The Darkness Beyond (16 page)

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Authors: Alexis Morgan

BOOK: The Darkness Beyond
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His dark eyes stared at her, his mood unfathomable from across the fire. His voice was gruff when he finally answered. “Not much of a surprise considering all you've gone through in the past twenty-four hours.”

She wasn't alone in that. After all, he'd been caught up in the ugliness of the situation, too. “I'm not the only one. I'm so sorry you had to kill both of those guys.”

He flinched as if she'd hit him, his jaw clenched tight. “I'm not.”

“Not what?” Although she knew.

“I'm not sorry.” He came closer. “I won't lose a single minute's sleep over those two dying. Good riddance, if you ask me.”


By now he was standing over her, his face a series of sharp angles and fury. “No buts, Reggie. Remember how curious you were about what a Paladin does? Well, now you know. We kill vermin like those two. Day in and day out, year after year, I wade through buckets of blood to protect our world from the crazy fuckers from this one. My friends and I fight with swords or axes or even our bare hands if it comes to that, but we get the job done.”

He knelt down to stare right into her eyes. “And the funny part is, modern science says we share their DNA. That's why I can see in the dark.”

Her mouth dropped open in shock. “But that means—”

He cut her off in midsentence. “Yeah, that means you've shared ice cream with someone who isn't completely human.”

Then his gaze zeroed in on her mouth. “Not to mention that you actually kissed a freak.”

She couldn't listen to this. “No matter what you say, you're nothing like them.”

“Lie to yourself if you need to, Reggie, but don't say I didn't warn you.”

He rose back up and grabbed the pommel of the sword he wore at his side. Then with a look of total frustration, he shoved it back down in the sheath and walked away again.

“D.J.?” she whispered, his words still battering her mind like heavy fists.

He looked back at her. “Look, just forget I said anything.”

Heck no. Despite his claim to the contrary, it was clear that the deaths had affected him whether he admitted it or not. So did his supposed alien DNA. Also obvious was the fact that someone in the past had rejected him for that very reason. Sure, she was shocked by his revelation, but who wouldn't have been? It wasn't as if she'd even heard of this world before yesterday.

No matter how tired she was, he wasn't going to get by with convicting her of crimes she hadn't committed. She gathered the cloak around her and followed D.J. over to where he bent down to stir the pot he'd scavenged from the Kaliths' supplies.

When her shadow fell over him, he looked up. “What do you want now?”

“An apology.”

He dropped the spoon in the pot as he jerked back upright to tower over her. “Just how the hell do you figure I owe you an apology? I'm not the one who got herself kidnapped and dragged into an alien world. You should be grateful that you're not currently sharing one of those pallets with those two aliens.”

Okay, if he wanted to be a jerk, fine. She didn't back away an inch.

“You're right, and I already told you that I was grateful. But for the past hour you've been acting like I just kicked your puppy or stole your lollipop.”

She tightened her hold on the cloak. “I am sorry that I ever tried to track you down, and I'm sorry I didn't listen when you warned me off. But don't accuse me of crimes I didn't commit. Kiss or no kiss, yes, it came as a shock that you
have some alien DNA. Considering that I didn't know it was even possible until five minutes ago, maybe you could cut me some slack.”

“There's no might about it, Reggie.”

She poked him in the chest with her finger. “But I'm guessing you're jumping to conclusions about how I'd react based on someone else's sins, and I don't appreciate it.”

Maybe she was mistaken, but the gleam in his chocolate brown eyes had taken on a whole different meaning. Maybe a tactical retreat was in order. At this point, she wasn't sure what they were really fighting about or why. But their tempers were both definitely running hot, maybe because focusing on D.J. kept her from thinking about anything else.

He matched her retreat step for step. “Where are you going, Reggie? I thought you wanted an apology.”

“I changed my mind.”

His eyes flicked past her to where Jeban had spread out pallets on the ground. “I wouldn't want us to go to bed mad at each other.”

The image of the two of them sharing a bed popped into her head. Okay, she was not going there. “Look, I'm not mad anymore. Besides, I think maybe the stew is burning. You might want to check on it.”

“I can always make more.”

He wasn't so much walking as prowling, and there was no doubt who was his prey.

“D.J.” She used his name as a warning, holding up her hand to stop him.

“Reggie.” He made hers sounded like a purr, warming up the night—and her—with his deep voice.

“There's no time for this.”

That was a lie. They had all night. As crazy as it was, she wanted his touch to drive away her fear and to hold her nightmares at bay. She stopped retreating.

“Tired of running?” D.J. sounded disappointed as he twined a strand of her hair around his fingers. “Or are you planning on using some of your fancy martial-arts moves on me?”

Her sensei would be bitterly disappointed to find out that the thought hadn't even occurred to her. But then, alien blood or not, the threat D.J. posed to her wasn't physical, but emotional. She had no moves, fancy or otherwise, to protect herself from that.

“Not unless you force the issue.”

Okay, his smile was driving her crazy. This time his fingertips followed the curve of her throat, down and down, to lightly trace the valley between her breasts. The ache that followed in the wake of his touch melted the last bit of her resistance.

She held the cloak closed with one hand and used the other one to do some touching of her own. Ever aware of the difference in their heights, she rose up on her toes to brush her fingers over his sexy mouth. “Are you going to kiss me?”

He nipped at her fingertips, his smile heating up yet another notch—or ten. “Got a thing for aliens, do you?”

That again? “Yeah, D.J., I just love little green men.”

His breath teased her skin as he leaned down close to her ear and whispered, “Sorry to disappoint, but you can see I'm not green, and I'll be happy to prove to you that I'm not little.”

Now there was an image guaranteed to fry her brain. For the first time in hours she was warm. Hot even. Feeling alive.

The rough fabric of the cloak chafed her skin. Even the night air felt heavy.

She leaned into D.J.'s strength, drawing in the scent of his skin. In the past, she'd always been cautious around men, reluctant to trust and even more reluctant to surrender. But here, in the small circle of light from the fire, they lived in a world of two. All that mattered were their rules, their choices, their needs.

And right now, she needed this man to help ground her, to stop the fear of what lurked out there in the shadows.

“Kiss me.”

Chapter 15

eggie wasn't asking him a question, but issuing an order. It was a shame she hadn't yet met Devlin because the big guy could tell her all about how well D.J. took orders. He always got the job done, but he did it in his own time and in his own way. Guess she'd have to learn that lesson on her own.

First things first. Where should they stage this little party? The handful of pallets were scattered around the clearing.

He kissed her cheek. “Hold that thought. I'll be right back.”

He dragged two of the makeshift beds close together near the fire and then spread the third and fourth on top for good measure. With each only little better than a couple of thin blankets, they wouldn't offer much by way of cushioning. Under the circumstances, he'd play the gentleman and make sure he was the one who ended up with rocks digging into his ass.

Next, he took the blanket Reggie had dropped and used it to cover the nest he was building. He turned back the top edge, hoping it would look inviting. Then he pulled the stew off the fire but left it where it would stay warm. For later. A lot later.

Okay, back to Reggie. With luck she hadn't changed her mind, although he wouldn't blame her if she had. A woman like her deserved to be courted and then seduced, not subjected to a quick tumble only hours after she'd been kidnapped and threatened with far worse.

D.J. made his approach slowly, watching her for any hint of reluctance. The final decision would be hers, even if it killed him. Considering how hard he was at the moment, it just might. Hot damn, she was so perfect and petite. With her hair tumbling down her shoulders in soft waves and her pretty bare feet peeking out from the bottom of the cloak, she was temptation itself.

Her eyes stared past him, right at the bed he'd made, her normally expressive face impossible to read. He coasted to a stop just out of reach.

“Should I make another bed for myself?”

He was impressed with how calm he sounded. The thought of sleeping alone made him want to howl with frustration, but she'd already had enough of men dragging her around. As he waited for her answer, all he could hear was the snap, crackle, and pop of the fire. Well, that and the pounding of his heart.

“You'd really do that, wouldn't you?” she murmured.

He nodded, although she'd sounded as if she were talking more to herself. At long last, her eyes sought his. The heat in their depths had nothing to do with the fire, her smile a funny mix of caution and fearlessness. In a move that stunned him stupid, she let the cloak slide to her feet. Then she shimmied out of the tunic, leaving her wearing nothing but the dim glow of moonlight on her skin.

“You still haven't kissed me.”

It was hard to talk with his tongue dragging on the ground. “Sorry, my bad.”

Then he leaned toward her to correct that omission.

As soon as D.J. touched her, she melted. The man was big and powerful and scary, but she'd never felt so safe, so cherished, as when he folded her in his arms. His mouth took hers in a simple kiss. A claiming, to be sure, but so gentle.

Who would've thought a man who charged through life at a dead run could slow down to linger over a moment like this one?

His hands worshipped her as they skimmed across her shoulders and down her back. The sweet sensation made her sigh, and D.J. deepened the kiss. The tip of his tongue staged a foray between her lips, sampling a quick taste before retreating.

She smiled against his mouth and did some exploring of her own. The play of their tongues stoked the growing heat, first in her breasts and then deep in her belly and at the juncture of her thighs.

“Hold on,” he breathed between kisses.

Then his hands cupped her bottom, lifting her up high against his chest. She dug her fingers into his shoulder muscles and wrapped her legs around his hips. The soft fabric of his trousers did next to nothing to disguise his impressive desire for her.

She wanted his clothes off. She tugged at the hem of his tunic. “Get rid of these. Now, D.J. Sooner if possible.”

He grinned. “Mind if I put you down first?”

“I thought you'd never ask.”

He kicked the silver blanket back and then settled her down in the bed he'd prepared. Then he yanked off his tunic, followed by the T-shirt he wore underneath it. Reggie propped herself up on her elbows to enjoy the view. It was flat-out amazing, and not just because the man was seriously ripped under all those clothes.

Her past experience, limited as it was, had always been indoors and under the covers. But here they were, outside, under the moons of this alien sky, surrounded not by walls but by a circle of firelight. Its soft dancing glow highlighted the lean lines of D.J.'s body, showing off his sculpted muscles.

And he hadn't been bragging. There was nothing small about him. Anywhere. In fact, impressive didn't do the man justice. Imagine, all that scrumptiousness just for her. Oh, yeah, this was going to be good.

When every stitch of his clothing was gone, D.J. picked up his wallet and pulled out a single foil packet.

Looking disappointed, he dropped it beside the pallet. “I'll be back in a minute.”

The view of him walking away made the delay almost bearable. He dumped his pack out again and rooted through the stuff scattered on the ground. Then he grinned at her and held up three more packets before starting back over to her.

She tried to keep her eyes focused on his, but finally gave in to the temptation to check him out from top to toes. When he realized what she was doing, he slowed down and then did a slow turn just for her benefit.

It felt good to laugh. It would feel even better to get her hands on him. “Stop preening and get back here.”

“Hey, now, Paladins don't preen.”

“Yeah, right. I know preening when I see it.”

He looked mildly insulted, which made her giggle again. Finally, he gave in and grinned back.

“It's nice to see you smile again, Reggie.”

The packets joined the other one where they'd be within easy reach. D.J. stretched out beside her.

His smile faded as he cupped her cheek with his hand. “You still all right with this?”

Darn him, he was making her think—the last thing she wanted to do right now. Yes, she still wanted him. The question was, why? Was she using him just to buy a few hours of oblivion? Not entirely.

Whatever he was seeing in her eyes had him sitting up and reaching for the boxers he'd tossed in the dust. She caught his hand in hers. He tugged it free.

“Reggie, I'm not going anywhere, even if all you need is for me to hold you all night long. But if that's what you want, I'm going to need something other than just my good intentions between us unless you want me to sleep somewhere else.”

He really was a hero, one she craved right now with an amazing intensity.

“I want you right here, right now.” She captured his hand again and pressed a kiss to his fingertips. “Yes, in part because you—this—will drive away all thoughts of what's happened. If that was all it was, though, I'd take you up on the offer to cuddle.”


She straddled his lap, opening herself up to him in more ways than one. Running her fingers through his thick hair, she smiled into his dark eyes.

“As long as we both know going in that what we share is just for tonight—no questions, no promises—then I want this.”

Before he could marshal any more arguments, she kissed him again. And again.

It was as if she'd touched a spark to dry tinder. D.J. claimed her mouth with a searing kiss as his hands roamed over her body, touching, testing, teasing. She loved the tickle of his chest hair against her already sensitive breasts.

He thrust up against her, rubbing his erection against her core, the friction making her beg for more as he palmed her breasts. She broke off the kiss and arched back to offer him easier access.

“Like that, do you?” he asked just before he captured her nipple with his lips.

“God, yes.”

He chuckled, the vibration echoing through her body. He took his time, making sure each breast got equal attention. As much as she loved it, she needed more. If he didn't lay her down and take her fast and hard and soon, she wouldn't be responsible for her actions.

To focus his attention in that direction, she wrapped her fingers around his shaft and slid her hand up and down slowly. When he closed his eyes and groaned, she did it again, this time picking up speed and using her other hand to cup his sac.

“Hey, lover, guess what I want?”

He didn't bother to answer, but stretched out on his back, carrying her with him. She pushed herself back upright, loving the feel of her body centered right over his. It still wasn't enough. She wanted him in her. On her. Now.

“D.J., please.”

She rolled to the side and tried to take him with her. Considering the difference in their relative sizes, she should've known better. They ended up laying on their sides, facing each other.

The heat in his expression gave her the shivers, especially when he lifted her leg up over his hips so his wicked, wicked fingers could slide over her damp folds. When one slipped deep inside her, her muscles clamped down hard, the tension building. Once again she tried unsuccessfully to pull him over her.

He pressed a kiss against her damp skin. “Hold that thought.”

In his hurry to get back to Reggie, he fumbled with the packet, dropping it twice before he finally managed to handle the situation. Thank goodness it was a warm night. He hadn't made love in the great outdoors since he'd been a randy teenager with no better place to take his girlfriend.

And he should be kicked for thinking about anyone other than the beauty waiting for him to come back to her. Reggie was propped up on her elbows, waiting and watching him. She smiled and held out her hand in clear invitation. The skin-to-skin contact was electrifying as he joined her on the makeshift bed. Damn, this was going to be good.

When she laid back, he had to ask, “Are you sure you don't want to be on top? These blankets won't offer much of a cushion.”

Her smile would've put the sirens to shame. “I'm betting you'll make sure I won't even notice.”

Well, all right then. “I'm always up for a challenge.”

He placed her hand right where it needed to be to prove his point. Her eyes twinkled.

“Braggart! You're definitely up all right, but let's see some action.”

He liked that she wasn't afraid to make her own demands clear. But that didn't mean he was in a big hurry to meet them, not when there was so much more to learn about her. He caught her wandering hands in his as he made a slow journey down her body, starting with kissing that sassy mouth. He worshiped her sweet breasts with soft flicks of his tongue, pausing to blow gently on them and smiling as the tips pebbled.

Moving down, her stomach was soft and warm. He rested his face there briefly, memorizing the scent of her skin. He parted her legs as he stared up into her pretty eyes, before slowly lowering his mouth to learn her most intimate secrets. She whimpered. He smiled and tasted her again.


There was a husky note in her voice that hadn't been there before, a hunger that rang out as he drove her on and on. He stopped just short of the finish line, wanting to share that first moment of triumph with her.

He settled into the cradle of her body, careful to take most of his weight on his elbows. He loved the way they fit together despite their differences. Or maybe because of them. It didn't matter why this was so perfect, just that it was.

He rocked against her, preparing to go deep. “Honey, you'd better hold on tight.”

She immediately brought her legs high up around his hips as he thrust forward, seating himself in her slick heat. Reggie immediately arched up, taking him even deeper. God, it felt like heaven, like home. He shuddered with the need to cut loose, but he wanted to give her a chance to adjust to his abrupt invasion.

When Reggie trailed her fingertips down his back to dig into his backside, his restraint shattered. Plunging deep, again and again, until all he knew was motion and heat and the need to claim this woman completely, making her his own.

D.J. was all sleek power as he drove her on relentlessly. Her control was shot and her sanity gone. All that was left was this burning need to take what he gave her and give it back tenfold. Despite his overpowering strength, he didn't use it against her but gave her his best.

His face was set in harsh lines, the red-gold light of the fire reflected in his eyes. She reached up to cup his face, coaxing him down for a kiss, their tongues mating in counterpoint to the rhythm of their bodies.

Then he swiveled his hips hard. Once, twice, three times, until she was conscious only of where their bodies were joined and the powerful storm building inside her. With a shout like a crack of thunder, D.J. pounded harder, pouring everything he was into her. Her own climax rolled through her, starting deep inside and spreading outward in a cataclysm that left her unsure of where she left off and D.J. began.

D.J. yelled her name. She whispered his. And then silence.

Hours later, the sky was growing lighter. D.J. wished like hell it wouldn't. Normally, he wasn't much for sleeping in, but then it wasn't every day that he woke up with a beautiful woman curled up beside him.

beautiful woman.

There were good reasons for that. He never knew when he'd get called out, which raised questions he couldn't answer. Like all Paladins, he had a cover story to explain what he did for a living, not to mention his frequent disappearances. Missing a date because he was dead wasn't something he'd ever wanted to tell someone. Besides, the effort it took to maintain the lies was exhausting, and most of the women he'd met weren't worth it.

Now that he thought about it, Reggie was his first lover who knew what he was, even if she didn't quite believe the whole alien DNA thing. He hated that she'd actually seen him in action. She was a kick-ass woman in her own right, but she didn't deserve to be ensnared in the violence of his world. If she'd had any romantic illusions about what the Paladins did for a living, they were well and truly shattered now.

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