The Con (21 page)

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Authors: Justine Elvira

Tags: #coming of age, #outlaw, #action romance, #rags to riches, #friends to lovers, #new adult, #law and crime, #con artist romance, #dance academy, #bad boy love

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When we're in the hotel room Jagger opens up
the two suitcases we just bought and I start to fill them. Removing
the tags from each item of clothing, I put my clothes in one
suitcase and Jagger's clothing in the other. Then I bag the
toiletries in plastic and place them in the suitcases as well. I
put my new ID in my wallet, along with the gift card and a thousand
in cash that Jagger hands me, and then I place my wallet, iPod, and
passport in the small black purse Jagger insisted I buy.

As I'm finishing up packing the bags I hear
the large Jacuzzi bathtub being filled in the other room. Ignoring
the inviting sound, I zip up the suitcases and place them on the
other side of the room near the door. I've left outfits out for
both Jagger and me for tomorrow, along with the leather jackets I
purchased at Target a few days ago.

It can get chilly when traveling so the
jackets will come in handy... and we'll look hot.

"Twinkle toes, can you come here for a
moment?" Jagger calls out from inside the bathroom. I walk over,
slipping off my shoes as I head inside the large bathroom that's
three times the size of my bedroom in the trailer. The room is
dark; tiny lit tea candles surround the burnt orange and caramel
brown tiles. The tub is filled and overflowing with bubbles as
Jagger sits inside. His hair is wet and water glistens across his

"When did you get the candles to do this?" I

"I had a free moment or two."


"Let's just say an opportunity came and I
took advantage of it. I wanted to make tonight relaxing and
pleasurable for you." He winks before lifting a hand out of the
water and crooking one of his fingers at me in a come here motion.
"Now strip naked and come join me. It's lonely in here by

I do as he says, dropping my jeans and
panties in a sensual strip tease before pulling my t-shirt and bra
off until I'm standing naked in the candle light glow. I saunter
over to the tub and lift one foot inside and then the other, before
leaning down into the water and crawling over to Jagger.

"The water feels incredible. It's just the
right temperature," I sigh out, letting it soothe away my aches and

He grabs me around the waist and pulls me to
him so I'm cradled between his legs with my chest to his chest. My
hard nipples slide against his slick chest. My arms straighten as
my hands touch the bottom of the tub to hold me up above the

"Have I told you how much I love baths?"
Jagger asks as his hand behind me cups water and releases it on my
back, the water trickling down my body.

"You've never mentioned it. Do you take
baths often?"

He leans forward and dips his head to the
side until his lips are next to my ear. "This is my first one
ever," he whispers before bringing his left hand up to cup the back
of my neck as his lips kiss the sensitive spot right below my

I shiver from the sizzling pleasure and then
I move over him, straddling his hips with one leg on each side of
him. My hands slide up his chest and around his neck and then I
lean down and rest my lips on his, kissing him slowly and letting
my tongue tease his mouth erotically.

His lips move with mine as his tongue grazes
my bottom lip. I open my mouth eagerly, giving him permission to
devour me, and then our kiss moves from slow and passionate to
urgent and hot.

I can't kiss him hard enough... I can't
touch him fast enough. The temptress inside me comes out and I want
to be taken by him all night.

Our hands glide over each other's bodies and
I slip my right hand between us to grip his hard length that's
poking my lower stomach. Straightening up so I'm standing from the
knees up, I align myself with Jagger's erection. I brace my hands
against his shoulders and then I sit back down until he's filling
me completely with his cock.

We stay still like this for minutes, and the
only sound comes from our staggered breaths as we look into each
other's eyes. It's a deeply intimate moment and slightly
uncomfortable, but the longer we stay connected in this way, the
more comfortable I feel with him.

He's the only person in the world I believe
in completely.

After a while it becomes impossible not to
move on top of him. His breath on my skin has me wanting to chase
an orgasm that hasn't begun yet.

I move on top of him, grinding my hips
against him in just the right motion.

"Jesus, twinkle toes. You're going to kill
me moving like that."

"Would you rather I stop?" I ask in a sultry

He leans forward, kissing my lips and
sucking my bottom lip into his mouth before releasing me as his
head falls back against the tub. "You better not stop. I never want
you to stop."

His hands meet my waist and he begins to
thrust upward as I grind down on him, the two of us in the throes
of passion. We move together perfectly which has him rubbing
against me right where I need him, satiating me on the inside and
outside. It's a perfect storm of dual stimulation and I feel my
orgasm building and building.

Jagger expertly pounds into me, over and
over again, as my back arches in preparation of the blazing orgasm
only moments away. With his next thrust I'm coming against the
firmness of his rod.

"Jagger..." I sigh out, his name a pleading
prayer on my lips, as my hands grip his shoulders and I dig my
nails into his flesh. His neck tenses and I know he's about to
come, too. He clenches his teeth tightly and then he's filling me
with his seed. I groan out from the sensation and let my forehead
fall against him as he rides out his orgasm.

We stay seated like this for a long time,
his now flaccid cock still inside me so he's connected with me
physically. I never want him to leave my body because my body is
his, too. I never understood it when I would read about two people
becoming one, but I get it now. Jagger and I are one in the same. I
can't imagine us ever not being together.

When the water gets cold and our skin starts
to wrinkle, I regretfully stand up, not wanting to be apart from
him for even a second but knowing the both of us need to dry off
and get to bed. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow.

We both climb out of the tub and Jagger
grabs a large, fluffy towel and wraps it around my body before
drying me off. The act is intimate and loving, not what most people
would expect from a man like Jagger, but something I'm not the
least bit surprised at after spending the last few days with

I return the favor, taking the towel and
drying him off before we both go into the bedroom and slip under
the sheets on the hotel bed. Jagger pulls me into his body,
spooning me from behind and I relax into his embrace, letting the
craziness of today finally hit me.

"Are you ready for tomorrow? We have a long
day ahead of us."

"I know," I mumble.

"You can still change your mind and we can
come up with another plan. A better plan."

"I won't change my mind, Jagger. I'm not
going to lie, when you told me about it in the car this morning, I
was terrified. We have a lot to do in a short amount of time, and
you're asking me to give up everything I know, but I also know you
made the right decision and I'm ready for this all to be over."

"The thought of all these changes scare me,
too, Ronnie. We'll be exploring something we've never done before,
but as much as I hate that I drew you into this with me, I could
never do this with anyone else. You're the only woman I'll ever
love. I love you so damn much it physically hurts sometimes, and
while it's selfish of me, I'm glad you'll be by my side. It eases
the ache in my chest I get whenever you are away."

As each word passes his lips it sounds like
a soft ballad he's singing only to me. He's giving me the world
just by loving me.

"You should sleep, baby," he whispers into
the back of my head before squeezing me closer to him. I rest my
head back against his chest and close my eyes. My mind should be
running crazy with all that's going to happen tomorrow. I should be
filled with anxiety, but Jagger's comforting embrace is enough to
lull me to sleep.

Chapter Nineteen


Today started just like the last several
days have. I woke up in bed next to Jagger in a strange hotel room,
not sure of just how the day would play out. I got out of bed,
showered, changed into clothes and then had a delicious room
service breakfast while Jagger smoked a cigarette and ate his
morning apple.

Then our day really began.

By two in the afternoon, on a sunny day in
Dallas, Keith Hamilton and Marissa Wood opened eleven different
bank accounts throughout the city–some accounts in small banks and
credit unions, others in large banks with high cash reserves, and
all accounts were opened in cash.

Suspicious... maybe. The banks probably
weren't used to that kind of cash, but by the time any suspicions
could be investigated Keith and Marissa would be long gone with
only a P.O. box to track them down.

Jagger chose those names for us the minute
he spotted them on the list, keeping with the Stones tradition. He
chose Keith because of Keith Richards and I'm now Marissa Wood,
after Ronnie Wood. With my real first name of Ronnie and my fake
last name of Wood, I had a full name of one of the members.

While we were at the first bank, Jagger was
able to wire a substantial amount of money into his sister's
account in Arizona, and I played on my iPod, downloading songs with
my gift card. I'm still not completely sure how Jagger wired her
money anonymously, but he was able to. There should be no way for
Matteo Esposito to track the money and find out our new

At one of the smaller credit unions I was
able to get a money order made out to my sister in the sum of one
hundred thousand dollars. I figure it will help her pay off her
school debt, and give her a cushion to start her new life as a
doctor. She deserves to not have to worry about money after taking
care of me for so long. It's the least I can do for her.

I'm going to miss her.

We gave the mailing address of our P.O. box
to the financial institutions we opened accounts with. We have no
credit card or debit cards on us in our new names, so we need cards
fast. Jagger called Ky and gave him the P.O. Box information and
he'll be getting our mail for us and forwarding us our cards and
financial information once we have an address for him to send them

Where we're headed is still up for

I seal the two envelopes in my hands and
place stamps on each one before slipping them in the mailbox
outside Dallas International Airport. In one envelope is the money
order for my sister. It was made out to her as an anonymous gift so
no one should be able to track it back to me. The other envelope is
a letter I wrote to Pearl in between each bank visit today. I want
her to know just how much I love and respect her. I want her to
know how much I appreciate her raising me and how much I am going
to miss her. I tell her how I'll contact her one day when it's
safe, and that this letter is not goodbye. It's a see you soon.

Walking through the automatic glass doors at
the airport Jagger and I head over to the international departures,
each of us dragging a sole piece of luggage. We're both in jeans,
and Jagger's wearing his signature boots and white t-shirt. I'm
wearing a form fitting green tank and black boots I bought at a
department store yesterday. Oh, yeah, and we're both finally
wearing the black leather jackets I bought us along with our black
Ray-Ban sunglasses.

We look badass.

Skimming through flight information so that
we can hopefully decide on a destination, I'm overwhelmed with the
possibilities. There are so many cities to choose from.

"What about London? We already speak the
language and there are a lot of Americans in the United Kingdom."
Jagger points to a flight that leaves in four hours.

I shake my head and continue looking. "We
can definitely go to the UK at some point, but I think I want to go
somewhere I've dreamt about since I was a little girl. I want to go
to the city of romance. I want to go to Paris."

Jagger drags a hand through his gorgeous
brown hair before looking at me worriedly. "I don't know French,
twinkle toes. I have no real education. It'll be hard for me to
find work there."

I reach over to him and grab one of his
hands in mine. "You'll learn. I took six years of French and I
speak it pretty well. We have enough money to live on for a while
and I'll teach you the language while we're there. We don't have to
stay in Paris for long."

"I guess if we run out of money I'm not
opposed to finding us another opportunity or two."

"We do always have your unique skills to
fall back on," I tease. Smiling at him, I attempt to assure him
that we will be okay.

I can tell the thought of moving to a
foreign country where he doesn't speak the language makes him very
uncomfortable, but then he's grabbing the new burner phone he
picked up yesterday out of his front pocket and dialing a number
before placing the phone to his ear.

"Hey, bro. Yeah, I've got the flight info. I
need you to book us on the seven-thirty flight to Paris, France on
American... yeah... I'll stay on the line in case you need info I
haven't given you yet."

I stand next to Jagger patiently as he talks
to Ky, while Ky books us onto a flight with his credit card since
Jagger and I only have cash. Looking around the airport, I watch
the people that pass us by. I try and make it a game–guessing where
they are headed by how many people are in a group, and how each
person is dressed. After about ten minutes Jagger ends the call
with Ky and slips the phone in his pocket.

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