Read The Don: Sebastiano (Stud Mafia #1) Online

Authors: Elle Raven,Aimie Jennison

The Don: Sebastiano (Stud Mafia #1) (10 page)

BOOK: The Don: Sebastiano (Stud Mafia #1)
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Sebastiano looked at me as if he expected me to turn and run back downstairs. Maybe he thought I was scared of him; either his scar or his tattoos. They were a bit intimidating and chilling. I had never been into men with ink before, but Sebastiano was something else. His tattoos just added to his raw masculinity and sexiness. I wanted to prove to him that he didn’t scare me, so I entered, scooted past him and closed the door.

His phone buzzed as soon as I shut the door. “I got to answer this, beautiful.
Un momento, bella
,” he said in Italian.

I waited silently for him to finish. I didn’t understand a word as he was speaking fluent Italian to the person on the other end. I took in the surroundings. His bedroom was huge; it would have been at least four times the size of mine. But the best part of the room was the magnificent view, which overlooked the entire Sydney Harbour.

Then there was the bed, which nearly took up half the space of the room. I walked over and sat on it, bouncing as I did. He ended the call and came to stand in front of me, looking fierce and oh-so-sexy.

“I’m sorry to interrupt.”

“It’s no interruption; not at all, sweetness. So, how did the shopping go?” he asked, giving me the once over. “Did Lorena treat you okay? She probably came across as rude, but she doesn’t stay like that for long. My daughter doesn’t have a nasty bone in her body, unlike her mother. I suppose she broke the bank, did she?”

I managed a smile. “Well…she
give me the cold shoulder initially, but that would be expected, wouldn’t you think?” I queried him, wanting him to admit he’d never had a mistress, like Lorena had said. All he did was grin and raise his scarred eyebrow. He looked so rugged with the scar running down his left cheek. “Your daughter is most definitely a
shop till you drop
kind of girl, that’s for sure.”

“And you’re not?” he asked, somewhat surprised.

“No, I’ve never been much of a shopper.” I wanted to add that I never had the money to shop before, but I bit my tongue; something I was learning to do a lot lately. “Did you organise to have my things sent over from my house?”

“I did, why?” he asked.

“Well…I never gave you my key and I…”

“Key?” He smiled. “No, Sierra. I had my men go and collect your belongings.”

“But…that…that’s impossible,” I blurted, confused as to how he could have gotten into my house.

“You’ll learn that with me, Sierra, most things are possible.” The distance between us closed and again I felt myself fearing him, wanting him but backing away toward no escape. His arm lifted, and he rested it on my shoulder. I sank back onto the bed and stared into his eyes.

“Oh…okay, I understand, I do.” God, how stupid was I? Asking him if he had a key? As if The Don would need a key to enter my house. “Thank you, so much. You have no idea what this means to me.”

“Did you come into my room just to thank me?” He peered down at me, tendrils of black hair clinging to his forehead.

“Yes,” I breathed, focussing on his lips.
Maybe I should kiss him this time as a reward. Just a quick, sexy kiss to show him I’m grateful?
His mouth loomed close to mine.

“Did you listen to me, sweetness? If I lift up your skirt, wilI I find you bare like I asked?”

Oh, God, I was going to have an orgasm just from the sound of his voice.

“Let me check, shall I?” He slid his hands down my body and returned them to cup my face. He kissed me softly on the throat and I moaned, arching into him.

“Take your skirt off and lie down, baby,” he demanded. “You trust me, right?”

I nodded, not answering him. All I could do was nod and slide off my skirt. He opened my shirt and exposed me to him. I was still wearing my bra but I felt naked. I froze when I felt something cold slide across my stomach. I hissed and gasped.

“Are you scared, baby? Don’t be,
cara mia.
I promise you, you will like it.”

“Yes,” I whispered, barely getting the words out. My throat was so dry, but there was something about the way he was holding me. His touch, his smell, his stare excited me.

He glided the object, which I guessed were his rosary beads, across my flat stomach, aiming downward toward my pubic bone. I tried to lift my neck to get a look at what it was, but he grabbed me by the chin roughly.

“Stop. I told you to trust me!” Sebastiano said, pushing me back down with brute force. “I won’t hurt you, Sierra.”

Fear flowed through my body.
The wave of emotions were unlike anything I’d experienced before.
Scared. Aroused. Shameless.
The heat coursing through my body was embarrassing.

“Don’t look. You need to trust me. It’s okay to be scared. I
you to be scared; it turns me on, baby. You have no idea how much I want to hear you scream. Scream and shout my name until I make you come.”

If I thought I was scared before, I was wrong.
Things just got more frightening
. Slowly but ever so expertly, the object travelled down further and I squirmed with uncontrollable arousal.

“Don’t fucking move,” he whispered

Goose bumps formed on my skin when I saw what was in his hand. Instead of his wooden rosary bead necklace, this one was metallic or possibly sterling silver. At the end of the crucifix were tassels which felt like soft metal. I gasped and tried to hold ever so still as he glided the beads and finally the tassels over my clit. I hissed again.

“See, sweetness, I told you not to be scared. I only want to bring you pleasure. Pleasure like you have never known before.”

Oh, fuck. This pleasure was indescribable. A pleasure I could possibly die from.



She wanted me.

She was scared, but fuck, she wanted me.

Sierra Winters was exquisite. I couldn’t believe her brother, Paulie, had been working for me for months now and I’d never met her. When I heard her knocking on my bedroom door, my dick was already saluting her.

I never expected her to come in search of me and personally thank me. That was when I thought I could have a little fun with her before dinner. She was squirming under my touch. Much to her disappointment, I lay the rosary beads on the bed and unhooked her bra. I had other plans for the beads, but I didn’t think she was ready for it yet. I needed to get her used to them and me first.

The sight of her small, perky breasts had my cock thickening. I took each one into my hands before my mouth closed around her nipple. The taste of her was intoxicating. So sweet, so smooth, just so damn perfect. Her tits, her nipples—I groaned as I took them into my mouth one at a time. Nipping at first, and then just suckling before holding them between my teeth and flicking them with my tongue. “Mmm,” I moaned, swirling my tongue around the hardened peak.

She arched toward me, thrusting her tits deeper into my mouth. “Yeah,” she said breathlessly.

“Sweetness, I want to fuck you.” There was a certain level of desperation in my voice, but I didn’t care. I was desperate to fuck her, to have her underneath me, on top of me, against a wall or on a table. Fuck, I wanted her in any position…nothing mattered but wanting to possess her, to be with her, holding her, kissing her and fucking her.

I never made love. I only fucked. If she thought she could change me with her innocent brown eyes, then she was wrong. She was moaning and I wanted to taste her mouth. My lips left her breast and moved to her pink, parted lips, my tongue dipping into her mouth and exploring every inch until her taste was permanently ingrained in my memory.

“Touch me, Sierra,” I instructed. She needed no further invitation; her fingers clawed at my back, scratching, sliding and rubbing down my shoulders and arms. The feel of her hands and fingers roaming over my chest filled me with anticipation. When her hot little mouth planted kisses on my bare flesh and her tongue traced circles around my nipples, I fought to control myself. She was thrusting and dry humping her mound into my sensitive, rock-hard cock. Jesus, I was going to lose it and my dick wasn’t even out of my pants yet.

“Easy, baby, slow down,” I whispered, grabbing her hips and holding her still. For some reason, I didn’t want to rush this. I moved down her body until I was eye level with her precious goods.

My thumbs pressed into the flesh of her tender thighs as I parted her legs. I wanted to taste her, all of her. I promised her I would own her orgasms, and I intended to show her. I kissed the crevice of her thighs and worked my way toward her sex. I wanted to make her go crazy and assault her senses, so I started with gentle kisses before I sucked her clit into my mouth, flicking it with my tongue. Her arse came off the bed, pushing her pussy into my face. Fuck, I loved it when a woman did that.

“Sebastiano,” she moaned my name.

My tongue laved her clit again, slowly at first, easy gentle licks and then fast, feverish flicks until she had her fingers twisted in my hair, holding me tight against her pussy. She was fucking my face so hard and fast I was having trouble controlling her movements.
“Oh, baby, that’s it. Fuck my face.” I lapped at her for a few more minutes as her clit pulsated on my tongue. She was about to come any second. “Easy, sweetness,” I said as I gripped her hips and held her still before easing a finger inside the saturated folds of her pussy. I stroked her delicate flesh, my tongue still teasing her clit. The taste of her was intoxicating, her sweet nectar an aphrodisiac to my body. I continued to suckle her clit as I worked a second finger inside her. My cock was so damn hard I groaned in painful anticipation. The sound of my moans had her creaming in my mouth.

“God, that feels so good!” she cried.

Apart from Teresa, I’d only ever been with women from my club and high-class call girls who never meant a thing to me. But Sierra, she was something else. Hearing her say my name like that—all whispery, needy, and seductive—got me every time. Fuck, she was messing with my head. I didn’t want to have feelings for any woman, ever. But this one woman was bedazzling me and making me weak at the knees.

I am The Don, and I have a reputation to uphold. I cannot come across as weak, especially where a woman is concerned. I have never experienced feelings for a woman, and it sure isn’t going to start now. I don’t feel. All I want to do is to fuck her and keep fucking her until I’ve had enough of her. When I’ve had my fill I’ll get rid of her, but for some reason, I can’t envision myself getting tired of this beauty.

I wanted to get her off and hear her cries of ecstasy. I worked my fingers deeper into her, stroking, rubbing, teasing her flesh into a frenzy of pleasure. My mouth and my tongue were relentless on her clit, coaxing the swollen jewel into releasing her orgasm. I looked under my lashes to see her watching me. “Come for me again, sweetness. Let me taste your juices,” I whispered before working another finger into her.

She flung her head back on the bed, arched her body, and clutched my hair between her fingers. I laughed inwardly thinking I’d have no hair left by the end of our session. She had her eyes closed, and her lips were parted on a sigh. Seeing her like that rocked me to my core. I wanted to be the only man ever to see her like that; the only man to ever bring her such intense pleasure. This feeling I was experiencing with Sierra was better than any drug I’d ever taken.

I felt the first signs of her tightening around my fingers. Very slowly, I pulled my fingers from the warmth of her pussy and plunged my tongue deep inside her, my thumb still working her clit. She tightened, jerked, relaxed, tightened again, and then released with a flurry of screams and moans. I fucked her with my tongue, sucking her juices into my mouth, swallowing and taking more. She tasted so sweet. I ached. The taste of her juices coating my tongue and sliding down my throat were pure Heaven. But the fear I had earlier of developing feelings for this woman came back with a vengeance. The thought of me having any affection for any woman almost paralysed me.

It can’t happen. I won’t allow it.

She collapsed onto the bed, totally spent. I eased my body down on top of her, pressing my erection against her sensitive sex. One movement, one slight shift in my weight and I’d have her coming apart again.

I knew she would agree to anything I said or wanted right then; I could see it in her eyes. I smoothed her dark hair from her face. As much as I wanted to fuck her at that moment, I couldn’t. I wanted to savour her and make it last. “I’m going to fuck you tonight, baby. This was just a taste of what there is to look forward to,” I said against her lips.

“No, please, make love to me now,” she muttered, not taking her eyes from mine.

Fuck, she had to go and use the word ‘love’
. I don’t do love.

A deep, guttural moan pushed past my lips as she reached between us and tugged at my sweatpants.

“No, baby. Stop,” I growled, moving her hand away. “Later, sweetness. I want you to return the favour tonight. I don’t want to rush this; I want to take all night appreciating that sexy body of yours.” She looked at me with frustration and confusion. “You’re going to suck my cock until your mouth aches, sweetness.” I loved the shock on her face.

She blushed and moved off the bed to put her clothes back on.

“Sweetness,” I called out to her. “I haven’t scared you off now, have I? We had a deal, remember? You become my mistress in exchange for your brother’s life.” She nodded. “You know I have sexual needs which need to be met. If you can’t satisfy them, I’ll have to go find someone who will and you don’t want that, do you?”

“No, I don’t want that at all,” she admitted.

I smiled wickedly.

“Good. Now that we’ve settled all that, Guido is waiting for you downstairs. He’s got a new cell phone and other electrical devices you may be needing. He will move all your things up here. This will be your bedroom, too, so make yourself comfortable,” I told her as I proceeded to get dressed.

“Where are you going? I thought maybe we could spend some time together.” She was wringing her hands together nervously. “I mean, so I can get used to you…before…um…tonight.”

BOOK: The Don: Sebastiano (Stud Mafia #1)
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