The Ecstasy of Tral-Gothica (4 page)

Read The Ecstasy of Tral-Gothica Online

Authors: Victor Hadnot,Amanda Travis

Tags: #space romance, #science fiction eroticasex, #fantasylust

BOOK: The Ecstasy of Tral-Gothica
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Stella began to rock and roll his
cock inside of her body as best as she could. Still, vast amounts
of cock was exposed and just wouldn’t fit inside her cunt, but she
was determined to tame that thing, if she could just get enough of
it in her. She fucked it hard and long, he was enjoying her
feminine ways and her pussy manhandled his cock. But after a while,
he was starting to expand even more. Oh my goodness, he was a good
three inches wide when she first put him inside of her. She pulled
off of him and turned around, sticking her beautiful butt up in the

“Do what ever you want...” voiced

She felt him shift around as she
took a pillow and rested it under her thick red hair. She closed
her eyes and readied herself for it. And sure enough, there it
started. She felt his fucking huge dick head, as it slowly began
its journey inside of her love hole, her hot wanton asshole opened
up for this man, and denied him nothing. One inch, with his girth,
she was already feeling it, what about the other twelve inches? And
the parade continued on, each inch posing its own special
challenge. However, unlike her pussy which could only handle so
much, she finally felt his balls slap up against her pussy. There
he rested for a moment, as if it had been work for him

“Fuck me!” Stella commanded

And with that, Markus aimed to
please. He slowly began to move on her, his colossus moving in and
around, of her seriously stretched wide asshole. But, she was
taking it, all of it, in fact. That thick juicy cock just telling
her butt hole what to do and who was boss. He was! And she knew it
as a few tears of joy began to run down her face because of the
sheer joy and pleasure he was willing to share with her. Oh, thank
you, Markus! She thought, as his cock began to build up stream and
roll around in her ass. She felt her anal muscles stretching and
relaxing, they had to in order for her to take him all in and keep
that perfect cock there. That is it, you found a new home! She
thought. Yes, his dick was now moving at a nice rhythm, in and out
and out and in, rolling and twisting. Teaching and re-educating her
asshole. Then came the moment when he was full blown fucking her
asshole. That dick of his was not playing around. It knew what it
had to do and it was doing it ever so well. All that man’s cock
just filled Stella was ecstasy. Oh yes! Her thoughts raceed as this
man that she barely knew, was making love to her as if her ass had
belonged to him forever. And in fact, she had managed to relax and
let her ass muscles stretch to the point that forever felt
wonderful. Stay! She thought to herself. Never leave my warm ass
cave. And Markus was in complete control as he hammered and pounded
her lovely butt. She could hear the slapping of their bodies as
their skin slipped together, his balls striking her pussy in just
the right way. Oh the sheer pleasure of this man’s penis in her
body was making her feel like a new woman. Whatever shit she had up
her butt was being punished. His dick was pulverizing her poop and
training her butt as to who was the master. Yes, ass master! She
thought. Finally they found themselves moaning and groaning with
each thrust of the cock. Then, she began to shake and he let out a
groan, his cum was gushing down that long 13.5 inch cock, right
inside of her body, where she wanted it.

“Oh, yes, Markus! I love how you
make me feel!”

She just blurted out as they both
tensed up, she grabbing whatever part of his body she could find.
Him rising up on her asshole, is if to fire the final gun of cum,
and he did. But, at that moment, his cock grew even bigger and she
suddenly felt is if she was going to crack wide open. She buried
her face in the pillow and just yelled at the top of her voice.
Then it was over, and he began the long journey, of pulling his
love snake out of her asshole. He rolled over breathing very hard.
She just remained in the same position. Her butt cocked up in the
air, her asshole now gaped open a good four inches diameter. Stella
couldn’t believe it, Markus’ cock actually widened as he was
shooting his cum. She finally moved one of her legs a bit. She
could feel air drifting inside of her asshole, the damn thing
wouldn’t or couldn’t close. What was she to do? Markus had wrecked
her rectum! Oh, you bad boy, you certainly taught me a lesson! She
found herself thinking. Finally she rolled onto her said, trying to
give her butt hole some comfort. Then, cum and feces began to flow
out of her ass. She wanted to stop it but her asshole was no longer
under her control. She wondered if she would ever be able to make
sweet noise again, when she would fart? As more shit found its way
out of her asshole, mixed with a really large amount of cum, she
realized, would she ever be able to just walk, without having her
bowels just drop right out of her? Her butt hole had been
permanently altered. Oh, she was sure, that in time, some of her
ass tone would come back, but there was a fair amount of it that
was just gone.

She reached up and kissed him on the
lips. They smiled at each other. She moved down, and began the good
part, licking the remaining cum and feces from off his penis. Yum!
She thought to herself. This was her reward for allowing him to
mount her and her taking in all of this man’s dick. She got to lick
and slurp and suck until there was not one trace of shit on his
dick. He laid back, enjoying the post-suck, and finally fell
asleep. She got up and went out into the main room, there were
still various people engaged in various acts of sex, all about. She
noticed that she was going to have a problem because her asshole
was still stretched to the max. Feces was still running out of her
but and down her leg. At that moment, as he headed for the
bathroom, a woman came over to her, kissed her and then went in
back of her and began to crack her butt cheeks open and lick and
slurp her asshole. Stella braced herself by the window, holding
onto the seal. The woman was very good at eating ass and licked
until there was no more shit flowing down, out of Stella’s asshole.
Then the woman stood up, took hold of Stella and kissed her. Her
mouth and breath tasting and smelling like fresh shit. The woman
finally opened her eyes and stared into Stella’s. She kissed
Stella’s enormous breasts and then just went on to someone



“Comfort and fun
are for those who do not sleep.” The Talisman’s Voodoo


The days that went by were fairly
uneventful. That was actually very good, because Stella needed time
for her asshole to gain it’s composure. Aunt Jenny noticed that her
niece was walking kind of funny, but decided not to inquire seeing
that Stella never said anything about it and Fifi never mentioned
anything unusual. Finally, Jenny took Stella to one of the closed
meetings. The Take Charge Movement, which was what they were
calling it in the city, had to meet in secret. While it was a
democratic society on paper, Tral-Gothica had Global laws against
certain acts of insurrection, and at any time, demonstrating in
large numbers could be twisted in meaning that the crowd was trying
to overthrow the government. Nothing could have been further from
the truth, Jenny assured Stella. And they went. The place was
located in the back alley’s of the city. They all kept secret where
the meeting would be, by letting members know at the very last
moment. Thus, severely cutting down on the amount of time the feds
had to organize and attack them. It was late at night when they all
got together. Different groups of people had different tasks to
perform. All the while, there was a center theme and guest
speakers, talking to them while they all worked. Stella was
assigned to the communications group. It was their job to get the
word out to the other members and to generate excitement about what
The Take Charge Movement was all about. They were constantly
getting new members and sadly, they were also losing members. This
was the subject at the meeting and keynote speakers talked about
it. John was one of the speakers and also the team leader for
communications, in that particular group. After he gave his speech
he joined Stella and the group he was in charge of.

“Do you really think that the people
that are going missing are being taken by the government?” Stella

John was a short man, friendly
looking and strong manly featured. He spoke, “Yeah. In fact, we do
have some evidence to suggest that. But, it is very hard to prove
it. If the feds want you gone, then, they have all sorts of ways to
do that.”

“Then we are all subject to the same

“I don’t know about that, Stella. So
far, the people that have gone missing have been kind of high up.
You know, the ones that plan and make strategies.”

“Do you think some of them will

John took a seat next to her and
helped her with her project. “I sure hope not. But, the government
uses torture. So, anything is possible.”

“Oh my goodness. Are you

“I’m afraid it is true. You see, our
protest organization seek to threaten the super-corps. They see us
as interrupting their business model. They get richer and gain even
more influence and control. What do you think about our government
that is run solely by big business?”

“I don’t know.”

“Fascism. The people no longer have
a say in how their lives are run. Corporations tell the politicians
what to do and what to say and what to vote on and how to vote. The
illusion of democracy is just that, an illusion.”

“John. We all have a right and a
duty to vote. In fact, it is mandatory. Once every ten years we all
get to vote on everything.”

John laughed slightly. “Stella, if
it is mandatory that everyone vote, against the law not to vote,
then, it is not freedom!”

“I don’t understand? If we all can
vote, then we are free...”

“No you are not! If you vote and
nothing changes after you vote, then it is an exercise in futility!
The super-corps are just using the deeply ingrained notion that
voting equals freedom and democracy. Maybe centuries ago, it did,
when each person’s vote mattered. But the big business’ figured out
a way to give the masses the illusion of freedom, all the while,
controlling those things that really matter.”

“I just can’t understand

“Okay, voting here on Tral-Gothica,
is like getting to pick the curtains, while having someone else
tell you where you have to live.” John looked at her for a long

“We have freedom to pick and choose,
but, not the things that matter!”

John smiled. “Now you get it. Jenny
said that her niece was smart. Glad to have you onboard,

After working on her project for
awhile, Stella found Jenny. “This is exciting, Aunt

Jenny smiled, “You just wait until
we all join the other groups and we take to the streets in peaceful

“But, aren’t you afraid of the
police and the government, destroying the protest?” Stella

“You have to be brave, Stella. If
you believe in the things that we stand for. True freedom. One
vote, one person, not the electoral facade that the super-corps’
use in order to insure who gets elected.”

“Why do they use that?”

“Because there are more middle class
and poor people, than there are rich. Yet, in order for the rich to
hang onto power, they have to have a system of government, that
favors the rich and the wealthy. So, no matter how you vote, at the
end of the day, the super-corps can twist and distort the results
to favor whomever they want.” Jenny explained to her

“Then we don’t have a true

“Oh, we have a democracy alright. It
just doesn’t have any effect. We can vote and pick and campaign all
we want. At the end of the day, the super-corps will make the final
decisions for all of our lives.”

“Then we will just tell everybody
what is really going on.” Stella blurted out naively.

“My dear girl, you try and take
these people on by yourself, and, well, you end up

“That is not the society that we
learn about in school.”

Jenny nodded. “No. It isn’t. They
feed us a bunch of bullshit, tell us that we are free, all the
while, they are the ones who are really free. The super-corps. When
people went out to colonize the planets in different stars systems,
they traded their freedom.”

Just then, John came running to
them, a serious expression on his face. “We gotta go

Jenny reacted. “Why? What is

“It is a raid! Someone has set us
up. The police and the feds know where we are and they are going to
be attacking our spot in a minute now!” John took Jenny by the hand
and started to guide her away. Stella followed.

unexpectedly, Jenny broke away. “Go on ahead. I’ll catch up with
you! I forgot some vital data. We can’t let the feds get hold of

Stella yelled. “Aunt

But, John grabbed Stella’s hand and
pulled here on. People were running and grabbing whatever they
could. Then, as warned, the police and feds burst into the
building. There were all sorts of police robots, grabbing people
and doing all sorts of damage. John and Stella and a few other
people all managed to evade the police robots. Once they were a
distance away, they all stopped and looked back. The building was
actually on fire and they could tell that some of their friends,
were being beaten and some killed even. The small group of
survivors, hid, watching in horror, as they could hear screams for
help and cries for mercy, all of which went unheaded. The
super-corps used police robots without, the clear presence of human
supervision, that way, if word got out, they could say that it was
some kind of malfunction, of the police robots. But, as Stella and
John watched in horror, they all knew, that the super-corps were
behind this. They held all the power players on the chessboard, the
regular people, they were the pawns. Then Stella yelled, “Aunt

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