Read The Don: Sebastiano (Stud Mafia #1) Online

Authors: Elle Raven,Aimie Jennison

The Don: Sebastiano (Stud Mafia #1) (7 page)

BOOK: The Don: Sebastiano (Stud Mafia #1)
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Fuck. I needed to calm the hell down. I had Sierra in the house and she was already scared as shit; I didn’t need her to hear this crap. “Teresa, you need to get the fuck out of my office, out of my house and take all your bullshit theories with you,” I said, surprised I remained deadly calm. “Now.” I signalled to Guido.

Teresa knew from experience when I used that tone, I meant business. Willingly and with no fight, she allowed Guido to escort her out of the office, without another word or backward glance at me.

There was no way in Hell she would be getting any money out of me now. Not after bringing all that shit back up. I thought I loved my wife back then, but I thought wrong. She changed. She became greedy. She cheated on me with my worst enemy: Fernando Arello.

That fucker was not a good man. He owned several illegal brothels in and around Sydney. Any man who treated women the way he did was as good as dead. In my book, women were never to be abused and used, in any way. The thought of my mother suffering at the hands of my father only made my vendetta against Fernando more lethal.

The more money I gave her, the more she wanted. If I didn’t give Teresa what she wanted, she looked elsewhere. And
was when it all went to shit. The day she started flirting with Fernando, my archenemy and illegal drug trafficker in Sydney, was the day I saw the real Teresa. She thought she’d be able to get some money out of him if she offered him her body. That was when it all changed—the day that prick Fernando literally fucked her.

He totally fucked her up. Teresa was always after bigger and better things, so when she came on to Fernando, she wasn’t expecting him to be quite so rough. At that stage in our relationship, I’d discovered Fernando wasn’t the first
of mine Teresa had fucked.

He fucked her up so I fucked him up even more. I closed my eyes, remembering how I had given the order for a bullet to be put in the fuckers head. Anyone who dared bring dishonour to my family or to women the way Fernando did was as good as dead. There would be no more illegal prostitution brothels, period. My men didn’t seem shocked. I was taking them all over. When the word got out that I, Don Sebastiano, was taking over Fernando’s brothels and legalising them, no one protested. They didn’t dare.

As for Teresa, she changed. She became a whole different person. Eventually in my eyes, the woman I’d married was dead. Teresa only had one mission: she became hell-bent on killing the baby inside her, continuously referring to our unborn child as
devil’s spawn
. The day Lorena was born, Teresa ran away from the hospital and disappeared for a whole week until my men found her. She was in an abandoned house full of drug users, and she was as high as a kite. 
Fucking bitch.

I gripped my rosary beads tighter and poured a drink from the bottle of scotch on my desk. I needed to stop thinking about the past and focus on the future.

A big part of that future was waiting outside that office door.



Shit. What am I going to do when he comes back out of his office? He scares the fuck out of me, but…there’s just something about him being so frightening and so powerful that gets my juices flowing.

I cannot
we were caught. Crap, he had his face down there in my nether region and his ex-wife barges in and witnesses it. Of all people, the ex-wife!

Holy shit, I couldn’t stop thinking about the way I reacted to him and how he made me feel. If we weren’t interrupted at that very moment, I would have come all over his face. He wasn’t even
down there
for that long and he already had me in a frenzy. I could feel my clit was overly-sensitive and on the verge of an orgasm. It was still tingling and I could feel the sensation of his tongue between my legs. The way he licked my slit up and down. God, he did it ever so slowly; it was enough to make any woman explode. Sebastiano Morassi sure knew how to please a woman. He was an expert.

“Sierra.” I jumped at the sound of my name coming from Sebastiano’s lips as he stepped into the lounge. I was still sitting there on the couch looking unruffled, despite the chaos in my head. Time was of no relevance at the moment. I had no idea how long he had been gone or how long I had been daydreaming. All I knew was I never put my underwear back on. I couldn’t find them anywhere.

“Oh…ah…Sebastiano.” My God, I was so flustered around him, especially knowing I had nothing on under my skirt and he knew it. Where the fuck were they? My eyes left his momentarily to search the room.

“You looking for something, baby?”

“No…I mean yes…I—” Shit, I was a stuttering mess around him.

“Not looking for these by any chance, are you, sweetness?” He produced my black, lacey underwear from his pocket and held them up to show me by swinging them around his finger, a huge grin on his face.

Fuck, they were in his pocket this whole time? No way!

“Shit, I’ve been looking everywhere for those. Give them back to me, now,” I demanded.

“Oh, I’ll give them back to you, sweetness. Soon. I promise,” he teased me. “I’ve got to make a few calls and have some business to attend to, so I’m keeping them for the afternoon. That way, I’ll have you with me all day.”

“What, are you nuts? They’re the only pair I’ve got. Give them back to me right this instant.” I almost stomped my foot on the ground but I stopped myself just in time. For some ungodly reason, whenever I lost my temper around this man, he got turned on.
“Now, baby, you haven’t known me long, but what you should know by now is when you make demands on me like that, I don’t fucking listen.” With that, he put them back in his pocket and continued. “If anything, your little temper tantrums turn me the fuck on, sweetness.”

Damn, I knew it. I was pretty sure my face was as red as a tomato by his admission; I could feel the heat rising to my face. I had to change my tactics where losing my temper was concerned if I was going to survive this situation.

“So, what am I going to do? Go naked all day? Is that what you want me to do?”

“Yes. That is
what I want you to do, Sierra.” He hissed my name and his eyes were undeniably focused on my mouth. “I want you to remain bare all fucking day.”

He advanced toward me and it felt like an eternity had passed before I could even take my next breath. He was watching me, waiting for me to challenge him; I was sure of it.
How the hell do I respond to that statement
? I noticed the corner of his mouth curl up into a half-shaping smile.

“Fine,” I managed to get out.

“Fine? That’s all you got to say, baby?” he asked as he caressed my collarbone.

God, he was infuriating. How the hell did he expect me or
me to respond? I couldn’t think straight with him touching me.

“Look, there’s no point in arguing with you about it now, is there? But I do have a question, or more of a favour, to ask you,” I prodded and still couldn’t quite look him in the eye.

“Depends what it is, sweetness,” he drawled.

“I want to go back to my house and get my belongings, all my personal items, my clothes, my…”

“No. This is your home now. You will be living here with me. You don’t need those things. I’ll buy you new ones.”

“What? Why? I don’t need new things. I want my own things, my own comforts. Please?” I appealed to him.

“Okay, stop your whining. This is the deal, so listen well.” His strong arms circled my waist and he drew me closer, his palm sliding down the curve of my backside. “I’m going to give you some money to go buy whatever the fuck you want. I don’t want you going back to that shithole you call a

“But…there’s Paulie, he lives with me and—”

“Shh.” He silenced me by kissing me quickly on the lips. “I’ll speak to Paulie and sort something out for him. You, sweetness, need to focus on me, pleasing me and making me happy, remember?”

He leaned down and captured my lips in a fervent kiss again, just as I was about to speak. I didn’t hold back. Instead, I melted into him and circled his neck, raising my arms and returning his passionate kiss. The taste of his mouth was intoxicating, and I felt weightless against his body. He probed the inside of my mouth and sucked on my tongue before raining kisses down the sensitive column of my throat. He lifted me in his arms, continuing to feed on me like a starving man. He was so big, so strong that I thought my feet left the ground. Correction: they
leave the ground; I felt like I was floating.

I tried to speak, but my voice was muffled by soft, erotic moans;
soft, erotic moans. I couldn’t get enough of this man. I pulled a fistful of his hair and brought his face back to my mouth, devouring him with my own desperate kisses.
Oh, my God, what the hell is wrong with me?
I was making out with The Don
and I couldn’t help myself.
He walked me backward, pushing me against the wall, his massive frame pinning me to it. Shit, I had to stop him. Was he going to take me against the wall? It was something I’d always fantasised about and wanted to do but not like this where one of his men could walk in at any minute.
Fighting for some control, I turned my head, breaking our kiss. “Wait, stop,” I said breathlessly, placing my hands on his taut, muscled chest. He moved away but not before placing a kiss on my forehead, lifting me from the wall and easing me back down to the floor.

“What is it, sweetness?” he asked, panting zealously. His face was so desperately close to my own I could feel his hot breath mingling with mine, becoming one.

“You scare me,” I admitted, trying to get away from him.

Sebastiano’s arms flew up, trying to stop me from escaping and kept me fastened in his ironclad, yet soothing, embrace. Our eyes locked. My mind was in turmoil and I was struggling to catch my breath. I knew it was wrong to want him like this.
Yes, he’s dangerous but oh, God, the effect he has on me is lethal.

Staring into my eyes, he asked, “What exactly is it you’re scared of, Sierra. Is it that I’m The Don and I can kill people with my bare hands, or is it the fact that I want to fuck you and do unthinkable things to you? Tell me.”

I tried to move away again, but he still didn’t budge. “I know who you are, Sebastiano; you are the most influential crime-boss in all of Australia. I‘ve read about the things you’ve supposedly done, and I should be scared, but that’s not why I’m afraid. It’s the other one…the um…sex part.” I felt him relax against me. And then he laughed.

“Of all the things you
be frightened of, sweetness, you’re scared of the one thing which will bring you the most exquisite pleasure.
is a promise.”

“No, I…it’s because I don’t know you very well and just the thought of having sex with a complete stranger and someone as…um…as…” I stammered nervously, not even able to finish the sentence. He was driving me insane.

I stopped when he pressed his hard frame against me, his intense, dark eyes shining down on me. “I want to get to know you a lot better tonight, sweetness. I won’t hurt you, Sierra. You need to trust me,” Sebastiano said softly before brushing my lips with his. I raised my arms around his neck.
Fuck it, why not? I’ll deal with my fear tonight.
I rose on my toes because he was indeed that tall and brought my mouth up to his. Parting my lips, I intended to entice his tongue to slip inside. God, I loved how he kissed me. He tasted of mint, and the feel of his hand easing slowly down my hip sent shivers of excitement up my spine.

“Mmm, okay, but I need to ring Paulie first and tell him where I am. He’ll be worried. He’s not going to like this situation, you know that, right? I’m going to have to convince him you didn’t blackmail me into this. That I’ve come to you willingly.” I grinned at him mischievously. For some reason, I felt relaxed around him. If anything, I was more nervous than scared of being intimate with Sebastiano. He was used to women who were far more experienced than me and knew what they were doing, unlike me.

“Stop over-analysing things, babe.” Sebastiano brought his mouth to my ear and kissed it before he spoke. “I don’t give a fuck what Paulie thinks. Trust me, baby; by the end of the night, you will be willing, and you will be fucking screaming.

“I need to go, baby. I’ll organise for my daughter, Lorena, to take you shopping in the afternoon, once Riccardo picks her up. They’ll be here later.”

He walked away, but not before he called out and said, “Remember, Sierra, stay bare.”



Left alone, I decided it was time to make a few phone calls. My first was to my friend and work colleague. She’d be worried that I hadn’t returned to work since Riccardo all but kidnapped me from the office.
Then I had to call Paulie and tell him what events had unfolded so far. I was dreading that phone call. Paulie was not going to like the situation with Sebastiano, not one little bit. He
warn me it would go down like this, after all. But I was prepared to take the risk with Sebastiano in order to keep Paulie alive.

I dialled Paulie’s number nervously, and he answered on the third ring. I cleared my throat and tried to sound positive and happy. The poor guy was so depressed since coming home from the hospital.

“Hey, Paulie, it’s Sierra.”

“Sierra, I was worried about you, I called you at work and they said you went off with some beefy-looking guy. Who the fuck was it?”

I really didn’t want to get into too much detail over the phone but hey, there was no time like the present.
Here goes nothing
. “Paulie, don’t get angry with me, okay, but I called Sebastiano Morassi.”

“What the fuck did you do that for? Fuck, Sierra, I told you he’s a fucking monster!” Paulie burst out. I could just picture him, veins popping in his neck from the rage I was causing him. My brother had a temper.

BOOK: The Don: Sebastiano (Stud Mafia #1)
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