The Dialogue Thesaurus: A Fiction Writer's Sourcebook of Dialogue Tags and Phrases (5 page)

BOOK: The Dialogue Thesaurus: A Fiction Writer's Sourcebook of Dialogue Tags and Phrases
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X - Y

xenophobically; yawningly; yearningly; yieldingly; yobbishly; youthfully.



zanily; zealously; zestfully; zestily.



Emotion: Anger

abrasively; abusively; accusatively; accusingly; acidly; acridly; acrimoniously; aggressively; agitatedly; angrily; animalistically; antagonistically; antipathetically; apoplectically; argumentatively; arrogantly; astringently; bad-temperedly; ballistically; balefully; banefully; barbarically; barbarously; barefacedly; basely; bearishly; bellicosely; belligerently; beratingly; berserkly; bestially; biliously; billowingly; bitchily; bitingly; bitterly; blackly; blazingly; blusteringly; boastfully; boilingly; boldly; boomingly; bossily; brattily; briskly; brutally; brutishly; bullyingly; burningly; callously; calmly; cantankerously; captiously; cattily; caustically; chaotically; cheerlessly; chillingly; cholerically; churlishly; coarsely; cold-bloodedly; coldheartedly; coldly; combatively; condemningly; confrontationally; contemptuously; contentiously; contrarily; contumaciously; contumeliously; crabbily; crankily; critically; crossly; cruelly; crustily; cuttingly; cynically; dangerously; darkly; defiantly; demandingly; dementedly; deliberately; depravedly; derangedly; derisively; derogatively; despisingly; destructively; devilishly; diabolically; dictatorily; disapprovingly; disdainfully; disgruntledly; disputatiously; dissonantly; dominantly; domineeringly; dourly; draconially; drily; dyspeptically; edgily; enragedly; evilly; exacerbatedly; exactingly; exasperatedly; exasperatingly; explosively; fearsomely; ferally; ferociously; fervidly; feudally; fiercely; flamingly; floutingly; forcefully; foully; fractiously; frankly; frantically; frenetically; frenziedly; fretfully; frigidly; frustratedly; fumingly; furiously; gallingly; glacially; glassily; gloomily; goadingly; grouchily; growlingly; grudgingly; gruffly; grumpily; gruntingly; hamfistedly; harassingly; hardheartedly; hardly; harmfully; harriedly; harshly; hastily; hatefully; heartlessly; heatedly; heavy-handedly; heinously; hellishly; hideously; hissingly; horribly; hostilely; hotheadedly; hotly; huffily; humiliatingly; hurtfully; hypocritically; icily; ill-temperedly; indignantly; ingeniously; infuriatedly; iniquitously; insanely; insensitively; insidiously; insolently; insubordinately; intensely; intolerantly; invectively; irascibly; irately; irefully; ironhandedly; irritably; lividly; loudly; madly; malevolently; maliciously; malignantly; maniacally; masochistically; matter-of-factly; meanly; mean-spiritedly; menacingly; mercilessly; minaciously; mockingly; monstrously; mordantly; murderously; mutinously; negatively; noxiously; obdurately; obnoxiously; ominously; opprobriously; outragedly; peevishly; pejoratively; pertinaciously; perversely; pessimistically; pettishly; petulantly; pitilessly; poisonously; potently; powerfully; predatorily; primitively; pugnaciously; punishingly; pushily; putridly; quarrelsomely; querulously; rabidly; ragingly; rancorously; rantingly; rapidly; rashly; recklessly; refractorily; remorselessly; reprochfully; resentfully; retaliatingly; revengefully; ribaldly; roughly; rudely; rumblingly; ruthlessly; sadistically; sarcastically; sardonically; savagely; scathingly; scoldingly; scorchingly; scornfully; scowlingly; scurrilously; searingly; seethingly; selfishly; seriously; severely; sharply; shatteringly; shrilly; slanderously; smolderingly; sneeringly; somberly; sorely; soullessly; sourly; spiritedly; spitefully; splenetically; spoiledly; sternly; stingingly; stormily; stringently; stubbornly; sulkily; temerariously; tensely; tersely; terrifyingly; territorially; testily; tetchily; thornily; threateningly; thuggishly; thunderingly; thunderously; tormentingly; toughly; toxically; truculently; tumultuously; turbulently; twistedly; tyrannically; uglily; unamusedly; unapologetically; unfeelingly; unkindly; unmercifully; unpleasantly; unsmilingly; vengefully; venomously; vexedly; viciously; victoriously; vilely; villainously; vindictively; violently; virulently; vitriolically; vituperatively; vociferously; volatilely; vulgarly; waspishly; wildly; wolfishly; wrathfully.



"You're dead!" she cursed


"Do you miss your ex-husband?" Donald asked,


"Billy," his father ordered
, "get over there in the corner!"


"There's nothing you can say," he hissed
. "Now, get out of my sight!"


"I want you to suffer like I did!" she screamed



Emotion: Fear

agitatedly; alertly; anxiously; apprehensively; awkwardly; breathlessly; carefully; cautiously; circumspectly; cowardly; coweringly; croakily; despairingly; distrustfully; doubtfully; emotionally; faintheartedly; faintly; fearfully; feebly; fitfully; fragilely; frailly; frightenedly; fumblingly; gingerly; guardedly; gutlessly; haggardly; heedfully; hesitantly; hoarsely; huskily; hysterically; ineffectually; intimidatedly; irrationally; jerkily; jitterily; jumpily; laboriously; nervously; neurotically; painstakingly; panically; panickingly; pantingly; paranoidly; perturbedly; petrifiedly; piteously; pithlessly; pusillanimously; quakingly; quaveringly; queasily; quietly; quiveringly; rabidly; raggedly; ramblingly; raspily; raspingly; reservedly; scaredly; scratchily; shakily; shrinkingly; shyly; skittishly; softly; spinelessly; spiritlessly; squeamishly; submissively; suspiciously; tautly; tearfully; tensely; tentatively; timidly; timorously; tormentedly; tremblingly; trepidatiously; trepidly; unassuredly; uncontrollably; uneasily; unnervedly; vigilantly; vulnerably; warily; watchfully; waveringly; weakly; whimperingly; wimpily; wimpishly; wobbily; xenophobically.



"Supposing someone should see us," she said


, Ben said, "Stay away from me."


"What was that sound?” Nancy whimpered


"Whatever it was, it was big," he said


"There's a man over there staring at us," the boy whispered



Emotion: Happiness

admiringly; adoringly; adventurously; affectedly; amusedly; amusingly; animatedly; avidly; beamingly; bemusedly; blissfully; blithely; blithesomely; brightly; bubblingly; captivatedly; captivatingly; casually; charismatically; charmingly; chattily; cheekily; cheerfully; cheerily; cheeringly; chipperly; chirpily; congenially; congratulatorily; contentedly; contently; convivially; delightedly; delightfully; dreamily; eagerly; ebulliently; ecstatically; effervescently; effusively; elatedly; enamoredly; enchantedly; enchantingly; encouragedly; encouragingly; endearingly; energetically; engagedly; engagingly; enjoyably; enrapturedly; entertainedly; entertainingly; enthralledly; enthrallingly; enthusedly; enthusiastically; entrancedly; entrancingly; euphoniously; euphorically; exaltedly; excitedly; excitingly; exhilaratedly; exhilaratingly; expectantly; expressively; exuberantly; exultantly; exultingly; festively; frolicsomely; funnily; gaily; genially; genuinely; giddily; gigglingly; gladly; gleefully; glisteringly; glitteringly; gloriously; glowingly; good-humoredly; good-naturedly; goofily; gratefully; gratifiedly; gratifyingly; gregariously; grinningly; gushingly; happily; harmoniously; heartily; hilariously; humorously; hyperactively; hysterically; infectiously; ingratiatingly; inspiredly; inspiringly; invigoratedly; invigoratingly; invitingly; irenically; irrepressibly; jauntily; jazzily; jestingly; jocosely; jocularly; jokingly; jollily; joshingly; jovially; joyfully; joyously; jubilantly; keenly; kiddingly; kookily; laughingly; leisurely; lightheartedly; liltingly; loquaciously; marvelously; mellifluously; melodiously; merrily; mirthfully; momentously; musically; nicely; over-enthusiastically; overeagerly; overjoyedly; overzealously; peacefully; perkily; piquantly; placidly; playfully; pleasantly; pleasedly; pleasingly; positively; quirkily; radiantly; rapturously; receptively; rejoicingly; relaxedly; relishingly; resplendently; responsively; rhapsodically; riantly; risibly; rollickingly; sanguinely; serenely; sillily; smilingly; smirkingly; sunnily; swaggeringly; talkatively; thrillingly; tinglingly; toothily; tranquilly; trickily; triumphantly; tunefully; twinklingly; uproariously; vibrantly; vibratingly; victoriously; vigorously; vivaciously; vividly; vocally; voraciously; waggishly; warmly; welcomingly; wholeheartedly; winningly; winsomely; wonderfully; youthfully; zanily; zealously; zestfully; zestily.



"Did you see his expression?" she said


"Let's get this party started," Judy said


"Happy new year!" they yelled


"Merry Christmas, dear boy!" Santa laughed


"It's time for dessert," she sang
from the kitchen.



Emotion: Love

admirably; admiringly; adorably; adoringly; affectedly; affectingly; affectionately; alluringly; altruistically; amatively; amorously; appreciatively; arousedly; arousingly; attractively; bashfully; beckoningly; becomingly; beneficently; benevolently; benignantly; benignly; besottedly; bewitchingly; blamelessly; blissfully; blushingly; captivatedly; captivatingly; caressingly; caringly; carnally; charismatically; charmingly; cheekily; cherishedly; cherishingly; chivalrously; clingingly; compassionately; concernedly; confidingly; considerately; consolingly; coquettishly; coyly; cozily; cutely; dashingly; dearly; debonairly; desirously; desperately; devotedly; devotionally; emotionally; empathetically; enamoredly; enchantedly; enchantingly; endearingly; enrapturedly; enticingly; entrancedly; entrancingly; faithfully; fawningly; feelingly; flatteringly; flirtatiously; flirtingly; fondly; forlornly; friendlily; friskily; giddily; girlishly; glowingly; good-naturedly; grandfatherly; gratefully; gratifiedly; gushingly; harmoniously; heartfeltly; heartily; helpfully; huggingly; humanely; infatuatedly; intimately; irresistibly; kindheartedly; kindly; kinkily; licentiously; longingly; loyally; lustfully; lustily; mesmerizedly; mesmerizingly; mildly; motheringly; munificently; mushily; needfully; needily; needingly; nicely; passionately; peaceably; peacefully; playfully; pleasantly; pleasedly; pleasingly; positively; possessively; poutily; preciously; prettily; promiscuously; protectively; randily; rapturously; raunchily; ravishingly; regardfully; romantically; sappily; seductively; selflessly; sensitively; sensually; sensuously; sentimentally; sexily; sincerely; smotheringly; softheartedly; soothedly; soothingly; soulfully; spellbindingly; supportedly; supportively; sweetly; sympathetically; teasingly; tempestuously; temptedly; temptingly; thankfully; understandingly; voluptuously; warmly; welcomingly; well-meaningly; wonderfully; worshipfully; worshippingly.



"He's the perfect man," she said


"You're my hero," Kylie said


"Mum," he said,
, "this house is for you."


"If only he would notice me," she mused


"Come to bed," she purred



Emotion: Sadness

abandonedly; abysmally; achingly; aggrievedly; agonizedly; aimlessly; anguishedly; beseechingly; bitterly; blackly; bleakly; brittlely; broken-heartedly; brokenly; broodingly; chagrinedly; cheerlessly; chokingly; colorlessly; crestfallenly; crushedly; cynically; damply; darkly; dauntedly; defeatedly; deflatedly; dejectedly; depressedly; depressingly; desolately; despairingly; desperately; despondently; devastatedly; devastatingly; difficultly; direly; disappointedly; disappointingly; discomfortingly; disconcertedly; disconcertingly; discontentedly; discordantly; discouragedly; disenchantedly; disharmoniously; disheartenedly; dishearteningly; dismayedly; dismayingly; dispiritedly; displeasedly; dissatisfiedly; distantly; distraughtly; distressedly; disturbedly; dolefully; dolorously; dourly; downcastly; downheartedly; downtroddenly; dreadingly; drearily; droopily; duskily; emotionally; emptily; entreatingly; erratically; faithlessly; fatalistically; feebly; foresakenly; forlornly; fragilely; frailly; frowningly; futilely; gloomily; glumly; grimly; groaningly; grovelingly; grumblingly; haplessly; harriedly; hauntedly; heart-breakingly; heartbrokenly; heartrendingly; heavy-heartedly; helplessly; hoarsely; hollowly; hopelessly; humiliatedly; hurtly; imploringly; irrationally; irrepressibly; joylessly; laboredly; lachrymosely; lamentingly; languishingly; lonesomely; long-sufferingly; longingly; lugubriously; mawkishly; melancholically; melodramatically; mirthlessly; miserably; moodily; mopingly; morbidly; mournfully; negatively; neglectedly; numbly; painedly; painfully; painstakingly; palely; pallidly; pathetically; pensively; pessimistically; piteously; pitifully; pleadingly; powerlessly; purposelessly; quaveringly; regretfully; rejectedly; remorsefully; remotely; resignedly; ruefully; saddenedly; sadly; self-critically; self-deprecatingly; self-effacingly; self-pityingly; sentimentally; shakily; shakingly; shamefacedly; shiveringly; sobbingly; solemnly; somberly; sorely; sorrowfully; soulfully; sourly; spiritlessly; strainedly; strainingly; strangledly; stressedly; stressfully; sufferingly; sulkily; sullenly; tearfully; tearily; temperamentally; thinly; tonelessly; tormentedly; tornly; torturously; touchily; tragically; traumatically; tremblingly; tremulously; troubledly; tumultuously; tunelessly; turbulently; uncheerfully; unconsolably; uncontrollably; unevenly; unhappily; unharmoniously; unmotivatedly; unreservedly; unrestrainedly; unsettledly; unsmilingly; unsteadily; upsetly; vacantly; vulnerably; waifishly; wanly; waveringly; weakly; wearily; wearisomely; weepily; whinily; whiningly; wintrily; wispily; witheringly; woefully; woundedly; wretchedly.



"Please, don't leave," she said


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