Read The Dialogue Thesaurus: A Fiction Writer's Sourcebook of Dialogue Tags and Phrases Online
Authors: Dahlia Evans
Tags: #Dialogue Tags and Phrases
jabbered; jeered; jested; joked; joshed; judged; justified.
keened; kidded; lamented; laughed; lectured; leered; lied; lilted; lisped.
made known; made public; maintained; managed; marveled; mentioned; mewled; mimicked; moaned; mocked; mourned; mumbled; murmured; mused; muttered.
nagged; narrated; necessitated; nodded; noted; notified; objected; observed; offered; orated; ordered.
panted; passed on; perceived; persisted; persuaded; pestered; petitioned; piped; piped up; pleaded; pledged; pointed out; pondered; postulated; pouted; praised; prayed; preached; premised; presented; presupposed; prevaricated; proceeded; proclaimed; prodded; profaned; professed; proffered; promised; prompted; promulgated; pronounced; prophesied; proposed; protested; provoked; publicized; published; puled; purred; put forth; put in; put out; puzzled.
quacked; quaked; qualified; quarreled; quavered; queried; questioned; quibbled; quipped; quivered; quizzed; quoted.
raged; railed; rambled; ranted; rattled off; reasoned; reassured; rebuffed; recalled; recanted; reckoned; recommended; reconciled; recounted; recriminated; refused; rejoiced; rejoined; related; released; remarked; remembered; reminded; remonstrated; repeated; replied; reported; reprimanded; reputed; requested; required; requisitioned; responded; restated; retorted; revealed; roared.
said; sang; sassed; scoffed; scolded; screamed; searched; seethed; sent on; settled; shared; shot; shot back; shouted; shrieked; shrilled; shrugged; shuddered; sighed; smiled; smirked; snapped; snarled; sneered; sneezed; snickered; sniffed; sniffled; sniveled; snorted; sobbed; solicited; sought; spat; spat out; specified; speculated; spluttered; spoke; sputtered; squeaked; stammered; started; stated; stormed; stressed; stuttered; suggested; supposed; surmised; swore.
taunted; teased; tempted; tested; testified; thanked (someone); theorized; threatened; threw back; thundered; told (someone); told off; touted; trailed off; transferred; transmitted; trembled; trilled; trumpeted; twanged; twittered.
urged; uttered; validated; ventured; verbalized; verified; vociferated; voiced; volunteered; vowed.
wailed; wangled; warbled; warned; went on; wept; wheedled; whimpered; whined; whispered; wondered; worried.
yakked; yapped; yawned; yelled; yelped; yowled.
accused; argued; barked; belittled; bellowed; berated; bit out; blasted; blasted back; blazed; blew up; boomed; bossed; bragged; broke in; bullied; burst out; called; called out; carped; cautioned; challenged; charged; chided; commanded; complained; condemned; confuted; cried; cried out; criticized; cursed; demanded; demurred; dinned; disrupted; exploded; expostulated; flashed; fumed; grated; gritted out; growled; grunted; hissed; hollered; howled; insinuated; insulted; intimidated; jeered; lectured; leered; lied; mocked; muttered; nagged; objected; persisted; preached; proclaimed; profaned; provoked; quarreled; raged; railed; rambled; ranted; remonstrated; reprimanded; retorted; roared; sassed; scoffed; scolded; screamed; seethed; shot; shot back; shouted; shrieked; shrilled; snapped; snarled; sneered; snorted; spat; spat out; squawked; stormed; swore; taunted; threatened; threw back; thundered; told off; vociferated; vowed; warned; yelled.
"He will never amount to anything," she
"Get over here this instant!" David
"I can't stand the sight of your face," Susan
. "You're a sick little man!"
"I hate you!" she
"You're a liar!" he
. "I don't even know you."
appealed; babbled; bawled; begged; beseeched; blubbered; burst out; called; called out; chattered; choked; choked out; cracked; cried; cried out; croaked; emitted; entreated; exclaimed; faltered; fretted; gagged; gasped; got out; gritted out; gulped; hesitated; hissed; howled; implored; managed; mewled; moaned; mumbled; murmured; muttered; petitioned; pleaded; prayed; puled; quaked; quavered; quivered; rambled; ranted; screamed; shrieked; shuddered; sobbed; spluttered; squeaked; stammered; started; stuttered; trembled; wailed; warbled; wept; whimpered; whispered; worried; yelped; yowled.
"Please," she
called out
, "someone help me!"
"Are they still coming?" she
"I-I can't move," Kylie
"They're armed with knives," he
"Mommy," the boy
, "there's a ghost at the window."
babbled; bantered; beamed; bubbled; burst out; cackled; caroled; chanted; chatted; cheered; chortled; chuckled; congratulated; giggled; greeted; grinned; guffawed; gushed; hooted; jabbered; jested; joked; joshed; laughed; marveled; purred; rambled; rejoiced; sang; smiled; smirked; snickered; snorted; thanked (someone); yapped.
. "It's a boy!"
"You always say that." He
"Are you ready to go?" She
"She is such a klutz." John
"I can't wait." She
announced; assured; babbled; bantered; beckoned; breathed; bubbled; cajoled; coaxed; comforted; confided; congratulated; consoled; cooed; counseled; craved; crooned; declared; doted; empathized; encouraged; giggled; greeted; grinned; groaned; gushed; invited; moaned; mused; persuaded; pledged; pouted; praised; proclaimed; professed; proposed; purred; rambled; reassured; rejoiced; sang; sassed; sighed; smiled; smirked; teased; tempted; urged; ventured; vowed.
"I need you," she
"Go to sleep, little one," the mother
"When are you coming over?" Jasmine
"I love you," he
"We miss you here," she
agonized; appealed; argued; barked; bawled; bayed; begged; bellowed; bemoaned; bewailed; bickered; bleated; blubbered; carped; caviled; clamored; complained; cried; deplored; fussed; gagged; glowered; groaned; grouched; growled; grumbled; hissed; howled; keened; lamented; mewled; moaned; mourned; murmured; muttered; nagged; objected; protested; puled; quarreled; quetched; quibbled; roared; rued; screamed; screeched; shouted; shrieked; sighed; sniffed; sniffled; sniveled; sobbed; spat; spat out; squalled; squawked; squealed; threatened; trembled; ululated; wailed; wept; whimpered; whined; whinged; whispered; yammered; yelled; yelped.
"I have nothing left to live for." Cathy
"Why do we have to go?" her son
"Are we there yet?" Michael
. "I'm sick of waiting."
"She told me everything!" she
"You have nothing to offer me," he
. "Take your stuff and leave."
blurted; blurted out; breathed; burst out; called; called out; cried; cried out; exclaimed; faltered; gasped; gawped; gulped; hesitated; inquired; interjected; interrupted; marveled; objected; protested; puzzled; quaked; quavered; queried; questioned; quivered; quizzed; shouted; shrieked; shrilled; spat out; spluttered; sputtered; squeaked; stammered; started; stressed; stuttered; swore; trembled; trilled; trumpeted; worried; yelped; yowled.
"What the hell are you doing here?" he
"Oh, no!" Karen
"How is this possible?" she
. "I thought you were dead."
"Y-you just appeared out of thin air," the man
"Ah!" she
. "You scared me half to death."
barked; bawled; bellowed; blasted; blazed; blew up; boomed; called; called out; chanted; cheered; cried; cried out; crowed; dinned; exploded; hollered; hooted; howled; keened; mewled; raged; ranted; roared; screamed; shouted; shrieked; shrilled; stormed; thundered; trumpeted; wailed; whined; yelled; yelped; yowled.
"I know what you did!" she
"Someone call the police," Mary
cried out
"Of course I'm right," he
"You better stay away from her!"
"Quick," he
, "he's over there by the river."
breathed; cooed; crooned; gasped; gawped; grinned; gulped; mumbled; murmured; muttered; nodded; purred; quivered; shrugged; shuddered; sighed; smiled; smirked; snarled; sneered; snickered; sniffed; sniffled; squeaked; trembled; twittered; whimpered; whispered; yawned.
"Darling," she
, "I'm leaving now."
"Hello, nice to meet you," Cathy
"I'm sorry," she
. "I can't go with you."
"It's probably for the best," he
"Be quiet, or they will hear you," Nick
abandonedly; abashedly; abhorrently; abidingly; abjectly; abrasively; abruptly; absentmindedly; absently; absorbedly; absorbingly; abstractly; abstrusely; absurdly; abusively; abysmally; academically; acceptingly; accessibly; accidentally; accommodatingly; accomplishedly; accurately; accusatively; accusatorily; accusingly; acerbically; achingly; acidly; acknowledgingly; acridly; acrimoniously; adamantly; adequately; admirably; admiringly; admonishingly; adorably; adoringly; adroitly; adventurously; adversarially; affably; affectedly; affectingly; affectionately; affirmatively; affirmingly; affrontedly; aggravatedly; aggravatingly; aggressively; aggrievedly; aghastly; agilely; agitatedly; agonizedly; agreeably; agreeingly; aimlessly; airily; alarmedly; alarmingly; alertly; allegorically; alliteratively; alludingly; alluringly; allusively; aloofly; aloud; altruistically; amateurishly; amatively; amazedly; ambiguously; ambitiously; ambivalently; amenably; amiably; amicably; amorally; amorously; amusedly; amusingly; analytically; anarchically; angelically; angrily; anguishedly; animalistically; animatedly; annoyedly; annoyingly; answeringly; antagonistically; anticlimatically; anticipatingly; anticipatorily; antipathetically; antisocially; anxiously; apathetically; apologetically; apoplectically; appealingly; appeasingly; appositely; appraisingly; appreciatively; apprehensibly; apprehensively; appropriately; approvingly; aptly; arbitrarily; arcanely; ardently; arduously; argumentatively; aridly; aristocratically; arousedly; arousingly; arrantly; arrogantly; artfully; articulately; ashamedly; asininely; assentingly; assertively; assessingly; assumingly; assuredly; assuringly; astonishedly; astoundedly; astringently; astutely; attentively; attractively; atypically; audaciously; audibly; augustly; auspiciously; austerely; authoritatively; autocratically; automatically; autonomously; avariciously; avidly; awedly; awesomely; awestruckly; awfully; awkwardly.
back; backhandedly; bad-temperedly; badly; baffledly; bafflingly; balefully; ballistically; banally; banefully; banteringly; barbarically; barbarously; barefacedly; basely; bashfully; bawdily; beamingly; bearishly; beautifully; beckoningly; becomingly; befittingly; befuddledly; begrudgingly; beguilingly; belatedly; believably; believingly; bellicosely; belligerently; bemusedly; beneficently; beneficially; benevolently; benignantly; benignly; berserkly; beseechingly; besottedly; bestially; bewilderedly; bewilderingly; bewitchingly; biasedly; biliously; billowingly; bitchily; bitingly; bitterly; bittersweetly; bizarrely; blackly; blamelessly; blandly; blankly; blasphemously; blatantly; blazingly; bleakly; blindly; blissfully; blithely; blithesomely; bloodthirstily; bluffly; bluntly; blushingly; blusteringly; boastfully; boastingly; boilingly; boisterously; boldly; bombastically; bookishly; boomingly; boorishly; boozily; boredly; boringly; bossily; bouncily; boyishly; bracingly; braggingly; brashly; brassily; brattily; bravely; brazenly; breathily; breathlessly; breezily; briefly; bright-eyedly; brightly; brilliantly; briskly; brittlely; broken-heartedly; brokenly; broodingly; brusquely; brutally; brutishly; bubblingly; bullheadedly; bullyingly; bumblingly; burningly; busily.
cacophonously; caddishly; cagily; cajolingly; calculatingly; callously; callowly; calmingly; calmly; calumniously; candidly; cannily; cantankerously; capriciously; captiously; captivatedly; captivatingly; carefully; carelessly; caressingly; caringly; carnally; casually; casuistically; catatonically; cattily; caustically; cautiously; cavalierly; cavillously; censoriously; ceremonially; ceremoniously; chagrinedly; challengingly; chantingly; chaotically; characteristically; charily; charismatically; charitably; charmingly; chastely; chastenedly; chattily; chauvinistically; cheekily; cheerfully; cheerily; cheeringly; cheerlessly; cheesily; cherishedly; cherishingly; cherubically; chidingly; childishly; chillily; chillingly; chipperly; chirpily; chivalrously; chokingly; churlishly; circumspectly; civilly; clairvoyantly; clammily; clandestinely; clarifyingly; classily; classlessly; claustrophobically; clearly; cleverly; clingingly; clinically; close-mindedly; cluelessly; clumsily; coarsely; coaxingly; cockily; cogently; cold-bloodedly; coldheartedly; coldly; collectedly; collectively; colorfully; colorlessly; coltishly; comatosely; combatively; comfortedly; comfortingly; comically; commandingly; commendatorily; commonly; compassionately; compellingly; compensatingly; competently; competitively; complacently; complainingly; complaisantly; complementarily; compliantly; complicitly; complimentarily; composedly; comprehendingly; compromisingly; compulsively; compulsorily; concedingly; conceitedly; concernedly; concertedly; conciliatorily; concisely; concludingly; conclusively; condemningly; condescendingly; conditionally; confidentially; confidently; confidingly; confirmingly; conflictedly; confoundedly; confrontationally; confusedly; confusingly; congenially; congestedly; congratulatorily; connivingly; conscientiously; consciously; consentingly; conservatively; considerately; consideringly; consolingly; conspicuously; conspiratorially; constrictedly; constructively; contemplatively; contemptibly; contemptuously; contentedly; contentiously; contently; continuingly; contradictorily; contrarily; contrastingly; contritely; contrivedly; controlledly; contumaciously; contumeliously; conversationally; convincingly; convivially; convolutely; convulsively; coolingly; coolly; cooperatively; coquettishly; cordially; correctedly; correctively; correctly; coughingly; counterproductively; courageously; courteously; covertly; covetously; cowardly; coyly; cozily; crabbily; craftily; crankily; crassly; cravenly; crazily; creakily; creamily; creatively; credulously; creepily; crescendingly; crestfallenly; cringingly; crisply; critically; croakily; croakingly; crossly; crudely; cruelly; crushedly; crushingly; crustily; cryptically; cultivatedly; culturedly; cunningly; curiously; cursorily; curtly; cutely; cuttingly; cynically.