Read The Deliverance of Dilan (The Syndicate #4) Online

Authors: Kathy Coopmans

Tags: #General Fiction

The Deliverance of Dilan (The Syndicate #4) (27 page)

BOOK: The Deliverance of Dilan (The Syndicate #4)
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“Is the fucker dead yet?” My hands begin to anxiously twitch. I need to know if Juan is rotting yet. I ask Roan when I walk into a room on the bottom floor. Looks like a conference room of some sorts. I wonder how the hell anyone managed to get this room. I guess when you’re the DA of a big city, you can ask for whatever the hell you want. Lucky for us, he won’t be accomplishing his dream to bring us down.

“Haven’t heard. Don’t care. As long as he dies eventually. Apparently, he’s had a few surgeries to try and repair the damage to his lungs. They keep filling up with blood. Hell if I know. Fuck him,” Roan speaks honestly. Aidan damn near falls out of his chair from laughing, and the prick of a DA clears his throat, trying to gain our attention. Fuckhead.

“We’re here. Get on with it,” Ivan commands.

“You all think you’re smug, don’t you. That you can do whatever the hell you want and get away with it.” Every damn one of us shrugs.

“You have nothing on us, and you know it. We did what we had to do to save Anna. You have phone records. The threats from both Jazmin and Juan. They started this. He kidnapped my wife. My family. Damn near ruined my son’s wedding. Tried to poison my nephew. You know all this, you son of a bitch, and yet you’ve kept all of us hanging by a damn sliver of a thread, while we try and put our lives back together, and for what? To make your stinky ass smell better?” My uncle stands and places his hands on the table, leaning in to face the man who for the past few weeks has made our lives hell.

“You may have won this time. But I will bring you down. Every last one of you.” This slob of a man snaps his briefcase closed, and without another word, walks out the door. I inhale, welcoming the smell of the antiseptic stench of this hospital. It smells like a rosebush compared to him.

“Well, that’s it. Killing those fuckers was a hell of a lot easier than we all thought. One simple mistake is all it takes to destroy. To kill. To seek revenge. They fucked up in a way they will never be able to take back. Let’s pray they all rot in the sewers of hell. My family has been through enough. This senseless act of avenging a vendetta against us has other families in an uproar. Ivan and I have assured them all it’s over. We will continue to run our businesses the same way we always have. Sticking to our own, minding our ways, and helping out when needed. We will also make sure Juan’s threats are just that, threats. And you, my son, I better not see you for a damn month.” He shakes his finger in Roan’s direction. My uncle speaks loud and clear. He wants him gone. To finally be able to get his honeymoon he rightfully deserves.

“As for the rest of you, get the hell out of here and go to your families. I don’t want to see the rest of you for weeks either.” He then turns to me, his eyes filled with unshed tears. In all my years, I’ve rarely seen my uncle like this. We’ve won. Our vendetta is over.

“Dilan. You take that beautiful, strong woman of yours and get the hell out of here. There are way too many average things in this life. Anna is not one of them. She is brave, loyal, and deserving of you as you are for her. I could not be more proud of you. It’s over. Those years you lost will never be replaced, but with a woman like her by your side, they can be forgotten. Peace can now fill your heart.” He cups my face as he speaks, his eyes showing me more than what he’s saying. I’m choked up. But the hell I’ve been in isn’t over. Not until Juan is dead. My uncle senses it when he stares me down. If this man in front of me can read my mind, he’s more of a master manipulator than I’ve given him credit for. I mean that in the best way possible. I need him to manipulate, to throw his weight around. If anyone can do what my eyes are asking him to, it’s him.

He nods, the acknowledgement written clear as day all over him. And I damn near know this will be the sweetest fucking way for me to get my revenge. To deliver all of us from the contamination that has polluted our city for way too long.

“One hour,” he leans in and whispers in my ear. I nod. I have one hour, then my hell will be over.

“There you are,” I say to my dad the minute I leave my uncle and Ivan. He’s leaning up against the wall, his hands in his pockets, with a smile on his face. I haven’t had much time to talk to my dad. My focus has been on Anna and this bullshit with the damn DA. I’ve been mostly talking with both him and my mom on the phone.

I know what he’s doing here now and why that smile that resembles mine is written all over him. He’s accomplished what I asked him the minute I left Anna’s room. Fucking hell. I’m a grown man and I want to throw myself into his arms right now like I did when I was a kid. Thank him for being a great dad. For loving me. For all of it.

“You’re taking off tomorrow afternoon. You sure they’ll let her out of here by then?” If they don’t, I’ll explode all over their pasty white lab coats.That’s how desperate my desires are to get her alone. It has nothing to do with how much I need to fuck her. It has everything to do with spending time with her. To know every morsel there is to know about the woman I plan on spending my life with.

“She knows her body better than anyone else. She wants out of here.” My dad hands me the keys to one of my favorite places in the world, my fingers circling them tight in my hands.

“You’re a good man, my son. But you’re a dead man if you don’t say goodbye to your mother before you go.” He chuckles. “I’ll call her. Besides, it’s only a week. Thanks for this.” I look up to him. He snatches me right into his arms. I return his embrace. I love this man who has no idea half the shit I actually do. Well, maybe he does but chooses to let it slide, because no matter what, I’m his son and he’s my dad. That’s a bond never fucking severed.

“I’m going to go see this woman who has taken over my boy’s heart.” He places his hand over my chest in his fatherly way. “Tell her I’ll be there in a bit. I have a few more things to do before we leave.” I stuff the keys in my pocket and squeeze his shoulder. I love this man. He may know that I killed to save the life of the woman I love, but I sure as hell am not about to tell him I’m going to kill a man right now.

“Don’t forget your mom,” he calls out to me when I start to walk down the hall. I wave a hand in the air, gesturing to him I get it. I need to run to my truck to grab one important item before I take matters in my own hands. Finish this war. Deliver my vengeance.

I nod at the cop standing outside Juan’s door, my black leather gloves holding my eager fingers in place. He nods back, opening the door, then shutting it quietly behind me. How quickly money can buy a person off, make them turn that cheek, keep their mouths shut. He’s still a motherfucking cop though. If he wants to live to see another day or to spend the money I’m sure he has or will be given, he’ll stand out here with his thumb shoved up his ass and pretend he never saw me.

The room is dark, the only lights coming from the monitors on the machines that are keeping this piece of garbage alive. I’m not worried one bit how my uncle has managed to get this done. I don’t give a shit either. Slowly, I make my way to the side of his bed. His breathing is shallow. His eyes are closed. I lean into him. His eyes startle open.

“You ready to die, motherfucker?” I whisper. He barely scoffs.

“You may kill me, Dilan, but you underestimate the power I have to make sure you wind up right back in prison.” Those winded words don’t frighten me anymore. He knows it.

“You underestimate the power of my family. While your dead corpse rots, your flesh falling off of your body until you’re nothing but bones in the ground, I’ll have my cock inside of Anna. Her lips on mine. My name coming out of her mouth every time I make her come. Every time she tells me she loves me. Every child of mine she gives birth to. Her entire life devoted to me. And then,” my hands go around his neck. My mouth goes to the side of his head, so I can whisper in his ear while I suck his last breath into the sterile air of this room.

“I will live my life knowing that I’m the one who killed you.” I begin to squeeze. How I wish he had fight left in him to struggle. To fight back. He doesn’t. That’s the only regret I have about this whole thing. The noises he makes as he tries to struggle for air, I fucking love them. It’s morose as fucking hell that my blood rises. My mind drains itself of the pent-up anger, bitterness, and hatred I’ve had for this man for years. His legs twitch. His hands strangle against the restraints he’s cuffed to. “I know the color you’re seeing isn’t the white light, fucker. It’s the red light. The stop sign with a dead fucking end.” In less than a minute, I hear him draw his last breath. His body stills. I hold on for as long as I can until the screen shows that beautiful straight line. The green light for me. The motherfucker is dead. And then I’m gone.

My uncle is waiting outside the door. I look at him. There’s nothing to be said except get our asses out of here now. That’s exactly what we do before the doctors and nurses start running down the hall, screaming their code bullshit to one another. The last thing I hear before the door to the stairway closes is, “He’s dead.”

“I was beginning to worry about you.” Anna sits up in her bed when I walk in. I give her a smile. One of a different kind. One she will never know about. “I had to finish cleaning up some bullshit before I came back.” I kiss her. Christ, do I kiss her. Hard. Heavy. Wet.

“Your sandwich is over there.” She points to the white bag sitting in the chair. That’s how I end my day. Eating and falling asleep in this fucking hospital, where I killed the man who stole my life away from me. Who tried to take the woman I love. Who went to his death with the only secret I will never have an answer to. Why me? Why my family? But none of it matters anymore. I’ve delivered us from evil.





“Where are we going?” I’m begging Dilan again to tell me where he is taking me. I’ve been after him all morning while we waited for the nurse to bring in my discharge papers and my pain pills, which I won’t take. I don’t want them, nor do I need them. I’m fine. Besides, this secret place that Dilan is telling me he is taking me to, has my body humming with excitement.

My mom knows too. It seems everyone does. Except for Roan and Alina. Well, maybe they do, but thank god they finally left last night for their honeymoon. Even though none of this was worth the price of anything, all the pain, anger, and frustration shattered into a million tiny shards of nothing when Dilan’s phone went off this morning with a text from Roan.

Our minds woke up when we looked at the selfie of Roan and Alina sitting on the plane, waiting to take off, with a text from Roan saying, “I’m out of here, motherfucker.” Both of them had the biggest smiles on their faces. My heart is elated for them. Extremely.

“You make sure you take care of her, Dilan.” My mom damn near breaks my eardrums as she screeches loud enough for everyone in the parking lot to hear her.

“Yes, ma’am.” Dilan chuckles with his response. He’s acting differently. In a good way. Like no burden is on his shoulders anymore. There’s no pain. No anger. I’m done with all of this. I want to leave it all at the doorsteps of this hospital. Yet, somehow I know his mood is lightened because Juan has died. I feel it. Rot, you dirty asshole.

“What are you doing?” I ask in amusement when Dilan literally plucks me from the wheel chair, strides to the already open door of his truck, and places me in the passenger seat. “Taking care of you.” He reaches over, grabs the seatbelt, and locks it in place. I roll my eyes. Good lord, just get me out of here.

I’m horny as hell, feisty as fuck, and I’m becoming pissed. Dilan is driving in complete silence, and it’s driving me mad.

“Damn it, Dilan, where are we going?” My frustration escalates. I look up and see the signs for JFK airport. What the hell?

“Damn. You make my cock hard when you get mad.” He veers down the exit toward the airport.

“Yeah, well, you’ll be taking care of the hard cock on your own if you don’t tell me. On top of that, I have no clothes. Nothing.” I cross my hands over my breasts. I pout and clench my legs together.

“Where we’re going, you don’t need clothes.” His sarcastic mouth gets a brow lift from me, along with a punch in the arm.

“I’m serious. What you do need is in a bag in the backseat. Your mom packed it.” I turn around to see two duffle bags stuffed so tight they look like they’re breaking at the seams. Lying shithead.

“We’re going to the Florida Keys for a week,” he finally tells me. “Really?” I uncross my arms and damn near come all over the seat. Warmth. Sun. Sex. Lots of sex.

“Yeah. I need to get the fuck out of here. So do you. I want you all to myself.” I’m glad he’s not suffering anymore. That no one is. Could all of this really be over? All of us have been through so much. Each and every one of us has had an obstacle, a person who has challenged us, who stood in the way of our lives.

Dilan pulls his truck into a parking spot and shuts it off, then reaches around the back and hands me my purse. “There’s a walkway into the airport. Trust me, you will not need that coat.” His eyes scan my body. This is going to be a long flight. Shit. Unhooking my seatbelt, I shrug off my coat. The chill of the frigid air does nothing to cool off my aching pussy. The damn thing is on fire, burning up. It takes five minutes for us to get the bags out of the truck, walk the short distance to the walkway, and make our way to check-in. Memories flood my mind of the one and only time I was on a plane. My life was saved by the man walking beside me. I shove it away. They are gone. All of them. There are no more demons. No more evil. Nothing can stand in our way now, of the happiness we both deserve. My half-brother is gone. Juan and Jazmin are gone. The evil, sinister people who started this all. EVERY. LAST. ONE.

Like I knew it would be, the plane ride is long and torturous. I don’t dare look into my seat when I stand up from first class to exit the plane. It’s wet, I have no doubt. Dilan made sure of it when he tossed a blanket over the two of us and slid his hand into the waistband of my jeans, playing with my clit, dipping his fingers in and out of my pussy, covering my mouth when I finally exploded all over his fingers. Then, when I came down from my orgasm, I damn near fell apart again when he shoved his fingers in his mouth, licking them clean. God, I cannot wait to climb on his dick and take a long, hard ride.

BOOK: The Deliverance of Dilan (The Syndicate #4)
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