The Devil Within (Devil Series Book 3) (2 page)

BOOK: The Devil Within (Devil Series Book 3)
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Chapter Two


Alexis walked into the Regency restaurant with her arm tucked in Kevin Reed’s that night. Only the richest and most successful citizens of Tate Valley dined there.

Even though she’d decked herself out in an expensive black, off the shoulder gown, and had diamonds on her neck and ears courtesy of Mr. Reed, the usual patrons gaped at her as if Elvis had walked into the room.

If she didn’t know any better she’d assume they were staring because she was black, and there weren’t many blacks in Tate Valley with the cash to eat at the Regency. But since there were just as many blacks staring at her, that most likely wasn’t the reason.

Being rich and stuck up had no color.

The greeter ran up to them and yanked Kevin’s hand. “Mr. Reed, sir. So honored you decided to dine with us this evening.”

“Thank you, Sam.” Kevin slipped his arm around Alexis’s waist. “This is my lady, Alexis Adams.”

“Oh…uh…” All the air seemed to deflate from Sam’s face. “Hello, Ms. Adams.” He kissed her hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. Aren’t you a…a cop?” He poked his lips out as if he’d sucked ten lemons.

“I’m a detective.” She wiped his drool off her hand. “And thanks for that somewhat warm welcome.”

“She’s Stossel Adams’s daughter,” Kevin said.

Sam’s mouth dropped. “Oh.” He touched his chest. “You’re Mr. Adams’s daughter?” He grabbed her hand. “I’m so sorry for your loss, Ms. Adams. Stossel was one of our biggest customers.”

It never fails. Mention a connection to Grant Copeland or someone else connected to him and people in this town go from sniffing your ass to licking it.

“I assume you two will be dining at your usual table, Mr. Reed?” Sam presented a goofy smile.

“Yes, that will be great.” Kevin gripped Alexis’s hand.

“Fabulous!” Sam put his hands together. “Just give me one moment to personally make sure everything’s set up.”

“Okay.” Kevin and Alexis stood over to the side.

Sam rushed off.

“Wait a minute,” Alexis whispered. “You have a
table here?”

Kevin nodded, pulling at his blazer.


She whispered in his ear, “Even the mayor of Tate Valley doesn’t have his own table here.”

“That’s because the mayor doesn’t work for Grant Copeland.” He kissed her nose. “God you look beautiful.” He slid his hand down her backside. “Why don’t we skip dinner and tend to our other appetites?”

“Hold on.” She moved his hand. “I don’t know if I even want to eat here now.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Well, it’s bad enough I don’t belong here.” She gestured her black, sequined purse around. “Everyone’s looking at me like I’m the trash lady.”

“Oh, come on.” He held her close. “That’s not true.”

“It is true.” Alexis pointed to a gawking couple.

The couple flashed plastic smiles, then turned away.

“These people are more uncomfortable that I’m here than I am.”

“Why are you uncomfortable? You’re my lady and you belong here just as much as I do.”

“Can’t we go somewhere else?” She tugged on the snug dress. “It’s not just that people look at me like I’m contagious, but I don’t want to eat anywhere that caters to Grant Copeland.”

“So where are you going to eat?” He straightened his sleeves. “China?”

She rolled her eyes.

“You know how Tate Valley is run. This is a small town and Grant’s the biggest man in it. You can’t change that, Lexi.”

“Yeah, but I don’t like going out with you and being pampered because of
I hate his guts!” She stomped her foot. “I feel like I’m condoning what he stands for.”

“By eating in a restaurant?” He laughed. “We’ve gone to other places Grant has connections with and you’ve never said anything about it.”

“I should’ve.” She stroked her forehead. “I’m getting a headache. Can we please leave?”

“Okay.” He shrugged. “I’ll tell Sam to forget it and we’ll go somewhere else.”

“Thanks.” She kissed his cheek. “I’ll tell the valet to bring the Porsche up.” She chuckled. “Whoa.”


“That’s something I never thought I’d say.”

“I’ll tell Sam.” Kevin walked off.

Alexis headed for the entrance then stopped when the tall, handsome, older man with the sensual green eyes walked in.

“Ah shit.” She did a quick turn and ran up to Kevin who was speaking with Sam.

“Kevin.” She smiled at Sam. “Excuse us.” She pulled Kevin aside.

“What the hell’s your problem now?” He snatched his arm away. “You told me you wanted to go somewhere else and—”

“I changed my mind.” She patted the neat ball of hair on her head.

“Excuse me? You just raised hell about not wanting to eat here now…”

She turned him around. “Look.”

Half the restaurant staff swarmed around Grant and escorted him to a table on the other end of the restaurant.

“Okay, Grant’s here.” Kevin shrugged. “Now I’m sure you want to leave, so let me tell Sam—”

“No.” She stuck her arm in his. “Not so fast. Maybe I was a bit hasty.”

The greeter seated Grant at the table in the middle of the restaurant and handed him a menu.

The patrons stared at Grant the way they’d done Alexis, except they looked at Grant with admiration instead of shock.

“I want to stay,” Alexis said.

Kevin grimaced. “Are you high? First, you say you want to leave because this place caters to Grant. Now Grant is here and you’re fine with that?”

“I can’t leave
he’s here.” She fidgeted. “I know he saw me but he doesn’t want me to know he saw me. If I leave now he’ll think he has the upper hand.”

“I don’t believe this.”

“If I leave he’ll think he intimidates me, and no way in hell I’m letting Grant think he intimidates me.” She forced her arm inside Kevin’s. “We’ll stay here and have a fantastic evening.”

“Lexi, have you lost your damn mind?”

Sam walked up. “Mr. Reed, are you staying or not?”

“Yes, we’re staying,” Alexis said before Kevin could answer.

He glared at her.

“That’s wonderful.” Sam smiled. “Your table is all ready for—”

“Say, Sam?” Alexis pointed across the restaurant. “How about you hook us up with a table on that side?”

“Lexi.” Kevin gritted his teeth.

“Would being seated over there be okay, Sam?” Alexis batted her eyes and put on the biggest smile.

“For you, anything is possible.” He kissed her hand. “You and Mr. Reed can sit on the roof if you like.”

Alexis faked a laugh.

Sam turned around. “Oh.” He jumped back. “I wasn’t aware that Mr. Copeland was here. Will you be dining with him, Mr. Reed?”

“No we—”

“You know what?” Alexis yanked on Kevin’s arm. “I think eating with Grant would be a great idea. He looks like he’s dining alone.”

“Let’s see if Mr. Copeland would like the company.” Sam headed over.

“This is stupid.” Kevin pinched Alexis’s side.

“Ow.” She jumped and rubbed her hip. “That hurt.”

“Cut it out,” Kevin whispered. “We’re not doing this.”

“The hell we’re not.”

“Why are you doing this?”

“Because I have to show Grant that I can beat him at his own game.” She smoothed her hands down the sides of her dress. “He thinks he’s going to get one over on me but he’s not.”

Kevin pointed at Grant, who was tasting his red wine. “The man is just sipping wine! He probably doesn’t even know you’re in here.”

“That’s what he
me to think.” She lifted her index finger. “That man never does anything without an ulterior motive.”

“You seriously want to have dinner with Grant?” Kevin gawked at her. “Maybe it’s me who’s crazy!”

Alexis yanked his hand and pulled him to Grant’s table.

Chapter Three


“Isn’t this a lovely surprise?” Grant set down his glass of red wine and stood when Kevin and Alexis made it to the table. “You look absolutely radiant, Firecracker.” He kissed Alexis’s hand. “I’ve never seen you so beautiful. That dress looks like it was made for you.”

Try not to throw up, Alexis.

She held his hand longer than she wanted to. “Grant.”

“What?” That sneaky smirk always seemed to pop on his face when she came around. “You won’t say it’s nice to see me too?” He sat and held his hand out. “I’d love nothing more than for you two to join me.”

Kevin held Alexis’s chair for her as she sat down.

He sat beside her, grumbling.

The waiter brought them menus and Grant requested some time to choose their meals.

“Anything you want is yours, Firecracker.” Grant peered at her over the menu. “Money’s no object.”

“What about you leaving town and never coming back?” She winked. “Is that on the menu?”

Grant leaned back and pointed at Kevin. “I asked you before, but are you sure you can handle her?” He snickered.

“I do just fine, Grant.” Kevin’s jaw puffed out. “Also, thank you for offering to pay for our meals but that won’t be necessary.” He put his arm on the back of Alexis’s chair. “Alexis is my date and I can pay for whatever she needs.”

“You know me.” Grant’s mouth curled up on one side. “Whenever you need my help I’m there before you can even ask.”

“And I appreciate that.” Kevin pulled Alexis’s chair closer to him. “But Lexi is probably one of the few things I don’t need your help with.”

Alexis grinned.

Get him, baby. My man has fire.

Kevin touched her cheek. “What would you like?” He glanced at Grant. “Once again, money’s no object.”

“I’m still trying to decide.” She moved her finger down the list of expensive items. “Are my eyes still in my head?” She blinked. “Because if I keep looking at these prices they won’t be.”

“Man.” Grant chuckled while sipping wine. “She’s beautiful, smart,
funny.” He sat back, staring at her. “Just like her mother.”

She set the menu down. “That’s not the only way I’m like my mother.”

“I’m enjoying the
very much.” His gaze traveled to her cleavage.

Kevin cleared his throat and moved his arm from Alexis’s chair. “You know what you want?” He asked her, looking at his menu.

She kept her gaze on Grant.

“I hope you haven’t lost your appetite.” Grant set his glass down. “I know I haven’t. In fact, I didn’t realize how hungry I was until you showed up in that dress.”

“Wow,” Kevin whispered.

Don’t vomit. Don’t vomit. Don’t vomit.

Alexis stroked the back of her neck. “I think I’ll have the shrimp stuffed beef mignon.”

“That sounds delicious,” Kevin said. “I’ll have the same.”

“Me, too.” Grant raised his arm and snapped his fingers.

A waiter dashed from another table and took their orders. He brought over glasses for Kevin and Alexis to share Grant’s wine, kissed Grant’s ass, then left.

“So.” Grant propped his elbows on the table. “May I ask what you two have planned for this evening?”

“Just this,” Kevin said. “We both have to work in the morning as you know, so we wanted to spend a quick evening together.”

“Are you going back to her place after this?” Grant rubbed his hands. “Or is she going to yours?”

Kevin took a deep breath. “Don’t mean to be rude but that’s not your business, Grant.”

“I know it’s not.” He stared at Alexis again. “I just wanted to know if I should be any more jealous of you than I already am.”

Kevin seemed to squirm.

“And why would you be jealous of Kevin?” Alexis asked.

“What man wouldn’t be? He gets to spend so much time with you.” He picked up his glass. “Will you reconsider my offer to have dinner with me?”

Kevin cleared his throat. “That’s not happening.”

“Excuse me?” Grant asked.

“Are you really asking my date to go out with you right in front of me?” Kevin glanced at Alexis. “It’s not happening. I don’t care what the reason is.”

“I am having dinner with you right now, Grant.” She sipped the tart red wine.

“I just wanted a chance for you to know me.”

“And how many times do I have to say that I know you well enough?”

“You know what others have said.” He raised his gray eyebrow. “You can’t judge me by that.”

“I can’t judge you by what my own mother thought of you?” She set the glass down. “She knew you well enough.” Her stomach turned at the thought of what he’d done to Elizabeth. “She knew you a lot more than she wanted to.”

“Can we please not get into this right now?” Kevin exhaled. “Maybe it’s better if we go to our own table.”

“I’m not stupid, Grant,” Alexis said. “I know you don’t take me seriously and you probably think I’m just some cute little woman who talks a big game, but you’re wrong.”

wrong.” He wobbled his head, grinning. “Firecracker, I have the deepest admiration for you. And yes, I do think you’re very cute, too.”

She yanked up her glass.

What annoyed her more? Was it his smug attitude, or that he enjoyed being that way?

Grant looked back and forth at them. “Talked to Base again lately, Firecracker?”

She slowly swallowed wine.

“I keep telling you I know everything that happens in this town.” Grant waved his finger at her. “You’ve also been talking to Leo Pacheco, haven’t you?”

She hadn’t been back in Tate Valley long and she’d been around Grant even less. Yet she knew it was best to be honest with Grant because as he claimed, he often did know everything in town. Being honest might be the best way to throw him off.

“Yes, I’ve spoken to Leo.” She smiled. “I’ve spoken to him about my father’s accident. I’m sure you knew that, too.”


Grant cut Kevin off. “I’m glad.”

“You are?” she asked.

“Yes, of course. Stossel was my closest friend.” Grant poured more wine into his glass. “Come to think of it, I’ve been going over the accident in my head and I think you’re on to something. Maybe someone
behind it.” He sipped. “I didn’t want to think it wasn’t just an accident because who would hurt Stossel? Everyone loved him.” He nodded. “But I guess I have to resolve myself to thinking that someone wanted him dead.”

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