Read The Don: Sebastiano (Stud Mafia #1) Online

Authors: Elle Raven,Aimie Jennison

The Don: Sebastiano (Stud Mafia #1) (13 page)

BOOK: The Don: Sebastiano (Stud Mafia #1)
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“I’m glad you approve of the furnishings, sweetness. I’ve just had it redecorated.”

With his glass still in hand, he grabbed me by my elbow and steered me over to the bed. “Look at what you made me do, Sierra. You made me spill my scotch all over you. You’re all wet and ready for me.” He bent down and licked at my lips. I whimpered when that was all he did. I was dying for him to kiss me. His kisses were so passionate and I looked forward to his lips on mine again. “You said you didn’t want any scotch, sweetness; did you change your mind? All you needed to do was ask. Let’s get your clothes off first, baby, and then lie down on the bed and I’ll give you some.”

Holy hell. Just the sound of his voice turned me on something bad. The way he spoke sent shivers throughout my body. He peeled every single item of clothing off me slowly and expertly, stopping every now and then to suck and kiss my breasts and lips until I felt the mattress behind my legs. He motioned for me to scoot back to the middle of the bed. The mattress move when Sebastiano knelt beside me. He took an ice cube and rubbed it over my lips before he popped one into his own mouth and crunched on it. With the ice still in his mouth, he tenderly placed feathery, cold kisses against my lips. I shivered, not only from the coldness on my lips but from his other hand caressing my breast and pinching my nipple.

“Please, kiss me,” I begged him. I wanted him to devour me with his lips.

“In good time, baby. I’ve got other plans at the moment.” He popped yet another ice cube into his mouth and fastened his lips onto my nipple.

“Ah… fuck, Sebastiano, that’s cold!” I screamed. He smirked at the shock on my face as the coldness sent a thrill through my body. I arched my back and he took the opportunity to suckle my nipple harder, grazing it with his teeth.

“Fuck, baby, I love how I can fit your whole breast in my mouth. I know your pussy is just as sensitive as your breasts.”

Ice-cold water trickled down my breasts. He lapped every drop. His tongue was erotic as it danced all over my body, and I couldn’t help but groan again at the exquisite torture. I wanted to taste his lips so badly, but instead, his mouth took a detour down along my abdomen.

Sebastiano paused and lifted his head to look at me. “Ready, sweetness?” he asked. I had no idea what I was meant to be ready for or why I was nodding in agreement; all I knew was I wanted his touch on me. Everywhere. He blew a puff of ice-cold air on my shaven mound and I arched my hips, wanting his mouth there like never before.

He may have used cold ice on my skin, but my body was on fire. I was hot for him.



“Fuck, you’re so responsive. I can’t wait to eat you all up, Sierra. Tell me what else you want me to do to you, baby. I’m warning you, though, I like it rough.”

If I so much as touched her again, she would detonate like a box full of dynamite. It was that ice. I could tell she loved it and I wanted to play with the ice a bit more but not just yet. I’d save what I had planned for another time.

“I don’t care if you’re rough. I want it, but I want to touch you. It’s my turn,” she said in ragged breaths, almost begging me.

“You wanna return that favour now, do you, sweetness?” Fuck yeah, there was nothing more I wanted than to see her feasting on my cock.

I got up long enough to rid myself of my pants but before I could get back on the bed, Sierra was kneeling in front of me. Her fingers grasped the base of my shaft, and she looked up at me under her lashes as her tongue barely grazed the head of my cock. My hands gathered her hair to the side, and I gently pulled her away from me.

“Baby,” I said, “you do what you feel comfortable doing. I can’t wait to have those lips wrapped around my cock. Take your time. It’s a job, after all; a job I want you to excel in, sweetness.”

“I want to please you. I want to excel in my job,” she said, repeating my words. Bobbing her head down, she sucked the head of my dick into her mouth, circling the sensitive skin beneath before popping it back out.

I leaned back a little on the bed and watched as her seductive little smile closed around my dick. Her hand stroked my shaft while her mouth laved on the head. My head fell back to my shoulders. She was single-handedly destroying my self-control. Fuck, she sure knew how to suck cock. I wanted her to pay me back, but if she sucked me off like this, I wouldn’t last, and that was
what I wanted. But goddamn it was good. Her mouth was so hot and tight. Sierra’s moans of pleasure vibrated through my shaft, landing on my balls like a ton of bricks.
I’ll let her keep sucking for just a minute more
. I grabbed her head, holding her in place as I slid my dick in and out of her mouth. I flung my head back and moaned loudly. My arse clenched and my balls tightened, trying to stop myself from coming in her mouth.

“Baby, you gotta stop. I’m gonna come in your mouth otherwise. Fuck, stop.”
Oh, well, perhaps I’ll let her keep going for just a few more seconds.
“Ah, God, your mouth is like Heaven.” Fuck, she was so good at it. But, no, I had to stop her and fuck her. There was no way I wanted to shoot my load into her mouth for our first time.
She’s no whore and I don’t want to limit tonight with only oral.
“Stop!” I growled.

Her teeth lightly dragged up my cock until she released me. She licked her red, swollen lips and smiled up at me. Fuck me. She was enjoying it. Something inside of me lit up. I captured her lips and kissed her hard, using the force of it to guide her back down onto the bed. My balls were so tight from holding my release I thought I’d die from a coronary if I didn’t bury myself inside her soon.”

“You like that?” I asked her, my voice strained, like I couldn’t quite catch my breath. “Does it turn you on that I can taste myself on your lips?”

She looked away, embarrassed, her face more flushed than it was before.

“You are so beautiful, Sierra,” I exhaled. “We are going to use condoms until I have the medical forms to prove we are both safe, but after that, nothing will come between us. It’s skin to skin, sweetness.” I reached over to grab the condom from my pants and sheathed myself in record time. “You ready to ride this beast, baby?” I said, stroking myself.

Her eyes were all dreamy when she nodded and spoke in a whisper of a voice, “I’m ready. Fuck me now, Sebastiano. Please, don’t make me beg anymore.”

“Oh, sweetness, there’s no need to beg.” I couldn’t wait any longer. Holding the base of my dick, I pressed the head of my cock against the opening of her pussy. The warmth of her caused me to erupt in a full-body fever as I slowly pushed my way into her tight channel, inch by agonizing inch. I took my time, savouring the feel of her spreading for me, stretching around my hard cock as it completely disappeared inside her pussy.

She wrapped her legs around my waist, tucking the heels of her feet under my arse. “You are so fucking big. Oh, God, yes, yes,” she chanted.

“I’ve been thinking about being inside you all day,” I whispered as I thrust into her. God, it felt amazing, fucking a classy woman like Sierra in my room and on my bed.
I’m glad I never brought any women up here before. This is all for her.

I felt her tighten her legs around me as she dug her nails into the flesh of my back. Her tight pussy was sucking me deeper into her, milking me, riding my thrusts. It was driving me insane, but it felt so damn good. I skilfully pushed her to the edge of insanity before I changed my pace and retreated– to slower, more -controlled movements. My thrusts were now shallow and arduous.

I looked at her to gauge her reaction. Her eyes were closed, but I wanted her to look at me. “Sierra, look at me. I want your eyes on mine,” I demanded. I could feel her start to lose control beneath me, and her eyes opened. Fuck, she was looking at me as if she fucking couldn’t get enough of me. The desire in her eyes staring back at me made both my heart and my cock swell. I groaned and fought to hold back my release. It was too soon. Damn it! I wanted to savour this moment. To savour her; the feel of her legs wrapped around me, the feel of her hot, wet pussy surrounding my cock, the sound of my name coming from her lips. The feeling I had in my heart was strange and achy. Fuck, it hurt and I wasn’t sure I liked it.

“Sebastiano.” Her whimper pulled me from my disturbed thoughts. “I need…oh, God, yeah, please. I…”

“Tell me what you fucking need, sweetness. You want my cock rammed up you to the hilt, don’t you?” My lips pressed against hers, tasting her raging desire. I knew exactly what she wanted; I didn’t need her to tell me.
I could feel her tightening around me. She was going to come and damn if I wasn’t going to do the same.
Never have I lost control like this before. What the fuck is happening to me, to my self- control?
My cock grew inside her, ready to explode with release. “Fuck…” I growled as I pushed into her harder until she was literally screaming my name. “This is what you need, isn’t it, baby?”

“Yes!” she screamed.

“If you want me to stop, just tell me and I will,” I reassured her.

“Should we…” Her voice was a strained whisper. “I mean, do I need to have a safe word just in case I don’t like what you do? I’ve watched movies. I’ve read books and from what you’ve done to me already, I have no idea how kinky you’ll get.”

I stopped mid-thrust, pulling back to look at her. I laughed, raised my scarred eyebrow and asked, “Is that right? Now what makes you think I’ll give you reason to want to use a safe word?”

“I, uh… will I be needing one?”

I considered what she said for a moment before shaking my head and pushing into her, a little harder this time, making her breath hitch.

“Not this time, baby,” I said, fighting off a smile. “Relax, Sierra. Just relax and let me fuck you.”

I impaled her with one final, hard thrust, and her juices showered my sensitive cock seconds before I exploded. I jerked inside her, my dick spurting my cum into her dark warmth. Her arms locked around my neck while I rested mine on either side of her head as I waited for her to come down from her wave of raw bliss. A maelstrom of eroticism rained upon my senses as the world melted down around me.

I shuddered and collapsed my body onto hers, burying my face in her hair. Once I caught my breath, I readjusted my weight, pulled her back into my arms and looked down at her. She looked young. At twenty-eight, she was way too fucking young for me, but I didn’t care. If she was happy to fuck a forty-five-year-old mafia crime boss, then who was I to argue with that? But I didn’t want to scare her off by being too rough with her the first time we had sex. “You okay, sweetness?”

She smiled up at me and stroked my face, tracing her slender fingers across my scar. Fuck, why did she do that? That pain in my heart ached again. “I’m fine. You didn’t hurt me. I can handle you being rough like that with me.”

“Baby, that wasn’t rough. I was being gentle,” I laughed.

I eased out of her, rolled onto my back and brought her down with me. There was no way in Hell I’d had enough of her yet. I planned on fucking her all night. Sierra laid her head on my chest and draped her arm across my stomach, and I heard her yawn. I squeezed her closer to me and kissed the top of her head.

“I can’t let you go to sleep yet, Sierra. I’m not a one-fuck wonder,” I challenged her. “You ready for a few more rounds? I’m warning you, I’m going to be rough and I am no way near finished with you tonight.”

I cupped her chin, tilting her head so she had no choice but to look me in the eyes. I swept my thumb along her bottom lip, wanting to tease her, wanting her to think I was going to kiss her, but I paused instead. I gazed at her and said, “There’s no need to be afraid; I’m not going to hurt you.”

I kissed her then. Her lips were soft like velvet, a stark contrast to the roughness of mine. My kiss was gentle and I could hear her small, languid breaths against my lips which I eagerly inhaled, taking them all in. She was consuming me. I heard her let out a soft moan, and I barely caught it as I whispered, “Unless you want me to.”

She gasped. Those sweet little noises she made could turn a priest to sin.

I smiled wickedly.

I felt like a child with a brand-new toy. I just hoped I wouldn’t break it now that I’d taken it out of its package.


Two Months Later


One could say that after a few short months of living with Sebastiano Morassi and his
, I had become a full-fledged Mafia Princess, or perhaps a better word to describe me would be a
Mafia Mistress
. I cast my mind back to the day Paulie warned me about Sebastiano and his powerful and unscrupulous mafia life. And what did I do? I laughed it off, teasing him and saying the Godfather was only in the movies.

I was wrong.

Very wrong.

The last two months were like nothing I had ever experienced, and my life had dramatically changed. Paulie was most definitely correct; Sebastiano was a notorious Mafia Kingpin. To me, he was all-powerful and sophisticated. With his daughter, he was caring and extremely loving. Most importantly, he had the utmost respect for his men and his
. But to the rest of the world, he was staggeringly ruthless and, in fact, the
as Paulie referred to him just a few short months ago.

Never in my wildest dreams had I imagined myself to be living in the heart of one of the most notorious drug, arms and money -laundering empires of the world. With his
at dinner every evening, I was drawn deeper into his family’s sinister and brutal regime, overhearing and witnessing things I was too scared to even believe.

Initially, Sebastiano shielded me from his family operations, and I was overwhelmed by all the attention he lavished on me. I was bedazzled by him. Was it the sex? It most definitely had its perks. Sebastiano was absolutely divine in that department.

The only time we didn’t have sex was if he was away. And if he was away on business, we talked on the phone every night. The phone sex occurring during those conversations had my body quivering with need. He had a way of making my body come alive with what he would ask me to do. I submitted to his every need, his every want.

BOOK: The Don: Sebastiano (Stud Mafia #1)
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