

He was voted into that

They have a


Just as you hoped to do
with our people.”

If we ever win this war,
do that,
Niahm,” William said. “You know I have never liked the idea that
those who are born into a certain position must be the ones who

And will we?”

Will we what?”

Win the war?” she asked.
“Because if you do your people will immediately vote you back into
the position of leader. I’m afraid there will be no escape for you,

I never expected there to
be,” he answered honestly. “I long ago accepted that this will be
my life, and,” he added. “I do not resent it. I will do what is
right for my people.”

I know you will,” Niahm
replied. “You always have. And now tell me, will Dragan

William inhaled a shaky breath.

Niahm let out a soft sigh. “I never
thought he would,” she whispered. “Never. What did you say to
convince him? Or should I say, what did he request?”

William stood up, his
heart racing once again. It had been that way ever since he had
moved away from the touch of Dragan’s hand and headed to the door.
Dragan had smiled as he did so, happy to let him go now that his
demand was clear between them both. He was in no hurry for an
answer, William was sure about that. But William
need to hurry. Every
day spent here was another day handed to the rebels.

William?” Niahm prompted.
“What did he ask for?”

Something very
unexpected,” William said. He turned and locked eyes with Niahm. He
could see the worry in hers very clearly. Unlike the rest of his
court Niahm had personal experience of this war. She wanted an end
to it as badly as William did. “If Bertram were asking me that
question I would be sitting here now thinking up what lie to tell
him,” he added. “Because there is no way the court can ever know
what I have to agree to in order to secure Dragan’s

But you’ll tell me?” she

I tell you everything.”
He paused. “I trust you implicitly.”

She held up a hand,
halting his next words. “You do not
to tell me, William,” she said.
“Our trust goes both ways. I know you will do whatever is necessary
for our people.”

Then you do not know me
as well as you think,” William said. “Because I have not yet agreed
to this.” He closed his eyes, Dragan’s words, the touch of his hand
racing through his mind. “Dragan wants me.”


William held her gaze, saying exactly
what he meant without any words. Niahm let out a soft gasp the
moment she realized.



Silence held between them for a moment
as Niahm worked through the implications of what William had told
her. He waited, giving her time, because he needed her thoughts on
this, her views. He trusted that she would tell it exactly how she
saw it.

Eventually she stood, crossed the
space between them, reached out and took his hands, just like she
had in his private chamber back in the castle when this had all

I’m not sure what to

Tell me what you are
thinking,” he said.

I’m not really sure.” She
paused. “You haven’t agreed to this?”

No,” William said. “Not
yet, but what choice do I have?”

There is always a
choice,” she said.

No,” William replied.
“Not in this. Dragan has asked for something and if I give it he
will help me end this war with very little bloodshed. It is exactly
what we hoped for when we came here. Exactly what we need. Think of
it, Niahm. An end at last. Our world back to how it should

It will never be back to
how it was,” she said. “But if the war ends…” She squeezed his
hands. “We can build a new world. A world that includes both our
people and theirs. Something new, something different.”

Yes,” William agreed. “A
new start. But to get it…”

You and Dragan must…”
Niahm frowned. “How many times does he expect you to…”

We will sail for the
capital before the new moon so I am assuming however many times
that allows.”

Then this will not be a
long term arrangement?”

No,” William said. “And
so, how can I possibly refuse? I said from the beginning that I
would do whatever it takes, and I meant it. How can I go back on
that now simply because his request is a

Different?” Niahm said
with a shake of her head. “It’s crazy.” She paused. “Perhaps he
will take someone in your place? I will volunteer if that is the


She gave a slight smile. “It would be
no great hardship, William. Dragan is quite something and the
stories of their prowess, not to mention their physical abilities…
But then,” her smile slipped. “If he has asked for you he must be
powerfully attracted to you. Likely no one else will

William pulled his hands free. The
idea of Dragan feeling a strong attraction to him made him feel
that same weird panic. He had no idea how to deal with it. “I do
not need to hear this.”

You do if you’re thinking
of agreeing,” she said.

?” William frowned. “I’m not sure there is a

Let me ask you this,”
Niahm said as she turned around and sat back on the edge of the
bed. “Are
attracted to

Niahm! What sort of
question is that?” William demanded, his heart racing in a peculiar
sort of way, his belly churning also. Only it was not like the
churning of the last few months, this was different. Because fact
of the matter was, William
asked himself that same question constantly over
the past few hours and he wasn’t entirely sure that the answer was
no. Like all the aliens Dragan was tall, solidly built and had that
oddly appealing blue skin. Unlike many of them he did not have a
beard, he was smoothly shaved, and his hair was kept short, cropped
close to his head. He
a good-looking male. Certainly more so than many
others that William knew and yet…

I don’t know how I feel,”
William answered honestly. “Worried. Panicky. I can’t quite explain

He is not the usual male.
It makes sense that the feelings he inspires will not be usual

Because he is an

Because he is a leader,”
Niahm said. “Like you are, William.” She tilted her head, reminding
William of the way Dragan tilted his when he was considering
something. “I am not surprised he wants you. You are ridiculously
good looking, William. Do you have any idea what many of the males
and females in the capital would give to be invited to your


It’s true,” she said.
“You are lusted over constantly. And the fact that you bed none of
them only increases your appeal.” She grinned. “Our sexy, handsome,
aloof king. It is enough to fuel countless fantasies. Yes, it makes
sense that Dragan would want to be the one to have you.”

You think it is a power
thing?” William asked. “That he wishes to prove his dominance over

A day ago I would have
said so,” Niahm said. “But I have spoken with a number of our
people over the past hours. He is not that sort of male. I think he
simply desires you. William,” she added. “You are
desirable. And now
that I am over the shock I do not think that it is a bad

Really?” he

Really,” she said. “After
you Dragan is the most powerful person in this world. He is a
fitting match for you.”

This will not be a
match,” William said quickly.

For a short time it will

A very short time,” he
said. A pause and then, “No one else must know of this, Niahm. No

You are afraid of what
they will think?”

Yes. No.” He threw up his
hands. “I don’t know what I’m afraid of.”

There is no shame in this
bargain, William. You are saving the lives of thousands. Freeing
those that are enslaved.”

I am not sure the court
will see it that way.”

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