The Ecstasy of Tral-Gothica (3 page)

Read The Ecstasy of Tral-Gothica Online

Authors: Victor Hadnot,Amanda Travis

Tags: #space romance, #science fiction eroticasex, #fantasylust

BOOK: The Ecstasy of Tral-Gothica
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“Tell me more about how the colonist
mistreat the natives?” Stella looked up.

Jenny was taken aback.


“I don’t understand? What has
brought this sudden change?”

“I don’t know, Aunt Jenny. I guess
I’ve been listening to the radio, to all the protest planned. I was
actually planning on attending one. You know, to see what all the
fuss was really about?” Stella expounded.

Jenny smiled. “I can do you one

“What? I don’t

“There is a big event taking place
in the city. Do you want to come?”

For some reason, Stella became all
excited at the prospect. “Oh, I’d love to. But won’t that sort of
thing be dangerous? I mean, there are smaller

“Ah. But the ones in the city are
the ones that really matter. That is where the eyes and ears of the
world will be focused on.” Jenny sipped her coffee, like the sly
old fox that she was, she could see that a seismic shift had
happened in Stella’s thinking. For whatever the reason, Stella was
now ready to question the authority that put everyone there, on



“You speak in tongues and write in
riddles, you sly old dragon, from Kwani Quittle.”


The big city was more than what a
country girl like Stella had ever seen, except in pictures and on
the call-all. Aunt Jenny had promised Stella’s parents that she
would take special care of their only child. The trip took a few
hours by air-rail, which was an airtrain traveling along a
transport laser track. Once they arrived Jenny quickly made calls
and arrangements. Jenny had a flat on the upper eastside, it was
there that Stella and Jenny were to stay. The door robot carried in
their things and set them where they wanted them. After that,
Stella flopped onto a plush sofa and gazed out onto the amazing
view. The contrast from what she was used to was like the
difference in night and day. How backwards things seemed to her
now, living on that farm, doing those chores, some by hand. And
while she loved the family domestic robot Patty, the robots she was
seeing in the city, were the most advanced domestic robots that
people used to serve them, made poor Patty look like a pile of

“Aunt Jenny, this is so wonderful.”
she told her.

Jenny smiled, “The city can be a
wonderful place, Stella. But, it can also be a very dangerous
place. I want you to promise me that you will be

Stella nodded, but, Jenny knew that
Stella wasn’t used to the more sophisticated ways of city dwellers.
The two-sidedness of its population, how lacking in decent feelings
the average person could be. Stella said, “I’ll be careful. And I
want to thank you again, for letting me come to live with you. I
won’t let you down.”

Jenny sat across from her niece,
“Baby, I’m not worried about you letting me down. I’m worried about
me letting you down.” And with that, Jenny kissed her on the
forehead and after giving the domestic robot instructions as to how
she was to treat Stella, she left. Stella spent the rest of the day
watching the call-all, a much larger version than the small ones
that people used. Finally, Stella turned to the domestic robot
whose name was Fifi.

“I want to see the city.” Stella

Fifi answered. “There are many ways
to see the city, Miss Stella.”

“Don’t call me Miss Stella. Just
call me Stella.”

“Yes, Miss Stella.”

“Didn’t I just...never mind, forget
it. I think I need to go shopping.”

“Miss Jenny has provided you with an
account. Where would you like to go?”

“I don’t really know. They all look
so amazing. Where does my aunt go shopping?”

“Your aunt enjoys many places, but
she has a passion for Izods.”

“Hmm? Let’s go there, I need a few
things so I won’t look so backwards.” There was a real cultural
clash between rural and urban Tral-Gothica.

The two, headed on out and Stella
managed to find a few things that looked good on her. After that
minor transformation, Stella became interested in seeing what a
city night club was like. Fifi didn’t want to take her to any,
something about having received specific instructions from

Stella said, “Aunt Jenny isn’t here!
It is you and me, the night life, the excitement.”

Fifi uttered, “Miss Stella, you
don’t know your way around the city. It can be fun, if you are used
to it, it can be very dangerous, if you are not. And you are

“If you don’t want to go with me
then just go back home. I’m fine. I can find my way back to Aunt

“I can’t do that. I have orders to
watch over you. To keep you out of harm’s way.”

Stella approached the robot. “Well,
I order you to go back to Aunt Jenny’s apartment. I’ll be

The robot stood there for a long
moment, as if it were trying to resolve the conflict it was now
presented with. It knew that Jenny’s commands were paramount,
however, Stella’s orders were more immediate. Fifi struggled to
figure out how to carry out both of them at the same time. Orders
that she had to obey, but conflicted to the point, then finally,
Fifi resorted to default. The robot simply walked away out of
Stella’s sight.

And with that, Stella was glad,
after all, she was not a little girl, she was a young woman.
Capable of making her own decisions. She caught an aircab and asked
to be taken to the nearest and best nightclub. She ended up a
Garrio’s, one of the hottest upscale clubs in the upper

Once she went through all the
bullshit to get inside, the ambiance was striking. The music
pounded, the press of the people was something that Stella had
never experienced. She managed to find a spot at the

“What will you have?” came a rather
flamboyant robot bartender.

She studied the machine for a
moment, the said, “I’ll take something really light. Not too

“Like what?” the machine stared at

“I’m not sure...” she

Just then, a tall and extremely
handsome man cut in, “She’ll take what I’m having.” The robot
acknowledged the order and started on it. The young man fixed his
eyes on her confidently and said, “I’m Markus...”

Stella didn’t say anything for a
moment, then responded. “Oh, I’m sorry, I’m Stella.”

“Nice to meet you


“You are new here?”

“Er. Yes. How did you...”

“Know? You just seemed a little out
of place. Most of the people who go here, already know what they
are going to order when they sit at the bar. You seemed shocked
when the bartender asked you what you wanted.” He smiled at her. He
was very good looking and Stella found herself being extremely
attracted to him. Gosh, he smelled so good too.

“So, you want to find a table?”
Markus asked her, as he grabbed her finished drink.

“Er. Sure. Sure, I’ll just follow

They moved through the press and
eventually after a few confusing moments, she saw Markus as he sat
down. She followed him and joined him. He placed the drink in front
of her and she took a sip, basically trying to fit in. The darkness
contrasted with the lights and the loud sounds, the music that she
had rarely ever heard. The whole thing was somewhat

“So, let me guess, first time in a

“Yes. I don’t usually do this sort
of thing.”

“What thing is that?”

“You know, this...”

“Oh? Where you from?”

Stella just responded. “I’m

He acted like he didn’t need to know
anymore than that. “Dance?”

Stella looked out at the couples on
the floor. She had no idea what type of dancing they were doing.
She watched, some were moving in strange ways, others were engaged
in extreme gestures and postures. Finally she said,

They moved out onto the dance floor,
the excitement and the press made her heart pound. She watched him
as he began to move to the very loud music, lights flashing, things
swirling. She began to try and mimic his gestures and then she
began to mimic other people’s gestures, and at some point, she
found herself dancing. This went on for awhile, the pace driving
her to explore movements that she had never done. He was so
interesting, his eyes so fixating. Markus was everything that Simon
wasn’t. Simon was fine, she loved Simon. But, Marcus was
spontaneous, tall dark and oh so handsome. He held her close, she
could feel his body as they moved to every note of music playing,
it seemed. They danced together so well, it was like he could
anticipate her every step, her every gesture. Finally, he took hold
of her hand and led her back to their tiny table. She was almost
out of breadth, while he seemed so in control. She was thirsty, she
finished off her drink and would have asked for another

Markus leaned forwards her. “You
want to get out of here?”

That came as a shock to her. She was
enjoying being there, but she looked at him, smiling in such a
charming way. “Er. Sure, where are we going?”

“A friend’s place. There is a really
nice party going on right now.”

Stella was so caught up in
everything, she didn’t even ask herself the question, if there was
this great party going on, then, why wasn’t he there, instead of
here? Maybe it was the drink, it tasted very good, fruity, but it
must have packed quite a punch, because she was starting to feel
something. Her head was ever so light and the loud music and
flashing of lights and color. He took hold of her hand and guided
her out of the press, through the faces and smells and loud music.
Finally, she found herself in an aircab headed towards the end of
the city, towards the suburbs. Or, so she thought. She was just a
little winded, perhaps from the dancing, after all, she’d never
danced like that before. So, she rested her head on his strong

Stella found herself butt naked and
in a room moderately filled with other people who were also totally
naked. Some of them were talking and drinking while others were
engaged in various levels of sexual activity. She didn’t remember
how she got there as she sat up on the sofa. Where are my clothes?
Why does my pussy feel so warm and wet? Thoughts rushed through her
head. Off to one side, she saw a tall man slowly walk by some
women, his cock was so long it almost reach the floor. She reacted
with shock. She’d never seen a cock that long on a human being. The
women around him, where he strolled, from one room to another,
would reach over and kiss his dick, which hung so proudly aa he
strolled. Then out came Markus, equally naked and went over to

“I was wondering when you were going
to wake up, babe.” He extended his and she wilfully took hold of
it. They went into the room that he had just come out and inside
was a nice round bed. The bed dominated the room with the lights
turned down super low. The window curtains were turned back so the
view of the heights could be seen. All those city lights that
Stella only read about in magazines. They got onto the bed. It was
surprisingly firm to her. It was at that point that she felt
Markus’ enormous dick rub up against her thigh. She looked down and
was taken aback at the sight hung down there. Markus’s dick was a
good 13.5 inches long and had to be almost three inches in
diameter. Oh my goodness! She thought as he began to kiss her lips.
She could feel the mere weight of his cock as he rested his body
weight on top of hers. They kissed, their tongues rolling inside of
each other’s mouths. Then he went down to her boobs and began to
suck them ever so wonderfully. Her hand meandered down to his dick
and touched it. It was as if she wanted to make sure she wasn’t
imagining that thing. He realized that she wanted it so he laid on
his back and settled in. She kissed him all the way down to his
cock. The wonderful musk smell of his dick region made her head
spin and she began to get even wetter in her pussy. She told
herself that she would play it cool and that she would be rewarded
with all that dick, though, how was she suppose to fix that much
cock inside of her pussy? Ah...her wanton asshole could take it she
was sure. But, for the moment, she just moved about the area
kissing and licking, then she began the journey that she was
seriously drawn to, his massive penis. She took some of it in her
hands, oh wow, that thing was so thick and weighty. She began to
kiss the shaft of his cock, moving down slowly, licking her was to
the excitement, his dick head. Markus’ cock was wonderful and proud
as her mouth finally reached the head. There was a slight sexual
twitch as her wet mouth went around his dick head, completely
covering it with her love. Oh no! She thought, his cock head alone
was filling up her mouth, what was she going to do? She so much
wanted as much cock in her mouth at one time as she could handle.
But, Markus’ cock was so powerfully large, that it was going to
prove to be a challenge. So she began to suck his dick the best way
that she could. She sucked and slurped his cock, occasionally going
for air all the while kissing the big thing. Oh, and how tasty was
this man’s dick. Oh, Markus, she thought. Each man’s dick tastes a
little bit different. If she were blind folded, she could suck cock
and just by the taste alone, tell who’s cock it was. And she knew
that she was never going to forget Markus’ big juicy pipe of joy.
She rolled as much dick as she could in her mouth. Sucking and
slurping that thing like a wild woman. Her orange-red hair draping
over the area. At some point, he began to moan. And that was when
she knew it was time for her to try and ride that thing. She
shifted around and straddled his cock, taking her hands and slowly
guiding this enormous dick inside of her wet and wanting pussy. Oh
my goodness! As it went in, as if it were not possible, he actually
began to grow inside of her. Oh, his cock was already so huge, but
now, it was firming up inside of her pussy. She then began to try
and hurry, to get as much of him inside of her before it was too
late and his dick expanded beyond her ability to take

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