The Deliverance of Dilan (The Syndicate #4) (25 page)

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Authors: Kathy Coopmans

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: The Deliverance of Dilan (The Syndicate #4)
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“Fuck, that feels good. And a sex-starved coma, huh?” I chuckle, but immediately stop when her hand starts pumping my shaft. I’d give anything to watch her crumble and fall apart right now by sliding my fingers into her tight pussy. But I’m afraid to hurt her. “Yes. I’m sure I’m going to need sex every day for the rest of my life.” She’s damn near panting. I’m damn near close to coming all over my stomach and her hand. I close my eyes, enjoying what she’s doing to me. But when I feel her hair on my face and her breath whispering across my skin, my mouth attaches to hers. Hungrily. She moans, and that is my undoing. My digits move to the cheeks of her ass, digging in. I consume the inside of her mouth with my tongue, tasting every bit of her. She tastes like pure fucking innocence, like golden perfection. And this incredible woman pumping my cock like a goddamn expert is mine. Finally with me, where she belongs.

Here she is, cut and bruised, but still wanting to take care of me. God, I love her. Not for this. Even though I would love to be with her right now, sex of any kind was not on my radar. Not until she brought it up. But fuck me, the way she is pumping my cock in her hand has me aching, my balls tightening. My need to come overconsuming every god-blessed thing.

“I’m going to come, Anna. Hard. And I swear to you that when I latch onto your sweet pussy, I’m going to make you beg me to fuck you every day for the rest of your life. And when I do, you’ll be left in a sex-
coma. No more sex-starved. I will fuck you, and make love to you, and worship every part of you,” I rasp when I release her mouth. And then I come. Christ, do I come.

“I can’t believe I just did that,” Anna exclaims from her spot beside me in the bathroom. She’s washing her hands in the sink, while I’m cleaning my cock and stomach with this damn hard-as-brick, brown paper towel. I feel like I’m running sandpaper over the tip of my cock.

“Yeah, well, you did. You sure your head feels okay?” She turns and gives me a dirty look. “My head is fine. It’s other parts of my body that need taking care of.”

“Hmm.” I grab her bare ass and bury my head in her hair. “I’ll take care of all those other body parts. Right now though, you’re going to bed.” She whimpers but doesn’t protest after she dries her hands, and I help guide her to the bed. Once she’s settled in, I move to the other side, climb in, and drape the flimsy sheet and pink thin blanket over us. She settles her head on my chest. My arm wraps around her. I fall asleep soundly. Just like her, the last time I really slept was when she was with me. Right where she’s supposed to be.

“Good morning. I love this unkempt beard you have going on, but the clean-shaven Dilan is sexier.” She runs her finger down my unshaven jawline and then over my lip. The only time I’ve left here was to shower in a cheap hotel I rented a room in up the street. My dad went to my apartment and packed clean clothes. There was no way in hell I was traveling very far from here. Not until I knew she was awake and that she was going to be okay. I stretch. My damn back is tight. I’d give anything to be able to take her home today.

“It needs to come off,” I tell her truthfully. It’s itchy as all fuck. How the hell Roan can stand this all over his face beats the shit out of me.

“You could keep it until I get out of here.” I stare into her eyes. They’re telling me to shut up. I can feel her warmth pressing against my thigh. Her nipples hardening.

“You’re hurt, woman. Are you crazy? The way I’d bury my face into your pussy, you’d be screaming and writhing all over this bed, ripping those stitches out, and then I’d never get you spread out on my bed, where I can really bury my head between your thighs.” God, the thought of it has my dick doing a wakeup call. He’s blaring like a crazy fucker.

“No. I have a sexy, tatted-up man in bed with me. One I’m crazy about. One who makes my pussy ache, and one whose disheveled and untidy beard could do wild things to ease my ache. So if that makes me crazy, then I guess I am.” Fuck. She rubs her sweet, hot cunt up against my thigh. My dick is aching, as much if not more than her pussy. And he got off last night.

“I’ll leave it until you’re better. Then you can come all over it. Until then, I want you healed, so I can take you home. I don’t know about you, but I need my own bed. Preferably with you in it.”

“I feel fine. I don’t know why I can’t leave this damn place.” I give her a stern look. Even though she hasn’t shown me her wounds, I can feel them taped up through her thin gown.

“You’re saying that because you want my tongue and then my cock inside you.” I am teasing myself as much as her. God, I’d give anything to be wrapped around her. To show her how much I love her. To take all the shit away from both of us. For it to be just her and I.

“Maybe. But I do feel fine. I can heal at home, with you.”

“You can heal at home with me.” We both whip our heads in the direction of the door, where Grace stands, not looking very happy at all with seeing me in bed beside her daughter. I care about Grace. She apologized for her reaction when I told her about Anna being taken, until I had to tell her to stop. There was nothing to forgive her for. But this, this I’m not bending on. This is a decision between Anna and I. I’m not asking her to marry me, for Christ sake. I want to take care of her. It’s what I do. It’s what we both want.

“Dilan, would you mind giving me a few minutes with my daughter, please?” She questions me sternly. I could be a prick and tell her no, that the three of us should talk this out, but Anna speaks up.

“That’s a good idea. Do you mind?” She pushes herself up, her face wincing slightly. “Not at all. I’ll send the nurse in here on my way out.” I kiss her briefly before I get up then snatch my coat off the back of the chair and say goodbye.

I hit the nurse’s desk on my way by and let them know she’s up and around. I ask them what she can eat and drink. It isn’t until I get to my truck that I turn my phone back on and notice I have several missed calls from my uncle and Roan. Shit.

I scrape the snow off of my truck, hop in to warm my hands, and connect the phone to my Bluetooth. Then I hit Roan’s number. I’m sure they are both going to tell me the same thing. Either the fucker has died, or he’s lied through his teeth. Whatever it is, I sure as hell have a bad feeling it isn’t good.

“What’s up?” I ask as I back out of my parking spot.

“You must have stayed at the hospital all night with your phone off. How is she? Heard she woke up,” he remarks.

“She did. Acts like nothing happened. She’s hurting, but fuck, man. She looks good.” He exhales with what I know is relief.

“That’s great. You holding up okay?”

“I’m good. Something tells me that’s not why you’re calling. What the fuck is going on, Roan?” I pull into the morning traffic and head toward the hotel. My plan to take a quick shower changes the minute his next words come out of his mouth. “Dad received a phone call. Juan is awake, and he’s demanding to see you.”

“Jesus Christ. I don’t want to talk to that fucker. I can’t believe the son of a bitch even survived,” I seethe. No damn way am I talking to that motherfucking piece of scum. I’m not a fool. He wants to bait my ass, and he will. There’s no telling what he’ll say or my reaction to it. He kidnapped the woman I love. All of this is his fault as far as I’m concerned.

“I’m not doing it. Have the cops talked to him yet?” I turn into the parking lot of the hotel. Fuck him. I’m cleaning up and taking care of Anna. He can fuck himself.

“I’m not sure. No one is at this point. All I know is, I want this shit done and over with. This asshole has prolonged my honeymoon long enough.” For once, I agree with him. All along, I berated myself with guilt over this situation. It was never my fault. It was always Juan’s, and now it needs to come to an end.

“I’m not going. What I am going to do is clean my ass up, go back to the hospital, and take care of what’s mine.”

I’m in and out the door to my hotel room in twenty-five minutes. I tossed all my clothes in my bag, praying like hell Anna can be discharged tonight or tomorrow. I want normal. To be able to take her out. Show her off. Spoil her in the way she deserves.

Hell, I even managed to trim down some of this shit on my face. No way in hell am I having this coarse hair mark Anna’s beautiful skin. At least not if I can help it. Once I have my mouth on her pussy, there’s no telling what I will do. I may turn into the primitive Neanderthal I look like. Go all virile on her taste and do exactly what I told her I would do. Latch the fuck on until she’s begging for my cock to replace my tongue. I wanted her before all this happened. Now that’s its damn near over, I want her even more. I’m desperate for her.

Twenty minutes later, I’m strolling up to her room. Only to be stopped by her doctor and a police officer. What the hell is going on?

“What the hell do you mean she isn’t in her room? Where the fuck is she?” I yell at the doctor then slam the tray holding three cups of coffee on the nurse’s station. I’m pissed.

“Mr. Levy. Calm down. There are other patients on this floor, and the use of profanity is not necessary. She’s safe.” I give her a what-the-hell-do-you-mean-safe look? And if she thinks saying the words hell and fuck are using profanity, she hasn’t heard shit if someone doesn’t tell me where Anna is and why Brutus The Beefcake is standing here, glaring at me like he wants to beat my ass.

“Dilan. Thank god you’re back. I was coming back to get my phone to call you.” I turn around to the sound of Grace’s voice. She looks scared.

“Is she all right? Did something happen to her?” My voice is panicky. Christ, did she hurt herself from last night and not tell me before I left?

“She’s fine. I swear those damn drugs have made her lose her mind though.” She stops in front of me to catch her breath.

“Where is she?” Instantly, a heaviness gathers around us like a deathly, destructive storm is about to hit.

“Well. Right after you left, Salvatore and Ivan showed up. Of course, we thought they were here for a friendly visit, you know, to check on her and all. Which they did, by the way. But god, Dilan. That evil man Juan requested to see you both. They took her to see him.” What the fuck?

“You have got to be shitting me. Isn’t this against protocol or some shit? That bastard kidnapped her. She’s a witness, and you all let him see her.” I turn to the cop who I still don’t understand why in the hell he’s even here. Every damn cop around here should be in that room with her.

“Normally it is. The District Attorney, along with Ivan, Salvatore, and two of their lawyers, as well as an FBI agent and Anna, is in that room. They’re just waiting for you.”





Anger is a healthy response to the way I feel right now. A nurse has wheeled me down the hallway and into the elevator alongside Calla, Salvatore, and Ivan, as well as the DA, a few police officers, and god knows who else, as we now make our way out of the elevator and turn right into a confined area, where a few cops are standing outside a closed door.

I should feel scared, but I don’t. What I do feel is anger and resentment towards the man I am about to face. The man who has taken so much away from all of us.

The minute my family showed up in my room, I knew something was up. The looks on their faces told me this was not only a visit to make sure I was doing well, but also a visit to prepare me to see the man behind this door.

Why the hell he wants to see me I have no clue. No one does.

Is he going to lie? And why the hell does he want to see Dilan and I together? This shit is fucked up. Not right at all. Maybe the piece of shit is going to die, and he’s finally going to confess on his deathbed. Who the hell knows?

“What the fuck is going on?” My head spins in the direction of Dilan’s deep, out-of-breath voice as his long strides bring him closer to us.

“Mr. Levy. You need to calm the hell down before we go in there. Do you get me?” The DA scolds him like a child.

“Fuck that. I’ll calm down when I know what the hell he wants and if the piece of shit tells the goddamn truth.”

“Dilan, please.” Calla stands beside him, placing her hand on his arm. He keeps his focus trained on me, his expression and body easing when he sees I’m okay. I know him. He’s searching to see if I’m in pain.

“I’m fine. Can we get this over with, please? He can’t hurt us anymore.” My hand reaches out to take hold of his.

“You sure?” he questions. I nod.

“Dilan, let’s get this done. We have nothing to hide. Not a damn thing.” Salvatore extends his arm out and grips Dilan in a loving gesture on his shoulder. Then I watch both Ivan and Salvatore extend an unpleasant look in the direction of the DA and the cops. The tension in this hallway has me more nervous than talking to the man in that room.

“Lead the way.” Ivan gestures with his hand toward the door while looking at the DA.

This is so out of the ordinary, the victim having a meeting with the accused. I don’t know what to think, or why in the hell the law would agree to any of this.

The DA steps forward, pushing the door open. All of us follow him inside. I gasp, my eyes dislodging from their sockets, when I see Juan lying in his bed. He’s pale. His eyes are barely making an effort to stay attentive. Wires and machines are everywhere. This man is half dead, and he’s demanding to see us.

“Mr. Carlos.” A man who I assume is a doctor stands next to the bed, leaning over him, his words now soft and low that I cannot hear what he is saying.

“Excuse me. May we get this over with? As you can see, my client is still healing. She needs her rest,” Calla squawks out in her lawyer voice, demanding and ruling.

“I’ll ask the questions here, Mrs. Bexley, not you,” The DA pipes in, demanding, tossing his arrogant authority around like he’s the damn boss. Crooked asshole. He’s probably on Juan’s payroll. Justice for victims, my ass. I can’t stand him. The way he looks down at all of us like we’re trash. Like he’s hoping to nail us to the wall. He’s a damn piece of shit, like the man lying in the bed.

“I beg your pardon,” I say, rather rudely, not giving Calla a chance to speak at all.

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