The Deliverance of Dilan (The Syndicate #4) (21 page)

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Authors: Kathy Coopmans

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: The Deliverance of Dilan (The Syndicate #4)
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When a person is pushed to their limits, they’re left no choice but to kill to protect those they love. They do it. They would die for them. I have no intentions of dying anytime soon. Killing, yes. Dying, hell no. I have a life to live with Anna, damn it. One I fully intend on living to the fullest.

I may be a morbid fuck for the barrage of visions rolling through my head like a horror movie of Jazmin slithering away on her belly, covered in blood, gasping and chocking as she tries to escape me. She’s not the type of woman to beg for you to save her. Hell, if I were in her shoes, I’d ask to be put out of my misery. Her life is full of hatred and greed. It won’t matter what she does in her lifetime, she will never be happy. Things will never be enough for her.

Everyone associated with this underground knows it. She has a web strewn from one corner of the country to the next. She picks and chooses her victims. Some she’s killed just because she needed a taste of them; others because they double-crossed her family. Her ways of toying with them are sick. When I said before she cuts off their dicks, I meant it. She’s notorious for it. But she slipped up this time. I’m going to make her pay for it all.

“We’ve got them.” Something flickers across my uncle’s face when he turns around. It’s hard to tell exactly what it is, but for the first time since I found out Anna was taken, I sense a trace of hope.

“Where are they?” I glare at him. “On their way to Cartagena. Seems he has a home down there. The good news is, they’re stopping in Miami.” I’m not sure I’m following this shit. Roan seems to know, as he lets out the deepest laugh and throws his head back.

“Do you mind sharing what the hell is so funny?” Fucking idiot.

“That’s the best thing I’ve heard since my wife said ‘I do’.” He somehow manages to get that shit out of his mouth while continuing to laugh.

“You see, Dilan, my cousin Lorenzo lives there. And I guarantee you he’ll be waiting at the airport for them. Which means Juan Carlos will be captured.” I still don’t get it. How the hell are they going to get them in a damn airport?

“How the fuck are they going to ambush him in an airport?” Aidan obviously is thinking the same thing I am.

“It’s easy to get someone when they’ve requested to land on your private landing strip on your private property.” No fucking way. It can’t be that easy. Juan’s too smart for this shit. It’s a motherfucking setup again. I know it is.

“I know what you’re thinking, Dilan. But trust me on this. They’ll get him. I guarantee it. And by the time we’re finished here, Lorenzo will have them on one of his planes, heading back here. You’ll get your revenge. Most importantly, you’ll get Anna back.”

He may think that, but something tells me it won’t be as easy as he thinks. There’s a pot of shit brewing. I can fucking smell it, and it stinks. No. This is all kinds of fucked up. No damn way he will be taken down that easily.

“Tell me you have them on lockdown, Digger.” I hear my uncle’s quick words when he answers his phone to one of his hitman. “What the fuck do you mean the place is empty? Jesus Christ!” His bark into the phone snaps my attention. I watch him gesture with his hands for Tony to pull off to the side of the road.

“Mother. Fucker. Yeah. Meet you there.” He turns, pinning me with a hard stare.

“Jazmin knows her brother was setting her up. She’s gone.” That’s not it though, there’s more. Something he’s not saying. I know what it is before he spills it out of his mouth.

“Fuck.” I slam my fist against the hard plastic of the side panel, the sting and burn shooting up my arm. I glare, the darkness of my eyes scolding.

“She’s known his plan all along. She’s on that motherfucking plane.” I’ll bet my goddamn life on it.





The only thing comfortable about this entire situation is the soft plush chair on this plane. The thought of being trapped in this tiny vessel with nowhere to go with him frightens me. He could do whatever the hell he wanted to me, and there wouldn’t be a damn thing I could do.

I fastened my seatbelt per his instructions the minute we stepped inside, not paying a lick of attention to the fact he sat down right next to me.

As soon as the plane takes off, I close my eyes, wishing I was anywhere but where I’m headed. Dilan. I wish I were with him, his strong muscular arms holding me tight, my head resting on his chest, listening to his heart beat under the palm of my hand while tracing the outlines of his tattoos. My wish carries into a dream that I fight tooth and nail to not succumb to. I give in as I’m hummed to sleep by the strumming of the plane’s engines. Or maybe it’s because my body is mentally exhausted. Either way, I feel the man I love. I see him vividly and colorfully in my dreams.

His chocolate brown eyes are dark as he thrusts inside my body. “God, Anna. You feel so good. This tight, sweet pussy was made for my cock. Look at the way it takes all of me in. Watch us, Anna. Watch your pussy coat my cock.” His voice is deep. His thrusts are deeper.

“Oh my god, Dilan. I need you to fuck me harder,” I scream. The need for him to take me hard consumes me. I’m his. I want him to fuck me. To own me. To drive into me hard. I lift my head to watch my body take in his magnificent cock. Stretching me. Opening me up to him. We watch together. Our eyes focusing on the same spot of my pussy. He slams in hard. A moan escapes my mouth. Nothing has felt as good as he does. Nothing ever will.

“You want hard, baby? I’ll give you hard.” He pulls his cock out, grips me by the hips, and flips me over onto my stomach, then shoves my face into the pillow, jerks my ass in the air, and slides his big cock into my wet pussy. Taking control. “Fuck,” he roars as he slams into me the way I want him to. Deep.

“Oh god, yes.” My hips buck back into him, which seems to drive him mad. My ass is on display. I would gladly give him that too if he wanted it. I want to give him everything. To please him in any way I can.

The only sounds in the room now are the grunts and groans coming from his mouth as he fucks me hard and fast from behind. My lips are parting; my pussy is quivering. I’m loving every minute of the way he takes domination over my body.

“Is that what you wanted? You want rough, Anna? You want it all, your greedy pussy had me once, and now you can’t get enough, can you? I can’t get enough of you either. I will never get enough. Every inch of this body belongs to me. No one else. No one will touch you, fuck, or make love to you, only me. I may be fucking you, pounding my cock into your pussy, but Anna, always know this, no matter how I take you, hard, fast, slow, I’m always loving you. I love you, Anna. Now, tell me I’m the only one who will have this pussy. Who will have your heart. Say it!” He slides his hand up my stomach, pinching one of my nipples, tweaking until I’m coming all over him while I scream his name.

“Say it, damn it!” My breast misses him the minute he releases it and grips a hold of my hair, pulling my head back and running his tongue up the side of my neck.

“Fucking say it, Anna.” His tantalizing tone has me screaming once again what he wants me to say. “No one will have me but you. I’m yours.”

“I’m yours too, Anna. Always.”

I’m awake, and I’m very much aware I’m not in that seat anymore. I’m not dreaming of the man I love. He’s not fucking me, making love to me. And I did not tell him I was his. Nor did he tell me he was mine.

I’m handcuffed to a bed. Panic arises; the hair on my arms and neck is standing up. He’s watching me. I can feel it. God, no. He cannot take me like this. I cannot have him touching me. I’m Dilan’s.

“Why are you doing this?” My voice is barely a whisper. I stare up at the top of the ceiling of the plane. The room is pitch black, but I know he’s in here.

“How did you get me in here? Did you drug me?” I say weakly. “Carlos. Answer me, you sick fuck.” I lurch forward, only to come to a jerking stop. Shooting pain rockets up my arms. I begin to whimper, until I hear that voice.

“Anna, sweetheart, wrong Carlos.” My eyes go wide with fear at the sound of her voice. They blink in a rapidly frantic succession when she flicks on a light. I close them tightly and lie my head back down. This has to be a dream. A nightmare. She cannot be here. Not in my dream with Dilan. This is impossible. I struggle against my restraints, my head whipping around. I need to wake up from this horror-filled hallucination. I try to push off with my feet, but they won’t budge. They feel like they’re weighted down. Sensationless. I feel nothing.

“You know,” I see her moving alongside the bed. The hum of the plane, the power of the force has my ears popping. Fucking shit. We are on the airplane. She is here.

“I can see why my brother and Dilan are infatuated with you, Anna. You really are a very beautiful woman.” One slimy finger traces down my cheek. I’m repulsed. Between her and her brother, I will never be clean again. And hell, her voice. It’s nasal, nasty, and downright sickening. My skin burns from her touch. I feel it everywhere.

“Fuck you. What did you do to my legs, you fucking bitch?” Numbness. I feel nothing from the waist down. My god, she is a cold psycho killer who has me trapped in the air.

That finger presses over my mouth. Gently. She shushes me like a baby. Her unabashed eyes are clinging to mine. Then her fingers sprawl out wide, her hand tight across my chin, yanking me to face her, her pointed fingernails digging into my skin.

“How brave of you to sacrifice yourself for your family. That’s more than I can say for my brother, wouldn’t you agree?” She tilts her head to the side as if she’s waiting for me to answer. I say nothing for a minute. Then I let it all loose. The fucking bitch needs to hear it. Whether it sinks into her head full of fucking air or not. Stupid cunt.

“Your brother hates you. All men hate you. You’re a cunt, a bitch. You’re like a damn rash that won’t go away. A piece of fucking shit.” If I’m going to die, then by god, I’m going out my way. I’m not shoving my mouth up my ass. Nor am I’m going to lie here and let her try and belittle me or scare me. She can go fuck herself for all I care. I’m sick of people coming along and thinking they can just take and do whatever they want. That the world owes them something. That my family and I owe them. What the hell happened to humanity? To people minding their own damn business? These people make me want to kill them all. Fucking lowlife scum.

“Do you feel better, little girl? Those are some big words coming from a tiny, little thing. Maybe I should show you how much of a bitch I can be.” She’s so calm. The woman from the other night is long gone. The more I study her, the more I would guess she’s on something. Some kind of drug.

“I can’t stop you from doing a damn thing, can I? Seems this is the only way you know how to fight, by tying people up or drugging them. Should I be thankful you’ve managed to accomplish both with me?” I taunt her more.

Her beady, squinted eyes lower down to within an inch of mine. Her face is made up flawlessly. Her nails are scouring through my skin, burning me.

“It’s easy to get what you want when you drug someone or something. I hated wasting them on my deceitful brother. But hey, a woman has to do what she has to do. It’s a shame Juan drank the last bit of scotch while you were sleeping. Made my plan simple for me really.” She brazenly speaks.

I must be a damn good actress, because I notice the very second she does that I’m not afraid of her. I’m afraid of dying. I have my entire life ahead of me. He’s searching for me now. They all are. Not a single one of them will stop until they’ve killed her. She won’t be missed. Not by anyone. She’s loathed and she knows it.

I should have sold you. That’s what I should have done. Made you some man’s slave. Had him take you, fuck you, and then turn around and share you with all of his friends. That’s what I should have done. Would have made a pretty penny too. Blond hair, big tits. I can change my mind, you know? I can sell you, make you live the rest of your life in hell. Would you like that, Annabelle?” Her tongue darts out, licks up the side of my face. This time, I cannot help but gag and choke. She is repulsive. She draws away from me, her stench lingering in the air. My face feels like someone dripped acid on me. She really is poison.

“Fuck you!” I scream through my gagging. Loud. This bitch is fucked up.

“I’ve had enough. Shut your trashy mouth. For a beautiful woman, your mouth is filth. Maybe I should shut you up with a bar of soap shoved in your mouth.” I roll my eyes. Where does she come up with this shit? I’m more a lady than she will ever be.

“Please do. Rub the soap all over my face before you shove it in my mouth and any other part of me you’ve touched with your filthy hands. Cleanse me, Jazmin. Although I think I need more than a bar of soap to get the unpleasant smell of you off of me.”

“You’re a witty bitch, aren’t you?” If she didn’t have me tied up and half paralyzed, I would show her just how witty I can be by killing her reeking, smelling ass.

I’m about to tell her to fuck off again when she starts in about her brother.

“My brother couldn’t have planned this out better for me. He was due to die anyway. Now, I kill you both. And your boyfriend. He’ll be dead soon too. They all will. I control my own destiny, Anna. Now, before we land back in New York—” “New York?” I say. What the hell is she talking about?

“Yes. New York. You stupid woman. We’ve turned back around. I have no desire to go to Columbia, not yet anyway. Maybe once my job here is done, who knows where I’ll go. Maybe I’ll change my mind about Dilan and take him with me. He does have a glorious cock, doesn’t he? Thick. Long. God, you fucked it all up for me. He was the first man I was really looking forward to fucking in a long time. But you. You got in my way. People who get in my way pay dearly.” I will not show her how terrified I am of dying. She is psychotic. A sociopath.

“You’re delusional. Dilan used you as much as you used him. The only way you can touch a man’s cock is by drugging them. Men loathe you, Jazmin. The sight of you makes them sick. You wouldn’t believe the way Dilan thanked me with his cock for saving him from you. Now, where’s your brother? Did you drug him too? It must be a lonely world for you, knowing that even your own brother hates you so much he left you behind to die.” Her eyes turn cunning. The upper half of my body becomes tight. I don’t care. I’ve come this far with defending my family, I will not stop, no matter if she kills me right here. She may think I’m stupid, but she is damn wrong. She’s the stupid one. Her plan will fail this time. I can bet my life on it. Well, not really, she may kill me before we land. Though, the more I think about it, the more I know she won’t kill me. Not here. These sick people get off on killing people while making the ones they love watch. Their minds are so twisted with jealousy, envy, or whatever gruesome revenge they think needs to be paid. Crazy people do crazy shit. But I know those men. They will stop at nothing to make sure I’m found and that she is good as dead.

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