The Devil's Good Intentions (31 page)

Read The Devil's Good Intentions Online

Authors: Kari Miller

Tags: #historical romance, #erotica, #light bdsm

BOOK: The Devil's Good Intentions
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Chapter 18 - Butting Heads

They arrived home before sundown. Katherine went to change and take a small nap while Salvador went to his study to catch up on some papers.

Katherine awoke to her husband’s gentle lips slowly caressing hers. She opened her eyes and lazily smiled up at him.

It’s almost time for our evening meal my love.” He mumbled against her lips, sending her heart fluttering.

She lifted her arms and wrapped them around his neck to pull him closer. When she succeeded, she kissed him with a passion that took even her by surprise.

He groaned against her lips before he tore them away.

Temptress” he uttered as he shook his head and rose from the bed. “Fix yourself up and come join me at the table when you are done.” He grunted out as he left the room.

Katherine smiled to herself and slowly made her way out of bed. She smiled warmly as she recalled her visit with the brotherhood and could honestly say that she would miss them at tonight’s meal.

Once she was presentable, she made her way downstairs and paused as she heard her husband’s voice from the study.

He’s up to something and I intend to find out what it is.” She heard him say in a menacing tone.

Phillip has been stationed outside of his home for over a week and there has been no movements as of yet. He receives the usual houseguests and he has yet to venture to the docks.” She heard a new voice pipe in that she did not recognize.

I don’t trust him. Captain Sebastian Lloyd had no cause to board my ship. I want to know what he was searching for.” Salvador growled out.

Could it be that he was unaware it was your ship until he was boarded?”

No. The Enchantress has crossed paths with him a plenty and there would be no mistaking of its owner.” Salvador assured him.

Talk to that whore of his and find out what he knows of Katherine and why he’s been asking about her.” Salvador bit out with anger.

He can’t know much My Lord, She’s new in town and it seems as though many are asking questions about where she came from. It doesn’t surprise me that he is among them.”

The thought of her name being spoken from his lips is enough to cause me alarm. Find out what he knows and report back to me.” Salvador roared out while slamming his fists against his desk.

Katherine gasped at the sudden outburst and stared at the partially opened door in fright. Who were they speaking of and why did it concern Salvador? She had been around the ton long enough to know that they gossip about everybody and newcomers were always at the forefront of these gossip mongers.

Sweetheart” She heard from below her, pulling her away from her thoughts.

She looked down and saw Salvador and what appeared to be a servant who she had not yet met standing outside of the study, now looking up at her as she stood frozen on the last few steps.

Salvador was looking at her with concern and the man beside him was looking at her in stunned silence. She wasn’t sure if she was supposed to have overheard their conversation and was a little embarrassed at being caught eavesdropping. She blushed as she pulled herself together and plastered a sweet smile on her face.

My Lord” she greeted him as she continued to descend down the steps. “I apologize, I expected for you to be in the dinner hall. You startled me.” She smiled sweetly at him as she approached.

He cocked an eyebrow at her and then drew a lazy grin.

I myself have to apologize for startling you my sweet. I was side tracked with this errand boy.” He made his excuse while pointing towards the stranger with an accusing finger. “He was just leaving” He continued on as he looked down at the man and cocked his eyebrow at him.

Oh! Yes, certainly. I was just on my way out. Pleasure meeting the Misses.” He stumbled as he fidgeted with his hat and tried to reach the door without bumping into her.

Before Katherine could reply, he swiftly made his way out the door to leave her alone with her husband.

What was that all about?” She asked innocently as she took his arm and allowed him to lead her to the dining hall.

Nothing for you to concern yourself about.” He replied with finality in his tone.

So he was either unaware that she had heard or decided to ignore the fact that she had heard. Whomever they were speaking of, he clearly didn’t like. He was always being overly protective of her and was most likely annoyed that another male was asking around about her. She smiled and shook her head at his jealous ways and decided to let it go.

The meal was delicious as always and was over far too quickly. When they retired to the library, they played a game of chess while he drank his whiskey and smoked his cigar.

What happened to the Rochester Estate?” Katherine asked casually.

This had been a question that had been eating at her.

I remodelled it and have workers bringing the land to a profitable state. Why do you ask?” He replied.

It was my home for most of my life. Of course I would be curious.” She replied.

Do you miss it?” He asked as he studied her face.

No” she answered all too quickly.

She wasn’t lying, her memories of the last few years of her life there were not pleasant ones and she feared to feel that kind of unhappiness again.

Would it pain you if I were to sell it?” He asked cautiously.

Not at all - I am curious though as to what happened to my belongings.” she managed to reply without looking at him.

There were her journals that she had left behind in haste. She had hid them in her floorboards where she always kept them and when she fled from the estate, she was not thinking clearly. She was certain that they had not been found and would give anything to retrieve them. Not only were her personal thoughts hidden among those pages but all of her mothers herbal recipes that she had learned as she was growing up. Some of the herbal concoctions were a family secret passed down from many generations and were greatly sought after by those who had knowledge of the effects. Katherine and her Mother used to giggle over the accusations that were bestowed on their ancestors because of those secret recipes. Her great-great-great Grandmother was even burned at the stake being accused of being a Witch. She kept the recipes alive within her own journal that was passed down to her only Son. He carried these recipes with him and continued the tradition. When Katherine mixed her herbs, she felt a sort of oneness with her ancestors and a bond with her Mother. Her Father never learned of these recipes and Katherine’s mother was sure that if he did learn of them, he would have sold them off.

Some of your belongings were salvaged and boxed up in the attack, but the furniture was left as is.” He replied to her smoothly.

Before you sell the estate, do you think I could visit it one last time? Maybe retrieve some of my lost belongings?” She asked hopefully.

It will be a while before the estate is in any condition to sell. But if that would make you happy I would be more than happy to oblige.”

Thank you” She responded warmly.

With Salvador in such an accommodating mood she decided to press her luck.

I would like to go into town tomorrow and familiarize myself with it.” She stated rather than ask.

Salvador stiffened and his hand froze mid-air as he went to take her pawn with his rook. It was only a second that he froze but she noted it all the same.

If you could wait but one day further I can arrange to take you myself” He recovered.

Is it necessary for you to accompany me? The town looks so harmless and I only want to walk around.”

It is necessary for you to be accompanied. Tomorrow, I have to visit one of my tenants and at the moment do not have enough time to arrange an escort for you.”

His reluctance confused Katherine. Even as a small girl she was able to roam the town of Camden freely and nothing ever happened to her.

I could take a servant with me” She persisted.

A servant is not enough. If you want to go into town you can wait an extra day.” He growled irritably.

But…” She started to say.

The subject is closed.” He cut her off with a clipped tone and cocked his eyebrow at her daring to defy him.

Very well” She sighed out heavily.

After a few moments of silence, he abandoned their game to lean back in his chair and drain the remainder of his whiskey.

I’ve said this before and I will say it again. You are not to leave this estate unescorted. A servant is not considered a proper escort and if I find out that you have disobeyed me in this, I will not hesitate to place you under house arrest.” He warned her.

Am I to be a prisoner then?” She retorted angrily.

She had always been independent and loathed the idea of being led around on a leash.

Disobey me and you will be. I warn you Kat - I mean what I say.”

She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She had the sudden urge to leave the estate at this very moment just to spite him.

I’m not a child Salvador and if you have already forgotten, please let me remind you that I managed quite well on my own before you came into my life.” She retorted in anger as she stood up and placed her clenched fists firmly on her hips. “I can tell the difference between a safe and not so safe neighbourhood and know enough to not encourage conversations with people I do not know.” She informed him with a queenly air to her. “If you are away and I feel the need to visit a friend or go into town, I will take precautions however I will not sit idle in this house while you freely move around as you wish.” She stated while jabbing an accusing finger towards him.

All the while he sat patiently waiting for her to finish her tantrum. This only vexed her further.

Are you finished?” He enquired lazily.

Damn you Salvador! Don’t patronize me! I am an independent woman and you are going to have to learn to live with that!” She informed him.

Sheath your claws my kitten and say what you must, but in the end your safety comes first.” He calmly informed her.


He saw the flames ignite in her eyes when he called her kitten. She was spectacular in her fury and he felt his groin ache as his spitfire wife passionately attempted to defend her independence. He thought she knew him better than that. As if he would let a mere servant protect her as she ventured out into society. If Angel or Rachel were here they would be assuring her that her tantrum would all be for naught. They too went through this with their husbands and the rest of the brotherhood and lost each time. He felt it was reasonable that she be attended by someone who was able to protect her but knew that in all her innocence she really had no clue the dangers that could fall upon her.

Kitten!” She spat out at him in rage. “I am not a kitten! If anything I feel like a tigress whom at this point in time would like nothing more than to sink my claws into your skin!”

I’m not being unreasonable Kat. Oxford is not like Camden. Rachel and Angel will testify to that and confirm with you that even they do not go into town unescorted.” He assured her.

Let me guess, they don’t go into town unescorted because of their Neanderthal husbands!”

Salvador couldn’t help but chuckle. The last time she called him that he had been acting very much the part.

Her face flamed when she caught him chuckling. She opened her mouth to say something and then quickly closed it. As she turned on her heal to storm out of the library, she gave a grunt of frustration which only caused him to chuckle more.

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