The Dog Cancer Survival Guide (140 page)

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Authors: Susan Ettinger Demian Dressler

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Postoperative radiotherapy for canine soft tissue sarcoma. Forrest LJ, Chun R, Adams WM, et al.
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Efficacy of mitoxantrone against various neoplasms in dogs. Ogilvie GK, Obradovich JE, Elmslie RE, et al.
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Spaying and neutering

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Long-Term Health Risks and Benefits Associated with Spay / Neuter in Dogs

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Hormonal and Sex Impact on the Epidemiology of Canine Lymphoma, Villamil JA, et al.
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Specific Cancer Tests (excluding cytology and biopsy)

Evaluation of a bladder tumor antigen test as a screening test for transitional cell carcinoma of the lower urinary tract in dogs. Henry CJ, et al.,
Am J Vet Res
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Information about Pet Screen can be found on their website at

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Stress, Depression and Psychoneuroimmunology

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Neuroendocrine modulation of cancer progression. Armaiz- Pena GN, et al.
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Biopsy Principle. Ehrhart NP, Withrow SJ, in Withrow SJ, Vail DM (eds):
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Transitional Cell Carcinoma

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Vaccination (infant) and TH2 shift with potential cancer impact

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