The Dance (46 page)

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Authors: Alison G. Bailey

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Family Saga, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy, #Contemporary Fiction, #Sagas, #Women's Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: The Dance
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The second my foot hit the porch Sophie’s front door swung open. A flurry of dark curls whipped around my face as she pulled me into a hug.

“God, I’ve missed my girl,” she squeaked.

“I’ve missed you too. It seems like two years instead of two weeks.”

Sophie pulled out of the hug. Keeping me at arm’s length, she eyed me. “What happened?”

I plastered on a fake smile and said, “Pfft, nothing’s happened. It’s just . . . um . . . I’ve missed you.”

“Bryson Grace Forsyth, soon to be Walker again, you are the suckiest liar in all the land.”

Dammit! All it took was one look at my face and I was busted. I kept the fake smile on as my eyes misted over.

Taking my hand, she tugged me into her house. “Come on, let’s get started.”

Sophie had all the required items for an adult sleepover ready on the coffee table—pizza, wine, chocolate, and a sappy rom-com movie. Funny how the same things that are meant to make us happy are also used to try to mend a broken heart. We changed into our pajamas and met back in the living room. I pulled the soft blanket from the back of the sofa and made myself comfortable at one end while Sophie took a spot on the floor close to the coffee table and bottle of wine.

As she poured our first glass, I lifted the top of the pizza box and peered in. I hadn’t eaten much since Thursday. We were drinking so I thought I needed to at least attempt to get something in my stomach. Reaching for a slice, I suddenly felt queasy. I slid back on the sofa and let the lid fall.

“So catch me up on work and any juicy gossip,” I said as Sophie handed me the glass.

With wine in one hand and a slice of pizza in the other, she positioned herself to face me. “Work is fantastic. My immediate supervisor, Howard, and my married project manager, Larry, both want to have sex with me. Any way you wanna look at it I’m fucked. Done. Your turn.”

I took a long sip of wine. “Work is great. Busy.” I took another sip. “Nancy kind of intimidated me at first but we’re learning each other’s groove.” I took another sip. “So she doesn’t scare me as much anymore.” My gaze drifted down on the last few words while I thought of something else to say. I looked back up. “Everyone is really nice and . . . um . . . oh, I got my first paycheck.” I re-plastered the fake smile.

Staring up at me, Sophie swallowed her mouthful of pizza followed by a gulp of wine. “Congratulations on all the above. The paycheck, the job, the busy, you and Nancy groovin’. I’m afraid to ask but . . . tell me what or who has you looking as if your world just ended.”

“I’m just tired. It’s been a busy week at work and . . .”

Placing her hand on my knee, she said, “Bryson.”

And that was all it took to get my chin quivering and my eyes blinking.

“Please don’t say you told me so.” My hand brushed over my cheek, wiping away the first tear that fell.

Sophie gently rubbed my knee. “Give me a little credit. I’m a bitch but not a cold-hearted one.”

“I really thought I could do it but . . . um . . . it was so easy to fall in love with him.”

“He knew how inexperienced and vulnerable you were. He should have stopped it. Did he hurt you? Because if he did . . . I don’t give a shit if he is in a wheelchair. I’m gonna cut his dick off and put it high up on a top shelf.”

A chuckle broke through my soft sob. “It’s not his fault. He never lied or pretended with me.”

“Then what happened?”

“He’s scared.”

“That’s a bullshit excuse. He’s a grown-ass man, not some thirteen-year-old pussy. What exactly did he tell you when y’all had the

I cleared my throat and said, “We never had the talk.”

She stopped the knee rubbing. “Back up about a half mile.”

“The other night while he and I were on the phone the L word slipped out of his mouth.”

“Lesbian?” She grabbed her glass and took a sip.

My face contorted. “No . . . love. But he quickly covered it up and started talking about snack cakes.”

Sophie pointed her perfectly manicured finger at me. “That right there is why I don’t get too involved with the dudes.”

“Then he called what we’d been doing fucking.” I choked back a sob. “The tone in his voice reminded me of Will and how cheap he made me feel. I know Hart was trying to get back on track and in control but . . . since then I’ve forced myself to stay away from him.”

“So, he’s in love with you?”

Sniffling, I nodded.

She sat next to me and draped her arm over my shoulder, pulling me to her side. “And what makes you think that?”

Resting my head on her shoulder, I whispered, “The way he looks at me and touches my soul.”

Giving my shoulder a slight squeeze, Sophie pressed her lips to my temple before twisting to face me. “Then what the fuck are you doing here?”

My eyes widened as my jaw went slack. Her reaction caught me completely off guard.

I sat up straight, squaring my shoulders. “What?”

“Bryson, I love three people in this world, my parents and you. Keep that in mind when I say what I’m about to say. You can be such a fucking princess sometimes.”

“Why would you say that?”

“Don’t forget I love you. The night of prom I saw you dancing with Hart. It was dark but the light from the big tank lit the two of you perfectly. The way he held you and the way you moved together. I knew I was watching the beginning of something that happens once in a lifetime. But because of your fear and self-doubt you let it slip through your fingers in exchange for a safety net.”

“Why didn’t you say something back then?” I snapped.

“It wouldn’t have mattered because back then you weren’t a risk taker. Being Mrs. Will Forsyth was planted so deep inside your head you couldn’t see the red flags popping up.” Her violet eyes seared into mine. “You’re an intelligent and strong woman. You never needed that safety net. I’ve seen the way you and Hart look at each other. You’re getting a second chance at your once in a lifetime. If you ask me, it’s worth the effort to do whatever you have to do in order to hold on to it. You may not get a third chance.”

Sophie was right. I was doing the exact same thing I did ten years ago. Not making the effort to go after what I really wanted and needed.

I lunged forward, wrapping my arms around her neck. “Thank you for kicking me in the ass.”

She tightened the hug. “That’s what I’m here for.”

Shoving the blanket off, I said, “I gotta go talk to him.”

“Are you okay to drive?”

I stood. “Yeah. I only had half a glass.”

“Then let’s get you dressed.”

I’d worn my cream cable knit sweater along with a pair of jeans and my black boots over to Sophie’s place. She insisted I needed to crank up the look a notch. After all it’s not every day you go pour your heart out to your soulmate.

While Sophie was busy grabbing her black sweater dress from the closet, I washed my face and reapplied my makeup, keeping it simple. My eyes were puffy and red but there was nothing I could do about that at the moment. I left my hair down, pulled on the dress, and slipped back into my black patent leather boots.

Checking myself one last time in the full-length mirror, I said, “How do I look?”


“Liar but it will do.”

I spun around giving her one more hug. “Thank you again.”

With a slight head tilt, Sophie’s dark eyebrows rose as she gave an exaggerated eye roll. “I’m such a romantic. I love you.”

“I love you too.” I gave her a quick peck on the cheek and headed out the door.

With each turn I made my stomach twisted in knots. Part of me was confident that Hart’s feelings were the same as mine. So much so that I could feel the glow radiate off my cheeks. The other part of me feared he would be too scared to take a chance on us.

I glanced at the clock on the dashboard. Even though it was still early in the evening the sun had already set. As I turned onto his street my heart pounded so violently against my chest, it felt like it was on the verge of shattering. Approaching Hart’s I saw the house was lit up and his was the only car in the driveway. I blew out an audible sigh of relief.

I pulled in behind Hart’s car and killed the engine. As I stared at the house, I had a hard time catching a deep breath. My hands felt as if they were being stabbed by a million tiny sharp pins. I clenched and unclenched my fist several times and then shook out my hands, hoping they’d go back to normal. Every hair on my body was standing at attention. I’d never been this scared or felt this alive in my life. Attempting to take in one final deep breath, I squared my shoulders and got out of the car.

The second my boot hit the ground it was like everything went into super fast-forward mode. In a flash, I was up on the porch and ringing the bell. The sound of excited barking hit my ears before the click of the lock. And then the door opened.

The second my green eyes met his blue-gray ones my lungs filled with all the oxygen necessary. We stared at each other for several seconds not saying a word. I didn’t need to hear him say how much he’d missed me, it was written all over his face. Hart angled his chair, making enough room for me to walk past.

Before Hart made it into the living room, I shook my hands out one more time trying to get some feeling back. Butter did her usual five circles around me and then sat. I was patting her head as Hart moved in front of me. He was even more handsome than just a few days ago. The heather gray sweater that stretched across his solid chest had his eyes looking smoky today.

He glanced at Butter. “Someone around here has missed you.” His deep rasp filled the air, causing my knees to weaken and my stomach to clench.

The worst part of having a serious conversation was starting it. On the drive over I’d been too consumed by adrenaline and nerves to give words a second thought. I was flying solo without a net.

I gave him a fragile smile as I scratched behind Butter’s floppy ear.

Before I could open my mouth, Hart said, “And my dog’s missed you too.”

Like a fireball, my heart exploded, filling my body with heat. It was my turn to say all the things I came here to say. But for the life of me I had lost the ability to speak. Holding his gaze, I slowly walked to him. Hart shifted his chair, moving closer to me. Bringing my hand up, I cupped the side of his face. My skin prickled at the feel of his scruff. Hart’s eyes closed as he leaned into my touch.

“I’ve missed you so much,” I whispered.

Hart grabbed my hips and nuzzled into my stomach. My fingers melted into his blond hair, holding him to me. His head tilted back and his gaze seared into mine as he guided me onto his lap. His grip tightened, pulling me flush against his chest. My hands fell from his hair, sliding down and over his shoulders to his biceps. Our breathing increased and synced.

Hart brought his hand to my forehead and with the tip of his fingers followed the length of my hair. His touch was gentle and careful like I was a rare work of art. His gaze mimicked the trail of his fingertips. As his thumb glided over my bottom lip, there was no denying the love in his eyes. Leaning forward, he pressed his lips to mine and the world disappeared.

His tongue wasted no time slipping between my lips. It was firm and frantic, exploring every inch of my mouth. Resting my elbows on his shoulders, I wrapped my arms around his head, holding it steady while I pushed closer to him. It was as if we were both desperately trying to crawl inside the other. Heavy breathing, growls and moans echoed around the room.

Hart slowed the kiss. He’d pull his lips away then lean back in three times, taking my bottom lip between his teeth each time.

“Stand up,” he whispered. His warm minty breath drifted over my cheeks.

I did.

He looked up and our gaze locked. There was something about this position that caused my insides to melt every single time we were in it. It made me feel protected, worshiped, empowered, and hot all at the same time. I didn’t know if I pushed my knees together or they collapsed in on each other. Either way, I gripped Hart’s shoulders to steady myself. Starting just above where my boots hit the back of my knees, he pressed his large hands flat against my sensitive skin, sliding them underneath the hem of my dress. His hands continued traveling up until they reached my ass. Never once did his gaze drop from mine as he massaged me, his fingers dipping underneath my panties occasionally. My core tightened in anticipation of his fingers inside of me.

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