The Dating Games (Dating Games Complete Box Set Series) (An Alpha Billionaire Romance)

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The Dating Games

Complete Box Set Series

An Alpha Billionaire Romance



Olivia Bell

Copyright © 2016 Olivia Bell


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Book One

An Alpha Billionaire Romance



Olivia Bell


Chapter 1


Devon Sager was a billionaire who was looking for the love of his life. He had blonde hair and dazzling blue eyes with a masculine body, and he was sure that he would find a woman that was going to light up his life. He knew that it had to be someone important, someone special. He couldn't keep hoping from woman to woman the rest of his life so when he was offered to join a celebrity television show that was focused on dating and going out with a woman that he might be able to connect with, he had taken the producer up on his offer.

              It didn't take much to convince Devon that he should be the center of attention and start dating the woman that were going to be lining up to see him, to get the chance to date him. It helped out a lot that his friend was the producer of the new television show called
The Dating Life Style of a Billionaire.
He was
glad that his friend Ken had thought of him right off the top of his head. He had known that Devon was looking for someone special and he was trying to help him out, trying to help Devon find the love of his life.

              “We are going to rock the house with you. I want to see you in something comfortable tonight, there are some women that are okay and others that look extremely attractive, but we have to remember that just because they are beautiful doesn't mean that they have a good attitude. Sometimes those kind of women are trouble,” Ken stated, getting Devon to think about the show.

              The only reason Ken set up the show to begin with was because it was more of a show, something for people to watch on television, something new but real for the audience. Nothing was going to be fake about it.

              “We are going to rock the house with this one. Am I going to be able to pick one of the women before the show starts and then announce it when the show begins?” Devon asked him, he was hoping that he wasn't going to have to pick while everyone was watching him.

              “If you want to do that, but you have to make it look like it’s the first time you are picking. Each night you are going to do the same thing. Something that's going to wow the crowd, you know what I mean?” Ken asked, making sure that Devon understood the details of the show.

              “Of course, I can make it very convincing that I'm just picking the woman for the first time. We have a few hours before we go on, right?” Devon raised his eyebrows, hoping that they were going to be able to prepare themselves.

              “Yes, we have two hours before we go live. The best thing about this is that you're a known billionaire looking for love and that part is the truth.” Ken pointed at him, hoping that he was going to find the love of his life before the show ended.

              Ken already had it planned out that there was going to be ten shows in all. One woman a different night that Devon spent with. If it was going to turn sexual, he would shut the camera's off so that he could have some privacy.

              Ken ran his hands through his curly black hair. His dark blue eyes were excited because he couldn't wait to have the show start himself. He had created it and he was hoping that the show was going to be a big hit on the first night; he hoped that the audience would keep coming back for more.

              “Tonight you are to take whoever you pick out to a candle light dinner and wine and dine her.” Ken told him the plan hoping that he was going to make the show look amazing. He knew that his good looks were going to make him look good, to make the show look good.

              Devon had been an actor, and he knew that it had been a while, but he knew that it was just like riding a bike—no one ever forgot.

              “That sounds great, I'm going to go out back and see the selection of women that you had picked out for me. What happens if I don't like any of them? Or just a few of them?” Devon didn't want to be forced to have a woman on a date with him that he wasn't interested in, it would be a waste of time and a waste of film.

              “Then we cut her. You can decide if you like the woman just on the appearance for now and then when you date them, you are going to see their personality, of course.” Ken shrugged his shoulders, pointing at the door that he had to go through to look through the women that he might want to date.

              “Great, thanks buddy for doing this for me.” Devon thanked him, giving him a smile and heading towards the door that Ken was pointing at.

              He went through the door and closed it behind him. He liked the fact that there was a leather couch in the room, there was a coffee table that had snacks on it. Candy and peanuts were his favorite snacks and there they were in a bowl mixed together. Ken knew him too well as he shook his head and grinned.

              There was an older television in the room which was sitting on a high stand, the remote was beside it. He grabbed the remote and got comfortable on the couch, having the snack bowl in front of him.

              “Let’s see what women you have picked out for me,” Devon murmured knowing that Ken had good taste in women. Ken had been married to the same woman for seventeen years, so he must have been doing something right. They both acted like it was their first time being together, always sweet to one another and just having a good time all the way around.

              Devon turned the television on and hit the play button to start the video tape that was already in it.

              The first woman that he saw on the screen was a dark brown-haired woman with deep brown eyes that he knew he wouldn't get bored with. He smiled when he heard her speech on the screen.

              “My name is Kayla, I'm twenty-four years old. I like to go for walks on the beach, I like to have dinner just for two, and sometimes I like to work. I'm a reporter for the 'Concrete News' where everything we have to say is the truth. I like to have a glass of wine at nighttime and when I'm lonely, I get a good book and a bubble bath to spoil myself. It makes me feel better. I hope that I'm chosen so that I can show you what a great woman I am.” Kayla's speech had ended with a smile on her face and the television went black for just a few seconds.

              The women on the screen were boring him, one was a redhead that sounded too bubbly for him. There were three women that had blonde hair and they were models that would fit him just fine, but he wasn't sure if he was wanting to date someone that was traveling all the time. There was a stewardess, but he knew that he wasn't going to be interested in her. Sometimes she only traveled during the day and there were other times when she would travel for days on end. If he wanted to be alone most of the time he would've picked her, but he wasn't wanting to have nights when he couldn't hold the one that he wanted.

              “Things aren't going to go as well as I had hoped it would. I am going to pick Kayla and see how things go from there.” He nodded his head, she seemed down to earth and he wanted someone who was going to be around, someone that he could enjoy his time with.

              Devon knew that he wasn't going to find true love on the first night. He knew that he wasn't going to find it on the first date but if he really liked her he would go through with the show and call her up when the show was done.

              Devon went out of the room after shutting the television and light off. He came out with a grim look on his face.

              “What's the matter with them?” Ken asked him, knowing that something was wrong, but he hoped that he had picked one of the girls.

              “They are just too bubbly, they are gone most of the time, and I'm not looking for a woman that has a career out of town. The models are good looking, don't get me wrong, but I don't want someone who travels. I want someone that I'm going to come home to every night and know that she's with me and not everyone else. This is supposed to be real for me,” Devon explained to him, slightly disappointed with the video.

              “Have you picked anyone?” Ken raised his eyebrows. He couldn't believe that Devon only picked one out of the ten.

              “Yes, Kayla, the first girl that was on video tape.” He nodded his head, giving him a big smile. Getting one in return, but Ken didn't know how he was going to come up with nine more girls to fill the spots. He knew that Devon wasn't going to go out with the women that were on the video if he complained about them.

              “Then we will put up a showing again for nine women. I will select them in hopes that they are what you're looking for.” Ken gave him the same grim look that Devon had given him when he walked out of the room.

              Ken knew that Devon was hard to please and hoped that the woman he did fall in love with was strong enough to deal with Devon. Sometimes he was hard to deal with and sometimes he worked late himself. It was at home in his office but that didn't mean that he was going to ignore the people that cared about him. He prayed really hard that Devon found someone that he was going to be really interested in, someone that he could fall in love with.

Chapter 2


Devon was ready when it was show time, he was sitting in a chair next to Ken. They had a round table in front of them and cups of coffee just for show, but they loved coffee. There were two plants on the show to make it look interesting and they had an extra chair. They had called up Kayla to let her know that she had been picked for the first date. She was excited and she was waiting in one of the rooms to be called out to the set to sit down beside Devon. When she came out, Devon was to stand up and give her a hug before they sat down with each other.

              “We have five minutes before show time. Are you really ready for this?” Ken smiled at him.

              “I'm really ready, there is nothing that is going to mess this up. I've been on television before, it's not like it's my first time.” Devon reminded him, chuckling.

              Ken was more nervous about the show being a big hit, he was going to be nervous until they saw the ratings online, and he knew that he would feel better about it once he saw the ratings.

              “I think that we are going to have a great show, don't be so nervous.” Devon reminded him that it was just a show, if it was a flop, which he didn't think it was going to be, then they could try something new.

              “We are on in just a few seconds, guys,” the cameraman told them, making sure the camera was directed right at the two of them.

              They both put smiles on their faces as the cameraman counted down from ten seconds. Going slow and then giving them both the okay sign to let them know that they were on the air.

              “Tonight is a new show called
The Dating Life Style of a Billionaire
. Basically, what we are doing is setting up Mr. Sager with one of ten girls. Each night he is going to go on a date with a woman, we are picking out nine more women out there that are single and seeing where it goes. It could be love at first sight, you never know, so all the single ladies in town can come down to the studio tomorrow morning and hope to be one of the lucky girls to go out on a date with Mr. Sager.” Ken explained the show and what they were doing.

              Devon was quiet as Ken talked, he waited patiently for his turn to speak. He wanted to clear his throat because it was dry; he had to have a drink of water but the only thing in front of him was coffee. He leaned forward and took his coffee cup off the table and took a big sip of it before he put it down and sat back in his seat comfortably.

              “So who is the lucky girl that you have decided to choose?” Ken asked the big, important question of the night. He was glad that he had decided not to go through the complete video, and he was happy seeing that there was an exciting look in Devon's eyes that wasn't fake.

              “I have decided that I'm going out with Kayla for the evening. I want to see where it leads and hopefully things go the way we both want them to,” Devon stated with a shocking, exciting voice for the audience as well as for himself.

              Devon knew that everyone at home was going to be happy with the show. They weren't going to change the channel, even when there was a commercial on, afraid that they were going to miss any part of the show.

              Kayla came walking out of one of the doors wearing a blue dress that was nice looking. It was short, but she didn't look like she was easy. Her dark hair was crimped and stylish, she had a diamond necklace around her neck and just a little bit of cleavage showing for not only the audience at home, but for Devon, in hopes that he found her attractive. Her dark brown eyes were shining with happiness because he had picked her, they were more beautiful up close too. They stood out more than they had in the video.

              Devon stood up and walked over to her, giving her a hug as they met half-way between the chairs and the door.

              “It's so good to see you, I can't wait for our evening out,” she whispered in his ear and gave him a big hug.

              Devon knew that he was going to get some that night, just by the way her voice sounded in his ear. The way she held onto him a little tighter when it was time to let go was also an indication.

              They let go of each other and he took her hand to lead her to her chair so that she had a chance to talk to the audience as well.

              “My name is Kayla Williams, I want to let everyone know that this is a real show, it's a serious show. Mr. Sager is looking for the love of his life and I hope that I am it. I know that I'm the first picked so it's going to be hard for him to choose, but I am going to show him a night of a lifetime.” Kayla smiled wide for the camera, showing off her teeth as she moved her hair so that it wasn't in her face.

              They got up from their seats and headed outside to the limo that was rented for the show. They had the driver open the door for them and Devon let her get in first; she was going to make sure that she made a good impression on him, she was going to make sure that she was someone to really think about that evening.

              “So, are you a little nervous about tonight?” Devon asked her, wondering how she was feeling as she took his hand.

              “Just a little, it's not all the time that I get hooked up with a billionaire and, for you to pick me is something important to me.” Kayla was honest with him, she wanted to be honest with him through the whole date.

              “Good, because to tell you the truth, I'm a little nervous too.” He chuckled, squeezing her hand gently, letting her know silently that they were going to have a good night and she didn't have to worry about anything.

              Devon was glad that she was a little nervous because he was going to make sure that she was going to have fun, he was going to try and make it a wonderful evening between for the both of them.

              They were both quiet for a little while with smiles on their faces, real smiles, they pretended that the camera's weren't even on them. Pretended it was just the two of them on a simple date and that's all there was to it.

              Devon wanted to get to know her more, he knew that she liked long walks on the beach and she was a reporter but that was all, plus candle light dinners with just the two of them, but he wasn't sure what could happen for the two of them because everything was all set up for where they were going and what they were going to eat. Of course they were going to pretend that they were looking at the menu before their food was served, but it was all part of the game.

              “I would like to ask what you like doing, what is your favorite pastime when you're not making money?” she asked him seriously, wondering if there was anything he liked to do besides work.

              “I like to hang out with friends, go out and have a good time dancing. I like playing pool and I really like going swimming. I do crazy things sometimes like running into the ocean during the winter time with all my clothing on,” he told her, hearing her laugh at the last part made him feel at ease. She liked to laugh, he noticed, but he was telling the truth about the ocean.

              Devon knew that Ken was really happy with the way things were going back at the studio. Things were running smoothly and he was happy about that. Happy that Devon was serious about the date and feeling that things were going to go great through the first television show.

              The limo stopped out in front of The Famous Steak House. The driver opened the door once he stopped the car. He knew that he was supposed to wait in the parking lot for them to get done eating, take them back to her house to see if there was any spark between the two of them, and call it a night himself.

              Devon got out and brought his hand down to help her out of the limo, he had a big smile on his face when she took it, and the driver shut the back door, getting into the front seat again as the cameraman got out of the front seat himself so that he could tape them eating dinner together.

              “The best thing to do is pretend that the camera man isn't here,” Devon whispered in her ear and they both laughed together.

              He opened the door for her and walked in behind her, he had to admit that she had a tight, small ass that he wanted to reach out and grab, but he controlled himself as he put his hand on her waist, guiding her to the table that was already set up for them.

              A booth all the way at the end of the dining hall was glowing with candle light. She had a smile on her face when she saw that there was a table all set up for them and she loved how there were two candles in the middle of the table for them. She was surprised about it, she hadn't known about the candles. Of course she knew about the dinner and where they were going, but it was a complete surprise about the candles.

              “This is so beautiful,” she told him, feeling him let go of her hand as she sat on one side of the booth and he sat on the other, across from her.

              A skinny waiter with slicked back black hair came up to the booth right away when he saw them enter the restaurant. He had been told about it and he had been picked to be the one to wait on them.

              With a smile on his face, he handed them both a menu and decided to take down what they wanted to drink.

              “I will take a glass of wine while I wait, red wine please,” Kayla told the waiter, giving him a smile as she watched him write it down.

              “I will take a beer in a bottle please,” Devon told him, giving him a smile of his own as the waiter smiled at the both of them. He was glad to be waiting on the famous billionaire and his date, glad that he was on television, hoping that one day someone would pick him up as an actor himself. He had a lot of experience.

              They were quiet as they looked over their menus. They sat pretending to look at the list while they were both sitting there hungry. Neither one of them had lunch that day and they were just about drooling over the pictures of food on the menu.

              After a few minutes, they were ready to order, putting down their menus waiting for their waiter to come see them, but they didn't wait too long for the waiter. He hurried up with their drinks and brought the notepad out again.

              “We would like the famous steak that we've heard so much about. I will take mine medium rare and she wants hers well done. Both of us will have a salad to go with it and a baked potato with sour cream on the side.” He ordered for the both of them, knowing his lines by heart.

              The waiter took their order and hurried away as if he was being timed on how fast he could get their dinner out to them. The both of them laughed when they watched him scurrying away and going out back for their order.

              “I don't see why he needs to rush, I'm not in a hurry, are you?” Devon winked at her, giving her one of his famous smiles.

              “I'm not in a hurry at all. I am so glad that I'm spending my evening with you.” Kayla blushed as she sat there looking at him from across the table.

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