The Ecstasy of Tral-Gothica (8 page)

Read The Ecstasy of Tral-Gothica Online

Authors: Victor Hadnot,Amanda Travis

Tags: #space romance, #science fiction eroticasex, #fantasylust

BOOK: The Ecstasy of Tral-Gothica
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“Put it back in dammit!” Stella

But before he could move, Stella’s
hand had found it and slammed it back inside of her cunt hole. Then
teach you a lesson! Stella thought. The sweat poured down Stella’s
hot smoking body and dripped onto his. It was like the entire night
was on fire now. She closed her eyes so that she could concentrated
on that rather large protrusion that was occupying her pussy at the
moment. Fuck, it is so hard and fat! Stella thought. As she rock
and rolled that dick for all it was worth. Inch by inch she could
feel his cock finding new places and re-visiting old ones. Her dick
then did something unexpected, it twitched and jolted forward, this
time it was tired of her shit! She felt his hands rubbing her big
hot sweaty boobs and his cock told her who was the boss of this
thing. But her pussy fought back, opening as if to give up and then
fooling his dick, as it convulsed on his cock, with pleasure. Slap
and slap. Then bam and bam. His body were like a heated rocket, and
they fucked the hell out of one another. Her tits began to flap
around from the force of fucking him, asymmetrically. One tit would
flop this way while the other was completely out of synch with the
other. She could feel it, she was losing control, she wanted to
teach him a lesson that he would never forget but Falco’s cock had
risen to the challenge. It wasn’t about her setting the stage,
because his cock had changed the rules. You fucking with me? Stella
thought. As she closed her eyes again, and just let her full body
weight, slip and pound on top of his dick. At this point, she
didn’t care if she hurt him or not. She contracted her pussy
muscles so that each time she slid down on his cock, the tension
would be tremendous. Flap and bam, the two of them fucked. Crash
and slap, their skin reacted to each others, in a tug of sexual
war, between Falco’s challenging cock and her accepting

The final rounds had begun. As
Stella thought she had this thing all wrapped up and she was the
victor. But, no! Falco shifted at the last moment, and he rolled on
top of her, slamming her to the ground and kissing her moist lips.
Now she could see the stars, as she lay on her back. She felt his
cock almost fly inside of her pussy.

“Oh! Fuck it so hard!” Stella cried
out into the night.

And fuck her he did. Falco began to
bang and pound Stella’s pussy. And the commanding authority, that
she had thought she had rid him of when she was on top of him? Hmm,
she was wrong! His pelvis slammed up against her’s as they found
new fields of pleasure. Banging and grinding one another. His full
body weight resting squarely on hers, they faced each other, as she
closed her eyes and warped her arms around his body. Oh, yes, fuck
me so well, my darling! Stella thought. His hips rose and then
descended with an awesome force as he pounded her cunt hole. Her
vagina felt like it was going to melt as his fat cock stuffed her
hole with pleasure. She tried to relax her pussy so that the impact
of his cock could resonate, but she found herself playing that same
old game, of opening as he went up and contracting and grabbing
wherever she could, still trying to be stubborn, thinking that she
could conquer his cock, but Falco was proving to have an
unconquerable dick. It knew what it wanted and it knew how to go
about getting it. What was Stella to do? She wanted so much for
Falco to be pussy whipped at the end of their love making, it
wasn’t fair that she was being dick whipped instead! Her thoughts
raced. Then at the last moment, an idea. She was just about to
execute it when they both began to cum, in total


“Tist better to have served and died
than to have died and never served.” Beatrice Cummings


The area was crawling with police
and military. Defense robots were patrolling the parameter. The
heavily armed suspects were suppose to be barricaded inside of the
building. Stella was with her pack, as she observed paramilitary
spy machines, called Snoops, as they flew by on their way to the
building to see what they could find. Sella glanced over the
obvious chaos and sew civilians, looking on, some with cameras
talking pictures of what was happening. It had long since been a
law of Tral-Gothica that civilians could not film military or
police as they carried out their job. The politicians tried to put
a spin on it, but the truth was that, if civilians filmed the
police or the military doing something illegal, the government
could get sued. It was totally unconstitutional. People had a right
to film in public places. Think of the mom and pop photos in the
park. The pretty girl walking down the street. The social event.
Basically citizens had a right to freedom, and that freedom
included taking a picture. But the super-corps, which were the
government, decided that only the military or the police could film
or photograph, when it pleased themselves. What was once a
democracy on Earth, became Fascism throughout the colonies. Oh, the
politicians who were bought and paid for through lobbyist money and
super-corps funds, tried to tell everyone that the original
Constitution, was the ultimate word. But everyone knew that was a
crock of shit. The only rights people really had, were the rights
that the super-corps so gracefully bestowed upon them. Which we not
very much.

The situation was tense, as Stella
had her weapon out. A sergeant came to her. “We might have found a
way in, Lieutenant.”

Stella looked about. There was
weapon fire all over the place. Police and military were shooting
into the building without regard to civilians. They considered
collateral damage. As she rounded the bend, she spotted a group of
police and military watching the real time surveillance of the
Snoops, that she had earlier watched fly in.

Stella asked. “What have we

Someone answered. “Three targets,
like we suspected. Two men and a woman.”

Stella was shocked when she saw who
the woman was. “Aunt Jenny?” she whispered under her

Someone else said. “These three have
escaped from a maximum security prison. They are terrorist. Armed
and dangerous. We are to use lethal force. The super-corps don’t
want them talking to the press or regular civilians.”

Stella said. “These people were just
part of The Take Charge Movement?”

Someone said. “The Take Charge
Movement is a terrorist organization.”

“They are just civilian protestors.”
Stella countered, trying to figure out a way to save her

A superior ordered. “You all have
your orders. You know what to do. No one leaves that building
alive. Kill them all!”

The rest ran off to their respected
spots. Stella moved on but didn’t return to point. Instead she
reasoned about and figured out a way to enter the building. She
went on in. Weapon fire was all around. Mostly the paramilitary
firing at the so called terrorist. She managed to breach a few
barricades that the so called terrorist had put up. And after
awhile, she found herself, in the room with her aunt. Aunt Jenny
quickly recognized her niece.

The two women hugged. Then Stella
said, “I’m going to get you out of this.”

Jenny uttered, “My, my, how you have
evolved, Stella. You are working for the opposite side

Stella countered. “Don’t let this
uniform fool you. I was forced to accept it. When you first went
missing. They came to your apartment while I was there. Two spooks.
I had no choice, Aunt Jenny.”

Jenny nodded. “I understand. You had
to do what you had to do in order to survive.”

“I’m not very proud of myself right

“No. You be. You have managed to
infiltrate their ranks. Lieutenant is it? I am the one proud of
you. You can effect change from within. You can’t fight city hall
from without. But you can win from within.” Jenny looked at Stella
with pride.

“Well. Right now I have to get you
out of this alive.”

“We can just give up and come out
with you?”

Stella shook her head. “They have
standing orders to kill the three of you on sight. No one is to
leave this building alive.”

Jenny frowned. “Is that right? One
floor down, there are old people and young women and children. They
were trapped, when the shooting started.”

Stella was confounded. “Dammit! The
military and police don’t give a shit about their lives. They are
collateral damage.”

Jenny spoke. “Then you know what you
have to do. Their lives are the reason why I am doing all of this.
It is the everyday civilian who matters. Not the super-corps. Save
those people.”

Stella shook her head. “Aunt Jenny,
I can’t. You are my flesh and blood. In order to save them, I’ll
have to abandon you.”

“I know, dear.” The two women just
stood there for a moment, looking at each other, as if to say

Stella reasoned. “Maybe I can save
all of you, if I get you to them.”

“No! Why do you think that we are up
here? In order to save then if possible. If we are with the
civilians, they will surely kill them too. You must save the

“But I can’t.”

“Oh, yes you can and you will. Those
little children deserve a chance at life. Why should their little
lives be forfeited, in order so that I may live? When it is they,
who are our hope. Just like you were mine.”

“I was
your hope?”

And you still are. I’m very proud of you Stella. You stay in there
and make it a career. You convince them that you are one of them.
And, whenever you can, you make a difference.”

“Make a difference?”


“But I don’t understand.”

“You’ll have to do what they tell
you to do, but, there will come times, when you can temper their
orders. Believe me, saving even one person from the super-corps, is
a monumental accomplishment.”

Stella uttered. “So few?”

“Without you, my dear. There would
be none.”

Stella nodded. “I tell you what.
I’ll go and get the civilians to safety. The three of you keep your
head’s down low. After I get them out to safety, I’ll come back in
and free the three of you. I can’t let you die here, Aunt

Jenny saw that the young woman was
determined. “Ok. You do your best. We’ll hold down the

And with that, Stella kissed her
aunt and went off. The weapon fire had actually increased. As the
paramilitary honed in or the so called terrorist. Stella,
undergoing great peril. Managed to slip down a floor and find the
civilians huddled up, frightened beyond belief. Stella looked up,
and there were military and police infantry drones, marching up the
building, tearing up everything they touched. Big massive machines,
very scary, very strong, and deadly. Stella managed to evade the
killing machines, and took the civilians out of the building as a
group. As she turned back, to go and get her aunt and the others,
she witnessed a full on assault. By now, it was very obvious that
the paramilitary robots had found Aunt Jenny’s hiding place. Heavy
weapon fire was all over the place. This was overkill, taken to a
science. The super-corps had something to hide, and by taking out
Stella’s aunt, they thought that they would succeed.

Stella yelled in protest, as she
quickly began to run back into the building. Just then, there was a
vacuum pop, a twirl, then the entire building exploded. Kicking
Stella back out of it with violent force. It all happened so
quickly, the situation deteriorated so rapidly. Stella’s brain
experienced time slowing down. It was a physiological phenomenon,
that people reported, when traumatic things happened to them, like
in an accident. Time, for Stella, had slowed down so much, that she
could see each and every event as it unfolded around her, her body
being blown back out of the building with violent force. In that
moment, she saw her Aunt Jenny, standing next to her. But, it
really wasn’t her. It was more like an after image of her real
aunt. The woman wore a smile on her face. Stella heard her words,
or perhaps psychically experienced some kind of phenomenon, “I’m
very proud of you, Stella. Save all that you can. You are not
alone, dear. There are others, in diverse places, at diverse times.
I love you...” And with at, real time kicked in. Stella went flying
out onto the asphalt, rolling around like a rag doll. Then she
slowly lost consciousness.

It was an extended recovery, from
all of what landed Stella in the hospital, and then in the recovery
facility, where people go to get well. Seeing that there was a
prevailing philosophy. Well people stay away from hospitals, unless
you want to get sick. Hospitals were viewed as a place to go and to
die. If you had to go to one, there was a 51/49 percent chance that
you might not come back. So, most people did everything they could
to stay away from them. It was late at night, Stella was sitting on
the toilet, having a hard bowel movement. Some of it was coming
out, but just little hard nodules. Kevin, a male nurse had been
taking an interest in Stella. There was some serious sexual
chemistry. He happened to pass by the area and spotted Stella
sitting on the toilet, straining to get some poop out of her
asshole. She was sitting on the toilet, completely naked. This
sight, aroused Kevin, who finally got up the nerve to go other to

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