The Devil's Good Intentions (40 page)

Read The Devil's Good Intentions Online

Authors: Kari Miller

Tags: #historical romance, #erotica, #light bdsm

BOOK: The Devil's Good Intentions
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Salvador, you certainly didn’t waste time bringing Katherine onto the dance floor!” Charles laughed out.

I thought it appropriate.” He responded.

Indeed, an appropriate stake of ownership!” Simon piped in.

Salvador gave him a warning glance and then continued his search in the crowd for Lord Pennington.

He still was unable to locate Pennington but did catch Cedric’s eye. Cedric caught his intent and made his way over.

My Lord” Cedric greeted him respectfully as he approached.

Cedric” Salvador greeted him in kind.

I still have no new news on Lord Pennington but I can tell you that Captain Lloyd has been docked in port since yesterday morning and judging on his scattered crew, I would say they plan to be in port for a while.” Cedric relayed to him.

He’s normally off the coast of Spain at this time of year is he not?” Charles enquired.

Indeed he is. Cedric - I want you to put a man on him and relay his comings and goings to me.” Salvador stressed to his first hand man.

Already done.” Cedric relayed happily. “So far he has spent his time at Madam Marleau’s establishment.”

Salvador nodded in response to that tidbit of information and then returned to his scan of the crowd.

Lord Pennington has been behind closed doors with Lady Serena.” Cedric informed him, guessing where his focus really was.

Charles cocked an eyebrow at that and then looked sympathetically towards Serena’s husband.

Ah, the ladies return.” Alex noted – nodding his head to the left.

All the men smiled and relaxed their postures as the women approached. Peter and Ed looked a trifle annoyed but that was understandable, none of the men felt comfortable being here.

Alex cocked his eyebrow at Peter in question and Peter rolled his eyes in response. Salvador grinned at that.

Peter and Ed handed the rest of the men a cocktail as they welcomed the women back into the group.

Salvador wrapped a possessive arm around Katherine and held her closer as she continued her conversation with Angel.

Beside him he saw Ed stiffen and followed his gaze. Lord Pennington was approaching them at a leisurely pace and had his eyes fixed on him.

Their group quieted as Pennington approached.

I can’t tell you how honoured I am that the brotherhood has blessed us all with their presence” he drawled out lazily.

Salvador’s muscles tensed as he observed that his brothers had also taken a defensive stance.

Lord Pennington, you honour us by invitation.” Charles responded back to him smoothly.

Charles had always been the most diplomatic of the brothers and they always counted on him in situations like this one.

Lord Pennington nodded at Charles in response and then turned his attention to Lord Salvador and his wife.

I heard a rumour good fellow that you found yourself a bride.” He drawled out while openly assessing Katherine.

Salvador’s hand tightened on Katherine’s waist before responding.

Lord Pennington, allow me to introduce Lady Katherine, my Wife.”

Katherine offered her hand to Lord Pennington and he bowed over it, brushing his lips above her knuckles.

Salvador wanted to snatch his wife’s hand back but restrained himself.

Your most humble servant” He mumbled over her knuckles, lingering longer than what was appropriate.

Charles caught the raging glint in Salvador’s eyes and cleared his throat.

Lord Pennington straightened himself up and finally released her hand. At a glance, he could tell that Katherine was shocked by his behaviour and not at all impressed. Just knowing that cooled Salvador’s annoyance, somewhat.

Do I assume correctly that you are not from Oxford?” Lord Pennington enquired of her.

Salvador involuntarily squeezed Katherine’s waist, not wanting her to reveal anything about herself to him. Judging on Katherine’s response, she was in the same frame of mind.

You assume correctly.” Katherine stated without giving any hint that she wished to reveal anymore.

May I ask where Lord Salvador found you?” He prompted.

Katherine gave him a shy smile and nodded her head in defeat.

A small town that is a few days ride from here.” was her ambiguous reply.

Although Salvador was pleased that his wife did not trust Pennington enough to reveal personal details about herself, he had to wonder why she felt the need to hide her identity from him.

Lord Pennington, I must congratulate you on the acquisition of the Polly Estates. Is it safe to assume that you will take personal interest in the breeding of the race horses that they have been so famous for?” Peter piped in, a welcome diversion.

Lord Pennington eyed Katherine for just a moment longer and then turned his attention to Peter.

Of course. If memory serves me correctly, you have a personal investment in the Polly Estates.” He responded.

That is correct. Do tell, how do you intend to proceed with the current investors?” Peter enquired.

And with that they launched into conversation that did not revolve around personal affairs.

Every so often, Pennington would cast a curious glance towards Katherine and an equally appreciative glance towards Rachel and Angel. All men in the party were on alert and tense until Lord Pennington finally excused himself to another party that had just arrived. A collective sigh was to be heard followed by silence.

The women looked at the men with curious stares but did not press them for an explanation.

Lord Salvador spotted a business associate that he had been hoping to see.

Peter, would you mind taking Katherine for a swing around the dance floor while I see to a business matter?” Salvador asked.

Nothing would please me more.” Peter responded with a genuine smile on his face as he held his hand out for Katherine to take.

Katherine gave him a quizzical glance and then accepted Peter’s hand at the encouragement of his nod.

Katherine laughed with abandon as Peter whirled her around the dance floor. He kept her well entertained and focused on him whenever he would notice her attention wondering to others.

Are you brothers always so greedy with our attentions?” She asked him with a mischievous grin.

Peter aped her grin and spun her in-tune with the music, causing her to gasp and then giggle in delight.

Of course; dare I say that we are the only ones who deserve your attentions?” he responded gaily.

Katherine laughed at that. “You guys really don’t trust outsiders do you?” She responded.

Not at all. Take for example Lord Perry over there.” He said as he nodded towards a gentlemen just off to the side. “He has been trying to get into our group for quite some time now. He made the mistake of trying to use Angel to get closer to us - that was his first mistake.” He relayed to her.

Truly? How so?” Katherine asked with genuine curiosity.

He would always try to covet her attentions at social gatherings such as this whenever he could catch her alone. He had hoped to gain her favour in order for her to convince Alex to gain his favour as well.”

So what happened?”

Ed was the first to notice that he was hanging around Angel and that he appeared to be a little too friendly for his liking. He relayed his observations to us and we kept a closer eye on them. Last year at this same event, Lord Perry was very inebriated and distraught that Angel was constantly surrounded by one of us - which was on purpose.”

Did he make a scene?”

No. You see, Charles had conducted business with him once and did not care for him. We had warned Angel to keep her distance from him and she had tried to convince us that he was harmless, but that conversation ended when Alex put his foot down.”

I can’t see her submitting so easily.” Katherine chuckled out.

Peter grinned in kind.

Oh, they fought for a while but Angel could do not but submit to Alex’s wishes in the end.”

Katherine gave him a questioning glance, but Peter only shook his head to tell her he would not elaborate.

So what happened?”

Angel had excused herself to the powder room, but instead of returning to us, she decided to take some fresh air in the gardens. Alone.”

Katherine gasped. Even she knew that the gardens were not a place to wander around at night unescorted.

Exactly. Lord Perry caught up with her and demanded to know why she was shunning him. When Angel refused to answer, he grabbed her arm in a bruising grip and threatened her.”

Threatened her! With what!” She gasped.

He threatened to tell her husband about their relationship.” He said in mock horror.

Katherine’s eyes widened.

Of course we all knew that there was no relationship. The man was so inebriated that he had not thought his threat through. Still, it was at that point that Alex had found them in the garden.”

After a moment of silence, Katherine sighed to prompt him further which only made him grin.

Lord Perry still has the scar on his wrist where he had been touching Angel.” Peter chuckled.

Dear Lord!” Katherine gasped.

Now do you see why we are so protective over you ladies? Come now Kat; are we such bad company to keep?”

Katherine recovered from her shock of his story and then gave him a genuine smile for her answer.

Peter and Katherine danced to another tune before they were interrupted.

May I have the next dance?” They heard from beside them.

She felt Peter’s muscles tense under her hands and looked towards the voice.

Jeffery!” She exclaimed happily. “Of course you…”

I’m afraid Lord Straton, that Katherine’s dance card is full.” Peter cut in.

Katherine gave him a reproving scowl and tried to break from his embrace, but Peter gripped her tighter and squeezed her waste in warning.

Peter!” She gasped out.

Now Peter, surely there is no harm in one dance?” Jeffery replied with a sparkle of mischief in his eyes.

Not for me there isn’t” Peter replied with a low and menacing tone that drained the color out of Katherine’s face, making Jeffery take an involuntary step backwards.

The men stared at each other for a moment longer before Jeffery recovered his wits.

I see” he drawled out. “Katherine, as always it is a pleasure seeing you.” He bowed slightly.

I’m sorry…” Katherine started to say but stopped short when she caught Peter’s warning glance.

Jeffery smiled warmly at her and then strode away without a backwards glance.

What was that all about!” Katherine bit out as she once again tried to pull out of Peter’s embrace.

Did we not just have this discussion?” He reminded her of Angel and Lord Perry’s story.

This is different! Jeffery is genuinely a decent character!” She defended him.

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