The Conquest (20 page)

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Authors: Julia Templeton

BOOK: The Conquest
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Chapter 18


Elspeth’s heart hammered hard against her chest. She had never before been with two men at the same time, and she didn’t know what had possessed her to accept Dante’s unexpected kiss, or why it had excited her the way it had.

But the moment his soft lips touched hers, she was lost. Hearing no argument from Jorden, she was coaxed farther when the young knight had touched her between her thighs, his fingers brushing over her slit, almost tentatively, as if he wasn’t quite sure what to do. Was he an innocent to the ways of a man and a woman? For some reason the thought that she could teach him a thing or two intrigued her.

The cool water felt delicious against her heated body. She felt Jorden approach, and left Dante to kiss him. His full cock brushed against her, and she knew his excitement matched hers.

Four hands touched her all over, and she moaned against Jorden’s mouth as she came against Dante’s fingers. He was almost gentle in the way he touched her, so different from the way Jorden touched her with such intensity and longing.

“Lock your legs around my hips,” Jorden said, lifting her, his cock flush against her burning core. He looked over her shoulder at Dante, and the younger man stepped behind her, his chest flush against her backside, his hard length brushing her back passage.

When Jorden had touched her there before, inserting a finger or two within her, the sensation had not been at all unpleasant, but rather a mixture of pleasure and pain that had made her wonder what lay ahead.

Apparently she was about to find out.

“Kiss him,” she whispered against Jorden’s lips.

He pulled away, just enough to look into her eyes. He must have seen in an instant that she wasn’t kidding. In fact, she shifted a little, just enough so the two men could kiss. They pressed their lips together, and it was Jorden whose tongue brushed along the younger man’s lips, urging, nay—demanding—entry. And Dante did open, moaning as his tongue slid against Jorden’s.

Her heart was not about to slow down anytime soon.

And all along she was pressed between their two hard bodies, both their cocks like stone against her belly and ass.

Dante’s finger began to move in and out of her back passage, while Jorden’s fingers brushed over her clit. She latched on to Jorden’s hard cock, her inner muscles clenching. The young knight inserted another finger in her, stretching her, preparing her.

Elspeth’s heart rate increased yet again, liquid fire rushing through her veins as an orgasm claimed her. She dropped her head to Jorden’s shoulder, moaned low in her throat.

Jorden broke the kiss with Dante and began kissing her neck, while Dante kissed the nape of her neck, her shoulder, biting into it ever so softly.

She had never been so aroused.

With his free hand, Dante teased one of her nipples into a tight bud, pinching and pulling it between finger and thumb. The sensation went straight to her hot sheath, which positively ached with the need to be filled.

Unable to wait, she guided Jorden’s thick cock into her weeping passage. As he thrust home, she cried out in ecstasy, not caring if Rhiannon heard. Elspeth wanted only to feel and experience this moment.

Elspeth rode Jorden’s cock hard at first, the blood in her veins like liquid fire.

He slowed her pace, his strong hands bracing her hips as he kissed her and whispered to her in French.

Dante’s fingers slid within her faster, the sensation of being filled in both places incredible. His hot breath fanned the back of her neck, and she could feel his excitement.

Reaching behind him, she touched his hard cock, her fingers coaxing him to take her.

His fingers slipped from her, and before she could take a breath, the head of his cock eased into her slowly.

She winced at the intrusion, and both men must have felt her stiffen because they both stopped. Dante said something in French she did not understand, and had no idea if he spoke to Jorden or to her.

She looked at Jorden and saw the softness in his eyes, the desire to give her this, not to judge her, but to share this moment with her. They would not hurt her.

Jorden lowered his head and took her nipple into his mouth, laving it, pulling it gently with his teeth, not moving his hips at all.

Dante’s tongue ran along the edge of her ear, before dipping inside it, driving her mad with desire. Then he pushed his hips in slowly, pushing past the tight muscle, impaling her with his cock. Her breath left her in a rush as he settled within her, his heart pounding hard against her back.

Jorden kissed her then, and started to move once more. She didn’t budge as Dante, too, began to move, their cocks sliding in perfect rhythm within her, brushing against each other with each thrust.

Dante continued to play with her breasts as he spoke heated words in her ear.

Elspeth came immediately and moaned into Jorden’s mouth. He smiled against her lips as she fought for breath, all the while her body coming back to life again as the two men moved in and out of her.

She heard their breathing increase, knew they had to be very near climaxing.

And that’s when she felt it again, the familiar stirring within her. She rotated her hips and both men moaned, a sound she would never forget for as long as she lived.

Indeed, this moment would burn in her mind for all eternity.

Dante began to move faster and faster and she knew he’d be first to climax. Seconds later she felt his hot seed fill her back passage, yet he didn’t withdraw, staying there instead and pressing his hips hard against her. Jorden came along with her, pulling out of her just in time. He dropped his forehead to hers, his silver eyes staring into hers with pure pleasure.

An awkward few moments followed as Dante withdrew from her, and after a soft kiss to both Elspeth and Jorden, he began to wash himself, a pleased and slightly bewildered smile on his face.

Elspeth’s legs were shaky, and she had a hard time making eye contact with either of the men as they both finished bathing and returned to the shore while she washed between her thighs and hoped for the blood to rush back to her legs.

As she watched both men dress, she smiled to herself, wondering and eagerly awaiting what the future had in store.


* * *


Rhiannon exited the trees, her wet chemise rolled in a ball.

Adelstan took the garment from her, and grew harder at the thought of her completely naked beneath the gown. She had such a beautiful, flawless body, and he yearned to discover every inch, every hollow with hands and mouth.

If only they had more time together.

If only she were not marrying Malgor de Cion.

At least if Malgor had been an enemy, then Adelstan would have no problem kidnapping her and marrying her himself.

But if he did so now, he would be labeled a traitor to his king and to his fellow officers, and to his liege and brother-in-law.

They walked along in silence, and soon he found himself slowing the pace, not wanting to return to the camp and end their time alone together. She plaited her hair as they walked, her small, ladylike fingers working deftly. Her essence surrounded him and he breathed in deeply of her sweet scent, smiling softly when she looked over at him.

How shy she appeared. Not at all like the outspoken, headstrong girl he had met less than a fortnight ago.

God, had it only been that long?

She glanced at his hand, and knew she looked for the ring. He had taken it off their last night at Castle MacKay, and placed it in a pouch he kept on him at all times. The beautiful piece only reminded him of what he could not have.

She looked away, but not before he saw the hurt in her beautiful violet eyes.


“Ye do not have to say anything, Adelstan. I understand.”

“I want to explain.”

She shook her head and quickened her pace, but he pulled her back. Seeing the sheen of tears in her remarkable eyes made him feel wretched. For her to give him the ring had taken a lot of courage. He had seen the fear of rejection in her eyes then and now.

“Rhiannon, come, sit down,” he said, taking a seat on a large, fallen tree and brushing off the moss beside him. “Please talk to me.”

With an exaggerated sigh, she sat beside him.

“I removed the ring because I didn’t want to be reminded of the fact you did not belong to me. That you belong to another.”

Water from her hair dripped down her throat, making a path between her firm breasts. Without the chemise, her erect nipples strained the fabric of her bodice, and from his height he could see the soft swell of creamy skin. His cock pressed painfully against his braies.

“I did not have a choice in this marriage, Adelstan, and well ye know it.”

“Aye, I know. Just as I have no choice but to accept the fact you must marry de Cion.”

Their gazes caught and held. If only he could tell her what he yearned to. Tell her he thought of her constantly, even in his dreams. He had never been so confused in all his life, and yet, he had never been so happy as he was when they were together. How he envied a man who was able to marry the woman he fell in love with.

“If I could, I would marry ye,” she said softly.

He opened his mouth to respond, but closed it just as quickly.

“Does your silence mean ye no longer want me?” she asked, her voice breaking. She lifted her chin a fraction, her brow raised in question as she waited for him to answer.

He could lie and be done with it and they could go back to being what they were before this moment. And yet, as he looked into her eyes, he found his resolve melting.

“I will always want you, Rhiannon. Always. Nothing will ever change that.”

“Not even my marriage to another man?” Tears shone in her eyes, and his heart lurched.

“Not even that.”

She grabbed his hands, brought them to her lips. “Adelstan, I will go anywhere with ye. I don’t care where, just as long as we can be together. Let us leave here, right now if ye wish—”

“King William is the one who arranged this marriage, Rhiannon. He offered Almeron and your hand to my liege to give to any soldier of his choosing, and he chose Malgor. Renaud is my twin’s husband, and I his vassal, obligated by duty and honor to do his bidding. Your wedding is one that shall bring peace.”

“Aye, William will marry his French officers to English and Scottish women. Peace through breeding,” she said, wiping a wayward tear from her eye.

He cursed under his breath, unable to keep the vision of Rhiannon beneath de Cion from his tortured thoughts.

“Damnit, Adelstan! Why can ye not tell your twin’s husband that ye wish to marry me instead?”

“Because they will call us traitors.”

“Your brother-in-law would call you a traitor?”

“Nay, but the officers I have fought side by side with all these years might.”

She flinched as though he’d struck her.

“So ye will say nothing?”

“It is complicated,” Adelstan began.

“Sometimes I wish I had never met ye.”

Her words shocked him to the core, and he swallowed hard against the sudden tightness in his throat.

She took only one step before he grabbed her wrist and pulled her onto his lap. She fought against him at first, elbowing him in the gut, but he held her firm, locking his arms around her waist, burying his face in her hair. “Rhiannon, please.”

“Let me go, Adelstan. What happened between us is over. It was a mistake, and now I must convince my new husband that I am untouched.”

He had expected the words, and yet he could not accept them. Could not accept a life without her in it.

She moved a little, enough to look at him. Before she could say a word, he kissed her, claiming her mouth roughly. She didn’t respond at first, and instead sat motionless as he continued to kiss her, softly now, while his hand cupped her breast. He plucked at her nipple and she sighed under her breath, but still didn’t touch him in any way. Nor did she bother to kiss him back.

Damn her stubborn nature. Nay, damn
inability to say no to her. He craved her too much.

He felt her heart race beneath his hand.

She moved her bottom against his thigh. Shifting so she straddled him, Adelstan brought both his hands to her face, cupping it. He tried kissing her again, and whether she opened her mouth to say something, he would never know because he took the opportunity to slide his tongue in and stroke the velvety sweetness of her mouth.

“I want you, Rhiannon. More than I’ve ever wanted anyone. Please believe me,” he said against her lips. “If I could change this, I would.”

She pulled away and looked down at him with narrowed eyes. “Ye only say that because ye want me one last time.”

“Don’t say that,” he said abruptly, surprised at the anger in his voice.

“Why, ye yourself told me we are bound by honor and duty. Why prolong the inevitable?”

“We are bound by honor and duty, but that does not mean we must live without…”

Rhiannon’s heart skipped a beat. Would he tell her he loved her? She yearned to tell him as much, and yet he had taken off the ring. “Must live without what, Adelstan?”

“Without desire. Without caring for each other. I cannot imagine not being able to touch you,” he said, his palm covering a breast, “or kissing you.” He kissed her softly, and pulled away to kiss her forehead, her nose, each cheek, and her mouth once more. “I cannot imagine never being able to make love to you again. I would sooner stop breathing.”

He lifted her skirts, touching her creamy skin as he pulled the garment up to her waist. She untied his braies and grabbed his cock, her fingers wrapping around him.

He eased her up and slid into her welcoming heat. She gasped as his length filled her to the womb, her eyes darkening as he caressed her bottom, urging her to ride him faster.

She moved slowly up and down, taking him into her molten core, hugging him so tightly, he was tempted to spill his seed already.

But not yet. Nay, he would savor the moment, wait until she found her release.

Her hair had started to dry and curl in soft tendrils, which framed her delicate face. Long, thick lashes cast shadows on her prominent cheekbones, and as her full lips opened and her eyes closed, his heart increased in rhythm. Like her, he had no desire to return to the real world, to return to where they must hide their desire from everyone.

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