The Devil Within (Devil Series Book 3) (5 page)

BOOK: The Devil Within (Devil Series Book 3)
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He stared at her breasts spilling over the red lace. “Lexi…”

She held his arms down and straddled him.

“Lexi.” He grabbed her waist. “What…what are you doing?”

“You gotta ask?” She pulled his head back and slipped her tongue inside his mouth. “I must not be doing a good job then.”

“What?” He chuckled in between gasps. “What’s gotten into you?”

She stroked his short dark hair and looked into his gray eyes. “Hopefully you will in about a minute.”


She took off his shirt and tossed it on the floor.

* * * *

Alexis and Kevin walked hand in hand through the parking garage two hours later. They stopped at his Porsche in its designated spot.

“Well.” He set his briefcase beside the car and pulled her into his arms. “Hmm.” He opened her coat and gripped her buttocks. “Have you ever done it in a parking garage?” He sucked her neck.

“No.” She ran her fingers through his hair. “But suddenly it seems like a good idea.”

“Don’t play with me because I’m serious.” He slipped the coat off one shoulder.

“No, no.” She laughed and pulled it back up. “Come on.” She kissed him. “Don’t you ever get enough?”

“Of you?” He put his arms around her. “It’ll never be enough.”

“I’m so sorry I hit you last night.” She tugged on his collar. “You forgive me for acting like a jackass?”

“You have to ask?” He held her against him, pressing her breasts against his chest. “I’m thinking we should fight more often if this is how we make up.”

She stared into his eyes, and she didn’t know why but it seemed like the right time to say it.

“I…” She rubbed his arm. “I love you, Kevin.”

He stared as if someone had knocked him on the head with a two-by-four. “Wow.” He relaxed his hold on her. “I knew you did but just hearing the words and not expecting them…I can’t explain how good this makes me feel.”

“I know you knew I did, but you deserve to hear it.” She placed her hands on his face. “I love you, Kevin. I haven’t said that to a man since Mario got killed.”

“I love you too, honey.” He hugged her. “I’m going to make you happy forever.” He kissed her. “I promise you that.”

She reveled in the heat of his kiss then let him go. “We both have busy days tomorrow.” She wiped her lipstick off his mouth. “I have my case and you have that board meeting.”

“Don’t remind me.” He let her go and got the briefcase. “I love my job but I wish this merger would hurry up and happen. I’m anxious because it’ll mean so much for the company.”

company,” she mumbled.

“And we’ve gone how long now without mentioning Grant?” He unlocked his car with the remote.

“I’m sorry.” She kissed his cheek. “I said I’d stop bringing up Grant every five minutes but it’s so damn hard.”

“I really think you should talk to someone about all this.” He laid the briefcase in the passenger seat. “There’s no shame in needing a therapist.”

“My mom went to many therapists.” She closed her coat. “Didn’t do her a damn bit of good. All she wanted was peace and because Grant got away with what he did…she never got that.”

“Did she ever tell anyone what he did to her?”

She scoffed. “You’re kidding, right? Who in this town would believe her, and if they did do you think Grant would be arrested for rape?” She pulled at the coat sleeves. “Even when she was suffering through breast cancer she still only had revenge on her mind. When she died—”

“Is that what this is about?” He pulled her close. “Is this revenge for your mother or you?”

“Both. Don’t you see, Kevin? My therapy
going after Grant. I need that to survive.”

“Don’t you ever get tired of this?” He walked to the other side of the car and opened the driver’s door. “Don’t you ever want a break?”

“For over twenty years I’ve lived with what Grant did to my mother and then he kills my father.” She held in tears. “And I know he did it. I know in my heart he did it and it all stems from that secret he’s hiding. If I don’t find that out then what was the need of me ever coming here?”

“I just feel like the wall’s closing in on us.” He took her hands. “I’d rather you let me handle Grant and see if I can find out anything.”

“You can do that, but in the meantime I’m not sitting by. If this secret is big enough for Grant to kill for, then I can’t see him confiding in you about it even if he does think of you as a son.”

* * * *

“We appreciate you for coming down here, Mercy.” Alexis closed the door to the interrogation room the next day. She and Penelope sat across the large table from Mercy Cokes.

Mercy was a biracial Amazon with extremely light skin and hazel eyes. She stood at six-three and probably weighed two hundred and fifty pounds, all pure muscle. Despite her large size, the baggy, gray sweats hung off her. Her hair had been braided into two long, silky plaits. Her hands and feet were bigger than Kevin’s, and she held an expression that told Alexis she didn’t like people messing with her, and if Alexis didn’t have a gun, she sure as hell wouldn’t have.

Mercy clasped her huge hands and avoided eye contact.

“Are you all right?” Alexis asked.

“Not really,” she mumbled.


She might’ve been rough and manly in appearance, but Mercy had the sweetest, softest voice Alexis had ever heard.

Mercy burst into tears. “I’m sorry.” She laid her hands over her eyes.

Now this big woman’s crying? You’ve gotta be kidding me.

“I’m so sorry.” She snorted. “I loved Alicia, man. She was my dog.” She moved her hands, revealing her red face. “Anything we needed we’d do for each other. She was my best friend. I can’t believe she’s gone.”

Is she really this torn or acting?

Alexis hadn’t been around Mercy long enough to know if she were lying but she never took anyone at face value no matter how convincing the person seemed.

“Mercy?” Penelope patted her hand. “We didn’t bring you here to come down on you or accuse you of anything. We’re trying to find out the truth. Blake told us that you, she, and Nadine were Alicia’s friends.”

“Yes,” Mercy said with a weak voice. “I was closer to Alicia than the rest were. I’d known her longer. We’ve been friends since high school.”

“Where were you Monday between five and six p.m.?” Penelope asked.

“I was at work. I work at Remy’s.”

“The bar and grill?” Alexis got out her notepad and jotted.

Mercy nodded. “I get off at seven.”

“Okay, we’ll check this out,” Alexis said.

“You have any idea where Nadine might be?” Penelope asked.

“No. She didn’t hurt Alicia. I know she didn’t.”

“None of us can be sure of who hurt Alicia at this point.” Alexis sat back. “We know about the fight club, too.”

“Jesus.” Mercy shook her head. “Why would Blake tell you all of that?”

“She claims she wants to help.”

“Shit.” Mercy sat back. “He did it.” She dropped her head and exhaled. “That son of a bitch beat her to death.”

Alexis scooted up to the table. “Danny X?”

“No.” Mercy wiped her eyes. “Omar Silva.”

Chapter Eight


“Who is Omar Silva?” Penelope laid her hand on the table.

“He’s a bastard that I kept telling Alicia to stay away from. She was seeing him.” Mercy sniffled. “He’s married.”

Alexis flipped to a clean page of her notepad.

“She’s been seeing him for about a year and a half. The wife found out and now he’s living with a friend.”

Alexis scribbled as Mercy spoke.

“He was using Alicia for sex. I told her that.” She hit the table. “She kept saying he loved her and it was like you couldn’t talk any sense into her.”

“You think Omar had something to do with Alicia’s death because his wife found out?” Penelope asked.

“Alicia didn’t know this, but he wants to get back with his wife. That’s who he’s always wanted. He’s been begging and pleading for his wife to come back. I work with a friend of his and he told me everything. He said that Omar’s been using Alicia, too.”

Alexis nodded and jotted.

“Last week…” Mercy swallowed. “She told me she was pregnant.” She sighed. “She actually thought he’d want to marry her. She said he flipped out when she told him. No surprise to me because I knew he didn’t give a damn about her.”

“Wonder if he was mad enough to kill Alicia.” Penelope tapped the table. “If he wanted to get back with his wife then having a pregnant mistress would definitely throw a wrench in that plan.”

“She said he hit her and spit in her face. She got mad and told him that even if he didn’t want to be with her emotionally he’d have to financially.”

“What did she mean by that?” Alexis asked.

“She told him she’d get every dime she could for child support. I’m sure he didn’t like that threat since his finances are down the tubes.”

“He hit her?” Penelope asked.

Mercy nodded. “Look up his record. You’ll see he has a history of pounding on women.”

Alexis looked up. “Where can we find Omar?”

“At his friend Perry Curtis’s.” Mercy sniffled. “That’s where he’s been staying.”

* * * *

“I don’t know what you want me to say.” Omar Silva sat on Perry Curtis’s couch, sipping an orange soda. “I don’t know what happened to Alicia, and I certainly didn’t do anything to her.”

“You don’t seem too distraught.” Penelope remained standing while Alexis sat on the chair by the television. “Even if you and Alicia weren’t getting along I’d think you’d be more concerned about her murder.”

“I am distraught.” He slurped soda. “This is just the way I show it.” He winked.

Alexis took note of the smug attitude. “Where were you Monday around five and six p.m.?”

“Right here.” He patted the couch. “Perry and I have a little Internet business where we sell rare items.”

Alexis raised her head. “What kind of rare items?”

He shrugged. “Collectibles, sports memorabilia. Stuff like that.”

Penelope glanced around. “Where’s Perry?”

“He went to the store.” Omar propped his foot on the table. “I really hope you find Alicia’s killer, but it’s not me.”

“Is it true that Alicia was pregnant?” Penelope walked toward him. “Better yet, is it true that you didn’t want her to be?”

“She was pregnant.” He wiped his mouth. “I cared about her but I made it clear I wanted to go back to my wife. I didn’t mind that she was pregnant though. If someone told you I did then it’s a lie.” He rubbed the thigh of his jeans. “I was shocked but I accepted it.”

“Is that why you hit her?” Penelope stood in front of him. “We heard you got so mad you hit her because she said she’d go after child support. Is this true?”

He looked at Alexis then Penelope. “I didn’t hit her.”

“Really?” Alexis chuckled. “Aren’t you the same Omar Silva who was arrested three times for beating women in the past? We checked your record.”

He exhaled and pulled at his shirt.

“This doesn’t look too good, Omar.” Alexis clasped her hands. “You have a history of violence against women and your unwanted lover is dead. Murder would be a fitting solution for getting rid of someone you’re sick of, wouldn’t it?”

“No!” He jumped up. “I didn’t
her! Yes, we had an argument, but she left afterwards and I haven’t seen her since.”


The sound of a text coming on Alexis’s phone cut her off.

She got it from her pocket and saw an attachment from an unknown number. “Excuse me.” She pushed the button to open the message.

A video of Alexis and Kevin making love in his office popped on.

“Oh!” Alexis rode Kevin in his chair as he delivered hard thrusts underneath her.

Kevin moaned.

“What the hell?” Omar leaned toward Alexis to see.

“God.” She closed the text and covered her mouth.

“Lexi?” Penelope turned to her. “Are you okay?”

Alexis jumped up, glanced at a stunned-looking Omar, and then ran out of the house. “Jesus.” She opened the text and fast-forwarded the video. Someone had caught the entire escapade on tape. “Oh God.”

Penelope came out. “Alexis?”

“Just go on back in, Penelope!”

“But what’s going on—”

“Go, please!” Alexis fought to keep her composure. “I have to make a quick call.”

Penelope pointed behind her back. “We’re in the middle of questioning someone.”

“I know!” Alexis waved her hand. “Please go back in, please.”

Penelope shook her head and went inside.

Alexis dialed the phone with shaking hands. “Fuck!”

Kevin answered. “Lexi?”

“Kevin.” She walked across the grass. “Oh.” She bent down, breathing hard. “Kevin.”

“What’s wrong, honey? Are you okay?”

“No!” She stood up straight. “Someone taped us last night.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Someone taped us making love in your office!”


“Someone sent me the video on my phone.” She turned toward the house. “I don’t believe this! How could this happen? Do you know the trouble this could cause? This could hurt my job if this gets out.”

“I can’t believe this.”

“I mean…we don’t know where this video has ended up! Kevin, it could be on the Internet.”

“This can’t be for real.”

“It is! How could this have
?” Alexis screamed. “Kevin—”

“Wait, you can’t think that I—”

“No.” She panted. “I know you wouldn’t do something like this.”

“Thank God.” He exhaled. “You really do trust me.”

“It’s Grant.” She laid her hand on the top of her head. “I know it is. Who else would do this?”

“Don’t think I’m taking up for him, but why would Grant tape us making love?”

“I don’t know!” She ran her fingers through her hair. “Maybe he did this to show us he’s in control. He likes fucking with people.”

“Jesus. You think he was watching us the whole time?”

“Either that or he hid a camera in your office.” She closed her eyes. “I don’t believe this.”

Chapter Nine


Kevin shut the door of the conference room at Copeland Enterprises after the meeting ended. “I need to talk to you.”

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