The Den (10 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Abrahams

BOOK: The Den
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Alex jumped in.  “This is Mara Petit.  Mara, this is Skyla Jane Judge.”

“Hi,” Mara said without removing her glare from Skyla.

Another head emerged from the floor doors, and there was no mistaking this one.  Her hair was the same dirty blond as Alex’s, and she had the same grayish-green eyes.  She stopped when she reached the last step.  Frozen in place. 

“Yes, it’s me,” said Alex.

Skyla looked at Alex.  Had he just answered some silent question? 

“Thought so!” the girl said and came bounding out. She threw her arms around him.  There was no doubt that this was Lucy.  She and Alex looked exactly alike.  Skyla imagined that when they were little kids, running around the yard, no one could tell one from the other. 

Then Lucy turned toward Skyla.  Alex told her, “This is my friend Skyla.”

“Yes.  So Peter was telling me you were in for a visit with a friend.  Not staying?”

“Visiting,” he confirmed with a nod.

“James and Mara had a bit of an argument about that,” Lucy said.

“We’ll see,” Mara said as she threw her arms around Alex and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Lucy did not stop talking to her brother for the rest of the night.  She was intent on filling him in on all that he had missed.  She was polite to Skyla.  Compared with Mara, she was downright welcoming. 

Skyla would have a lot of questions for Alex when they got back to the hotel room.  She would wait until later.  She settled into her environment and tried to gather as much information as she could in the meantime. 

A band clanged around, preparing to go on stage.  The drummer tested his cymbals and tapped his foot on the pedals to ensure the right sound.  A would-be manager type hooked up a microphone and began lowering it and raising it to find the perfect height.  The guitarist sat on a stool and looked completely bored.  A girl stood at the edge of the stage, drinking a beer and trying to get his attention.  A guy dressed in black leather pants and a carefully torn Rolling Stones T-shirt stood at the bar and downed the rest of his whiskey.  “One more before the set!” he yelled to Peter as he slid his glass down the bar.  Peter obligingly poured him another but put it down right in front of himself.  The guy had to walk over and get it.  He picked it up and shot a sideways glance at Skyla, who had been staring at him.  She tried to casually look away.  He shrugged and finished his drink.  He slammed the glass down on the bar and went to the stage to take his place as the lead singer.   

Lucy, Mara, Alex, and Skyla moved to a high bar table to get ready for the show.  Skyla hurried up and finished another beer, and Alex went to the bar.  She would have to slow her pace if she were going to keep her wits about her in this place. 

Then Skyla felt it—the shiver.

She was alone with the two girls at the table, and that familiar sensation occurred: hair rising on the back of her neck, a sense of the world slowing down, a dark cloud hovering close overhead.  She didn’t dare turn around.  She knew someone had just walked through the door.  She knew that whoever it was was going to be real bad news.  Skyla took a deep breath and looked at the girls for a hint.  Lucy and Mara wore calm smiles.  Skyla turned toward the door and she was suddenly face to face with him.  She did not dare breathe.   She did not dare move.  It was the black-haired man.  It was unlikely.  It was impossible even.  Yet it was true.   

“James Robichaud, meet Skyla Jane Judge,” said Mara. 

He was still face to face with Skyla.  Alex came back from the bar and slid in between the two.  “How’s it going, man?” Alex said.

“Just fine, Alex,” James said as he stared at Skyla.  Skyla felt the floor spin.  She grabbed Alex and held on for dear life.  “Oh, she doesn’t look so good,” James said as he reached out to touch her face.

That did it. 

When Skyla finally opened her eyes, she saw a greenish tint.  It was cool.  There was a murmur of fans buzzing around her.  The smell of garlic and butter whirled in the fans’ wind.  Skyla tried to rise to her elbows.  She was on a small bed or cot, and Alex sat next to her.  He helped prop her up so she could look around the room.  The bed squeaked.  The room was dark, with little lamps spread around.  The lamps were the ones used in offices, with little green hoods.  At first it seemed as if they were alone in this strange place.  Then Skyla saw Lucy sitting in a far corner on another cot. 

Skyla didn’t know where she was until she heard the drumming above her head.  She realized this was the basement below the bar.  Her eyes would not fully adjust to the faint lighting, and it was very disconcerting.  

“Here, have some cranberry juice,” Alex said as he handed her a glass.  “You just fainted out of nowhere.  Lucky I was there to catch you on the way down.”

“Alex, who is that guy?”

“Which one, Skyla Jane?  You met a couple of people at once.  I think you must be a bit overwhelmed.”

“I am not.  Well, maybe I am.  But I mean the guy who walked in and came over to me.  Who is the one with the dark eyes?  I can’t tell you what he looks like, but he feels like a nightmare.”

“He feels like a nightmare?  What on earth are you talking about?  I think the heat is definitely getting to you.”  Alex forced a laugh.

Skyla knew she was right.  She also knew she must sound crazy.  She looked at Lucy for guidance.  Lucy looked back at Skyla as if she were going to say something.  Actually, Skyla got the strangest feeling that she
saying something, but there was nothing but silence echoing in the basement. 

Lucy popped off the bed and strolled over to Skyla.  “You’ll be fine.  See it all the time around here.  People aren’t used to the feel of our city.”

“Yes, that is right.  The feel.  It feels very different than any other place, doesn’t it?”  Skyla had a strong feeling that Lucy could understand her.  She thought they might become friends after all.  It seemed that Lucy had more to say.  Maybe she wanted to tell her what was going on around here.

“Go upstairs, Lucy.  I’m sure Peter will need you behind the bar,” ordered Alex.

“Sure thing, bro.” 

Alex paced.  Skyla could see now.  Her eyes finally adjusted.  It was a large open space.  Five cots were set up around the room.  The floor was cement, but it was painted a reddish clay color.  The walls next to the cot were painted differently.  On the far left side, she could see swinging doors with lights shining through the tiny windows.  She heard clanking and metal. 
That must be the kitchen
.  The stairs to the bar started right next to the kitchen door, and Skyla could hear someone descending.  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Alex freeze. 

“Stop!” Alex shouted as he jumped up and ran to the bottom of the stairs.  “She isn’t ready.  I will let you know when.”  There was a moment of silence.  “I am, but you aren’t paying close enough attention!”

Alex gasped when he realized his error.  Looking at Skyla from across the room, he started to say something but closed his mouth quickly. 

“I knew it!  You are reading minds, aren’t you?  No one said anything out loud, but you are answering a question.  I should know these things.  I am a bit of a freak myself, you know.  But it seems that I have lost the gift.  I used to hear people, but now I can’t.  I am not tuned in or something.  But you all are doing it, aren’t you?  Who the hell are you?”  Skyla began to work herself up into a panic again.  The room began to spin and slant slightly.

“I’m no one.  I’m your friend.  I’m just a friend accompanying you on your journey.  This was your idea, remember?”  Alex walked over and tried to grab her hands.

“No, I don’t remember.  I don’t remember it being my idea.  It never even occurred to me until you walked into my life.”  Skyla started to stand, but her still-shaky legs wouldn’t permit it.

“Well, it
your idea.  I would never force anyone into coming here.  I just guided you.”

“Guided me?  Here?  Why would I need to be guided here?”

Just then she heard the footsteps again.  Alex threw his hands up in the air as if he had given up.  Skyla could see only legs descending at first, but then a tiny black skirt and camouflage T-shirt came into view.  Lastly, the curls came tumbling down, too.  Mara bounced into the room with an incredible amount of confidence for someone so young.  She walked right over to where Skyla was sitting and sat down.  Mara placed a hand on Skyla’s leg and looked into her eyes. 

“Welcome to our den.” 





Skyla stared blankly at Mara.  She could tell that Mara expected some kind of response to her welcome, but Skyla couldn’t understand what it was she should say. 

Alex put his hand on Mara’s shoulder and said, “That is enough now.  We will talk to Steve later.”  He nodded, and Skyla did not doubt that he told Mara something more with his eyes or mind or something.

“Oh, silly Alex.  Have you forgotten there are no mistakes?”  Mara laughed and walked away.  She turned as she walked back upstairs.  She looked back at Alex over her right shoulder.    Skyla did not have to be a mind reader to know what such a look meant.  Alex looked down and possibly blushed.

“How old is she?” Skyla asked Alex as calmly as she could.

“She just turned 18.  I missed her birthday party a few weeks ago.”

“How well do you know her?”  Skyla asked as she played with her hair.

“Oh, don’t tell me that you are jealous.  She is harmless.  That is cute, though.  I guess that means you care.”  He leaned over to kiss Skyla.

As Alex leaned in, a million thoughts came to Skyla’s mind.  She couldn’t fully grasp any of them.  She let him kiss her.  He was warm and eager.  She could feel the heat of his breath.  It felt nice not to think.  Then he shifted her back farther onto the bed and gently rested himself on top of her.  He smelled so sweet.  His sweat lingered on his neck, and she knew his scent already.  She felt his full weight on her now.  He kissed her, and she tasted the tangy lime from his beer.  Skyla suddenly didn’t have the strength to care where she was.   She wouldn’t run away this time.  She would listen to Brooke and make sure to fully experience this journey.  She would stay with him.

I will have to think of it as an adventure.

Then Skyla couldn’t think anymore.  She could only hear Alex’s breathing getting louder and louder.  His kisses kept coming.  He lingered long on her lips.  Then he moved his lips lower and found her neck.  Skyla smiled to herself.  Maybe if she tried real hard, she could tell what he was thinking, too.  She tried to focus, but without success. 

Skyla threw her head back and moaned.  With her fingers in his hair, she guided him.  He wouldn’t have to read her mind.  She would make it simple enough.  He moved down her neck to her breasts.  He lingered on the left nipple for longer than she thought she could stand.  Just as she was about to shove him off with a whimper, he moved to the other.  She wrapped her legs tighter around his waist, and she shifted her hips up and forward.  She reached as far down his back as she could manage.  It wasn’t far enough.  She wanted to grab him all up at once.  He felt her impatience and took both her hands in his.  He held them up and above her head while at the same time moving lower with his lips.  She could feel his hot breath on her stomach now.  She let out a squeal, and she could feel him respond with a laugh into the hollow space below her bellybutton.  He was stretched too far now.  He let go of her hands.  He held her hips firmly and buried his face lower.  He used his teeth to move her panties to the side.  She knew she would do anything for him now. 

Skyla put her fingers in his hair to show him just the right way, but he knew already.  He knew without her telling or showing him.  She rocked back and forth, but he guided her up and back, with his hands lifting her hips.  Her thighs felt warm against his cheeks.  She prayed it would never stop, but she couldn’t wait much longer.  She let out a guttural scream.

He slithered his way back up.  She began to breathe again.  He buried his face in her neck.  She could feel him undoing his button and kicking his jeans off with his feet.  She tried to help with one hand but couldn’t move yet.  She managed to pull his shirt up a bit with her teeth.  He did the rest.  Another soiled sundress and his clothing lay on the floor.   She glanced down at them briefly.  She felt him pull her panties to the side once more.  He lifted his weight off her and looked into her eyes. 

“Are you ready, baby?” he asked.

Skyla gave him a pleading look, and he smiled.  He arched her lower back, and she helped by throwing her head back hard.  She heard moaning.  It might have come from inside her.  It was hard to tell.  They were one now.  

Alex pulled Skyla up after a few thrusts.  He was up on his knees, and she was wrapped around him like a starfish suctioned to the side of a tank.  She held him even closer and did her best to squeeze at the same time.  This time she was sure he groaned, too.  She found his lips and kissed him hard.  He fell forward so that he was on top of her again.  The motion was all they could take.  She let out a final scream, and so did he.

The two lay panting in the middle of the open room.  The dull light gleamed green on their sweaty bodies.  Skyla was struggling with the urge to stay in his arms, but after a while she reached over and picked up her sundress.  With a little shift she got out from under him.  Hurrying, she put her head and arms through the dress and pulled it down with some difficulty.  The thin cotton stuck to her sweaty body at every inch.  He propped himself on his elbow and watched her.  She handed him his underwear and jeans, but he just held on to them ever so casually.

She sat up and looked down at him. “Aren’t you scared someone is going to come downstairs?”

“They wouldn’t dare,” Alex said with a wink.

“Oh, right.  I guess they know what is going on then.”

“We are just visiting, Skyla Jane.  Don’t worry what they think.”

“You seem awfully comfortable for a visitor—too comfortable,” Skyla said.

“Well this is my bed,” Alex stated.

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