Read The Deliverance of Dilan (The Syndicate #4) Online

Authors: Kathy Coopmans

Tags: #General Fiction

The Deliverance of Dilan (The Syndicate #4) (28 page)

BOOK: The Deliverance of Dilan (The Syndicate #4)
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The turquoise blue waters of the Keys surround us as we drive the short distance to Salvatore’s house he owns down here. My mouth gapes open. The description Dilan gave me is nothing compared to the real thing. The driveway is brick. The outside is a mixture of yellow and white. The house is tucked back and barely visible among all the different tropical trees surrounding it. I smell the salty ocean the minute I step out of the convertible Dilan rented for us. My hair whips around in the breeze. I’ve never seen anything like this before. It’s magical. Secluded. He was right. I don’t need clothes. I plan on spending as much time as I can letting him fuck and make love to me on every surface possible inside and outside of this house.

“Oh my god. I have never seen anything like this.” I inhale the fresh, salty air. My head spins looking at this place. It’s remarkable and a damn shame no one lives here year-round. It’s almost dark outside, but the lights are on when we enter. The colors magnify with boldness, the bright oranges, gold, and hues of turquoise make every room I enter cheery.

My legs take me to the warm breeze I feel, to the wide open space leading to the deck outside. The sky is a variety of dark pink shades as the sun sets into the water. I feel Dilan behind me as I make my way around the pool, lit up and glistening in its warm depth. I can see all of this later. I want the ocean breeze. The water. The sand between my toes. Moving as fast as my legs will carry me, I duck below a low-hanging branch and kick my tennis shoes off as I walk along the wooden deck to the beach. My t-shirt comes off. My jeans are next. I hop on one foot, anxiously tugging them. My clothes are a trail behind me; even my bra and panties are gone. I’m gloriously naked by the time my feet hit the grainy sand.

Then it hits me. I’m naked on a beach with Dilan. My scars are not healed, but I don’t care. I care about nothing right now except the man who slithers his arms around my waist. His heated skin is up against mine, his heavy, thick cock resting along my tailbone.

“I love this idea. You naughty girl.” His hand slides down to my wet pussy that’s achingly hurting from not having him. I want him. All of him. Those long fingers spread me wide. Gliding. Molding into my wetness.

I pant. I moan. I need.

“Do you still want to be fucked, Anna? Like we talked about on the plane? Do you want to ride my cock out here? Scream my name when I fuck you blind? I have you alone. If your body is up to it, I will fuck every damn hole you want. I will have you crawling back through this sand on your hands and knees. And when I see that tight little ass of yours trying to make your way back inside, I’ll fuck you once more. You begged. You asked for it. I’ll ask once again. Are you ready to be fucked?” For the love that is holy. I need him to fuck me. Hard. I haven’t been able to think of anything else since we left the hospital. My clit has been hard, constantly pulsing, my breasts hypersensitive, and fuck me, this man knows. He continues his assault on my clit and traces teasing circles around my breasts, pinching my nipples to the point of pain. Welcoming pain that zaps to my pussy. The feeling of wanting him to touch me everywhere is overwhelming.

My toes curl in the sand. My ass grinds up against his cock, his heavy breathing over-sensitizing my already scorching neck.

“I’ll fuck you first. Then you can fuck me,” I say boldly. Twisting out of his arms, I turn around. It’s dark out now. I cannot make out his eyes. But I know they’re dark. Wanting. Needing.

He drops to his knees in the sand. One lick of his tongue sweeps across my pussy, and that is all it takes to undo me. I shove him back. His body lies flat on the sand. I straddle him, dropping down until I feel him up against my clit. I’m going for a long ride. He’s stiff. Solid. Firm. Dilan may think he can outfuck me, but he has another thing coming. Even though this is all new to me, I’m fucking addicted.

“Fuck. If you could see yourself right now. The way your hair is blowing back. The way your lips are parted slightly. And those eyes. You’re an animal about to be fed, Anna. Ride me. Fill that tight pussy up and come all over my cock.” As an athlete I have never felt sexy. Not until I met Dilan. The thought of exploring everything sexual with him has me going stark-raving mad. I’m powerful. In control. My pussy opens and stretches when I slip him into me, pleasingly expanding to be filled with him. My breathing is shallow as I take him all the way in. My hands are resting on his chest, his hands on my hips. I may have thought I would be the one in control here, but I couldn’t be more wrong. He guides me up and down. Fast. Recklessly. Swiftly. His cock slamming into me wantonly. I’m screaming his name. My ass is squeezing, my pelvis tilting, and I’m given the ride of my life, never losing momentum. I up the ante by grinding, shifting, rolling forward and backward, his moans spurring me on, while his hands are tight on my waist.
“Fuck! I’m going to come!” he yells. No one can hear us, and if they do, I really don’t care. I come too. Just like Dilan said, he does fuck me until I feel like I can’t walk and I need to crawl. I don’t crawl though. I spend the entire night under the stars, on the white sands with the man I love.










“It’s hotter than hell’s fucking waiting room down here.” I look over to Aidan, whose face is dripping with sweat. I can’t help but laugh my ass off right along with Cain and Roan. The ever-dramatic Aidan and his mouth.

“Drink another beer, man, and shut the hell up. In a few months, you’ll be bitching about your balls shriveling up when it’s snowing back home,” Roan bites off.

“Besides, you wouldn’t be so damn hot if you didn’t have to keep getting up trying to keep Diesel out of the water,” Roan says while we all watch Diesel, who’s standing next to the chair Aidan is sitting in. His curious, little eyes keep looking out at the ocean, then back to his dad, hoping he looks away for that split second, so he can charge his little ass right back into the water. I love the kid, but Christ, is he a little hellion. The resemblance between father and son is damn near scary. Though, he may look like his dad, but he acts like his mom. The boy is funnier than hell.

“Great, dickhead, now look at my kid.” We all crane our necks a little more to look at Diesel, who has his hands shoved down the front of his swimsuit. They boy is smart for his age, that’s for damn sure. He pulls his little swim trunks down, turns away from us, and takes a piss in the sand.

“Well, at least he isn’t pissing in the water. Be thankful for that,” Cain chuckles.

“The only thing I’m thankful for is my wife, who has the patience of a saint and potty-trained him already. Except, he still shits himself. And don’t any of you start laughing. It won’t be long for you, Roan, since you knocked your wife up on your honeymoon. And Cain, you know all about the shit that comes out of their tiny little asses. That boy shits more than I do.”

“Motherfucker. I’m prepared for that shit. We’ve watched all three of your kids enough that I have this shit nailed, man. Besides, it’s the best damn feeling in the world, knowing you have a part of you and the woman you love growing inside of her. I say bring that shit on, bitches.” I’m staying the hell out of this. No way in hell I’m letting any of them know the secret Anna told me yesterday. She’s pregnant. About six weeks along. Unplanned, but damn, I’m happier than anyone of these motherfuckers, who are sitting by my side with their feet in the ocean and a cold beer in their hands.

We’ve been here in the Keys for a few days now. Since all the bullshit is over for all of us, things are settling down back home. Our lives are finally normal. Well, as normal as the goddamn mafia can be. I look down to my knuckles, still bruised and scraped all to hell from beating some jackass half to death before Digger blew his motherfucking brains out for thinking he was smart enough to steal some of our guns and sell them on his own. Stupid fuck.

“Why are you so quiet over there, Dilan? The way your woman runs her mouth to mine, I’m surprised she isn’t pregnant ten times over.” Aidan leans forward and takes a long pull of his beer, that cocky ass grin on his face.

He’s right about one thing. She’s pregnant, because we can’t keep our hands off of each other. Fuck, I love her. She is one naughty little woman. Kinky as hell. I never knew she had it in her. Some of the ideas she comes up with regarding sex have me damn near blowing my load before I’m even inside of her.

“He’s quiet, because Anna’s pregnant.” I snap my neck in Roan’s direction, my icy glare sending him the how-the-hell-do-you-know look.

“No fucking way. Congrats, man.” Cain stands up and sticks his hand out for me to shake. I grip it tight, pride scoring through my chest. Unlike ass-wipe Aidan, I can’t wait to change diapers. Shitty or not.

“Alina told me last night, by the way. Seems Anna will need a good pediatrician once the baby’s born. I’m happy for you.” He then stands and does the same as Cain. I take his hand in pride as well.

“Well, I’ll be a motherfucker. Look at this shit. All of us sitting here with our chests popped out. Kids. Wives.” Aidan leans over and takes my hand in his.

The word wives sends another sharp strike of pride along with love to my chest. Last night, right here on this beach, with the moonlight glaring down on us, the stars shining brightly in the sky, Anna and I got married. This was the place she chose. The place where she said was truly the beginning of us. She’s right. Even though I was too stupid to see what was right in front of me, while I had my head buried in the sand over my revenge for six months, leaving her behind, my wife waited for me. Forgave me. And now she’s carrying my baby. Our lives aren’t perfect. Hell, no one’s is, but Anna is damn close. Strong. Beautiful. And together, we fit.

“Water. Fucking water.” We all strain our heads at Diesel, who takes off like a bat out of hell toward the ocean. Butt ass naked.

“Goddamn it. Where’s my wife?” Aidan gets up and runs after his kid, snatching him up right before his son take a nosedive into the ocean.

“Your wife is right here, asshole. And how many times have you four said the “F” word? He sure doesn’t hear that from me.” There they all are. Finally. Standing there. Every one of them more beautiful than when they left to go shopping. Especially the blond-haired woman whose eyes are trained on me. Her hair is piled on the top of her head. I hate it and love it at the same damn time when she piles all that thick hair on top of her head. My cock gets hard, thinking about unraveling it, then yanking the hell out of it while I fuck her from behind.

Every image from last night soars like a proud American straight to my chest, then travels right to my cock. Anna on her back, her legs wrapped around my waist. Anna riding my cock, her heavy tits bouncing in my hands. Her hair wet. Her pussy clenching me. Her mouth on mine. Right here on this beach. I knew she had a wild streak in her just waiting to come out. For me. That streak is mine.

I take my eyes off of her face briefly to look at her bare stomach, then back to her eyes again. She smirks back at me, knowing damn well what I’m thinking about. You would think we were a couple of teenagers the way we go at it. Anna is one horny woman. And from what Roan has told me over the past few months about Alina, and how much she wants it ever since she got pregnant, my damn cock is like a block of ice. Christ. I’m lucky. It has nothing to do with the sex. It has everything to do with her. My wife.

“Blame Cain. He started throwing the F-bomb around. I told him to knock it off. The asshole won’t listen. Just like your kid.” Aidan goes to hand Diesel to Deidre, who already has their younger son strapped to her hip.

“Asshole. Asshole. Daddy is an asshole,” Diesel starts spewing off in a sing-song voice.

“Woman. I ought to take you over my knee.” He looks at her with a smile on his face; she looks at him as if saying ‘I dare you to.’

“Those are bad words, Diesel.” Alina tries to take him from Aidan, but Diesel lays his head on his dad’s shoulder.

“I told you I would beat you when my grandson started swearing.” Deidre’s mom walks up and takes a still naked Diesel from Aidan, or more like snatches him away from his dad and his foul mouth, while her dad laughs his ass off along with the rest of us. And here come the rest of them. My parents. Roan’s parents. Alina’s entire family. My new mother-in-law and her now husband Ramsey, who got married a few months ago.

Everyone is down here. Thank god when Anna and I came down here six months ago, I talked her into getting out of bed for one day to go house shopping. We bought a small house down the road. It’s not nearly as immaculate as this one of my aunt and uncle’s, but it’s ours. Still needs some work done to it. That will come in time. This is our vacation spot. A place where we can bring our children. Make memories.

My wife moves to my side, her mother trailing behind her, tears shining in her eyes. Happiness. She told her. Anna needs to go over my knee and have her sweet little ass spanked. We agreed to tell everyone together. It’s obvious she couldn’t wait.

“Sorry. Mom guessed when I ran to the bathroom and vomited my lunch.” She puts her arms around my waist. I know morning sickness is part of the stages of being pregnant, but I hate it. Anything that causes my wife pain, I hate. Even though this is the happiest time of our lives right now, there will never come a day when I want to see her in pain. I trace my finger across one of the few scars on her stomach. A reminder of why it kills me to see her suffer, no matter what the cause. I can only imagine what I’ll be like when she gives birth. I’ll probably stand there with a gun pointed at the scared-out-of-his-mind doctor, making him or her ease my wife’s pain. It will definitely be a woman. No goddamn way another man will ever look at her sweet, tight pussy. That is mine. All mine.

Grace starts bawling, which gets everyone’s attention. Her hands fly all over the place while she tries to get whatever it is she’s trying to say out of her mouth. Diesel and his words are more understandable than what she’s spewing out.

“My little girl is going to have a baby,” she finally gets out through her sobs. Christ. There goes our news. I look to my parents. My mom’s hands are flying to her mouth. My dad’s chest is puffing out. I swear even all the hair on top of his head is standing up with pride.

BOOK: The Deliverance of Dilan (The Syndicate #4)
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