The Dating Games (Dating Games Complete Box Set Series) (An Alpha Billionaire Romance) (6 page)

BOOK: The Dating Games (Dating Games Complete Box Set Series) (An Alpha Billionaire Romance)
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Book Three

An Alpha Billionaire Romance



Olivia Bell



Chapter 1


Devon reminded himself as Erica began unzipping his pants that he wasn't with anyone, that was the point of the dating show, to find someone that he really wanted to be with. To find the attraction and live happily ever after.

              He watched as she made him slip his mouth off her hard nipple and brought herself down to his hard cock that was teasing her. She licked slowly at the head of his cock and heard him moan softly for her. He watched as she slid her mouth up and down slowly, and she brought her hand to his balls. He spread his legs willingly so that she could massage them, she was squeezing and massaging them, she was doing a really good job as he felt his cock react to her mouth and the whimpering she was doing for him, showing him that she could take his whole amount of cum into her mouth.

              “God you’re so good Erica, so good.” He grunted as he began running one of his hands through her blonde hair. Looking into her eyes, he noticed that she did have beautiful blue eyes.

              Erica took her mouth off his cock, but not until she showed off her sucking ability at the head of his cock.

              “Fuck me, Mr. Sager, you know you want to.” She giggled, getting down on the white carpeted floor.

              He felt himself trying to fight it, but his body wouldn't let him. Like a crazed animal, he rushed to her and got between her spread legs. Something he had never had a woman do before as he pushed the head of his cock inside her wet pussy. She brought her legs up and wrapped her feet around his neck, showing off her pussy to him.

              Devon licked his lips as he saw her fat clit peeking out between her pussy lips. Once his cock was all the way inside of her, he brought his mouth down and began teasing the fat clit that wanted his mouth so bad.

              “Yes, god yes. I've never had a man fucking me and teasing me at the same time,” Erica murmured to him, taking her hands and bringing them down to her pussy, she spread her pussy lips so that he could lap at her clit with his tongue. Using the flat of his tongue as he began licking as if he was a new born kitten looking for the milk that nourished it.

              Erica's pussy came quickly from all the teasing that he was doing to her and after she did, she pushed away from him, seeing that he hadn't cum for her yet. She rolled over on her back and got on her hands and knees for him.

              “Fuck my ass until you cum inside of it, Mr. Sager,” she whined, looking at him over her shoulder.

              “You are such a naughty girl, such a good girl to be so naughty for me,” he whispered as he spread her ass cheeks and shoved his cock deep inside of her ass.

              He pulled her hair with one hand roughly while he brought a hand under her and up her body to squeeze her tit. Feeling her soft skin in his hand, he felt her moving her ass around on his cock. She brought it up and down, riding his cock faster and faster.

              “Cum for me, god cum for me before I scream,” Erica warned him, not sure how much longer she could keep riding his cock without screaming out with pleasure.

              “Fuck, you are such a dirty talker honey. You're going to have a spot on the show for sure. I'm going to pick you next week to see just how dirty you can be for me after the show.” Devon grunted in her ear as he felt her slam her ass against his cock.

              Devon came hard for her, and she whimpered more and more for him, keeping her voice low and soft so that no one heard her, so that no one knew what was going on behind closed doors.

              When she felt his cock growing soft inside of her, she moved her ass away from him and felt his cum sliding out of her.

              “You should go clean yourself up sweetie. Make sure you're fresh for the dresses that you are going to show off. Make sure that you pick ones that show how tight your lovely ass is.” Devon smacked it as she headed to the bathroom that he had pointed out for her.

              “You are going to be happy with our next sex session I promise you.” Erica giggled and gave him a wink over her shoulder. When she saw that, he pushed his cock back into his slacks.

              When she was in the bathroom, he noticed that Ken had gotten himself a coffee and one for him too.

              “Everything alright in there? I was about to come knocking at the door,” Ken stated, sitting down and watching as Devon sat in the chair beside him.

              “There were a few dresses that didn't fit her.” Devon lied to him, seeing that Ken believed what he was saying. Ken knew there was no reason for Devon to lie to him and he took his word for it as he sipped at his coffee waiting for the girls.

              “This is taking longer than what I expected it would be. I am going to give them all five minutes before I go knocking on the doors,” Ken said in a low voice.

              Just as he had said it, Erica was the one who had come out first. She was wearing a black dress that showed off her cleavage. Any man would want to stick his tongue between it and lick it. Devon covered his mouth and pretended to cough so that a husky moan wouldn't escape his lips.

              The other three girls came out of the dressing rooms just a few seconds after Erica did. They stood in a line beside Erica with smiles on their faces. Devon thought that they were all beautiful in their own ways. The only one he wouldn't have picked was the girl with the short red hair. She had done nothing with her hair and the dresses that she had tried on didn't fit her body very well. She was going to be cut before Devon even really thought about.

              “Alright ladies, thank you all for showing up. We will call you back if we are interested in you ladies. You are very beautiful in your own way and we appreciate you women coming in.” Ken nodded his head at them after a few minutes.

              All the women smiled at both Ken and Devon before they went back into the dressing rooms to change into their regular clothes that they showed up in.

              “So, what do you think?” Ken asked, looking at him with hopeful eyes.

              “I think that there's only one that's going to be cut.” Devon nodded his head seeing the smile on Ken's face. He knew it was a smile of relief because Devon finally picked three that he liked.

              “The one with the short red hair is going to be cut, am I right?” Ken asked him, he thought that she hadn't really done a good job wowing them to begin with. She didn't show any spunk and her clothing was all off.

              “Yes. That's the one. I would like to pick my date for next week if you don't mind. I would like to pick Erica. She's really good looking, she has a body that she likes to work with, and I would like to try to get to know her better.” Devon nodded his head seriously as the girls walked back out at the same time.

              They waved goodbye to the men and Erica was the one who had gone over to Devon and kissed him on the cheek.

              Ken was surprised that she had the nerve to do that and Devon blushed when she pulled away from him with the sexy smile that she had given to him.

              “Oh yeah, she's definitely a good one.” Ken laughed at him when the girls were gone and heading into the parking lot.

              “I know. The other girls are going to be set up after her, I just don't know which ones yet.” Devon sighed, not wanting to think about the next two weeks until it was time.

              “How about Jasmine? Did you ask her if she was willing to fill out the form?” Ken asked, knowing that she would be a good choice, and the way Devon had looked at her, he knew that he wanted to get to know her better. It was the reason why he was spending so much time with her already, but in order for him to do it right, he had to get her on the show and date her before he could pick who he wanted at the end of the show.

              “Not yet, I'm a little nervous asking her. I will though, I will do it today.” Devon confirmed running his hands through his hair.

Chapter 2


              Devon was feeling guilty about what he had done, now that he was coming back from what he had done with Erica in the dressing room. He was feeling really bad when Ken brought up Jasmine. He had never even asked her to go on the show yet and he had let his sexual appetite get in the way. He had to keep reminding himself that he wasn't dating her and they weren't even close to being together. He sighed heavily knowing that if he liked someone, he would have waited for them, but that wasn't the type of man he was.

              When he was with someone, he was faithful and he was proud of that. He thought that if anyone was going to cheat that they should break up with the one they were with. It didn't make any sense hurting their partner. He just figured he wouldn't tell her about what had happened, she didn't need to know because they weren't together and neither one of them had asked another on a date or even said that they were attracted to one another.

              “So I think that we are done for today. How did the advertising go this morning after I left?” Ken almost forgot to ask for an update.

              “It went really well. The only thing we really need to work on is her cheerful voice, and we are going to be working really hard on it. We are going to be ready for next Monday, for sure. We aren't on again until Friday night. It's plenty of time to shoot and advertise on the television,” he explained to Ken, assuring him that everything was going smoothly.

              “That's good news. I can see that she is nervous but if she can get passed that then she can get through anything. I think she just needs the confidence in herself, she needs to know that we are really happy with the work that she's doing for us.” Ken nodded his head, he could see just by looking at her for the first time that she was going to be a tough one to have confidence in because neither one of them had seen that in a woman before.

              “We will make sure that she's ready. We are going to practice some more after I pick her up.” Devon got up from the chair seeing that it was twelve. When he got there it would be twelve-thirty, he would only have to wait a half hour for her.

              “A word of advice, don't be falling for her Devon. Not unless you get her on the dating show and then from there on, it's all up to you. This show is wanting to find someone for you that you could really fall in love with. This is why I picked you, if you feel a strong attraction to her then you need to get her on the show.” Ken pointed a finger at him.

              “I know.” Devon groaned, not admitting that he was falling for her. He didn't admit it to Ken, keeping his own thoughts and feelings locked inside.

              Devon left the studio and couldn't wait to see Jasmine. Even though he had pleased Erica and she had pleased him, the only one he wanted to think about was Jasmine. He felt his heart skip a beat when he thought of her, a smile spread on his face, and he was going to try and get her to come on the dating show just for him, well for her too, but he wanted to show her that he did want to be with her. He did want to get to know her better, and that was the best way that he could do it. If he could get her on the show, then it would be easier than he thought to save her for last and pick her out of the ten women that he had to choose from.

              “Please say yes, Jasmine,” he murmured to himself as he pulled into the college parking lot and parked right where he had been earlier that morning when he dropped her off.

              Devon didn't know why she wouldn't say yes to filling out the form to date him; he was good looking and she knew that he was and if she didn't notice already, he thought that she was so beautiful that he didn't even really call women on a daily basis anymore. He didn't know what she would say to him but he kept his fingers crossed that she would say yes. He had never been rejected before, just went out with plenty of women that didn't lead anywhere. He hadn't found love, so this feeling was all new to him. He was wanting to rush things but he knew it wasn't wise to do so because he had done that with the plenty of women that had been in his life in the past.

              “What are you thinking about? You're lost in thought.” Jasmine laughed at him as she got into the car and put her seat belt on.

              Devon felt his face growing warm this time, he had been thinking about her for so long that he hadn't even seen her walking towards the car, hadn't noticed that all the college students were laughing and having a good time, silently happy that the day was over for them. They could now do what they wanted, not having to worry about the classes that they just got done attending.

              “I have been thinking a lot since I pulled in and there's something that I want to ask you, Jasmine. I hope that you don't reject it, but I have to ask regardless.” Devon thought it was the best time to come out with it.

              “Okay.” Jasmine looked at him, letting him know that she was really paying attention to him, hanging on every word he had to tell her.

              “We picked out three more women this morning for the dating game. That's four altogether so far. We need six more and I was hoping that you would want to fill out the form to date me as well. You wouldn't have to be worried about being picked out of the numerous women that are going to hope for the chance to date me. I would just pick you right off the bat,” Devon assured her, letting her know that he did have an attraction towards her. It was the only reason that he had asked.

              “So you are asking me out on a date for the future?” Jasmine asked him softly, she was shocked that he would. She thought that he was attracted to her slightly but she didn't know that he was really attracted to her.

              “Yes, and to tell you the truth, I think that we would make a good couple.” Devon chose his words carefully, hoping that she would tell him yes.

              “I know that you really want me on the show and I'm really honored that you would ask me, Devon, but right now in my life I can't handle any of that. There are things that have happened recently that make me feel that I'm not ready for the dating life right now. I'm sorry if you're mad at me but I'm just not ready.” Jasmine didn't want to go into detail with him, and she prayed that he wouldn't pry and ask questions.

              “I'm not mad at you, why would I be mad at you?” Devon gave her a small smile, a hurt one but he wasn't mad at her at all.

              “I don't know, I just thought maybe you would be. I hope that this doesn't hurt my chances of working for you after the advertising bit.” Jasmine thought about that too and wondered if he was thinking about not hiring her now.

              “That doesn't hurt your chances in the least. I can promise you that you have a stable job with me,” Devon explained to her.

              In the back of his mind, Devon was hurt and he was shocked that she would tell him no. She was going to see that he was going to show her that he really did care about her. He would do just about anything for her if she would just say yes.

              “I can tell you this, when I'm ready, I will let you know.” Jasmine bit down on her lip, knowing how the rest of the dating show was going to go.

              “Then it might be too late.” He sighed, knowing that he had nine more weeks to pick someone that he really wanted to be with.

              “If you have to base your life on a dating show, how does that really work? I mean one date and you are supposed to know that you are going to be with them for the rest of your life?” she asked him. She knew that life didn't work that way and she knew that her life didn't work that way either.

              Devon didn't say anything when he started the car, he knew that she was right and there was no way to justify what was going on with the game show. He didn't want to be forced to pick unless she decided later on that she did want to fill out the form to date him. Devon already knew that he was going to take a chance on her, without letting her know he was going to keep the tenth slot open for her and work on her, hoping that she might change her mind before the show was over. That was the only way he was going to win her over, the only way that he would be able to really wow her and hope that she ever could fall in love with him.

              Devon remembered the contract that he signed, remembered that he had to choose someone from the dating show, when it as all said and done, because it was for him, because he was the one that Ken had thought about when he brought the dating show to his attention. The contract was signed, the ink was dry, and he couldn't go against the rules of the game. He couldn't let Ken down like that and the millions of people that were looking for a happily ever after moment for him.

              They didn't talk on the way back to dropping her off at her apartment, and Jasmine felt horrible that she had turned him down. It just wasn't her time yet to start dating, there had been too many things that had hurt her from the past even though he was genuine with his suggestion, she knew that he was a good guy. It wasn't him, it was her, and she had to figure a few things out before dating could even cross her mind.

              “Did you want to practice tonight?” Jasmine asked him, hoping that they could go somewhere else for a little while and practice.

              “I can't tonight. I have a lot of things to do at the office.” He gave her a small smile and watched as she opened the door.

              “Wait, before you leave…” He almost forgot about the money in the glove box and he popped it open handing it over to her.

              Jasmine shook her head, but she took it from his hands as she closed the door and walked up the stairs that were so shabby that they didn't even look like real stairs. Looking over her shoulder before she went into the secured door, she saw that he was waiting for her to go inside, and she already knew their routine without even having to ask him.

              Jasmine gave him a smile and shut the door, making her way up the stairs slowly and opening her own door, locking it behind her. She went to the phone first and called him, letting him know that she was safe inside the apartment. She was happy to know that he wasn't that mad at her when he picked up again on the first ring.

              When they got off the phone, she had a small smile on her face. He was a good guy, and she prayed that he wasn't going to take it to heart. Jasmine looked at the money that he had given to her and knew what she was going to do with it.

              She walked to the freezer and shoved it into the back under the meats that she had bought for something to eat. She knew that it would be safe there; no one ever went into her freezer and she never let anyone come into the house without really watching them and seeing what they were doing. She had been screwed over once and she wasn't going to be screwed over again.

              Jasmine looked at the clock and saw that it was close to two in the afternoon. She had nothing to do since she had cleaned up the night before, so she went to the couch, turned on the television just for noise and within minutes, she was fast asleep, catching up on the sleep that she had missed the night before. She was thankful for the building being completely quiet for the moment as she found herself drifting into a deep sleep.

              Devon had stayed parked for a few minutes. He had it in his head that she might come back down the stairs and tell him that she was sorry, that she had changed her mind about filling out the form and dating him.

              After about fifteen minutes, he knew that she wasn't going to come back down, so he sighed heavily as he started his car.

              “It's time for me to get a drink,” he grunted, shaking his head and knowing right where to go to burn off his energy and his sadness of being rejected. It wasn't George's bar this time, he directed his car to the strip club that he had gone to many times before. Hoping that one woman would be able to feed his appetite.

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