The Dragon Lord (33 page)

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Authors: Connie Mason

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #Medieval

BOOK: The Dragon Lord
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Murdoc’s head shot up. “No one has ever questioned the honor of a MacTavish.”

“Then prove it.”

“Are ye going to let an Englishman browbeat ye, Murdoc?” Gunn asked on a low growl.

“‘Tis over, Gunn,” Murdoc replied. “Owning a slice of England was a foolish, impossible dream. I will find ye another heiress to wed. My wife is already lost to me. I donna want to lose my sister and nieces.

“Ye win, Dragon. Ye have naught more to fear from the MacTavishes.”

“I will accept your word, MacTavish,” Dominic said. “You are free to go after you apologize to Rose for the distress you caused her.”

Murdoc had a pinched look about his lips, but Dominic had no sympathy for the Scotsman. It took a while, but Murdoc finally said, “Forgive me, lass. I was overcome with greed and wasna thinking straight. Ye and yers have naught more to fear from me.”

“I forgive you, Uncle,” Rose replied. “Mayhap one day Dominic will forgive you and you can visit Dragonwyck again.”

“Not likely,” Dominic muttered beneath his breath. “Return the Scotsmen’s weapons and let them go,” he ordered his men.

The hour grows late. Will ye accept my hospitality for the night?” Murdoc asked.

“Nay. I am taking my wife and our wounded home,” Dominic said. Trusting MacTavish was asking too much.

MacTavish nodded his understanding and rode off, his kinsmen following in his wake.

“Thank you,” Rose said, eyes shining with gratitude. “Uncle Murdoc isn’t a bad man, just misguided.”

Dominic remained unconvinced.“If you say so, love. Let’s be off.” He pulled her close and held her a brief moment before helping her into the saddle. “I cannot wait to get home. I missed you, Rose.”

Rose leaned over and touched his face. “I love you, Dominic.” Then she spurred her mount and took off, sending him a saucy grin over her shoulder.

Rose’s smile wrapped itself around Dominic’s heart and filled it with love. Laughing for the pure joy of it, he mounted his destrier and took off after her. They did not speak as they rode side by side, but no words were needed to express their feelings.

During Rose’s absence, the knowledge that she might be in danger had affected him deeply. Without Rose he had become an empty shell of a man, as if everything gentle, everything vulnerable and caring within him no longer existed. Now that Rose was returned to him, he felt renewed, softer, more inclined to forgive. He frowned. Love had a damned seductive way of making a man feel things he’d never felt before.

Rose was happier than she had ever been in her life. Dragon hadn’t actually said he loved her, but everything he’d said and done today expressed his deep regard.

Rose touched her stomach and smiled dreamily. Should her suspicions prove correct, she was carrying Dragon’s child. She had missed her monthly cycle, her first indication that she might be increasing. She did not dare tell Dragon for fear he would stop her from traveling to London to change places with Starla.

“What are you plotting, Rose?” Dominic asked, glancing at her smiling face. “I have seen that look on your face before.”

Rose gave him an innocent stare.“I’m plotting naught, Dominic. I was merely wondering when we would be traveling to Westminster.”

Dominic sent her a disgruntled look. “I should beat you for leaving Dragonwyck without my knowledge or permission. What were you thinking? You not only endangered your own life but those of your vassals.”

“I did what I had to do, Dominic. I knew it was wrong to deceive you, but I hoped you would understand.”

Dominic’s expression softened. “Mayhap a beating is too harsh a punishment. I will think of something more appropriate. Do not try anything so foolish again. We will travel to Westminster together in a day or two.”

“Thank you, Dominic.”

The skies had darkened to a deep purple by the time the party reached Dragonwyck. As soon as they were seen by the guards on the parapet, the drawbridge was lowered and they clattered across. The portcullis lifted; they rode through both the outer bailey and inner bailey and drew rein in the courtyard.

Rose was elated to be home again, despite the fact that she would leave again very soon. As Dragon lifted her off Ladybird, someone called her name and she looked up. Emily stood at the top of the stairs, squealing Rose’s name, then lifted her skirts and raced to the bottom. Rose braced herself for Emily’s embrace. Then Blythe appeared, and both women tried to hug her at once.

Robina followed at a more sedate pace but was no less enthusiastic.

Rose was grateful when Dragon intervened, though somewhat embarrassed when he swept her into his arms and carried her up the stairs.

“Rose is exhausted, ladies,” he tossed over his shoulder. “We are retiring to our chamber. Do not expect to see us until the sun rises tomorrow.”

“You must be starved,” Emily said, running to catch up with them. “Do you want something to eat first?”

hungry,” Rose ventured.“And I would like a bath.”

Dominic’s sigh held a hint of disappointment. “Very well, a bath first and then food.”

“I will see to it immediately,” Emily replied, hurrying off to the kitchen.

Rose closed her eyes and relaxed against Dominic.

His voice was low and melodic. “Are you sleeping, love?”

“Nay, just enjoying being in your arms again. For a time I feared I would be forced to commit bigamy to save Piers and Vella. Then Robina came to me and things began to look brighter.”

Dominic carried her into the solar and sat her down on a bench before the hearth. “Let me build up the fire before you catch a chill.”

“The night is warm, Dominic.”

“The chamber is damp.”

Rose did not argue. She sat back and admired the play of muscles along Dragon back and buttocks as he bent to the task. She loved him so much. Did he love her? Though he had not said the words, his actions said he did. A woman, however, needed words she could hold to her heart and savor.

Dominic rose and dusted off his knees. “Dominic, do you love me?” Rose blurted out.

“Have you not guessed by now?”

“I was never very good at guessing games. Can you not say the words? You know how I feel; now tell me what I need to hear.”

He grasped both her hands in his and pulled her gently into his arms. “I have never said this to another woman, Rose, but I am telling you now because my heart is full to bursting with love for you. You are like no other woman I have ever known, prickly on the outside, soft as down on the inside.

“I cannot look at you without wanting to kiss you endlessly and put myself inside you.”

Rose slanted him a provocative smile. “Are you very sure you no longer want Veronica?”

“Veronica who? There is only you, love. I want no other. If you were not in need of a bath and food, I would prove here and now how much I love you, how very much I want you.”

His fingers drifted gently over her face and he framed her jaw, holding it steady for his kiss. She sighed into his mouth, matching the intensity of his kiss with a need of her own. The kiss grew more demanding, a fire that required tending. She sank her fingers into his hair as he plundered her mouth. Just as the fires inside them flared out of control, a knock came on the door.

“Go away,” Dominic growled.

“Master, ‘tis Raj. Henry of Ashford is at the portcullis and wishes to speak with you. He says ‘tis urgent.”

“At this time of night?”

“Aye, master. He says it cannot wait.”

Dominic spit out a curse. “Escort him to the hall, Raj, and tell him I will be down soon.”

“Whatever could he want?” Rose asked.

“I have a feeling his business concerns King John and the Articles of the Barons. Have your bath and something to eat, love. I will return as soon as I can. Keep the bed warm for me.”

He kissed her again, hard, then strode from the chamber.

Chapter Eighteen

There are many facets of Roses that I love.


Henry of Ashford was waiting in the hall when Dominic arrived. Dominic ushered the marcher baron to the manor office, where they could enjoy a modicum of privacy, and offered him a goblet of wine. Ashford accepted with alacrity and drank down half the contents before wiping his mouth on his sleeve and clearing his throat.

“I regret having to bother you at this time of night, but my mission is urgent,” he began.

“I assume your visit has to do with the Articles of the Barons,” Dominic said.

Ashford grimaced. “Aye. The king refused to sign them despite weeks of negotiation. Both sides have appealed to the pope, to no avail. John refuses to believe that his failure to meet our demands will result in a civil war. He is wrong. The barons and their vassals are planning to march on London. We need you, Dragon. Every man counts in this battle against the king’s injustices.”

“A few months ago I would have hesitated, but things have changed. King John does not deserve my loyalty. He held Rose hostage while I fought his war on the Welsh marches. He accused me of conspiring with the marcher barons against him. I swore I was loyal, but he trusted me not.”

“Rose is the king’s hostage? Tis all the more reason for you to join us. When we march on London, the release of your wife will be included in our demands.”

“Starla is the king’s hostage, not Rose,” Dominic revealed. Then, in a few succinct words, he explained the situation to Ashford, including how Rose and Starla had changed places and why.

“I heard you had been wounded but I did not know how seriously,” Ashford mused.

“But for Rose I would be dead,” Dominic said with conviction.“Now she is anxious to return to Westminster so Starla can go back to the convent.”

“I hope poor Starla has been able to cope with the licentious goings-on at court.”

“Her mother is with her, which should help. Nevertheless, Rose wants to return to Westminster as soon as possible, and I am sufficiently recovered from my wound to escort her.”

“Hmmm,” Ashford said, stroking his chin. “Having you at Westminster working on our behalf could be advantageous. Mayhap you can convince the king to listen to reason. He does not realize how close he is to a civil war. You are one of us now, Dragon. Will you join our cause?”

Dominic answered without hesitation. “Aye. Tell the barons they can count on me. When do you march?”

“It will take a fortnight for us to muster and arm our vassals. We plan to meet at a central place and converge on London together. Mayhap the sight of our combined forces will cause the king to acknowledge our demands and set his seal to the articles.”

“I am leaving Dragonwyck in a day or two, but I pledge my knights to your army.”

Ashford seemed surprised. “Are you not taking your men to London with you?”

“Nay. I need only Raj. Mayhap by the time the army reaches London, the king will be in a mood to sign the articles.”

“That is all I needed to hear, Dragon. Your support means a great deal to us. Can I impose upon your hospitality for the night?”

“Gladly. I will summon my steward.”

They left the chamber together, and Dominic went in search of Sir Braden.

“Sir Braden will see that you are made comfortable, Ashford. Now if you will excuse me, Rose awaits me in our chamber.”

Dominic took his leave. Ashford was all but forgotten as Dominic bounded up the stairs. He burst into the solar and stopped in his tracks when he saw Rose sitting on the floor before the hearth, wearing nothing but a drying cloth and a tray of food perched on her crossed legs.

“You are just in time,” Rose greeted. “I saved something for you to eat.”

Dominic glanced at the food, then at Rose. The meager leavings on the tray could not compete with Rose. She looked deliciously disheveled and rosy from her bath. Her pink toes poking out from beneath the drying cloth looked more appealing than anything on the tray.

“My appetite is not for food,” Dominic said on a low growl.

Rose waved her spoon toward the tub. The water is still hot; you may bathe if you wish.”

Bathing was the last thing on Dominic’s mind, but Rose was not the only one who enjoyed a clean body. He stripped off his mail and the rest of his clothing and stepped into the cooling water.

“Shall I wash your back?” Rose asked, rising. She stationed herself behind Dominic, soaped a cloth and began to scrub. “What did Lord Ashford want?”

“The king still refuses to sign the articles after weeks of negotiations, and the barons are going to march on London. They want me to join them.”

The washcloth slipped from Rose’s fingers. “Nay, you cannot! Papa died for the cause; I cannot lose you, too. Besides, you promised to take me to London.”

“I pledged my knights, but I am not joining the barons’ army, Rose. I know how important it is for you to return to the palace, and I will honor my promise to take you there. Raj and I will escort you to Westminster. The details are not complete yet, but Raj swears he can get you inside the palace and Starla out with little difficulty. I will present myself to the king soon afterward and demand your release. I nearly died defending England, and King John has no reason to deny my request.

“Ashford believes I could be useful to the barons inside the palace,” Dominic continued. “He urged me to use my powers of persuasion to convince the king to sign the articles. John cannot afford a civil war right now.”

Rose picked up the cloth and resumed washing Dominic’s back. When she finished with his back, she moved around to the side of the tub and slid the cloth over his chest. Her eyes glinted wickedly as she soaped the cloth and plunged her hand beneath the water to his—

“Rose!” He stayed her hand. “Naughty witch. Touch me there, and I guarantee you will end up in the water with me.”

“But I like touching you there, my lusty Dragon. Your cock is—”

“Near to bursting,” he finished.

She worked her hand free and caressed him. “What are we going to do about it?”

He surged from the tub. A moment later the wet warmth of his arms surrounded her. “I intend to bury my cock deep inside you and pump until you scream with pleasure.”

Her wits scattered as her gaze met his and clung. “I can hardly wait.”

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