The Courtship of Dani (10 page)

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Authors: Ginna Gray

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #General

BOOK: The Courtship of Dani
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After a restless night of tossing and turning, Dani was still tense and on edge when she awoke the next morning. Determined to keep her mind off Jason, she scurried around, making up her bed and needlessly straightening the apartment, then made herself a huge breakfast. But after only two bites her thoughts drifted to that passionate interlude, and her heart began to pound while her body grew flushed and hot. In the end the congealed eggs and bacon were scraped down the disposal.

She spent the rest of the morning at her desk but her concentration was so poor she found herself reading the same reports over and over. When Phil called just before noon and invited her to attend an estate sale with him, Dani jumped at the chance.

Her eagerness, of course, was a dead giveaway, and no sooner had she settled in Phil's car than he turned his teasing grin on her. "So, how are things between you and Jason?"

"What?" Dani jumped and looked at him with wide, startled eyes. "Oh... uh... fine. Just fine."

Phil chuckled delightedly, his eyes twinkling. "Oh, babe, if you could only see your face. What's the matter? Is the big man still in hot pursuit? Maybe getting a little too close for comfort?"

Frowning, Dani opened her mouth to deny it, but the look in Phil's eyes told her she would be wasting her breath. "All right. All right," she said with an exasperated sigh. "I'll admit that he seems...interested. But I'm sure it won't last long." She slanted him a quick look, her mouth twisting in a wry little grimace. "He wants an affair, and I've made it clear that I'm not interested. I'm sure he'll turn his sights elsewhere soon," she stated matter-of-factly, trying to ignore the stab of pain the words brought.

Phil's smile was tender and just a bit pitying. "If you say so," he murmured softly.

Dani hurriedly changed the subject and Phil followed her lead, but she knew he had not believed a word she'd said.

The estate sale was in one of the posh River Oaks homes, and only the very best of Houston's antique dealers had been invited. For the rest of the day Dani wandered around the mansion, happily inspecting the exquisite furnishings and art objects being offered, and after a while she became so absorbed all thought of Jason faded from her mind. By the time they left she was pleasantly tired and more relaxed than she had been in days.

They stopped for dinner at a charming little out-of-the-way French restaurant and enjoyed an hour of good food, good wine and companionable conversation. By the time they reached Dani's apartment all her earlier tension had drained away and she was feeling distinctly mellow... until they stepped off the elevator and she saw the enormous bouquet of roses sitting in front of her door.

"Well, well, well. It seems you have an admirer," Phil drawled, casting her an amused look. "Now I wonder who it could be?"

Dani didn't wonder. She knew. For several seconds she just stood there staring at them, her heart pounding. The cut crystal vase held at least three dozen roses, beautiful red, half-open buds, their velvety petals still dewy.

When she made no move to pick them up Phil bent and plucked the small white envelope from among the lush blossoms and handed it to her. Dani's hand shook when she slipped the card out, and when she unfolded it her heart took another leap. There in bold script were the words, "To a very special lady. Love, Jason."

Reading over her shoulder, Phil whistled softly. "Somehow, I don't think this is a man who gives up easily.''

Chapter 7

There were more roses on Monday morning.

Dani walked into her office at Stratter-Lite and came to an abrupt halt when she saw the bouquet sitting on the corner of her desk. Wide-eyed, she stared at it, barely able to breathe for the painful tightness squeezing her chest.

They were beautiful—long-stemmed deep red beauties whose sweet fragrance filled the room. There were dozens of them, just as before, only this time the vase was an exquisite cream porcelain banded in gold, which looked as though it cost the earth.

With jerky steps Dani walked to the desk. Gently, almost reverently, she touched a velvety soft petal with one finger. Never before in her life had she received a bouquet of flowers. Not from anyone. And now, in less than twelve hours, she had received two.

Bending, Dani dipped her nose into a lush blossom and inhaled deeply, closing her eyes in ecstasy as the intoxicating scent flooded her senses. As she straightened she pulled the card from among the fronds of greenery and opened it with trembling fingers. This time it was simply signed "Jason."

Dani caught her lower lip between her teeth and absently tapped her chin with the tiny card. Last night she had read that other card over and over, trying to understand why he had sent the roses. Was it just Jason's way of apologizing? Had he decided that she wasn't his type and the flowers were a polite brush-off? A sort of farewell gesture? But he had sent red roses. Didn't that mean love?

She had lain awake half the night trying to figure it all out. In the end she had finally decided that it was an apology, pure and simple, and that she was foolishly trying to read something into it that just was not there.

The roses drew her eye again, and again Dani reached out and touched one of the perfect flowers. But now... Now she wasn't so sure.

"I hope you like them."

At the sound of Jason's voice Dani jumped and spun around. He was standing in the doorway between their offices, one shoulder propped indolently against the frame. A slight smile curved his mouth but his dark eyes were serious and intent as they bore into her.

"I, uh...yes. Yes, they're lovely. I...that is..." Dani drew a shaky breath, held it a moment, then let it out slowly, before saying in a firmer voice, "Thank you, Jason."

"You're welcome." Sliding his hands into his pockets, he pushed away from the door and strolled toward her. When he stopped there were only inches separating them. His masculine scent and woodsy cologne mingled with the sweet perfume of roses, making Dani feel suddenly light-headed. "I was hoping you'd like them."


"Why?" Jason chuckled, and his pale brows rose. "Because every man likes to know his gifts are appreciated, I suppose."

"No, I don't mean that." Dani's hand fluttered toward the bouquet, then came back to rest protectively at the V heck of her blouse. "I mean, why did you send the roses? And why so many?"

A teasing light glinted in Jason's eyes, and his smile was charming and warm as he studied her confusion. "So, you think I sent too many?"

"No! No, it's not that."

"Maybe you'd have preferred something else. Daisies? Carnations? I know. How about orchids? They're always nice."

"No, these are beautiful. Really! It's just...I mean... why did you send flowers at all?"

"Oh, the usual reasons." Jason smiled again and touched her cheek with the tips of his fingers, all trace of teasing gone from his face. His voice dropped to a low pitch that flowed over her skin like warm honey. "You're a beautiful woman, and I'm attracted to you." His fingers slid up and toyed with the hair at her temple, then pushed it back and lightly skimmed over the velvety rim of her ear. The tiny electric touch filled Dani with a prickling awareness and sent heat zinging through her. "Very attracted to you," he added in a rough whisper.

Staring up into the intent tobacco-brown eyes Dani felt her skin pop out in goose bumps and her insides liquify. He wanted her. Even after last night he still wanted her. She could see it in his eyes, hear it in the sensuous rasp of his voice. And Dani couldn't deny it; she wanted him too. It was exciting and tempting, but Dani knew if she gave in to what she was feeling she would regret it.

"I meant what I said last night, Jason." Dani's voice had a slight quaver as she forced the words out through her tight throat. "I'm not cut out for an affair."

Jason looked at her for a long moment, then bent and brushed her lips with his. Dani felt the gentle caress all the way to her toes, and she clenched her hands into tight fists as a tremor rippled through her.

Pulling back only a few inches, Jason smiled tenderly into her startled eyes. "I know. After thinking it over the other night, I realized you were right."

Dani stared at him, dumbfounded, her eyes growing steadily wider. "You did?"

"Yes, I did." Smiling, he placed one long finger beneath her sagging jaw and gently lifted it. "So don't worry that I'm still trying to seduce you. I'm not." Jason straightened and stepped back. "And now that we've got that cleared up, would you have dinner with me tonight?"

"Dinner?" Dani repeated the word as though he had spoken in a foreign language, her expression blank with confusion. She stared at him, her heart pounding against her ribs. "Jason, I don't understand any of this. The flowers. Dinner. If you don't want an affair, then why are you doing this?"

Jason tipped his head back and a rumble of deep, masculine laughter vibrated the air. He looked at her with amusement, his weathered face creased with dozens of tiny laugh lines. "Oh, Dani, sweetheart. The trouble with you is you don't even realize when you're being courted."

Still shaking his head, he turned and started for his office. At the door he looked back and said, "I've made reservations for eight so I'll pick you up at seven-thirty. Wear something sexy," he added with a wink.

Then he was gone.

Stunned, Dani stood perfectly still, staring at the closed door.

Courted. She pressed her lips together and struggled to contain the rush of emotion that single old-fashioned word had produced, but it was no use. Excitement, joy, hope and even a thrill of fear surged through her, making her heart pound, her insides flutter wildly.

In a daze, Dani walked around her desk and sat down. Courted. But didn't that mean... marriage? Her heart began to thud in earnest at the thought. She swallowed hard and raised trembling fingers to gently massage her temples. Was Jason implying... No. No, don't be silly. Dani shook her head, unable to accept the obvious conclusion. Jason couldn't have meant the word literally. He wasn't interested in a permanent relationship.

But... what if he was? What if he really wanted marriage?

For years she had told herself that she wasn't cut out for marriage, but that was before Jason had come into her life. And, Dani admitted with merciless self-honesty, that face-saving had played its part too; when you don't believe that something can ever be yours, it is easy to claim you don't want it. She was still frightened of loving, of being vulnerable, but she could not deny that the idea of a future with Jason was thrilling. And very tempting.

Propping her elbows on the desk, Dani cradled her head in her hands and closed her eyes. Because, heaven help her, frightened or not, she was in love with Jason.

Oh, Dani, you fool
You've just set yourself up for more pain. Why on earth would Jason St. Clair want to marry you?

All day Dani tried to convince herself that she was imagining things, that Jason had not meant anything by his teasing comment. But that evening as she dressed for their date her face was flushed with excitement and her hands were shaking so she could barely apply her makeup.

Bearing Jason's instructions in mind, Dani wore a low-cut sapphire-blue silk gown that exactly matched her eyes. Thin straps held up the gracefully draped bodice, and the slim skirt, slit on one side to allow ease of movement and expose a shapely length of leg, hung in a straight line to her feet.

Dani wore her hair loose and pulled back on one side with a silver clip. In her ears were diamond studs, and suspended from a finely wrought chain was a matching pendant, which nestled just above the enticing cleavage left bare by the daring gown.

Dani fussed and worried over her appearance, but when she opened the door to Jason at promptly seven-thirty, the instant flare of heat in his eyes spoke eloquently of his appreciation.

"My Lord, but you're gorgeous." The words spilled from him in a rough, gravelly murmur, and Dani caught her breath at the tingling sensation that feathered over her skin.

Jason's eyes ran over her slowly from the shining cloud of dark brown hair, down over each lush curve and hollow of her body to the pink toes peeking out of the silver high-heeled sandals. When his eyes lifted to hers they were a smoldering black. "If I'm going to keep my word about not seducing you, I think we'd better leave now, while I still can."

His voice was deep and vibrated with emotion, and Dani knew by the look on his face that he meant every word. Excitement sizzled through her, and for a brief moment she was tempted to pull him inside and lock the door and not count the cost.

With an effort she pulled her gaze from his. "Yes, of course," she mumbled breathlessly and turned away to pick up her evening bag and lacy shawl from the antique hall tree.

Jason was solicitous and charming, the epitome of elegant good manners, escorting her to the elevator with his hand resting decorously against the small of her back, assisting her into the low-slung sports car as though she were infinitely fragile, infinitely precious, keeping up a smooth flow of conversation as he negotiated the congested Houston streets. But even so Dani was aware of the hunger in his eyes, the caressing quality in his voice, and through it all her body pulsated with helpless excitement and longing.

By the time they were seated in the posh restaurant she was so nervous her stomach felt as though it were tied in a knot. As Dani listened to Jason give their order to the waiter, she wondered a bit desperately how she was going to manage to choke down so much as a bite.

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