The Cradle King (83 page)

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Authors: Alan Stewart

Tags: #Non-Fiction, #History, #Biography, #Christian

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Somerset, Robert, Earl of, see Carr

Somerset House

Sophia, Queen of Denmark

Sophia, Princess

Spain; marriage negotiations with

Spanish Blanks affair

Sparke, Thomas

Spenser, Edmund;
The Faerie Queene


Spottiswoode, John, later Archbishop of St Andrews

Stanley, Sir William

Stewart, Alexander

Stewart, Lord Ochiltree

Stewart, Francis Hepburn, fifth Earl of Bothwell; and witchcraft charges; outlawed; raids on Holyroodhouse; raid on Falkland Place; alliance with Kirk; flees Scotland

Stewart, Lord James, Earl of Moray; regency of; death of

Stewart, Captain James, of Bothwellmuir, later Earl of Arran

Stewart, James, of Doune, Earl of Moray; murder of

Stewart, John, Earl of Atholl

Stewart, John, of Baldynneis

Stewart, John, burgess of Stirling

Stewart, Robert, Earl of March

Stewart, Walter, later Lord Blantyre

Stewart, Sir William

Stewart, Colonel William, Prior of Pittenweeme

Stirling Castle; James baptised at; James raised at; James crowned at; 1571 Parliament at; James leaves; Henry raised at; James’s visit to (1617)


Struthers, William

Stuart, Lady Arbella

Stuart, Lord Charles, Earl of Lennox

Stuart, Esmé, sixth Sieur d’Aubigny, Earl of Lennox; arrives in Scotland; James’s love for; ascent of; battles with Kirk; effect on James’s household; campaign against Morton; libels against; encourages James’s relations with Mary; charges against; leaves Scotland; death of; wife of

Stuart, Lady Henrietta, Lady Huntly

Stuart, John, Lord d’Aubigny

Stuart, Ludovic, Earl of Lennox; arrives in Scotland; joins English Privy Council; created Duke of Richmond; death of

Stuart, Matthew, Earl of Lennox; regency of; death of

Stuart, Robert, Bishop of Caithness, Earl of Lennox

Suffolk. Earl of; becomes Lord Treasurer

Talbot, George, Earl of Shrewsbury

Talbot, Gilbert, Earl of Shrewsbury

Taylor, William



Throckmorton, Nicholas

Tillières, Leveneur de, Count

tobacco, James’s attack on

Tortus, Mattheus, sec Bellarmine, Robert

Tower of London

Tresham, Francis


Tullibardine (Perthshire)

Turner, Mrs

Tuscany, Duke of

Ulrick, Duke, of Denmark

Union of England and Scotland

Uraniborg, James’s visit to

Valdendorf, Christoffer

van Langgren, Jakob

van Nyevelt, Abraham

van Rusdorf, Johan

van Somer, Paul

Vans, Sir Patrick

Vautrollier, Thomas

Vedel, Anders Sørensen

Venice, Inquisition of

Villiers, George, later Duke of Buckingham; meets James; appearance of; rise of; sleeps with James?; relations with Charles; becomes Earl of Buckingham; becomes Privy Councillor; in Scotland; created Marquis of Buckingham; heads pro-war faction; under Gondomar’s influence; libels against; James’s love for; Spanish trip of; created Duke of Buckingham; return to England; 1624 Parliament; seen as ruler; and fall of Middlesex; illnesses of; daughter of; and French marriage negotiations; and James’s last illness; reaction to James’s death; fall and assassination of

Villiers, Mary Beaumont (mother of George Villiers)

Vinstarr, Margaret

von Mansfeld, Ernst

Waldegrave, Robert

Walker, William

Walsingham, Sir Francis

Waltham Forest

Ward, Samuel, of Ipswich

Ward, Thomas

Warwick, Robert, Earl of, see Rich, Robert

Watson, William, minister

Watson, William, conspirator with Ralegh

Weldon, Anthony

Wemyss, John

Wentworth, Thomas

Westminster, see London, Dean of

Weston, Richard; son of

Whitehall, see London

White Hill, Battle of the (1620)

Whitgift, John, Archbishop of Whitgift

Wilbraham, Roger

William of Orange, ‘the Taciturn’

William, ‘keeper of the weschell’

Williams, John, Bishop of Lincoln, later Lord Keeper

Willson, D.H.

Wilson, Arthur

Wilson, Sir Thomas



Winter, Thomas

Winwood, Sir Ralph

witchcraft, in Denmark; in Scotland; James’s fascination with

Woddrington, Sir Henry

Wolf, Jacob Jacobssøn

Woodhouse, Sir William

Worcester, Edward, Earl of, see Somerset, Edward

Wotton, Sir Edward

Wren, Matthew

Wright, John

Wriothesley, Henry, Earl of Southampton


Young, Andrew

Young, George

Young, Peter

Young, Sir Richard

Younger, suspect in Gowrie Plot

Zouch, Lord

By the same author

Hostage to Fortune: The Troubled Life of Francis Bacon 1561–1626

(co-authored with Lisa Jardine)

Philip Sidney: A Double Life

Copyright © 2003 by Alan Stewart. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For information, address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.

First published in Great Britain by Chatto & Windus, an imprint of Random House

First U.S. Edition: December 2003

eISBN 9781466866027

First eBook edition: January 2014

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