The Daughter in Law (2 page)

Read The Daughter in Law Online

Authors: Jordan Silver

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Humorous

BOOK: The Daughter in Law
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"Are you happy now?"

"No, I'll be happy when you get your head out your ass
and realize that that wasted shot of jizz is not a saint."


"Yes I called your mother a wasted shot, your
grandfather should've flushed that one."

"I can't believe you, where's this all coming

"It's called frustrated,
fed up and pissed way the fuck off. Did you hear anything that man that was
standing in front of us at the altar said? Forsaking all others, that means
meddling, destructive, lying ass mothers who talk shit about your wife to
anyone who would listen. I intended to keep up my end of the bargain but since
you can't or won't there's no point in me putting up with this shit. You can
get the fuck out of my house too."

When I felt the tears starting I
turned to leave the room. I won't show any more weakness in front of any of
them. I just wish I didn't love the stupid jerk so much that it felt like
ripping off an arm to fight with him.

"Vanessa get back here, this is not how we handle
things in this house."

"Tommy says kiss my ass."

Chapter 3

I tore off my
clothes and put on the
, rattiest sweats I
owned, with a t-shirt to match; something else that would set him off. He
expects a sweet smelling lace and satin wearing sexpot in bed. He can kiss my
ass. I'm so fucking mad it's a wonder I'm not levitating. It didn't take him
long to traipse up the stairs. He stopped in the doorway and studied me but I
igged his stupid ass. I had Tommy across my lap in case he got jumpy. He's a

"Vanessa put the gun
away." I didn't answer just kept gazing off into space like he wasn't
there. "Baby..."

I hit play and her screeching
voice filled the room. He got a curious look on his face and came farther into
the room so he could see the screen. I didn't say anything just let the scene
play. From my bright hello and her first words of complaint. The look on their
faces while we were in the kitchen was priceless; not to mention the bee line
to the door after the shot was fired. When it was done I just clicked off and
rolled over with my back turned; too mad to even care any more. Out the corner
of my eye I saw him sit on his side of the bed with his head in his hands. He
stayed there for what seemed like forever before turning to me.

When his hand caressed my shoulder
I cocked Tommy.

"Vanessa, quit it. Turn around let's talk."

"Ain't no more talking to be done, you had your

"So what're you saying, that you want to leave things
like this?"

"No, I'm saying I'm done. I don't want to live with a
man who doesn't respect me enough to stand up for me. Your dick's good but the
price is too high. I'm sure I could find some that don't come with all the
hassle." Oh shit, I think I went too far. Tommy went flying out of my hand
and I had one pissed off captain leaning over me breathing fire. "What did
you say?"


I couldn't say
shit; my heart was knocking against my rib cage and I think I forgot how to
breathe. And that was before the hand around the neck thing. Now he's going to
choke the shit outta me. I always knew that bitch was
be the death of me. "If you fucking ever..." Oh boy, he's too mad to
speak, this is not good. "You wore this shit because you thought it would
keep me from wanting you?" He went after my sweats, and then my top. I
didn't know you could tear sweats. What the
army been feeding my man?

I croaked out a sound around the hand he had wrapped tight around my throat
when he pushed two big, long callused fingers inside me as he swallowed my tit.
Fucker, he knows just what to do.

"Nothing stops me wanting you, not even your fucking

Why oh why does my own body
always trip me up? There was no point in denying it; the proof was already in
his palm, on his fingers, in the air. I was juicing like a sprung leak and he
hadn't even given me the dick yet.


"Shut...up." The fingers came out and he slid the
dick in nice and slow. I tried, I really did. For all us girls who have to put
up with this shit time and time again. I tried to hold onto my mad but shit.
Okay one last one for the road.

do you belong to?" I guess I didn't answer fast enough because that hand
tightened and the dick came in on a different angle and hit something.


"Who the fuck do you belong to?"

"You..." Another croak. This fucker pulled me up
by my neck and bit into my lip while pile driving his monster cock into my poor
little cooch.

Was that our bodies making that
sound? Sounded like thunder claps or gunfire? I was about to beg for mercy when
suddenly he pulled out. I had a split second of relief before he flipped me
over and did me rough from behind. I think I spoke about three different
languages then. Have you ever tried grabbing
thread count Egyptian cotton? It doesn't work. I couldn't grab ahold of
anything as he pounded my body into the mattress. His hand had left my throat
for my tits which he squeezed like he was milking me, which for some reason set
off the mother of all orgasms. Shit, dick shouldn't be this good.


"Should I pull out?" He
growled into my ear before biting into my neck.

"No, please, gimme." I locked down on his cock
just in case he tried pulling out. I wanted his seed, I deserved that shit,
worked for it.

"Only my good girl gets my seed. Are you my good

"Uh huh." The fuck I
know, I just want the dick. And he gave it to me, he gave and gave, and

"I'm almost there
babygirl." Smack. Oh shit he's pulling out all the stops. A spanking just
as I'm about to cum. I'll be no use to anybody for a good couple hours after
since I'll be dumb deaf and blind from overload.

"Do you want me to spank you?" I could only nod my

"Then say it. Beg me to spank your ass."

Depraved motherfucker.
"No." He rubbed my hot ass where he'd already landed a couple blows
but that wasn't enough. I needed to feel the hard callused flat of his hand
stinging my ass. "Beg." I shook my head as much as I could with his
hand buried in my hair pulling it from the roots. The dick never stopped moving
and I was about to get the shakes.


"Please what?"


"Say it."


He rained hell down on my ass, both
cheeks. I started cumming from the first one and didn't stop. Not even when I
felt him throbbing inside me, signaling his own release. Cum, pussy juice,
everything was leaking down my thigh and I sounded like a half drowned donkey
as I screeched and howled. He capped it off by pulling my head back and feeding
me his tongue.

If my bitch in flaw ever knew
the kind of sex she inspires she'd never come back to my house again. Hey
that's not a bad idea, maybe I should tell her, you know, let it slip. That
thought gave me the warm and
, which didn't
last too long.

"You ever say some shit like
that to me again I'll tear a strip off your ass. I'll only let you get away
with so much Vanessa. Know your fucking place."

I was up and off the bed scrounging around on the floor for
my sweats and tee. "Are you threatening me Damien Spencer?"

"Damn straight I am. You're my wife, if you need your
ass beat for doing stupid shit I will oblige you."

"Why you..."

"Watch it, I'm in no mood
for any more of your shit." He pointed his finger at me like I was one of
his soldiers getting a dressing down. I did my temper tantrum
as mom likes to call it. Hopping from one foot to the
next while I foamed at the mouth too upset to form words.


"You asshole jerk, fuck you,
fuck you, fuck you. I hate you and I hate your stupid mother."

I was mad enough to spit nails.

"For the love of fuck Vanessa, do you know what I do
for a living? Do you have any idea of the stress I'm under? I spend my days
thinking up ways and maneuvers to keep people alive. You and the other three
hundred million or so
that are
here in this country.
Do you think I have time to deal with your petty squabbles?"

"They're not petty..."

"Yes they are, you're both
adults, you should be able to settle your differences. Instead there's always
some fuckery going on with you two here lately and I’m sick of it."

"She makes my life a living

"I seriously doubt that."

"See you're always sticking up for her."

"VANESSA, for fuck's sake
I'm not choosing sides. Listen, when mom's wrong I tell her just as I tell you
when you're wrong. Your problem is that you want me to choose sides and there
are no sides. You're my wife she's my mom. I love you both, but I can't spend
my life refereeing between you two, I'm not gonna do it."

I stormed around the room opening
and closing drawers as I gathered my shit to get the hell outta dodge. He
doesn't get it he'll never get it.

I felt arms go around me and pull me back towards the bed
where he dropped us both. Then I felt his body shaking. "Are you laughing
at me?"

"You're just so fucking hot when you're mad baby. Hot
and adorably cute."

"Don't touch me, I don't
wanna be touched by you right now." I couldn't hold the tears at bay this
time. I'd lost she'd won; and it hurt so
. I didn't
just cry either; these were loud, wracking, chest concaving bawls. That's all
the shit I'd been holding in for over a year now.

"Hey what're you doing?
at me."

I tried hiding my face in his chest when he rolled me over
in his arms.

"Baby...what...please don't cry baby please." He
hugged me tight enough to crack ribs as he apologized. I wonder what he was
apologizing for since he didn't see anything wrong with anything. "Come on
baby is it really that bad?"

I didn't answer any of his questions, just purged myself
through tears as he tried his best to soothe me. When my crying jag was over
the room was deathly quiet. I wasn't talking; he wasn't talking.

"Tell me

Chapter 4

"No, I'm through. You have no
idea what it means to be a husband. You just showed up for the party and to
stick a ring on my finger that says you own me so that no one else can have me.
After that you buried your head in the sand and went about life as usual. You
have no idea what it's been like. My parents treat you like a prince while your
mom treats me like shit. You moved me half way around the country. No friends
no family and no support system..."

"I'm your support system

"No, no you're
not, you're a great provider and you're very attentive and loving but when it
comes to your family you have blinders on. You refuse to see the truth, do you
know how it makes me feel when they do some shit to me and then I see you
smiling and laughing with them like it's
ok? And
then your pig face troglodyte of a mother and your community pussy slag of a
sister give me their secret smirks behind your back like they've won. Which
they always do because you're an asshole jerk who has his head too far up his
to grab a clue." He didn't say
anything but he stopped breathing for a good ten seconds. Whatever I was over
his shit.

"Anything else?" Oh he
wants to be condescending? Well fuck him.

"Yes why don't you move back in with mommy since you
can't seem to get off her tit?"

"You're trying to piss me off aren't you? Well it won't
work because if I put hands on you right now they'll be cops at my fucking

"You don't scare me."

I tried pulling away but he
wouldn't let go. "Let go Damien I wanna get up." He held on a little
longer but when I kept my body stiff as a board he relented and let me up. I
headed for the walk in closet and dragged out my luggage. He watched as I
pulled clothes off of hangars and out of drawers, throwing them haphazardly
into suitcases. The tears were really flowing now, emptying my heart as they
fell. I zipped up the last bag and scrounged around under the bed for my
flip-flops. I made it as far as the door before I was tackled.

"Not gonna happen. I might not understand all the
dynamics of what's going on with you and my mom but I do know one thing. You
belong to me, nothing and no one is ever gonna change that."


We had a
Mexican standoff after that. He wouldn't let me leave and I was intent on
staying only on my terms. Of course I forgot that outside of the whole monster
in flaw thing he was a kick ass no nonsense type who wouldn't think twice about
taking me over his knee.

He helped me
clean up downstairs
both of us too stubborn to give
in to the other. But the whole time I was planning shit in my head. I had some
hard decisions to make. Do I stay and hope that eventually he gets his head out
of his ass? Or do I walk away from the only man I've ever loved? Funnily enough
old hag face had a lot to do with my decision. The thought of her winning
really burned me up, that and the fact that I was carrying his son.

It was early days yet and I hadn't
even shared the news with him, but I was late. I've never been late a day in my
life. When he came home a little over a month ago he'd fucked me up, down and
six ways from Sunday for the first two weeks. He had a year of back up to work
off and so did I; those Skype calls while he'd been away had only tormented my
ass. I didn't want my baby to not know his daddy and I didn't want
to win. I'm a fighter though, always have been, I'll
figure it out.

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