The Dating Games (Dating Games Complete Box Set Series) (An Alpha Billionaire Romance) (5 page)

BOOK: The Dating Games (Dating Games Complete Box Set Series) (An Alpha Billionaire Romance)
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Chapter 4


Jasmine grinned at him and quickly turned to walk back into the room, both men were looking at her ass and how tight and round it was before she closed the door behind her, not looking over her shoulder. She had a feeling that they were watching her and it put a bigger smile on her face that they thought she was so attractive.

              Jasmine looked around the room and saw how she had tossed the dresses, she began picking up the hangers she had gotten them off of and put them neatly back on the couch the way that Devon had them set up for her.

              She looked at the red dress that had sparkles on it and she thought that they shined like gems. She was hoping that the dress was going to fit her, it had flare and showed off in style. She knew that there would be plenty of women signing up for the dating show and it would bring in more reviews just with the way that it would fit her.

              “This had better be the one, the guys are getting really impatient with me,” Jasmine muttered to herself, looking at herself in the mirror and seeing that she did have an amazing body but prayed that this was the dress she had been looking for.

              She slipped out of the purple dress that she had been wearing, seeing that Devon really didn't know too much about style, she couldn't help but laugh.

              “We are going to shine like diamonds.” Jasmine grinned at herself as she slowly put the red dress on.

              The straps were thick just like she had hoped that they would be. All the other dresses had thin straps that felt like they were going to break at any moment. She loved that the dress almost went down to her feet and when she turned she didn't like the slit up the side of her right leg but it didn't go anywhere near her hip like she thought it would. It was supposed to, but she didn't think that Devon realized just how long it was.

              “Here we go, let’s hope the guys like it just as much as I do.” Jasmine took a deep breath, turned away from the mirror and put a big smile on her face before she walked to the door and felt the coolness of the doorknob in the palm of her hand.

              Both men were watching television with their backs to her until she closed the door and they slowly turned around to give her attention.

              They both had smiles on their faces and nodded their heads in approval; they just had to wait on her answer to the dress.

              “Well what do you think about it yourself?” Devon asked her, letting her know that there was no wrong or right answer by the way he was looking at her.

              “I think it fits just right, I was worried about the slit up the side but it's not long enough to reach my hip so that works for me. It's not tight up top and I think that it has a lot of flare,” Jasmine stated, letting them know just how well it fit her.

              “Great, then we found a dress that you love and we love the way it looks on you. You’ll be decent and beautiful all at the same time when it's time to record the advertisement that we want you to do. I'm glad that we could come up with an agreement over a dress. It took a while but the three of us did it, that means success in my book.” Ken explained to her, letting her know that she did a great job picking out the dress that she really wanted instead of just throwing one on and saying it was good enough.

              “Thank you, I don't want to be the type of girl that looks like a slut or a nun, and this is a really nice dress. I love the sparkles on it as well and that's what made me notice it to begin with before I even picked it up to try it on.” She nodded her head, seeing that Devon had really picked out a great dress for her when he didn't even know her.

              Devon was pleased that she was happy with the dress that he had picked out. It was his favorite one and he had been waiting patiently for her to try it on, he figured what she had done was save the best for last.

              “Now that we picked out the right dress for you that we all like, it's time for you and Devon to go over your lines,” Ken stated, knowing he wasn't going to be around for that. He trusted Devon to know how Jasmine was doing and he knew that Jasmine was nervous enough without needing them both there to make her more nervous.

              Ken handed them both a copy of what she was supposed to say on the advertisement and the best thing was that it was going to be recorded before it was going to be put on the air. She wasn't going to have to worry about a live showing for her.

              “We are going to work for another hour and a half and then we will leave here and go about our day,” Devon told her as Ken slowly left the studio with a smile on his face. He had a good feeling that Jasmine was going to be a good thing for the show and the team.

              After he left, it was quiet for a few minutes. They were standing a few feet apart from each other as they went over her lines.

              “Do you think that you're ready for this right now? I know that we are just looking over them now, for me as well. It's my first time.” Devon looked up from the paper to see if she was ready.

              “I think so.” She blushed, nodding her head but not looking up from the paper. It wasn't hard to do but she knew that she would get used to it more and more with her lines. She was glad that Devon was helping her out and being so nice.

              “Great, because the sooner we can get through this with no mistakes, the sooner we can record it and put it on the television for a commercial. We have nine more episodes before the show ends. There's not going to be a next season. The one that I pick is the one that I personally am going to be happy with.” Devon pointed a finger at himself.

              “Are you ready?” Jasmine looked up from her paper and laughed at him, she noticed that he was a talker whether he was nervous or not.

              “Yes, I am ready.” He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Even though he wasn't the one who was saying the lines, he was nervous for her and how she was going to do for the first time.

              Jasmine looked over her words one more time before she put the paper down on the table, the words pressing against the table so that only the white of the paper was showing.

              “There are now more openings for 'The Dating Life Style Of A Billionaire;' we are looking for good quality women who are excited for the chance to go on a date with the handsome Mr. Sager, himself. Who wouldn't want to have a chance at that? So come on down to our studio today to fill out the form, we wish you ladies the best of luck,” Jasmine said quickly, feeling her face growing hot when she stated that he was handsome. She knew it was just a line that she had to say out loud but the truth was he was handsome and she thought that he was more than handsome herself.

              “That was good, that was really good but we have to put more spunk in your voice Jasmine, I'm glad that you didn't stutter through the words. I'm really impressed with that.” Devon gave her a big grin, he was more than impressed with her that she had done a great job the first time going through the lines, better than he had ever seen someone do.

              “Yeah I felt as if I was reading off the paper. I see what you mean, could I suggest one thing though?” Jasmine raised her eyebrows, not sure if she crossed the line or not.

              “Of course you can, all suggestions are welcome.” He nodded his head at her, giving her an encouraging smile.

              “I think that the address should be at the bottom of the screen scrolling over and over again during the commercial.” Jasmine thought of how it would look in red or white letters knowing that it would catch any woman's eye.

              “That would be good but I think that it would take away from the commercial if the women were only looking at the bottom of the screen. I don't think that we would get a lot of business that way. What we are actually going to do is put the studio's name and address on a billboard big enough for you to hold over your head. We are going to be shooting the commercial outside of the studio as well. We have a week to get this done and there are a lot of sunny days coming our way,” Devon explained to her, knowing that they were on a deadline.

              “Oh nice, I never thought of that.” Jasmine giggled, she thought that their idea was a lot better than hers now that she thought about it.

              “We will go through the lines a few more times and then if you would like me to, I can drop you off at the college,” Devon stated, praying that she would say yes; he really wanted to spend as much as he could with her before the dating game, hoping that she would sign up for it.

              He was happy that they had only one episode so far and that he hadn't picked the ten that were given to him because he knew that if he already had the ten she wouldn't be able to sign up.

              Jasmine nodded her head and remembered her lines word for word. She had done better and better at being spunky with her voice but Devon wanted more. He knew that she was trying the best that she could but he had to think about how many women were going to watch the commercial. He knew that they were going to have more than a hundred looking for something to advertise the show. They were probably looking at the television wondering when it was going to pop up.

              Devon decided that it was enough practice for one day when he caught her yawning. She hadn't lied when she had said that she didn't get much sleep the night before. He felt sorry for her now, knowing everything that she had to deal with in the apartment, and he didn't even know the half of it yet.

              “How about we take a break for today, you did really well and I liked the way you came alive earlier. I just hope that you don't fall asleep through your classes.” He kidded her, teasing her about yawning so much at the end of it.

              “Me too.” Jasmine smiled at him, picking up the piece of paper so that she would be able to study on her own that night.

              They walked out of the studio together and Devon made sure that it was locked up tight before they left. He was going to open the passenger side door for her but she had already made it there before he did and that's when they realized that she was still wearing the dress.

              “It's alright, we will see each other again. You can wear it to classes since you're comfortable in it. It will give you a feel for it even more when it comes to recording.” Devon shrugged his shoulders, to him it was no big deal and he loved how her red hair was curled, the way she had done her make-up, he knew that she really tried to be the best that she could before he picked her up early that morning.

              “Thank you, I promise not to get anything on it.” Jasmine looked at the dress and thought that it had be really expensive for the studio to buy just to see if she was going to decline or accept it.

              “You're welcome. We have a dry cleaning that we go through as well, so before the commercial we are going to have that cleaned for you.” Devon didn't want her to worry about anything, he didn't want her worrying about how things were going to go. The simple things he knew that she really worried about just by her facial expressions and he couldn't help but wonder how she handled a real crisis, but he didn't dare ask her.

              Devon stopped in front of the college a few minutes later, taking money out of his wallet, he gave her three hundred dollars seeing that she had nowhere to put it, he didn't want her losing it so he put it in the glove box of his car.

              “You don't have to give me that much, we weren't even there long enough to pay me.” Jasmine shook her head quickly, feeling her face growing pale when she saw how much he had slipped into the glove box.

              “Don't be silly, I told you that I would pay you and that you would be paid handsomely for it. Just make sure you don't spend it in one place and, when I come to pick you up, you can take it and put it in your apartment somewhere safe, I'm hoping,” he explained to her, giving her a big smile as she opened the door.

              “I do have a safe place for it,” Jasmine told him, opening the door letting him know nicely that she was going to be late for her first class.

              “What time do you get out of classes for the day?” Devon didn't even know what time yet, she hadn't given him one.

              “One o'clock I only have a few classes today. If you're busy it's alright, if I don't see you then I know that you couldn't come get me.” Jasmine didn't want him to be putting his life on hold for her if he was too busy for her.

              “I will be right here, parked in this same spot,” Devon assured her.

              “You have a good day, Devon Sager, and I will see you later.” Jasmine gave him a big smile and, for the first time that morning, it was a real one that had crossed her lips.

              “You have a good day as well, Jasmine, thank you so much for all that you're doing to help,” Devon stated.

              Jasmine looked at him as she got out of the car and shut the door, she even turned back this time to look over her shoulder to see if he was still there. She saw him looking at her, watching her go into the college. The crowd had swallowed her up and she had no choice but to look straight ahead so that she didn't trip over anyone.

Chapter 5


Devon went back to the studio to put the dresses away; he couldn't believe that he couldn't keep Jasmine off his mind. When he pulled in, there were already three cars that he didn't recognize and he knew that they were interviewing for the dating show. He groaned wondering just how many girls that Ken had in there and wondered if they were as pretty as Jasmine was, but he highly doubted it. No one could be as beautiful as she was.

              “I'm going to go back to the room and put the dresses away,” Devon stated when he saw four women around the table who were all sitting down.

              “It's fine, I want the girls to try them on so that they have something to wear during the interview and see how good they look. I want to introduce you to the girls here. Erica is blonde and beautiful. Her eyes are very pretty.” Ken pointed at Erica who stood up and gave him the best smile she had. She was wearing white slacks and a matching white shirt, he noticed that one of the buttons at the top of her shirt was unbuttoned to show off the cleavage she had.

              “This is Tonya.” Ken pointed at the sandy brown- haired woman with short hair and she stood up wearing a red dress that filled everything out that she had; he could see that she had worn the tight dress for a reason.

              Devon couldn't keep his eyes off her tits, he wanted to suckle them, and he closed his eyes. When he closed his eyes he saw Jasmine's beautiful face and knew that it wasn't right for him to be looking at the tits that she was showing off for him, but he couldn't help it. It wasn't like he was going out with Jasmine, he was still a free man to do what he wanted.

              “This is Courtney.” Ken watched as Tonya sat down and smiled at both of them. Hoping that she was going to be picked.

              Tonya could see that Devon was interested in her, he saw the look of desire in his eyes when all he could do was focus on her tits. She bit down on her lip as she looked at his slacks and saw the slight hard-on; she wondered if anyone else could see it.

              Courtney had straight black hair that had been curled just for that morning. She didn't have anything to really show. A pair of jeans and a nice blouse she wore for the interview, not knowing that they were going to be trying on dresses. Her dark blue eyes were the best feature on her.

              “And this is Kenya.” Ken introduced the last woman as she got up and went over to him to shake his hand, something that none of the other girls had done.

              She was wearing a black dress that was almost see- through and he could see her nipples through them without them even being hard for him. Kenya's hazel eyes were filled with desire, her short red hair was plain, she hadn't even thought about styling it before she came in.

              “Great, let’s get this started.” Devon nodded his head as he let go of her hand.

              “There are four dressing rooms and there are dresses in each room. Come on girls, let’s get ready.” Ken showed them the dressing rooms behind him.

              “What do you think about the girls?” Ken asked him when they were all out of ear shot.

              Before Devon could even tell him, he thought he heard one of the girls was asking for help because she was trying to zip herself up.

              “I will get that.” Devon sighed, rolling his eyes. He hadn't had to zip a woman up in ages.

              He went to the door where one of the women was asking for help and he went inside. He saw that it was Erica looking for his help, he swallowed hard when he realized that she didn't need any help getting dressed at all.

              When Devon had walked in, she was completely naked, already facing the door and showing off the big tits that were teasing him inside her shirt when he had been looking at her.

              Erica giggled when she saw the shocked look on his face, she walked to him slowly and reached behind him to lock the dressing room door so that no one could walk in on them. He could see the glazed look of her being turned on and, for the life of him, he couldn't keep his cock controlled as he felt it growing harder and pressing against his slacks, showing off for her.

              “I saw the way you were looking at me, Devon Sager, and I know that you are really interested in  me and if you're not more interested in me than you are interested in these other women. I thought maybe you would like a sample of what you're going to get if you decide to pick me as one of your dates.” Erica wrapped her arms around and pressed her tits against his hard chest. She could feel his cock pressing against her as she pressed her body even tighter against his.

              After a few seconds, she moved away from him slightly, letting go of the back of his neck with one hand, she brought it down to his slacks and squeezed his hard cock until he moaned for her. She brought his head down without any fight and pressed his mouth against her hard nipple, she whimpered for him as his warm breath teased it, making it even harder for him.

              Devon couldn't resist her as he closed his eyes and saw Jasmine in the back of his mind again. He opened his mouth to suckle on Erica's hard nipple, pretending that he was suckling Jasmine's, and there was a sound of her whining for more of what he had to offer her.











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