The Courtship of Dani (16 page)

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Authors: Ginna Gray

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #General

BOOK: The Courtship of Dani
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Though Dani's heart gave a little leap at the calm statement, she stared at him belligerently. "I broke our engagement, remember?" she said, but her voice lacked conviction and she knew it. He seemed so sure of himself and his ability to convince her of his love. And the trouble was she wanted desperately to be convinced. Was halfway convinced already. Surely a man wouldn't play nursemaid to a woman, as he had, if he didn't love her. At least a little. Would he?

"As soon as you're well enough we'll have a quiet wedding, with just our families there," he said as he methodically dried her, blithely ignoring her statement.

Dani's growl of exasperation was lost in the folds of flannel as Jason slipped another clean granny gown over her head. She glared at him as he buttoned it up to her throat, but when he'd finished he dropped a quick kiss on her soft, mutinous mouth and said, "It'll all work out. You'll see."

"Jason, will you listen to me. We aren't—"

"Hush. We'll talk about it later."

Then, to Dani's utter astonishment, he carried her back to bed and proceeded to dry her hair.

It was an exquisitely intimate experience. There was something both touching and sexy about having this large, rugged man tend to her in such a personal way. He set her sideways so that she was propped against the headboard, and knelt behind her. As he wielded the brush and blow dryer his body touched hers repeatedly, its strength and warmth tantalizing her. Even weak as she was, Dani felt a thrilling, purely feminine response to his maleness. Every now and then he would pause and run his hand through her hair, testing its dryness, and the feel of those strong callous fingers against her scalp sent shivers skittering down her spine.

"Oh, Jason, that feels so good," she murmured sleepily as he lifted and stroked and smoothed her hair until it lay about her shoulders like a shimmering silk cape. Dani was aware of him with every cell of her body, every quivering nerve ending. But even so, the exertion of bathing had sapped her energy and the rhythmic stroking of the brush and warm rush of air made her so drowsy she was asleep before Jason could turn off the dryer.

He smiled down at her tranquil face and gently tucked the covers up around her chin. After placing a soft kiss on her forehead, he quietly left the room, pulling the door shut behind him.

Then he went straight to Dani's desk in the alcove, flipped her address book open to the L's, picked up the phone and punched out Joe and Sophie's number. When Sophie answered he said, "Mrs. Edwards, this is Jason St. Clair. I think we need to have a talk."

Chapter 11

Dani slept peacefully until noon. When she awoke, Sophie and Joe were sitting beside her bed.

She started and blinked when she saw them. "What are you two doing here?"

"And where else should we be but with our daughter when she's sick?" Sophie chided gently, patting her hand.

"Your mother's right," Joe muttered in agreement. "You should have called us."

There was hurt and sadness and deep regret in their eyes, and seeing it, Dani felt a knot of unease tightening in her chest. Looking down at her hands, she nervously plucked at the blanket "He told you, didn't he?"

"Yes. Everything." There was a moment of charged silence, then Sophie grasped Dani's hand and squeezed it tightly. "Oh, Dani, love, we're so sorry.

We hurt you and we never meant to. When Jason told us how you felt, we were shocked. Sweetheart, we had no idea that you felt this way."

Dani pressed her lips together to stop their trembling, but she didn't look up.

"We do love you, Dani," her mother said with quiet urgency. "We always have. You've got to believe that. When we adopted you we thought we were the luckiest people in the world." Sophie stopped and smoothed a shining strahd of sable hair away from Dani's temple and smiled. "You were such a beautiful little thing, with all that dark hair and big blue eyes, and we were so proud of you.

"But... well... it soon became obvious that you were a very special child. You were more than just beautiful. You were brilliant. And... well, I guess that sort of intimidated us."

Dani flashed her a hurt look and Sophie bit her lower lip anxiously, her brow furrowing. "Oh, darling, try to understand," she pleaded urgently. "Joe and I are simple, ordinary people. Just average. We felt so.. .so.. .inadequate. You were so smart and composed and self-sufficient. You never made demands, never complained, never asked for help. You just quietly went your own way, and it seemed to us that you didn't need us, that there was nothing we could give you."

"If we gave Chad and Charlene more attention than you it was because they demanded it. Those little devils have never been shy about letting you know what they want and expect. You know that. Why, just look at how demanding Chad is with you. He knows darn well that you love him, and the feeling is mutual, which is why he takes it so for granted."

Dani looked faintly surprised as she digested that, but then her face grew solemn again. "And what about Charlene? I can't believe that there is any love there. She can barely stand me, and you know it."

Sophie sighed, but it was Joe who spoke, and for once there was an acerbic bite to his voice. "That's just jealousy. Pure and simple jealousy," he said disgustedly. "She resents you because you're beautiful and smart and successful, all the things that she'll never be. It's a childish attitude and we keep hoping she'll outgrow it, but..." He shook his head, and the look he exchanged with Sophie held sadness and shame.

Lifting Dani's hand, Sophie placed it against her cheek and looked at her daughter beseechingly. "We tiptoed around you because we didn't quite know what to do with you, but we loved you every bit as much as we loved the twins, Dani. And we've never stopped. I swear it," she added quietly.

Choked with emotion, Dani was unable to speak. The sweet ache that swelled her chest and squeezed her throat was almost unbearable, and for a moment she stared at the blanket, her chin wobbling uncontrollably. Tears welled up in her eyes. She fought to hold them in check but it was impossible, and when she finally looked up at her parents they trickled over and ran down her cheeks. "I... I love you, too," she said brokenly.

With a little cry, Sophie sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled Dani into her arms. Holding her daughter tightly against her bosom, Sophie rocked her gently and cried, too.

And then Joe was there, holding them both, and his own tears added to the flow. In a tumult of endearments and promises and apologies, they clung to one another, each reaching out, striving to heal the hurt long years of misunderstanding had wrought.

Hours later, when Sophie and Joe had left, Jason appeared in the doorway. He leaned against the door-jamb, arms folded over his chest, and studied the soft expression on Dani's face. Their gazes met and held, and after a moment he raised one pale brow. "Mad?"

A warm smile slowly curved Dani's mouth. "No. I probably should be, but I'm too grateful to be angry."

"Are you ready to talk about us now?"

Dani grew suddenly breathless and she swallowed hard. "Yes, I think I am," she managed in a voice that quivered ever so slightly.

Smiling, Jason came to her and sat down on the edge of the bed. He leaned forward and braced an arm on either side of her head and looked directly into her eyes. "Since this seems to be a day for clearing up misconceptions let me make it clear that the reason I want to marry you—the only reason I want to marry you—is because I love you," he stated in a firm, no-nonsense voice.

Dani's eyes flared and her heart kicked into high gear but she didn't move or make a sound.

"I'll admit that, yes, I admire that sharp brain of yours, and yes, I think you're gorgeous and sexy as hell, but those are only a part of things that make you, you, a part of why I love you. I love you because you're also gentle and caring, and fun to be with. You're so damned sweet and vulnerable I want to hold you in my arms and protect you and shield you from everything and everyone who might hurt you. And I'll love you just as much when you've lost all your teeth and your hair has turned silver."

Dani was looking up at him with wide, wondering eyes, and giving in to temptation, Jason leaned down and placed a soft kiss against her parted lips. "Believe that, sweetheart."

"You'll catch the flu," Dani whispered hoarsely.

"It'll be worth it." He caressed her cheeks with the backs of his knuckles and gazed deep into her eyes, his face becoming deadly serious. "I love you, Danielle Edwards, with every cell in my body. And all I want from you is your love, and your promise to be my wife."

Dani could hardly believe it. This wonderful, caring man wanted her. Just her. And yet, seeing the need and longing in his face, the utter sincerity in his eyes, she knew it was true.

Suddenly her heart was so full she thought it would burst, and for the second time that afternoon, tears of happiness filled her lovely blue eyes. "I love you too, Jason," she said in a soft, quavering voice. One by one, the tears spilled over and trickled down her cheeks. Smiling tremulously, she lifted a hand and very tenderly cupped his jaw. "And I want more than anything to be your wife."

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